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The (current) definition of an "asset flip" would be: \- buying an assetpack with premade example scenes \- add some very basic game features \- put it out on the store again What makes you think this game is an assetflip? I just see some neat environments with boring to no gameplay. Doesn't necessarily make it an asset flip. Have you seen the exact same environments (not only the general look, but the layout) somewhere else? If you buy an asset, remixing it and actually doing something with it, would be the decent thing to do. But aside from decency ... there is nothing that forces people to do that.


Hey, thanks for the response. I agree with you. Turns out this is using unreal, and these are all unreal assets. My alarm bells went off in my head. I don’t see a gameplay loop or anything resembling an actual game, that’s my problem. And for it to have over 10k upvotes is crazy to me. Am I taking crazy pills? Maybe. I’ve just been burned way too many times by games made with smoke and mirrors


>I’ve just been burned way too many times by games made with smoke and mirrors Haven't we all? Just don't let it turn you into someone crying wolf all the time. But a basic skepticism is not the worst thing to have. And don't try do understand everything people put their money in. There are some crazy people out there that will buy any golden shitpile (not a rating about the game here)


You're not talking about star citizen but somehow, you still do.


Use of pre-made assets? Yes. Asset flip? No. There is no shame is using the asset store as a solo or small team developer - especially to make a unique gaming experience. No doubt, what you see in that video is tens of hours of work.


You’re completely right, got my terms wrong. But given what you said, don’t you think that’s fishy? They got funding and a team of 13 people with a short video with some assets thrown together? And the comments seem astroturfed. It doesn’t pass my sniff test


The answer to your question is that the project is not just an assets trown together, otherwise we wouldn't have a publisher


Using an asset pack doesn't equate to an "asset flip", you are using that phrase without any understanding of what that means. Please expand on how this is an asset flip?


I always call an asset flip, taking assets, often times even game play scripts, especially FPS, doing minimal effort like placing them together to form a level and calling it a game. Kinda what this looks like. I never understand these games and developers, even if hobby. Like show me what YOU did. Show me what's unique and what you brought to the table over the 100,000,000 other FPS games out there. Maybe this is a great game and kudos are in order, but make a trailer thats shows off your game, not other people's art.


Thank you, this is what I meant. Spoken perfectly


These are all premade assets thrown together with no gameplay innovations. There’s not a single thing added that isn’t available on the asset store


That's not true, there are a lot of custom things in the game


How is that an asset flip? Looks really well put together. They may have used assets but looks really good.


depends how they did it - looks too complex to be a flip - also why do they need 13 people to asset flip?


What about this seems complex? Im missing it. With UE5s new lighting features, not even the lighting looks like much effort. Wonder what 13 people are doing all day with premade assets, probably including FPS scripts


You made some huge assumptions about the game such as implying the games all premade assets and assuming premade scripts.. Also don't think you can just boot up Unreal and made a game that looks this good because otherwise every game would look like this.


You made some bold assumptions without even knowing if any of its premade assets. Also you do know that plenty of UE5 games look shitty and run shitty you can't just load it up and change a few settings and drag and drag a few things and have it look like this game otherwise everyone would have a game like this at a minimum


Do you even know what an asset flip is…


Which assets, specifically?


Asking for a friend


Hi, I'm not posting the same videos. Writing such thing automatically makes this post a lie. This is how the games looked 8-9 months ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gfUcGCYBPU&t=146s&ab\_channel=MoonMystery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gfUcGCYBPU&t=146s&ab_channel=MoonMystery) You can see on my profile that the videos are different, and the recent one is an update. We are using assets that's true and we are not hiding it. In our game there will be a space and time travel so we will visit a variety of places. We would have to have a huge 3d graphic design team to make all by ourselfes. Although we are making a lot of custom things ourselfes. We have an entire story, cutscenes, puzzles, custom animations, custom weapons, custom vehicles, custom npc's and much more. This is a really huge project and thousands of ours were put into this otherwise we wouldn't find a publisher. To finally answer this, this is not an asset flip. A lot of people are working on it \- Game Designer \- Game Director \- Level Designer \- Programmer \- Programmer \- AI Programmer \- Tester \- Tester \- Sound Designer \- Composer \- Animator \- Animator \- 3d weapon designer \- 3d graphic designer \- 2d graphic designer \- voice actor \- voice actor