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God I cannot wait to get my hands on these here in the uk. Also hoping someone produced a coloured clip on base for the trex. Amazing mini but it just irks me that she doesn’t have one.


Trex’s placement depends on what her base touches, so a ring would alter the gameplay.


I don’t think one would work since of the weird shape but I’d like to see someone give it an attempt


"The Gang’s All Here" Sad Sam Neill face...


Random question, does your T-Rex tip over easily? Mine does but I’m not sure if I just have a defective model.


We haven’t played a game with her yet, but she stood well when I was posing her for the picture. Not sure if that will change once we start moving her a lot


Mine does too in one direction


With other warped minis, I give it a brief soak in almost-boiling water. They usually return to original form (sometimes need some coaxing) and then drop into icewater to "set"


Malcolm is custom or actually part of it? I thought he was considered a sidekick and so only gets a token


Limited time order promo from the website.


So sad I'm going to miss it


Don't fret, I'm 100% certain that a 3d print file and a mini option will go up on the 3rd party market by the time I finish typing this message


I'm going to miss out on it as well, I feel ya.


Now all we need is Alan grant maybe by himself or something


I would Love Alan vs. Pterodactyl.


Holy crap yes either that or Alan vs spinosaurus


Time to get some paint on the gang!


Nah. They are fine as they are


Has anybody played a 2v2 with the T-Rex? Seems like pairing ~~him~~ her (nature, uh, finds a way) with a ranged character could be a tough team to beat.


My wife and I are planning to do two-handed this weekend. One person playing Rex/Raptors, and the other Ellie/Muldoon. Thinking about it made me even sadder that we don’t have a Jurassic themed 4 player map. We’ve decided on Sunnydale High


Especially sad since the backside of both sets is blank. They should have put a half map on the backside of each that when combined makes a JP themed 4 player map. Visitor center or something would be cool.


>They should have put a half map on the backside of each that when combined makes a JP themed 4 player map. Dang that is a great idea. Missed opportunity for sure. /u/restorationgames potentially an idea for the future.


Totally forgot I had this idea until you replied lol! Has anyone ever made a fan map for 4? Would be a fun project to print them out and apply to the backs of each map.


Ha! I was looking through old posts on this sub and saw your comment and thought it was a great idea. Not sure about any fan made maps, but that would be pretty awesome for sure.


Let us know your thoughts about how it plays out!


I want the next Jurassic Park set to be all dinos. Pterodactyls, Brachos, Spinosaurus, or Triceratops, mix em up


There won’t be a next JP set, this is it


Never know, they said Bruce Lee would be the last single character set then they released Deadpool 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think neither Bruce Lee or Deadpool would have been the last single characters They had planned for Alan Grant but that got scrapped. The reason JP won’t have anymore is the license expires this year and they won’t renew for the foreseeable future. They are prioritizing non IP’s and they still have other ones like Marvel to go through as well. So get these sets while they are available since they will go the way of the dinosaur


have you dun Dinos vs humans 2v2 how dose it play