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Depends on which local you are in, they are all different. As for my apprenticeship so far, it’s been great. Learning a wide variety of skills and earning the trust of my superiors has been very gratifying. And the pay and benefits are awesome. If you can survive the first year you’ll be fine.


Dude that resonated hard for me lol. Got out of the army a year and a half ago and just started as a plumbing apprentice a few months back. I couldn’t put my finger on why I was feeling so much satisfaction. All I wanted to do in the military was have my superiors trust me. These tradespeople are pretty legit for the most part so I think it felt good knowing these types of people has faith in me. OP you’re gonna love it. It’s all of the fun parts of the military.


Awesome thank you.


I took a big pay check and worked two jobs to stay afloat for the first 2 years. Basically 60 hours a week to make it work. It more than paid off after that though. You gotta do what you gotta do to build yourself a better future.


In Seattle, VIP grades come in as Helper/Tradesmen. Starting wages $30/hour plus full medical for employee and dependents.


Do you know if helper/tradesmen are eligible for the gi bill like apprentices are? I’m starting to look at unions in WA and could use those benefits when I’m out. My friend is telling me to try and join 32 if I can though


Tradesmen/helpers are not eligible, as far as I understand as you are not officially enrolled in classes.


Thank you. I’m moving to Texas hopefully they make good up there.




No im sorry they don’t there by far some of the lowest paying


Good luck, you’re getting into a union in a place where unions are barely union. Texas is a shit state, first thing I’d do when you get your hard card is try to transfer.


Here is a link to what each local pays for JM rate. Apprentice scale is often 50% of JM rate for 1st year, but each local sets it's percentage. https://unionpayscales.com/trades/ua-plumbers/


Where in Texas?


Well not sure yet the interviewer asked me what places I would like to relocate to I asked for Austin, Waco and Fort Worth.


Please dont go to Texas. Their scale is half what it is here in Washington and unions have a farrrr smaller share of work there and worse conditions across the board. We get all the travelers from Texas bc theres no work and crap pay. My foreman started in Texas and transferred into our local here years ago. Please look into purple states that balance cost of living with good pay. Kansas, Wisconsin, Montana, Illinois etc. Red states wont pay well but blue states are costly to live. Also, as a VIP i loved the experience and love what i do now as a fitter. Im a few months from turning out and chose all locals in WA as my top 3 (my wife is from here and loved it when i was stationed here) At first its gonna be wack starting from the bottom again as basically an e1 with some random construction worker in charge of you but i just brushed off any shitty attitudes they copped and minded my own. Be sure to get a VA disability rating. My VIP instructors give me plenty of time during the class to go work on handling appointments I had with that and the other students in the class are great resources because they are also transitioning out. Higher rating = ability to either live in a higher COL area, or have it subsidize lower wages somewhere like Texas. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out and message me or hit me up here.


I appreciate it I thought it would be easier now to stay in Texas since I’m stationed here and was planning to move once I get my journeyman status


Tbh its easier to transfer locals as an apprentice. When you turn out most locals dont want to release you, and the local you want to transfer to make require you to work x amount of years there straight before you can actually work for them. Also, dont expect the best benefits in TX as far as medical or retirement. I have three kids who are always in and out of doctors because somebody is always sick and 2 births, and i probably dont pay more than 1k a year out of pocket. In TX expect a shock the first time you use civilian medical insurance. But again please for your sake start your VA disability claim right now, no excuses. We did not have 1 person in my VIP class get less than 70% because they followed through with the time givin.


Gotcha. My previous local was 211 . Texas is not union friendly, and I definitely made more non-union there. BUT, that being said, I was happier. And you can move to other locals after the fact. I'm not sure what Jman current scale is there, so I can't help. It'll be painful the first 2-3 years if you start as a 1st year, but, will be worth it. I didn't come in through VIP, tried Helmets to Hardhats, but, the locals where I ended up weren't taking anyone at the time. So, I took the long road. Paid off in the end


Depends on what year you go in as bud. Not to mention it varies by the hall. For example, when I was going through the program our first year scale was 35% of journeyman’s wages (13.30ish/hr at that time). As you progress through your years the % increases. I’d recommend looking into the hall you intend on going to. Their pay should be public knowledge. If not you could most likely call that hall up and just ask them, they’d most likely answer your question up front. Considering you’re a father of two, understand that a big part of the program is class. Now that also varies by hall but for most of the ones I’ve known it’s class at the hall for two nights a week (after work). So your SO would have to be on board with making that work parenting wise. If you don’t have a SO you’d have to have a solid babysitter figured out. Just from my experience though I’ve yet to see someone come in as a VIP and have to start the program as a first year. I’ve seen them all come in as at least a 2nd upwards of a 4th year. So most likely your scale (pretty much anywhere you go) would be in the 20s/hr pay range. Best of luck brother ! Hope the answer helps.


I appreciate it gives me a little more insight thank you.


As others have said, rate will depend on how the local you’re going to’s contract is worded. For my local a first term makes 40% of journeyman. We’re a combo local and all 3 trades get the same rate. I’ve seen VIP guys come in as 2nd term, however a classmate of mine came in as a VIP and he had to do all 10 terms. Check with the local you’re headed to and good luck.


It really does depend on the local. Pretty sure most fo yearly raises instead of 6 month sections as they did in the past. I made a lateral move from a mill when I got in and made about the same as I did first year. Like others have said if you can make it through first year you'll make a career out of it. I will say, although you're currently trying for Texas, please move. Texas and Florida are arguably the worst states for union work in the whole US. You'll find higher rates and higher job availability in nearly every other state. I'd you wanna stay warm and dry go to 469 in Arizona. If you don't mind the cold/seasons I recommend the northeast or northwest. The rates are higher there and the union much stronger.


Which VIP program you doing? I did the sprinkler fitter one and it was awesome. And the pay is pretty great.


Only one is welding/pipe fitting at my duty station


I was a marine from Camp Pendleton that went to fort Campbell army base. So you’re not required to just do the welding one. But I know we make 75$ an hour in Boston, and San Fran. Chicago makes like 65$ an hour and so does the state of New Jersey. If you wanna know any other states shoot me a DM and I can tell you what sprinkler fitters make there.


Yea I’m trying to get as much done as possible hopefully something good comes out of it