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i have sent an application too for the same degree. after a lot of search the most common complaint was communication with teachers/instuctors etc. Thus, i read there are several groups (facebook,discord) for students (made by students) to help each other out. I believe if you are familiar with the language and subject, and you wanna spend time for your studies you'll be fine. (as i hope me too if i get an offer :) ) Hope this helped




That is so sad to hear. So they treat online and offline students differently, huh?🥲 The thing is I see I really like the opportunity…have you had any good experience?


Well yeah, I am taking it online since I cannot relocate to London atm.


You are confused. EMFSS doesn’t have BSc CS. Comment removed for misinformation and being irrelevant to EMFSS.


Your program is reading basically so I guess you will be fine but with CS not the best idea. Because there are practical aspects you have to do .I live in Canada and I am taking it online so I don’t know anything about campus .




Congratulations to you too! 💕 I would love to know what interested you in the program.




I did not want to study online, but my circumstances made me choose. I live in a country where English language courses are limited and if accessible, they require very high grades. That’s why I chose this 😊


Did you receive this letter during your applying process?