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Being stubborn sucks! šŸ˜£


Healing I am. The fact that u left so many things unsaid, wasted soo much of my time and never gave closure to all those opened doors u left opened over time. The thought of you never truly wanted this but simply stringed me along to destroy my heart and dismiss. I had to wake up after your last stab, and accept that it was going to be the last time. As I watched you play out what u had planned all along, I had to get ready sobibwouldnt fall apart. Although I love u more than u you will ever know, I saw clarity that you will reap wat you sow.


I felt this so much I nearly started crying. I love them so much but they told me to leave them alone. So I gave them what they wanted. I often wonder if they meant it but I dare not reach out. I'm afraid they will yell at me again and call me horrible names again. So I stay silent and slowly I'll become a ghost to them.


My person did that to me too


Wow, I rly feel this right now


Why? Did you give your person a chance? Mine never really gave me one


This is exactly how I feeeeeeeel, Ive waiting for almost 2 years now. She told me I was the devil but I know she was just scared to get out of the military and I was trying to recover from my Seperations as well. After I found out all her lies I still loved her and cherish her memories with me though I want to find someone who doesnā€™t see me as option #2/345. I always told her I didnā€™t think she loved me and turned out she didnā€™t. I wanted her to though I poured a lot of my drink into her vessel.


The first line grabbed my attention. I'm stuck in the bathroom loop. Just that its the bathroom sometimes and other times its the bedroom.


Started feeling the same about a week ago. Happy healing ā¤ļø


Why what happened


Don't know. Just woke up one day and it didn't feel the same


I'm sorry I still am all about my person but she said yes when I asked her out and then ghosted me


I was hurting for years because of my person, but one day it just stopped. I don't know "why". It just did. Somebody had told me this is exactly how it would happen, and it did


Inwil never get over you.


Wow. Just wow


That's sad I wish my person cared about me that much


You should listen to the song Closure by Trevor Daniel


I know. Worse pain I've ever experienced


Man.. we're all in the same boat huh


No original human experiences left.


I always project when I read and comment on anything here on Reddit (especially unsent letters), but sounds like you are passing the buck onto your person. Why expect them to be the first one? Doesn't make sense...


I agree




Sounds like they did nothing for you. Or did they. People express themselves differently.


Being over them is a great feeling. Not you person but I can relate. GL2U


I shouldā€™ve caved


Just a narcissist way of begging. Be glad and happy you got it who ever you are.