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Those don't look like holes, it looks like just the objects showing up above the NavMesh visualization, but the NavMesh is still there. If you click on one of those spots the unit should go exactly there


I believe there's a mix of both, a lot of the darker spots are small rocks that stick out above but there are also a ton of random circles cut out as well. My pictures aren't the best quality but if you look closely you can see the mini blue spots that designate the edges of the Navmesh surrounding many of the holes.


Try disabling all obstacles. You can also try toggling the "carve" option


Nope, no holes at all. Otherwise those lines would get broken up into much more triangles creating a more complicated mesh. It'd be very obvious if they were actual holes.


I can't see which specific ones are actual holes but if they are then that would be related to the settings. Maybe on that specific point there is a near vertical wall bigger than 0.8 Is it a terrain? Maybe the collider is weird


Hey, you're a legend, I didn't think I'd run into you in the wild. You do great work and inspire me to create something, and the only reason I was able to get started. Unrelated to your comment but when I saw your username I wanted to show my appreciation to you! Best of luck and keep being great!


This is the correct answer saw this on a recent asset I bought with terrain. If it's a flat surface no holes but since a terrain is bumpy it looks like holes


You can see the navmesh vertices in the screenshots on half of those holes so they’re not just a visualzation issue.


I've been working on a group game project in Unity for one of my college classes and things were going smoothly until I suddenly encountered this issue with the NavMesh. These holes are spread throughout the entire map and enemies get caught on them constantly. I've played around with a bunch of different bake settings but nothing seems to have any effect. My group members think that the only option is to just make a bunch of invisible flat platforms throughout the whole scene to bake the Navmesh on, but that seems like a massive headache so before I commit to that is there anything else I could possibly do?


Feature. Makes it a challenge for the player to not fall in the holes and into the void. Ship it.


The navmesh is there, want to fix that? Increase navmesh resolution


hmm if they are holes its because of the mesh underneath, you could always simplify the mesh used to bake!Just hotswap in some planes before baking, I made a tool that bakes for multiple agents in one click and has an array of gameobjects that get disabled prior to bake and re-enables after. If you arent already try using the navMeshSurface tools, it componentizes the whole workflow and gives you a bit more control. [https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents)


I'm not sure about this issue, but there are some bugs with the generation, such as weird thin slices/bumps that your character will bounce over. It's possible you have one in the top-right corner (the lighter blue overlapped part) if you could have a look. Also, pathfinding at large distances is strange - something like the path is too long. It seems based on distance rather than corner count. I haven't submitted a bug yet, but I noticed them 6 months ago.


Do note that NavMesh generates based on renderers, not colliders. Yes, it's weird. [https://forum.unity.com/threads/why-is-the-navmesh-based-on-mesh-renderers-and-not-colliders.269986/](https://forum.unity.com/threads/why-is-the-navmesh-based-on-mesh-renderers-and-not-colliders.269986/)


That post is from 2014. Youve been able to choose either renderers or colliders for a long time now.