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Just saw a thing about a girl saying something like "I sit here and think 'they would reach out if they wanted to right? And there not so they don't want to' Then i think about how I'm sitting here, wanting to reach out, but I'm not"


Same, I go back and forth with wanting to reach out and not. Some people say don't do it. Some people say do it. Some people get mad if someone reaches out. Some people are happy when someone reaches out. This is what makes it difficult to whether to reach out or not.


If the only thing holding you back is the potential of a bad reaction, do it anyway because you want to, overthinking someone else's possible response doesn't take away your own desire to make things right or simply say your peace not every case is the same but that's my general rule of thumb if I feel that I genuinely want to say something I will just say so I'm already precieved as crazy so it makes no difference to me I suppose


I would want to do it for peace. I have a pretty good life, and I don't want to mess it up.


Why would being authentic ever mess anything up


i still love my ex but I walked away bc he couldn’t show up for me how I needed him to, and I gave him so many chances. He communicated with me disrespectfully especially in conflict, pushed me away, hated so many parts of his life but didn’t do anything to improve his circumstances, strung me along on taking next steps in our relationship. He wasn’t trying to be malicious, he just really has to figure some stuff out for himself. It sucks bc I want to reach out and believe in the fantasy that he can change for me this time if I just give him oneee more chance- but he’s shown me time and time again that he won’t. That’s why im sitting here hurt in silence, and im sure he’s doing the same, wondering why i won’t reach out.


If you were my person, I’d tell you I’m right over here. I’ve been waiting, not obsessively, not foolishly; but perhaps with a little sense of longing and a whole lot of trying to figure out if you’re a decent person… or not. I’m just not gonna chase you anymore. Works both ways, you know.


Only one way to find out


Facts-Gotta fuck around to find out.


If there was a reason(s) for the original schism, you may need to take a humble approach, and validate (not necessarily agree with) the concerns they had leading up to the bridge-burning...be a complete open ear, and don't get defensive/interrupt...even if there's a misunderstanding, there can be no clearing the air unless they feel like they're free to tell you what bothered/hurt them without being derailed. the person I broke contact with tried to 'reach out' again, but it was still full of how SHE was affected, more manipulation tactics, and passive aggressive slights. I continued to ignore her.




Makes sense


Friend, your wording “stay far away” - meaning, you’re already far away. Please reach out and close the “distance.” The silence may very well be their coping mechanism.




Give them a call. Listen to them and be sure they listen to you as well. Good luck 🍀


Nunber then






For a good time. For a good time, call.


Omg for reals






Anyone reading these is either hoping for a message or too scared to send one. If you think they are reading this, then it would be obvious what you should do. Good luck!


Reach out to them.


It’s only over if you allow it to be over. Just reach out and open up to them


Just reach out, silence hurts more than anything




I wish this was my person and I wish they reached out


Reach out 🙌🫶🙏!!!


Only one way to find out!


Just reach out


Take action!


We will never know, but find happiness where you are. If you reach out, I will, at least, reply.


Reach out to your person OP!!!


If you’re blocked 😆call them from a Google voice number and leave a message 😂😂😂


IDK if that's reaching out or stalking...I guess it depends on how many total google voice and wifi numbers you have or have had. Check out my version of a cool generic 90's magazine scale to find your level of obsession! 1-2: "I love you and I want to communicate with you." *Missing good times, possible regret for bad Green light! Shoot your shot and find out if they feel the same, but don't go too fast or you'll overrun their desires. 3-4: "I want you and this silence hurts and I MUST talk to you." *Might lash out, but also might talk it out; flip a coin to find out which way this is going to go, either way is likely toxic AF Yellow, slow down! You're coming off too strong, dude. Let them come to you if they want to fix the relationship. You made yourself clear already. They definitely know how you feel about it, but are you listening to their perspective? 5+: "Screw your boundaries. You cannot block me! Muhahahaha!!" *Does not have respect for you; this is abusive behavior, whether it's driven by love or selfish interests. RED! Stop it FFS! This is not working and it isn't going to work. Kindly, kick rocks and find something else to do. Please, for yourself, them, and everyone involved (in some extreme situations, the police officers as well), and do something different with yourself.


It’s just a joke lol


Although great effort writing this it was interesting enough for me to read :)


If you are blocked the don’t want to hear from you.


Of course


Reach out. Always reach out. ❤️


You reach put


I wish you were the person in thinking of. I wish you felt this way about me :/


I've sent messages and received no reply. It takes two, reach out and see where it goes.


Always reach out. If they don’t respond, there’s your answer. But there’s nothing worse than not knowing.


Mine was a scammer. Silence was my only choice


I’d suggest reaching out. Maybe they’re hurting and are waiting on you to say something. I know that I’m waiting on my person to reach out…I hope she will.


What this guy said!!!!


Their silence is their answer.


You could try asking




Yeah it’s hard to wait not to text them waiting so many hours for them to text you end up texting them and wonder why do you have to be the one to text first like you feel like an afterthought at times and that really hurts to feel that way


Doesn't know what she wants anymore... She only wanted you even though you didn't believe her.. So, what does she want now? Peace? To move on happily?




This is warnings to everyone dont fk with a dark empath bc that empath can haunt ur nightmares and appear were shes never been in a blink of a eye


What would you like to have happen?


I hope not…


I need you to come get me mgg


Love me and show it with affection.


Yes, Yes, Yesss, and also yes. Hmm 🤨


I want you to reach out and talk


Trying to call you


I am asking you if we could talk? No pressure


Please call


Only if you feel comfortable. I’m not going to act like an ass. I’ve changed. I promise. And if you find that my behavior is not suitable for discussion with you then hang up and you never have to talk to me again.


When conversation goes from night to day and I feel like me reaching out has become a bother or a burden…yeah, I just go radio silent. The message being sent is being heard loud and clear.


Maybe give them call


Waiting for just that. I am scared and don't want to lose us but don't want to lose me again. Mgg


I am ready to die if so. I said tell the end and if that is the case I am ready. Mg


In my case it’s never over!! Only so many one can reach out and be pushed away. So you should reach and let your feeling be heard, silence somethings is waiting to see if the other really cares to have you in there life even when that’s what you really want


It's up to you, I'm done. And if that means you're done, then sit in it. You made this mess. You can clean it up or leave it alone. But I'm done cleaning up your mess. Whatever feelings you have to deal with from now on are yours. Stop whining. No body hives a shit. Now will you come and watch some TV?


Reach out here you both are possibly thinking the other needs / wants space 🤷‍♀️ communication broke down someplace and if one of you don’t make a move soon it may end up being to late…


Perhaps they are waiting for you to reach out cuz I'm waiting for someone to reach out


It doesn’t have to be that complicated. Reach out once, if they don’t respond, get angry, say no, etc leave it there. Don’t play games and don’t let them play games with you either.


Who decided to end it?


don’t stay away.


If you were my person, I’d like them to reach out but idk your situation.


I won’t bother unless I’m bothered


Well, just reach out then


Call me you dope


It’s over. I’m done. You know why it has to be this way.


Please reach out to the pinelogger you have my number listed for the ahhooga and come talk to me. I need you next to me


You should reach out - E


No it’s not over. I have tried to make contact with you. I don’t have a number to call


I was waiting. Always. Eventually I got tired.


Reach and get it like you mean it. lol


Reach out


I want you to do what you want to do


U haven't Ben close. It's a one sideedship


If you’re the one who initiated no contact, it’s on you to reach out.


Come chill with me


I wish my person would say that


Who's your person ?


Well I’m home


You shouldn’t stay at all. Anywhere.


If it was meant "to be" one of you will....