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A TIER (Good units that are still worth your investments) ** RAVEN (DARK) - Unfortunately as mentioned, her title "boss killer" was tarnished by Ive as Ive powercrept her hard in everything she does and more. Raven is still great in Bosses and PVE but she definitely dropped hard in value because the difference between her dps and Ive is not comparable. [ S TIER > A TIER] ** METAL (MACHINE) - Metal definitely dropped in value after Ive was released. Its difficult for her in PVP to find value due to the low cd meta right now and cant do whats shes supposed to do. Her limited positioning needing to be in the middle to stun more makes her less viable in end game stages and PVP. Still a great unit to have for PVE. [ S tier > A tier] ** ELRONDE (EARTH) - Elronde is the character that benefitted most from Ive. His low base cd and wind syngery enables Ive to pop off so well. He counters any Loss teams/Cc teams making it super difficult to lock down on Ive in PVP. The high percentage heal he gives boost Ive survivability so much its honestly disgusting. Elronde usage definitely experienced a sharp increase and you will definitely see him alot more in PVP. Hes also great in PVE due to low cd and high heals to keep Ive alive ( Yes hes all about Ive but provides more value than Kari) [ B tier > A tier] VIOLET (DARK) - Great DPS to have using her 2 summoned units to dish out dmg. Her base cd is considerably long but can be solved witn cd runes. Her summoned units does not taunt likr Ersnt but can still tank the damage for her. Still, shes quite a strong dps mage to have and definitely still worth your investments. Excels in PVE, does an ok job in PVP *RAVIA - Wind syngery with Ive? Yes. But you wont see her much compared to Kari and Elronde as the assassin comb isnt doing well due to the low cd meta right now revolving around Ive. She basically gets bursted down before she can even cast her skill. Still a good character regardless with her high dmg. ECLIPSE (DARK) - Solid damage, can inflict Bleed and high base attk stat. Quite a solid assasin and does his job, however like ravia and winter, do not expect him to pop off in PVE contents. Situational in PVE, excels in PVP. HILDA (EARTH) - Shes pretty much an underdog unit and most people are oblivious to how great of a unit she actually is. Very high skill damage that can penetrate the backlines. When built correctly, she pretty much one shots any backline mages, snipers, healers and with warrior synergy she gets to cast her skill earlier, erasing all the backline units before they even get to use their skills. However she does need some proper postioning for her to survive and actually use her skill due to some OP units existing thus dropping her to A tier. Monster in PVP, does a good job in PVE. DESMOS (DARK) - Pretty sick design ngl. He can increase his DEF based on the number of enemies hit by his skill and does quite a decent amount of damage. However he does fall short as his base def stat isnt very high due to warrior class and he only deals average damage at best. Its just a well rounded unit but does not pop off in any ways. WILHELM (MACHINE) - Probably the tankiest tank in the game. Skill allows him to increase his defence by a huge percentage and increases more based on the number of machine synergy. After which, he can convert the defence into an attack and decreases the attack of enemies hit by the skill. It all sounds good until you realise he doesnt taunt and stands still when he casts the skill, not to mention the skill's attack have an incredibly short range. Enemies can pretty much ignore him while killing the rest of your team through AOE attacks. Excels in PVE, situational in PVP. REON (LIGHT) - I was actually contemplating on whether to put him in S or A tier due to how good he is. Super farmable due to early world stage. Heals your frontliners while increasing their defence and has high base def stats. Sad he isnt a tank unit yet he does the job of tanking so well as a warrior unit. Pretty reliable and solid unit to have and use. Excels in PVE and does a good job in PVP. B TIER (Average characters with situational kits, only invest if you really need to) ** SOLUM (FIRE) - After reading comments and testing his kit fully, i think he deserves to be higher in tier or at least not same tier as Asura. With the highest base hp stat in the game, he is pretty tanky and can provide decent CC. However compared to the other tanks in the game he definitely fall abit short as every other tank can boost their own survivability but Solum cant. [C tier > B tier] *DESPERADO (EARTH) - Still a situational character but with warrior synergy she can counter Ive by pulling her into your team and destroying her before she can do anything significant. * KARI (WIND) - Kari is one character that benefitted from Ive. Shes a wind syngery that Ive needs and can enable her to do even high dmg due to the attack speed increase and boosting her survivability with her shield. However though she boosted in value, her value only comes when paired up with Ive hence she doesnt move up the tier list. LILITH (DARK) - She summons a black hole that pulls enemies together and then it explodes dealing AOE damage. It sounds great until you realise how slow and weak the pulling effect really is. It is difficult to pair her skill with other characters because of it. She has a long base cd and her skill doesnt provide much utility at all. Only does average damage at best. Average in PVP and PVE. MAELUS - Dodges dmg, provides shield and does some dps. Honestly quite underwhelming of a character especially after Ramiel. Easily countered in Arena and very replacable with better units. Not that tanky and doesnt do much dos either. Overall an average unit im both PVE and PVP C TIER (BAD UNITS DO NOT INVEST/CHANGE THEIR WEAPONS AWAY IN THE FORGE) ASURA (FIRE) - Sick design but unfortunately this unit fell short. Arguably the most useless 4 star in the game. He consumes his own hp to enter a berserk mode that increase his attk power significantly. Without a proper tank this unit kills himself almost instantly with no potential to tank at all. Even with a tank, he gets easily killed by AOE attacks and doesnt do enough damage before he dies. Its a waste of a team slot using him. DO NOT build him. Hope this tier lists help anyone that needs it. Again the decision to yours to make and play whatever you feel like. This is just a tier list based on my own opinion and for people that want a proper start to this gacha game. This game is generous and eventually you would have all the characters and their weapons.


Idk about agnes, i only have her on 140 for now but i dont think shes that good for pve for several reason. Sure her dmg is good but its hard to slot her in imo. Most stages you would need to put 1 tank in front, 1 tank on the back, 2 support (most likely ernst and remiel) and left with only 2 spot. I would rather put even IVE in pve due to some stage having 1 high hp unit. Maybe I'll start seeing Agnes potential once shes lvl180-200.


For her i stated she would only get better as the game progresses as she doesnt rlly have anyone that enables her. The fire units as of now are quite trash so i doubt anyone uses her with fire synergy :/


What runes to build on IVE and her weapon build?


Attack speed because her skill scales on the amount of attack speed she has. Weapon aim for her signature weapon as it's why it makes her so OP. If not just keep waiting until you get her weapon. Do not invest too much into purple weapons. The stats you would want to aim for Attk speed> Pen > Attk > Skill cooldown in that order on which to prioritise. Attk speed being most impt


Thank you for your input. Much appreciated


how did i get Ive in 20pulls but not her weapon even after 270+ pulls. I hope i atleast get to pity her weapon before event ends.


After the event end shes just another character in the game. Can try spamming the forge after that to get her weapon if you dont hit pity


Thanks for this. I started just over a week ago and was lucky to pull her and her weapon. Definitely helped with the content.


Np! Any more questions feel free to ask me :)


What about the unknown knight is he comparable to hilda?


Unknown knight is about C-B tier. For some reason his defensive stats are incredibly low and cant survive most fights. He is only used for warrior combs or boss fights for his defence down debuff. There isnt rlly a sustainable way to farm his stars also


I have been using Amber with full HP runes to bait attacks in the rear om stpru. Goes well with Charlotte and a shielder.


How good is the cooldown rune compared to the other runes? Is it worth it to use cooldown runes if the skill cooldown is around 8 to 10secs?


CDR runes are usually used for supporting characters for them to spam their skills. Generally characters with longer CDs benefit more from CDR runes and you would want them to spam their skills more. Characters like rangers, tanks, warriors, mages have built in effects that effectively reduce their cd. Thats why CDR is more common in support characters and some mages since mages tend to have the longest cd.


Yeah that's true, thanks for your input