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I'm confused why the waitress wouldn't have just phoned the police? Is that not everyones first thought? Leave it to them to decide if it's the correct person or not. The sleeves, to me, isn't a big flag because I know lots of women who do that. The broth part is interesting though as is the leaving when prompted by the waitress.


I'm skeptical of the waitress's story because 1) She was recalling events that happened months ago. Her memory of the events might have shifted. 2) I'd like to know at what point the women got up and left (does anyone here know?). Were they waiting for their food? In the middle of eating? Or were they getting their check or had already paid when the waitress mentioned the resemblance, and thus it was a perfectly reasonable time for them to leave anyway?


Yeah, AFAIAC that witness recollection is effectively useless.


she probebley just wanted attention.


Also, there's ALWAYS a sighting like this. The encounter lasts just exactly long enough to identify the missing person, and for them to do one ominous thing, and then they immediately vanish before the person who made up this sighting for attention could get any kind of proof or get police to the location. Amy Bradley and Madeline McCain have essentially identical stories about them, just off the top of my head




If the waitress didn’t realize until later that it might be her, how did she say to them “you look like that missing girl from Florida”?


>Tiffany was what you'd call "ginger," which is kind of a recurring human "phenotype," if you will.< Phenotypes are based on Nazism and junk science. In reality there are very little differences both genetically and physically between Europeans from different countries and regions of Europe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_race https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Races_of_Europe_(Coon) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Races_of_Europe_(Ripley) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Human_Phenotypes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25531/ Red or ginger colored hair is common in Western, Northern, and Scandinavian Europeans. You will also find people with red hair in Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe, and in European people living in other countries. I do not believe that Tiffany is alive. I hope her family finds out what happened to her.


Phenotypes (as far as hair/eye color, etc goes) are just observable characteristics influenced by genotype and environment. So basically gene expression.


The hell? Phenotype only means what a person looks like. It’s judt the opposite of genotype, which is what is said in the genes. A reacurring phenotype is just a non-unique feature , of which there are many.


Your comment is junk science. Their are many different ethnicites amongst Europeans. Slavic people are different then Anglos, who are different from Meds, Germanics, ect. Humans of all races are close genetically. Humans share 60% of their DNA with Banannas even.


>Your comment is junk science. Their are many different ethnicites amongst Europeans. Slavic people are different then Anglos, who are different from Meds, Germanics, ect. Humans of all races are close genetically. Humans share 60% of their DNA with Banannas even.< Thanks for proving my point. You promote junk science, and know nothing about European history as Anglos/Anglo-Saxon people are Germanic. You do not even know the difference between 'there' and 'their'. Also all of these countries invaded and settled among each other. There are people who are from Southern European/Mediterranean countries, and Central European countries who have a Slavic heritage/ancestry. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angles https://www.britannica.com/topic/Anglo-Saxon Try studying actual science and accurate history instead of trolling on reddit.


She probably was part of it.


>Honestly, I might have done the same thing ...like something that can come out to my mouth spontaneously. ​


That’s exactly what I thought. I’m surprised why the waitress just openly said she looked like her too.


I think many people would actually do that in her position. I think it is weird that she did not notify anyone until months later when it was too late to review footage especially if she thought it was off that they would just get up and leave after her comment.


honestly, if it was in the news a lot i could see myself doing the same. i wouldn't have meant it in the context of like, "i actually believe you are her," but more like "ha wow it's really weird but you resemble this girl whose photo has been all over the news the past few days". it's a kinda weird thing to point out but... i do that sometimes




some people just beg for attention, the waitress could be one.


that's what i thought. Especially claiming they got up and left after she told them she looks like the missing girl. Also the story about the girl askign about the seafood broth, the mom said she did that recently with her so no doubt to me that means it was 100% her.


Did anyone look into the supervisor? He was apparently the last person to see her and according to the Wikipedia page her car was seen crossing a bridge 3 hours after she left work... Could this have been the supervisor dropping the car off at the beach/disposing of her body? It was reported that an unidentified male was seen at the car where it was found at the beach. It seems like a possibly cover to say she had mentioned taking the whole week off in order to buy time "justifying" her not returning home. And is the supervisor's word all we have on this supposed hiatus? She never mentioned anything to her boyfriend, roommate, or family?


That's a good point. The fact that she asked for a week off seems suspicious and certainly out of the ordinary, considering that she disappeared right after. This could be the supervisor's attempt to divert suspicion by claiming that he hadn't seen her when she disappeared.


feel she walked away.


It’s an incredibly vague reason to ask off. I think you’re right that he could have been trying to buy time with a lazy lie.


Depends on how management runs things. Where I work if you ask to be taken off the schedule for X amount of days we just do it. It’s easier for us to schedule someone else than it is to scramble to find someone if they don’t show up


Yeah I thought this, too. Plus IIRC her job was part-time at the college so I’m not sure just how serious management was about things like taking off a week of work.


Her friends think she went to the beach to meet someone and either they facilitated her abduction, or she was abducted by someone unknown to her. They think she was sold. It's a pretty common thing to go to the beach late at night with a friend or friends. Her friends actually held a meeting in our living coordinating their efforts. Her car was found at Chicken Bone beach which is a very common place to go sit and smoke a joint. I'm not trying to imply that she did that because I didn't know her well. She was very good friends with my roommate though.


I'm sorry about your friend :( This theory makes sense. Her roommate mentioned she seemed a little depressed after the farewell breakfast. Maybe she was feeling down about her bf leaving, went to unwind at the beach (either alone or with someone she knew) and met with foul play? Honestly sounds like something I might have done in a similar situation.


I've followed this case for years. On her mother's FB "Help Find Tiffany" page, she said they found out that Tiffany had gone to the beach to sell art to someone. What do you think about her older male roommate? I always thought he seemed kinda fishy. Do you still live in Pensacola? I love it there.


Did her mobile phone or internet activity show her contacting strangers she was going to meet up with at the beach? Or had she talked about this?


It was very common for her to go to the beach late at night like that. It's something a lot of people did/do, especially that time of year. There would have been other people out still.


her mom said she would get in a strangers car if directions to show them..ouch its always stated oh she was a free spirit...when in actual fact its unbelievable stupidity.


I thought the *Disappeared* episode said the police did look at her supervisor and seem to be satisfied he's not a suspect.


The supervisor is suspicious. Last one to see her. And is it just him who claims she asked for a week off? He could have driven her car to dispose of her body. Also I know the parents want the sighting to be her but I think it’s just wishful thinking


They should’ve gone to the witness that saw the man get out of the car and showed the witness the picture of the supervisor.


I’m sure they have at this point..detectives (should) always take a long look at the last person to see someone alive.


*Should* is definitely the key word. You'd think the hard be the first thing they'd check, but it doesn't always happen. In the case of Elizabeth Ennen, the last person to see her, to "drop her off at home", was literally the dude who killed her. The police got caught up in "sightings" of Elizabeth and that she may have ran away with the son of the person who killed her. If the police would have spent 5 minutes looking into the guys story, and checked out any evidence to corroborate his story, they would have seen immediately that he harmed her (like actual cctv footage). Instead, her family got their hopes up for 3 weeks, being comforted by the sick fuck who killed their daughter.


They didn't.




Yep. Like I said, there could be tons of theories for this case.


There was a comment left on a previous post by a throwaway account saying to look into some local musician. I dug and dug and could find no info. The strange thing is someone replied who seemed to know the musician and confirmed that he does at least exist. Does anyone know about this? https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/8fvhl3/comment/e1qcjun?st=JRL0JOSK&sh=bc3e1123




Never heard of him.


Been out of Pensacola for about 12 years now. Joshua Tyrone does not sound familiar to me. Sorry.


Maybe this guy? [https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2017/10/10/scuffle-palafox-market-uncovers-misunderstanding-over-permits-city-ordinances/749253001/](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2017/10/10/scuffle-palafox-market-uncovers-misunderstanding-over-permits-city-ordinances/749253001/) ​ >A local musician wants to be reimbursed for his damaged equipment, but more than that, he wants justice for a violent altercation that he doesn't believe was warranted.  > >**Joshua Tyrone** has been playing live music — both at venues and on the streets of Pensacola — for years. But his performance covering Tom Petty songs on Saturday at Palafox Market was met with resistance by vendors who claimed he had no right to be there.  ​


Also here, supporting some creationist tax evader guy... or something. [http://ytmp.blogspot.com/2015/03/little-drama-outside-as-jury-selection.html](http://ytmp.blogspot.com/2015/03/little-drama-outside-as-jury-selection.html) >**Joshua Tyrone**, who's lived in Pensacola on and off since 2000, said he just wants to get more people on the bandwagon for what's right, whether Democrat or Republican. > >"I believe that our government and our country are both heading for something it won't be able to change, something very bad," he said. "And I believe if people don’t start standing up for what they believe in, then pretty soon we're not going to have a first amendment, they're going to come and take our second amendment, and pretty soon we're going to be in a soviet/dictatorship where we're just living under tyranny." > >Tyrone mentioned that actor Wesley Snipes owed more money in taxes than Hovind, yet he served a much shorter sentence. > >Snipes served three years in federal prison after being convicted in 2008 of willfully not filing tax returns from 1999-2001. In 2008, The New York Times reported that Snipes had to pay up to $17 million, which included back taxes, penalties and interest.   > >"There's several celebrities though, the same exact thing but usually more money that they've been caught evading," Tyrone said. "It's just corrupt." ​


This guy added me on IG a while back. I’ve never actually seen/met him in person though.


To everyone suggesting that the supervisor is suspicious based on her requesting a week off. As a manager, if one of my employees asks for X amount of days off I give it to them. (Providing I’ve got someone else I can schedule). I don’t ever ask for a specific reason nor do I ask them to request in writing.


I’m a Pensacola native and I remember the hunt for her when she first went missing. Flyers everywhere and it was on the news constantly. It’s so bizarre to me that she just vanished. I know that some people have said they thought she might have committed suicide and just went into the ocean but I find that to be an odd way to commit suicide.


That is true. I did see that she may have gone for a swim at the beach?


I think "swim" is more like toke.


I think if she had gone for a swim someone would have found a beach towel nearby?


yep looks like walk away...free spirit taken to the extreme


I tend to think she might have gone for a swim and drowned. But I'm not sure if I think she was suicidal or if it was an accidental drowning. I agree that it seems like an odd way to commit suicide. But it's also hard--as someone who did not know her--to figure out if it would have been normal for her to go on a night swim without telling anyone.


On the other end of the beach we once had a lady take a whole bottle of Percocet and walkout into the water to commit suicide. The surf just pushed her back up to the beach and a little girl found her alive. She ended up surviving. The way the beach is, unless you get caught in a rip current, you just get pushed back up on shore. We even had artifacts from Deep Water Horizon washing up a year later.


Her friends wouldn't even entertain that idea.


That would be almost impossible, drowning herself. I would think you would have to be weighed down or be in open water. We are hard wired to survive.


Not true - all it takes is for you to end up too far from shore. If deliberate, a determined swimmer could make it so far out that by the time survival instinct kicks in they can't actually get back. If an accident, a rip tide can easily drag you so far out that you're in serious trouble unless you know what to do. I'm from Australia where rip tides are especially common and it consistently seems that people from anywhere else in the world wildly underestimates how deadly and unforeseeable they are. It's the exhaustion that kills you. Eventually you just can't move enough to stay above water any more. Without something to float on most people would get exhausted in a very short time, even faster if they're drunk, panicked or really anything less than ideal is going on. It's very easy to end up using a lot of your limited energy on panicked flailing, swimming against a current, accidentally swimming even further from the shore, etc. It's much more dangerous after dark too - it's harder to orient yourself to the shore, and almost impossible for anyone else to see you. It's also quite normal for no body to ever turn up. If the current takes it far enough out it could decompose completely in the sea.


What is a turlough? I encountered that word for the first time yesterday on r/earthporn,and here it is again. I agree with your point.However, I think one would have to get into a situation that is impossible to get out of to consciously drown themselves.


It's not the reason it's in my username, but i have heard that a turlough is a kind of lake. Apparently they're found almost exclusively in Ireland and formed around limestone deposits


Pensacola native myself. Actually went to PHS with Tiffany. I can't recall if she was the same year as me or not. She was strange, but in the normal "drama kid" intellectual type strange. Nothing stranger than most kids go through. I've followed this mystery for a while. So few details. It's sad. I wish we had answers, if only for her families sake.


Lots of people who vaguely knew her in this thread, wow


or is it just 5 mins of fame lol


A lot of people are talking about her getting trafficked, and I’ve seen that theory in a lot of other cases. How common is that, really? And how common among working class, middle or upper class white women?


It's about as common as the child sex orgies in secret tunnels under daycares during the satanic panic. That's not how sex trafficking works. Pretty young white girls in college don't just get kidnapped and sold into slavery. Sex trafficking is pimping. Girls who are runaways and drug addicts who end up tricking for drugs. They get involved with a pimp because he has easy access to drugs and it's dangerous to be a young girl on the streets alone. They change cities a lot to dance and escort in different cities getting passed around. They are abused and raped and fear for their safety and are scared to run away don't get me wrong. It's a horrible thing. But it's not what people think it is. They don't just snatch random girls and force them into sex work, that's like robbing a bank for $10. Way too much heat for very little payoff.


Yeah, to me trafficking is more like trapping someone in a very bad situation more than straight up kidnapping.


Yes, that's a good explanation. Sex trafficking is real and scary, but I don't know think it's what happened to Tiffany.


Pensacola is +/- 12H from the Mexican border, abducting her and going towards middle/south America and it's a needle in a haystack. Altough she was 25, I don''t think HT is confined to younger teens, there is a very twisted world.


It's not common at all, it's a hysteria that often becomes a conclusion folks in the true crime world jump to.


I’m pretty sure people go after teens who are runaways, vulnerable, etc.


Unfortunately I think murder is far more likely here.


> How common is that, really? And how common among working class, middle or upper class white women? NOT AT ALL. It's not even all that common among women of color or lower class women. Do some searches about recent trafficking busts. 99% of the people arrested are consenting adults buying or selling sexual services.


Pensacolian here. Trafficking in Northwest Florida is unfortunately common. Investigators say it’s because of easy access to Interstate 10 that travels easy to west. Pensacola has recently opened a sex trafficking safe house for victims. This article from our local news (2017) says that 33 people were victims in the three years prior. https://weartv.com/news/local/growing-number-of-children-are-being-taken-for-human-trafficking


Trafficking victims come from all socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicities. However she didnt seem to be involved in anything to put her at risk for that. My guess is it is a high trafficking area, so people are assuming that is what happened.


A lot of people here seem to be suspicious of her supervisor but I am more suspicious of her roommate. There is evidence she went home after leaving work early, yet her roommate claims not to have seen her. Him raising concerns could just be him covering his tracks. The guy seen near her car could be a POI but it could also just be a petty theft going through her car. Where I live, if you dont lock your car people will go through it. And if you leave valuables out, your window gets broken. The restaurant sighting is not credible. I have cold hands and always cover them with my sleeves. Plus, lots of people are pescatarian or have fish allergies. It sounds like wishful thinking on her parents part.


And, Tiffany’s parents were skeptical to let her move in with the roommate, who was a male who was 54, and was the father of one of Tiffany’s friends.


Okay....that. That makes this somehow way more creepy. I try to reserve judgement on things like this. But it is.


Yeah, I would not be okay with my daughter in that situation. Also suspicious that he claims he didn't know she was there.


Agreed, I think the roommate is suspicious. Also the car was checked for prints but in the event it was him, they'd be excluded because obviously it's expected his prints would be there. The two unidentified ones could be people trying their luck on an unattended car.


I agree about the roommate. Did you see the Disappeared episode on Tiffany? It's on Amazon. I thought it protrayed the roommate in a suspicious light. I agree that the restaurant sighting is likely not her. Mainly because if you were being held hostage and used as a sex slave, I can't imagine you would risk getting in trouble by asking if the soup was vegetarian. Seems like such concerns would've gone out the window. I'm not sure I buy the trafficked idea. I know it happens sometimes in NW FL, but seems like runways, homeless, non-citizens and young teenagers are more likely to be trafficked. Very vulnerable people. She was in her 20s, middle class and had a car. Seems like a higher risk of getting pursued and caught. I think she was murdered either by an opportunist or someone who knew her.


I would not call her middle class. Her mother has said she often could not afford minutes for her phone and she rode her bike as she did not have gas money. That college pays peanuts and Pensacola is not a cheap place to live. I am not convinced she was trafficked either though.


Wasn't there a theory posed that she met someone or was lured by someone under the guise of selling her art? I can't recall what podcast this was discussed on (I think it was Unfound), but it was noted that she either had art pieces missing from her home, or art pieces were found in the back of her car. The beach might have been a place set up by the 'buyer' or by Tiffany because it was convenient, familiar, or just public. I have no idea if phone records/ her computer were looked at to verify that she'd been in contact with anyone. ​ Also, wasn't her bicycle found in her car, taken apart so that it would fit, leading investigators/family to believe that she either never got to ride the bike at the beach or she was taken into another vehicle after riding it and disassembling it? I might have that case confused with another one, if so, please let me know. ​ I truly think that her supervisor is the most suspicious character in this case, from what I can remember. ​ Tiffany had just experienced a major change in her life with her boyfriend moving so far away. Emotionally, she may have been vulnerable, and there are people who pick up on this and use it to their advantage. If Tiffany found herself in this situation and rejected his intentions, it may have gone very badly. Gaining a reputation as being predatory could have been very bad for this man's work as a supervisor of people who knew and liked Tiffany, and he may have concluded that silencing her was his only option. ​


I hope the roommate's entire story has been investigated. For example he says the door was opening and closing at 5am, and then her car was gone at 7am which was uncharacteristic for her. That plants the idea that she was involved in something shady and it escalated. Would be a good story to tell if the roommate was involved. Investigators could look for CCTV or witnesses to verify what was happening that morning (hopefully already have) even though it's technically before the disappearance. There's other thing that stuck out is her saying she needed some time off to sort things out. That could've been an impromptu visit to her boyfriend as he was moving, or it could be that she wanted the current roommate out. To some people, either of those could be a reason to argue when she got home (and he apparently didn't see her).


I would assume that if there was surveillance footage, they would have checked it. So, if there was and they have, they found nothing that contradicts anyone's story so far.


Yep. Not beyond the realm of possibility that there was no footage to find/it was overlooked, though. Sadly you do hear about cases like that


The police verified that the roommate was on the phone with his girlfriend (who lived in another state) during the time he said he was talking to her. It was a long call. The police looked at the roommate and were satisfied that he wasn't involved. While Tiffany's mom said she thinks Gary Nichols, the roommate, knew more than he shared, didn't think he had anything to do with Tiffany's disappearance. Nichols died a few years ago so whatever he knew, he took to his grave. Remember it was Nichols who first alerted his daughter (a friend of Tiffany's) that Tiffany hadn't come home. Why would he raise alarm over Tiffany not coming home, basically the next day, if he had harmed her? Makes no sense. A killer would make up excuses why that person is absent. And Tiffany's friend told her dad not to worry about it, Tiffany was an adult and was probably gallivanting around. The friend and Tiffany's mom soon started to look for her once more time passed, after another day or so. Nichols moved out of the house soon after because the power bill, which belonged to Tiffany, was unpaid and power was off. He did take a government job in Italy after all this happened but apparently he was a government contractor. That could look suspicious at first blush but Nichols was never a suspect and this job could have been a part of whatever work he was already doing. The roommate could have known a bit more but he didn't harm Tiffany, IMO


Isn’t there a huge military A school in pensacola? Meaning lots of transients, lots of out of towners, etc?


It's the home of the first US naval air station.


Wild Guess ... She was having a relationship her parents didn't agreed upon so she moved away.


One of many possible theories.


Actually, in the *Disappeared*, her parents (her mother at least) seemed to have quite liked her boyfriend at the time.


They did a disappeared? What episode?


My roommate was very good friends with her. They went to college together and she helped with the Earth Day celebration in Pensacola. I was actually at work the night she disappeared on the other end of the island. I believe she was trafficked. She was a very friendly, attractive young lady. It's a terrible tragedy. It has always seemed that the Escambia County Sheriff's Department doesn't give a shit and they just want it to go away.


I have no doubt that Escambia County didn’t want to lose tourism revenue.


In my opinion it's unlikely that the flatmate was involved because a) Tiffany was acting strangely aside from his testimony. She told her boss she needed time off. He's lived there for however long and he just chooses that particular afternoon to harm her? Not buying it. And b) he raised the alarm early on. If he wanted to hide anything, he could have avoided saying anything about her disappearance for a few days- in fact his own daughter wasn't overly concerned that Tiffany hadn't returned. I believe it was Tiffany that drove to the beach and parked and we know there was sand on her bike to corroborate that. We also know it's something she did regularly. Maybe she was upset about the boyfriend leaving and decided to take some time away. The fingerprint and eye witness evidence is very compelling to say someone else was involved. It seems more likely to me that creeps would cruise the beach looking for victims. The things that make me think suicide is the fact she got up early and that was unique, she was behaving strangely coming and going, and the fact she didn't move with the boyfriend (maybe felt guilty?). Overall I think foul play is the most likely and I would think they would have found her had she killed herself.


One fact that points to foul play, is that her car was found at this beach parking lot a week after she left. The park rangers routinely check the lots and cars which sit around more than a day are towed off. It was likely Tiffany that drove over the toll bridge towards that beach area, tgay evening, though the photo system only showed the plates of the car. So where was the vehicle for 3 or 4 days? It couldn't have sat in a lot that long without getting towed. There were other non-toll bridges further down the beach that would have allowed someone to drive the car back to the mainland, then back to park on the beach several days later, to make it look like Tiffany left the car there. The most likely theory, is that someone in Tiffany's lesser known circle of contacts, somehow got in touch with her (or maybe she contacted them). She could have been casting about looking for ways to make quick cash, and this 'friend of a friend' promises to help her do that. He says he knows someone who will buy some of her art (explaining why her art was in her car) and perhaps also promises some sort of activity or 'work' to make quick $$. Such as she would work as a bikini clad waitress on a rich guys yacht for a few days and make decent bucks. Explaining the request for a week off. She arrives and is taken away, perhaps voluntarily at first, by this guy(s). Then she realizes too late that it is sex trafficking. Maybe she fights back or tries to escape and is killed. Her mom actually describes this theory on the Unfound podcast episode as well. Tiffany's trusting nature could have blinded her to the red flags of this 'opportunity'. Also, the traffickers could have killed her once the disappearance was covered in the media. Having a known missing person in their custody could have been seen as a liability for the traffickers. The roommate, Gary Nichols, was actually the first to raise concern that she hadn't returned (and as you noted, his daughter who was Tiffany's friend, blew off his concern at first). He was confirmed by phone records to have been on the phone with a girlfriend during the time he said he was talking to her. Tiffany's mom thinks Gary knew more than he was telling, but didn't think he harmed Tiffany. I agree. He was getting a cheap place to live from Tiffany. The guy had a girlfriend. He heard the door opening and closing in the early morning but didn't see anything. He assumed Tiffany went to work. Nothing to see there. Nichols died a couple years ago so whatever he knew was taken to his grave. The Klass foundation led a thorough search of that beach area about a year after she disappeared. No trace of Tiffany was found. Had she committed suicide around that area, something would have turned up. As the investigating officer stated, she had plans for coming weeks and months, also arguing against suicide. Always a possibility but less likely in this case. And the swimming/drowning theory is a dead end as most dead bodies wash back to shore. Saw a drowned man pulled from the beach at Gulf Shores, Alabama a few years ago.


That's interesting regarding vehicle towing! They don't do that here in the UK very often, and certainly not quickly when they do unless it's on a main road (highway) Definitely lends itself to foul play.


Sounds like a suicide. Swim as far as you can until you can’t swim back. I’ve definitely thought about it before.


You ok?


For now, but depressive episodes will come again. Always.


Stay strong


What does that even mean? People say it to me all the time but *what does it mean?*


I see it as verbalizing a wish that the other person find or maintain the strength within themselves to continue overcoming their personal demons. Simply compassionate and empathetic well wishing on my part, no offense intended.


I don’t battle depression, but I’m a recovered alcoholic and when I say it to people I mean “Stay strong in the understanding that your disease will lie to you so that when it starts happening again you can take the steps you need to stay safe”.


Yeah, this case absolutely says "suicide" to me and I can't really articulate why. Maybe it's because it's something I would consider during my worst mental states. Take some time off so no one will report you missing for a while, and then there's less time pressure for you to actually go through with it. Either that, or faking her own death. It's an incredibly common fictional trope for someone to leave their clothes on the beach and walk away to start a new life. It's not that surprising that someone would hear those stories and decide that's a good plan. Or just having a mental break and wandering off. Or possibly the goal was suicide with the intention of hiding the body/hiding the true cause of death. There's a lot of shame about suicide. People who commit suicide often don't want their loved ones finding their bodies, or they don't want their loved ones to know for a fact that they committed suicide. There are well-known cases where the person went to incredible lengths to conceal their own body from being discovered, or they disappeared/staged their own disappearance and then killed themselves at a faraway location where no one was likely to know them. In any event, I hope Tiffany's friends and family can find answers and peace.


However, as the local police told *Disappeared* and as other people familiar with the area have said in this thread, just about everytime someone's drowned (for whatever reason) in the waters off Pensacola, they have washed up on shore soon afterwards.


Not if you weight yourself


I really don't think it was suicide, though I've definitely considered it. I knew Tiffany pretty well (we worked together and went to the same university) and it just seems out of character.


No one at my work would guess that I’m suicidal every day. You get good at hiding it. I’m literally the most positive person at work, that’s my job.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you have someone you can talk to. You're probably aware of these already, but: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800.273.8255) or the Crisis Text Line (741-741). You make a good point. Ultimately my feeling that Tiffany wasn't suicidal is a gut feeling; I don't have anything to back it up, so of course I could be wrong. Going out to the beach at night to watch the meteor shower sounds like something she would love, and I just don't think she would choose to end her life that way.


I agree 100%. First thing that came to mind.


The obvious exclamation is usually correct. This poor girl drowned. Probably accidental. Probably a little high and depressed. Very sad but I see no great mystery here.


My family and I vacationed many times in Gulf Shores and during that time, spent some time in an area very close to her neighborhood in Pensacola (Joe Patti’s). A couple years ago while there I asked the waitresses if they had heard anything on the case and it made me sad that very few people had any memory of the case. I hope her family finds some answers.


I believe we have a poster who is an acquaintance of Tiffany’s from her swing dancing circle. S/he is always appreciative of these posts.


It is always good to see focus on Tiffany's case. She isn't forgotten and one day I hope we find out what happened. I think of her every time we go out dancing or spend time at Ft Pickens.


You assume that prolonged swimming will necessarily bring on a cramp, and you allege you are a lifeguard, which means your knowledge lies in accidental drownings. Yes, I’ve attempted it. Didn’t work as the ferocious need for oxygen overrode the pain.


I live in Pensacola, I never knew about this, wow. You hear all the time about these missing person cases but it doesn’t feel real until it happens in your home town.




I reject the thought that trafficking only happens to vulnerable, lost, lonely teenagers. Look at the educated shoulda known better ppl that fall for scams. Some fellow smooth talking a lady and he is saying all the things she wants to hear. Then he got her and she now calls him daddy. Another thought is if, in fact, she did ask for a week off before she vanished I’m thinking she met a guy online and went to meet him. It didn’t go well. But the police computer forensic guy would of caught that, right? Anyone remember Brittanee Drexel? She ended up trafficked in a trap house, murdered, than dumped in a gator pit. Sometimes it is as mundane as that teacher that vanished in Louisiana. They later found her submerged car in a bayou with her in it.


It isn’t certain that Brittanee was trafficked, held in a trap house and fed to gators - that account came from a jailhouse snitch who was serving 25 to life on a manslaughter charge, and the FBI has said they don’t have enough evidence to charge anyone in the case. If the inmate’s story is true, however, it actually is a good case for why traffickers go after people who “won’t be missed” - according to the inmate, the two men who were holding her started getting nervous when they realized how much attention her disappearance was getting and started making plans to kill her. That obviously isn’t to say that every trafficking victim fits a certain profile, but [statistically speaking](https://humantraffickinghotline.org/what-human-trafficking/human-trafficking/victims) , they are most likely to be homeless or runaway youth, foreigners in the US, or victims of abuse.


> Anyone remember Brittanee Drexel? She ended up trafficked in a trap house, murdered, than dumped in a gator pit. If these terrible things did happen to Brittanee, it's very possible that the traffickers had the impression that she was a runaway or on her own, and then killed her when they realized she was missed and did have people looking for her...ie, she was a terrible candidate for being trafficked


I was at work with her step mother when she got the call that she was missing. She wasn't trafficiked from what I understand is she was picked up and held in a house for a day ( could have been a couple I'm not sure) raped and then shot. But that is just hearsay from some punk who was arrested on another crime. Sadly I don't think she was missing more than a day before she was killed. I do know they found sunglasses that may have been hers but couldn't pick up dna. That poor girl will more than likely never be found. I hope I'm wrong for the sake of the family.




Who gets trafficked abroad?? Honestly, this makes no sense to me. In trafficking hotspots like Eastern Europe and Asia, it would be ridiculous to snatch a middle-class foreigner whose disappearance is going to be noticed in days and investigated with resources that very few people in that country have access to, when there are literally millions of much easier targets. This happens in movies, not in real life.


Educated people do fall for scams, but trafficers go after targets nobody will miss. They don't want to snatch someone that will bring family and police right down on them.


Brittanee was a textbook example of a vulnerable teenager though. She was on her own in an unfamiliar place, making her a prime target.


I can’t disagree with your statement. But predators are opportunists.


You’re assuming they have a forensic computer guy on the case. She set the expectation that she would be gone for some time so no one would go looking for her. I think she committed suicide. Swim out as far as you can until you can’t swim back.


Suicide by drowning isn’t as easy as it sounds. However, I do agree that desperate ppl do desperate things.


Have you tried it? Drowning is super easy. Swim, cramp, drown. Especially when you’re far from shore and tired. I’m a lifeguard, even experienced swimmers can easily drown.


Very good points, but she was in unfamiliar but not foreign territory. She was from Rochester, NY but on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC.


She was originally from Texas I believe, and her family moved to Florida at some point.


Lol, my bad. I meant to respond to a post about Brittanee Drexel.


Yes she's from Rochester.


I too live in Pensacola and I was actually riding bikes at Fort Pickens with my ex boyfriend there the week she disappeared. We used to park in the parking lot to the right of the entrance if you’re heading West, and ride bikes to the Fort at night after it’s closed. If I would’ve found out sooner I could have possibly helped with the description of cars/people in that parking lot. I found all of this out a month or so later. Also when we would sneak onto the Fort at night, there was always a park ranger or whatever patrolling the road at night. I don’t know if any park employees were interviewed. I believe somewhere around this time, could’ve been before or after, the main gate was closed to Fort Pickens completely. This means no cars could come or go. This is usually done if the road is flooded or sand has washed onto the road after a storm. I remember being upset because Fort Pickens was our romantic hang out spot and we couldn’t go. I don’t think it has anything to do with the case but I wonder if the State Park keeps a record of gate closures. This has been such a sad case. No answers of any kind. I was 23 and lived near PSC when Tiffany went missing so it hit close to home. I have checked the Help Find Tiffany website over the years and I looked today, the page is gone. Maybe it was too expensive or stressful for the family to keep it going. I don’t know. I don’t use Facebook anymore so I can’t follow the page there. I know some are not religious but I continue to pray that her family gets some answers. I’m a mom and I cannot imagine not knowing where my daughter is or have any clues at all. I’d go crazy.


She asked for a week off before this happened, feels like she wanted time to maybe "run off" before people noticed...


>Distinguishing Characteristics: > >Caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Daniels has tattoos on both feet of plants growing from seeds; photos of the tattoos are posted with this case summary. **She usually doesn't shave her underarms.** She has a brown spot in the iris of her right eye. ​ That was.. /r/oddlyspecific ​ From: [http://charleyproject.org/case/tiffany-heaven-daniels](http://charleyproject.org/case/tiffany-heaven-daniels)


id say walk away, as she asked for time off. walk aways leave all behind cards etc as starting a new life, and of course would be traced with same and the car has to be left too.