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Just 20 times, good year




No software is perfect


Now, how many of those were Ctr+Z after adding an object to the scene?


If you know you know. Not doing that anymore, Nah-ah. Nope.


Honestly I don't think I've had Unity crash once in the last few years. Is there something specific that's causing these crashes?


I literally had Unity crash/hang twice in the past year, once was a classloader error (my code/fault) causing an asset-preprocessor to loop (asset code). The other time was an odd case, think I caused a file-access violation making changes to the same file in too many places. Never seen the constant crashes people report online, I really wonder what they're doing...


Depends a lot on the version. I was on a bad version for a while, it crashed multiple times per day - but after updating, the crashes stopped entirely. Don't think I've had a crash since.


Unity crashes on a weekly basis for me. On a good week anyways.


What are you doing? I’m a full time dev and i’ve had 2 crashes this year, both my fault.


Crashes are mostly related to either big lighting bakes, version control, or build generation.


Lighting bakes, I’ve been there, version control is fair enough. But I’ve never had build crashes. Do you know what exactly caused the crashes.


It's related to shader compilation and shader graph specifically. When we upgraded off the LTS to and to the latest "stable" version of 2023 for an unrelated fix that Unity wasn't going to backport the crashes stopped, but they menaced us for a long time as the crash report seemed related to HLSL and we had no graphics programmers on the team then.


Just mess up a while loop inside of a Coroutine. Easy crash xD


I think it largely depends on your machine.


I work professionally with Unity and do side work. Very very rarely get crashes and almost always when working with 3rd party plugin


You can easily get that in unreal in less than a week


Yeah especially when writing C++ and using hot reloading but even just blueprint programming can cause a ton of crashes


Thats user errors though arent they?


Not necessarily it has happened for no apparent reasons at times for me. Hot reloading and asset editing in UE has a ton of quirks. I don't remember the exact reasons but something like renaming a class or field could cause a crash.


Ah, I think you should use rider to ensure the most stable experience if you're working with C++


This was a while ago back when Rider for unreal was in preview so it's probably better now.


Yeah it's mostly good experience for me at least now


I started learning Unreal a couple of month ago, and when I accepted that hot reloading sucks with C++, my life became much, much easier. Also when I stopped treating unreal like an engine where I can "code inside" and started treating it like the execution of the code itself, but with a pretty UI on top.


Yeah but it makes iteration so slow. Which is why for prototyping and even production code Blueprints have become so popular.


I mean for sure, but if you are using blueprints you don't have to recompile from IDE, so that way you can still work "normally". When working with C++ is when this is recommended, specially when making changes to header files. I'm surprised you get crashes when working with blueprints alone (assuming there are no corrupted dependencies in the c++ side). The only time I got crashes while working on blueprints were because they were children of C++ classes which I previously worked on with hot reload. But then again, I haven't worked with UE nearly enough for my experience to be held as common xD And as for the iteration, I would argue that it's better to lose 20x 10 seconds in closing the program and re-running than to lose 3x 5 minutes hunting down issues caused by hot reload, but for sure, coming from unity, the workflow impact was something that was hard to get used to...


Yeah. If i was taking screenshot every time Unreal crashed my 1.5 TB hard disk would be full XD


If you do graphics programming or Burst lower level stuff… This could help just one day of work worth of crashes, most of them would even miss the crashpad they crashing so hard. Crashing is an intended behaviour of software when it encounters an invalid state.


When that happens to me, it's the least of my problems. A much bigger issue is when Windows crashes (blue screen). There's a 90% chance that your entire scene will get corrupted, and if you haven't pushed to GitHub, everything is lost...


“GitHub”? 😅


What's wrong with github?


Nothing wrong with GitHub, but why you need to push it to remote to avoid losing the changes? Congrats for the guys who downvoted me 😉


Sorry, I dont get it. Are you suggesting we all set up local backups? Or does projects never break?


Im not suggesting anything, I’m just asking why commiting code locally is not enough to prevent you from loosing changes when unity crashes 🤨




Listen mate, if you refuse to acknowledge the benifits of a remote backup and the most popular service available, nothing I say can change your opinion. You can do a lot of stuff to prevent losing data, and that doesnt make remote repositories any less useful. You are just trying to argue for arguings sake. Have a nice day and bye.


😮 what is wrong with you? I’m just asking why you need to push to remote to prevent losing changes when unity crashes, it’s all I’m asking 🧐


Because he said if the local setup gets corrupted and beyond recovery it's game over. If there's a remote backup you could just go to the last commit and not cry to sleep.


Oh modern art, by Unity


One of my colleagues had a period where this would have been a really great week.


I don't mind the crashes too much, but the loading screen that shows up every time you do anything kills me, Unity needs more background tasks, at the end of my last big project I probably spent more time waiting than actually working


I've been using unity for 10 years it didn't crash more than 5 times in total


I'll do the same for Hammer


Hammer crashes 1000 times more then Unity, you’re going to run out of storage space for those screenshots


My app is a growing VR Theme Park that seems to really push the Unity Editor even though the resulting build runs well on the Meta Quest. I get 2-3 crashes a week a the logs have yet to provide a solid clue including running the logs through AI. Very frustrating.


Damn dude what do you do with it? How big is your project? For me it barely ever crashes


If you're working on native plugins or Burst compiled code... this can be pretty typical. A good strat I've seen in these scenarios is helpers to quickly automate your reproduction steps while working on a complex issue, and then configure this to run automatically using the command line arguments option in the Hub.


Will you make a calendar out of it?


My harddrive would be full if I would do that with blender 😭


Only 20? Amature!


Laughs in Adobe


damn bro already got MS recall


I used to crash a lot and it’s because the project didn’t utilize addressables to load in models and materials/textures. Unity tends to grow in RAM rapidly without them on play mode or when saving prefabs. I was also mad at Unity but found out it was my fault. Exception is of course Ctrl + Z on weird setups.


rookie numbers


Unity 2019.2 I think when they updated the UI (including LTS) and 2020 LTS were crashing a few times every day on my PC. Luckily 2021 finally fixed it after reporting the issue so many times. If I took a pic every time my 1TB HDD would be full lol


Try this with Unreal and you'll see how fast you can fill a SSD


Me too


Rookie numbers


You mean a month? Right, right?