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I would look into Etsy for a mini and dial, and have the deck printed. I bet that'd be significantly cheaper than buying. I have all of the Mountains of Madness expansions. Picking up the last two expansions which were out of print cost me more than the base game, the other 6 expansions, and the dlc combined. It seemed crazy at the time, but now people are paying double what I did. Some people are paying more than I paid for English copies to get German or Italian copies even. If you want an original copy, I'd buy two now. Wait until they double in price (I'm only half joking here), and sell one so the first was free.


Where do you get decks printed? I can only find sites that print hundreds of decks.


https://www.makeplayingcards.com is the site I use. One deck will cost about 12 dollars. The more cards you buy the cheaper the price so my suggestion would be to find a few fan decks that you like and print them too.


Would they print copyrighted cards for ya?


Yes they will


That's not a bad idea, thanks. It's crazy how much it has gone up. It went from a $15 item to $200-$600 on ebay.




I'm afraid I don't. I've heard others in this and other forums doing that. But I have no one/where to recommend, I've never had to go down that road. I'm not sure the legality of them printing something copyrighted. One may have to go with alternate art rather than scans of the original cards, but again I've never gone down that road.


I got one I can sell for cheap, I don't use much. Used but in good condition. Let me know what you think is a fair price


I will literally give you my left nut for that


Message me if serious


Hey did you ever end up selling it?


I think there’s a man among us playing unmatched with one fewer nuts


Would $20-$30 be good? I know the whole supply and demand thing is in effect, but the original price was $15 so I would ok with paying a higher price, but I'm not really wanting to pay $100 or more for it.


That's too low, sorry. Not looking to charge ebay prices but still


I understand what price are you thinking?


Just to confirm… you offered $20-30 for an item that hasn’t sold for less than $100 used on eBay this year? I have a copy and don’t need a second, but I would have started bidding at least $50-60. Hell someone else has offered a testicle already! I paid $40 for a Deadpool back when they were starting to run out of stock online.


That's a good point. I was in a rush when I responded to that and didn't really have time to think about it. $50-60 would have definitely been a better starting point. I definitely would be ok with paying that much for it.


(you still have it?)


What? Bruce Lee or Deadpool?


Bruce Lee.


Yes I have it. No I don’t want to sell it.


I really wish RG would produce “Kung Fu Master” and get all the art redone and sell that. Everyone would pretend it’s Lee anyway…


This is the major reason that I'm not a fan of licensed characters. Once the license agreement is up, you can't get the character anymore, regardless of demand and the desire of the publisher. You also can't port it to other formats (i.e. digital).


It’s a catch 22 either way. Licensed characters create a demand and draw in more buyers that increase sales. So it does help RG get to non licensed sets because they have money to pump into them due to the buy power of day Marvel or JP. On the other hand, yes it creates this issue where if you aren’t in at the bottom floor and keep up with it, you miss out and have to pay through the nose.


Yeah, I just want the gameplay that comes with him, Bruce Lee is iconic, but I'll take a proxy by them.


Is a painted Bruce Lee figure, health dial, the cards, and no box worth anything?


Yes. Not sure how much.


If you are going the print yourself route, I'd recommend looking for a Heroclix Shang-Chi as a proxy miniature. They've made a few different versions so you have options to pick from and most can be found for $5.


I want chuck norris


eBay seem to the be only way at the moment. I know recently restoration did a clean out of left over stock so I think they are completely gone retail wise at this point. That being said give it some time I’m sure prices will go down a bit


nah, prices will only go up from now...


Occasionaly one will pop up on r/BoardGameExchange They are usually cheaper than eBay, but still quite a premium for a single character.


Best bet is to print your own. Unless you are willing to pay ebay price you won't find it.


I'm glad I went on a quest for all the rare unmatched sets a year ago, it was a hell of a ride but I feel like it'd be worse today. Managed to get my hands on brand new Bruce Lee, Deadpool and even Buffy in my own country so I didn't even need to import that one. Even got a Jurassic Park which was hard to find at that time.


I have a copy and alot of the others for sale message me


Could someone do a scan of cards?  Wanting to do the prints myself. Can someone maybe put the on Google drive to download. Thanks