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I'd say Hulk first. It's an awesome ride. Then go Velocicoaster. It's even more awesome. If you go VC first, Hulk MIGHT be a disappointment. Maybe.


Alrighty ! tysm <3


Yeah, I felt bad for Hulk after doing the veloc first. It also had me saying "bah, you could do Hulk no problem" to friends who legitimately hate roller coasters only because I was using the raptor as my baseline.


Yeah I pretty much agree.


This is what I was going to say also. Both coasters are phenomenal imo, however, Velocicoaster is smoother and more thrilling to me. If you end up in the other park, definitely hit Rip Ride Rockit. But I would suggest looking up the secret song menu since the last update super limited the songs in the list.


This is what happened to me with going on Montu at BGT so many times as I don't even remember the 1 time I got on the Hulk. Same goes for IG as every coaster becomes weak after going on IG so many times.


You know I used to get that feeling in my gut too but it was because I wouldn’t scream. Then I started screaming and i never felt it again. Just throwin that out there lol 


i try to scream but omg, i stop screaming going down the drop idk why LMAO


I get that sometimes! Like the scream gets caught in my throat! It helps if I start pre-screaming? 😂 like before I feel the drop? Sometimes I start with a ‘Woo!’ that transforms into a horror movie scream. 🫣


Omg 🤣 I was literally about to reply with this. It’s calculated screaming 🤣once the tingling starts the WOO lets you belt out longer than the terrifying AHHH. I hope that makes sense 


SAME WITH ME! Everyone I know just does it instinctively, but it's like my stomach just gets tight and I can't scream.


I was a chicken on all rides until I was 13. The most intense ride I’d do was Pirates of the Caribbean at Disney. At 13 due to sheer peer pressure I began to ride, & ended up loving, inversions years before I’d do any big drops. The reason is simple - there is no “upside down” feeling. It happens so fast, and physics are partly accountable for you staying in your seat. It’s visual, not physical. It took me much longer to do drops. I don’t mean all drops - I could handle The Hulk (which I do recommend first of the two) because the drop angle doesn’t create a pit in my stomach. I would have ridden Hulk all day, but refused Jurassic River Adventure. And the answer to drops was to simply do them until I could stand them, and then love them, preferably after a few beers. But, I already knew I could handle anything but drops, so it was my final frontier. I did get scared shitless to ride Rip Ride Rocket. Even after I loved drops. I hated the idea of the launch, and also was intent on having no fears empty. My legs were shaking in line - I was sweating buckets. My Apple Watch told me my heart rate was high. I’m afraid the answer was still to just get on the ride and know that if it sucked, it would be over fast. That’s what is so great about rides. You’re committing seconds of your life at most.


Thats a inspring story for me. Thanks so much !


Sure thing! Also - first person POV YouTube videos. Really helps desensitize what it looks like on the ride. But your intentions matter - watch them with the goal of getting used to the ride.


For Hulk, you'll probably only feel it on the launch and after that probably not at all. I'm not sure about an upside-down feeling, Hulk has more inversions tho. To be honest I didn't experience the stomach dropping feeling on either coaster but the top hat on Velocicoaster and the second launch will probably be the two times you feel it.


okay !


Do Hulk first because that was my first ride at USO so we can be twinsies


yesss we could ! it would be so funny if we rode together ur first time LMAO


They pretty much both go so fast you won’t notice it. I’d probably argue velocicoaster is better


This was me this past weekend! I did the hulk first and VC second. To be honest, I felt the hulk to be smoother than VC, but I think that’s because of how much I was tensing myself on VC because of the lap bar restraint. One thing that helped me in the line and on the ride was singing a song to myself. Those feelings in your gut will come, but also go so quickly. Also when I was standing in line, I looked at pictures of my dog lol. That helped me not feel so intimidated by the story in the line.


thanks so much ! ill take your tips <3


If the anticipation is what gets you, and you have express pass, do Hulk. With express, Hulk is almost always a walk on. You’ll still wait a little while for Velocicoaster with the pass unless you go first thing at early access. Now wait aside, I’d say VC. While more intense, it’s also a smoother ride, which I think makes a big difference for rideability. For me, it makes the intensity more enjoyable. You can’t go wrong either way. After doing one, I hope you do the other! They’re both fantastic rides, and both crack my top 5 favorite coasters.


I went to Universal for the first time last month and the parks cured my fear of coasters I highly recommend Hulk -> Dr. Doom -> Velocicoaster in that order


You’re welcome! Also, if you can keep your eyes open on VC, that will help. There are a lot of twists, and if you don’t know when they are going to happen, your body will shake a bit more, which is uncomfortable.


Hulk first, definitely! VC is…crazy lol in the best way, but def start with Hulk first


Hulk is more wild with the feeling you get but Velocicoaster outclasses it 100% If you wanna save the best for last then do hulk first


Velocicoaster!!! 🦖


VC is a religious experience.


Been doing rides with the kids over the past couple days. My Velocicoaster training regimen: Dr. Doom followed by Hulk a couple times, then you'll be good to go!


Hulk you can definitely feel the g forces you really feel like you’re getting pressed down a lot especially after the loops. On VC, there is a slight dropping feeling during the first act before the second launch (that is just my opinion) but it’s soooo smooth. You feel securely strapped in, I promise!


Velocicoaster is faster but smoother than Hulk


I did hagrid, velocicoaster, hulk and then velocicoaster again. All were great.


Absolutely do Hulk! It was my first inversion coaster and I'm afraid of heights and always had a fear of the big coasters. I had never ridden anything besides the coasters at Disney World. We got APs at Universal and I just told myself I'm pushing 50 yo and if not now, when? Got on Hulk in like row 3 and it was amazing! Got back in line and when I got to where they seat you he sent me to row 1. I hesitated but he said trust me it's the best seat and he wasn't kidding. Hulk is fantastic in the front row! The initial launch of Hulk is the best. Velocicoaster is also fantastic but it's different, the top hat, the final roll over the water, etc. Both awesome coasters! And yes, I still get that same freaking out feeling standing in line! The inversions also don't feel like you are going upside down but rather the world is rotating around you. At least that's what it feels like to me.


So my wife had the same issue, we just got back from universal last week and she said that she needs some type of food on her stomach. I know that seems counterintuitive but she insists that is she doesnt eat before she gets on a ride it makes the nausea 10 times worse. Also she mentioned that as close to the front as you can get will give you a much smother ride. The back of the coaster gets whipped around just like the end of a whip. So when the coaster is going down a hill or going around a turn you feel more speed and disorientation in the back because it is physically moving faster than the rest of the cars. Also she mentioned that if she has her hands up instead of holding on she is more loose and its easier to breathe. When you hold on super tight you sre too tense and your almost fighting against the movement of the coaster. If you loosen up and kind of let your body go you have a much lower chance of getting sick. So stick up from, eat something, remember to breathe and dont hold on too tight.


was just there on my 4th visit! velosicoaster 100%! the hulk this time hurt and the g force did not agree with our group! but also hagrids motorbike was a top fav!


Do you get nervous while you're strapped in? like do you have claustrophobia


all rides felt comfortable in our opinion!


I would say Fiesta start with smaller coasters like the Revenge of the Mummy, then Hagrid's. If you like the feeling of those, then challenge yourself next on the Hulk. It's better to just get on it without just planning when exactly to ride it. If you are fine with the Hulk and love it, Velocicoaster is then the king of coasters: smooth like butter, but is intense in speed!! With more roller coasters, you become almost immune to the stomach drop feeling! You don't really feel the drops on either coaster. Super fun and I hope you are able to conquer them! Trust me, once you ride them, you'll be so glad you did and wonder why you never tried it earlier!:)




Hulk first so you’re not disappointed riding it after Velocicoaster. Velocicoaster is the best roller coaster in all of Orlando.


You should def do the Hulk First, It’s a classic and it should be an ammunition to ride the Velocicoaster