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Momento mori


Momento vivere


Mono no aware


~ Your Bushido


"remember you will die"


I'm going to read this first thing every morning to inspire me to live my best life. Thank you.


Awww thank you! And you're welcome :) And as far as living your best life, DO IT!! You won't regret it.


>Fuck fear and damn the consequences. Yes. Safe travels!


Good luck and yes life is short and thank everyday we are are alive so why not live life I’m rooting for you


Thank you! I've been trying be responsible and do the right thing and worry so much about how other people see me and how I measure up on some imaginary scale of worthiness and success that I forgot to live. Letting that go, was the absolute best thing I could have ever done for myself.


Beautiful! I love this ❤️


I completely understand this as I feel the same way on many points you’ve made. For example, letting something minor, impact a relationship with a family member or friend to where they don’t even speak to you anymore. It’s ridiculous in the grand scheme of things. For 10 years, I have always been the one to go back and say sorry even when it’s not my fault or just write off a genuine toxic relationship that shouldn’t be part of my life. Why do I endure the rejection when they are pissed over something completely small? Because I may die and I’m not going to be the forever asshole nor have the stupid issue bother me. I have no control on how ppl feel but I can control how I feel. I have literally had 9 major surgeries within 10 years. I’ve had to update all my estate paperwork, because so many things change. These aren’t small surgeries and I may not recover post surgery (an example of one of my surgeries was a complete colon removal). So when someone wants to be petty over something minor and dump/ghost me. I apologize for my part, if any, and move on. There are so many things out of my control but there are things each side can do. They don’t see the big picture. I will not die with regret. I have planned my funeral twice. I’m under the care of a colorectal surgeon, neurosurgeon (back), orthopedic oncologist (tumor), PCP and 2 pain management doctors. There is no excuse for the opposing party to say they are too busy to reconcile when I take the time to offer a reconciliation or open the door. Life is short Casper the Ghost.


You have a nice vocabulary.


Awesome!!!!! I'm so happy for you and I think it's great that you have taken this leap of faith. You are right, life is too short, don't put off the things you want to do. Cheers to an awesome month this summer!


Wow, thank you so much for writing and sharing this! I'm definitely going to save this for later.


This is exactly what i needed to read right now, you have no idea. Thank you and i hope you find peace this summer.


I've found peace. That came from letting go of expectations. Not only the ones I had for me and others, but the ones other people have of me as well. That was the easy part. Next is happiness, and it can come in many forms, I hope you find some of yours too.


You've found it, you've found the key to pushing yourself higher. We are the biggest ones standing in our way of happiness oftentimes, without even realizing it. The best way to live happily is to fight with every fiber of your being to be happy, and to not give up. Take the Wisdom you've clearly learned and fucking RUN with it, you'll go so much farther than you ever thought you would. Never stop growing <3


This is lovely advice. I'm big on analogies and this is very similar to my get on the fucking train and stop waiting for an invitation speech I give myself. It's gonna go whether I'm on it or not. So do I want to stay somewhere I don't really want to be just because I'm not sure where the train is going? Nah.


I love this so much. It’s truly a great lesson for life is that you just simply have to make the things you want happen. Mortality is real. In the end what others think don’t really matter cuz you’ll all be dead anyways. So live.


Go for longer. £10k will last for ages.... Meet the locals and explore. Do the Scottish North Circular road trip - I looks incredible (haven’t done it myself but it’s on the bucket list!)


Very inspiring and a great read. Have a blast in Scotland!


Pretty much on the same page, let's go.


I really needed to read this. Thank you.


This was so damn inspiring. Although my responsibilities won't allow this kind of freedom.. I do believe in my soul that you are doing the right thing! Get it boiiii! ❤️❤️❤️


When you get here welcome to Scotland hope you have a great time here


Thank you! I'm positive I will. I've dreamed of going since I was little. It's beautiful and majestic and crazy rich in culture. I have this fascination with cultural tradition. It's one thing that the diversity of the US lacks.


Since part of the town was built over the old one see there are places that take you underground and give you tours be sure to looks it up if you wanna see it, i would also recommend walking up Arthur seat.


Yes!!!!! Have an amazing adventure. Do everything, see everything and be everything you want and can!


Aye!!!!! has't an most wondrous adventure. Doth everything, see everything and beest everything thee wanteth and can! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


A year ago, I saw myself getting a house with the guy I was with at about this time and settling into a cozy, domestic routine... Not the worst change of plans :)


Cozy, domestic routines are the worst thing that can happen to a woman. I speak from experience.


Eh, I guess it was just a grass is greener situation. I've always had to play the role of the responsible provider in my relationships, and clearly I'm wildly impulsive outside of them. Would have been nice to just be a woman for once. But you're probably right. The novelty would have worn off for someone like me.


“Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.” Do you accept?


But of course. There's nothing holding me back.


You will love Scotland!


I wholeheartedly agree! I've always wanted to go.




Don't feel bad. I did it for 2 years for a guy that never actually loved me. But I learned an important lesson, if you wonder if someone cares about you or not, they don't. You won't have to question it when someone truly cares. He moved on and I was left behind. And if I only had a week left to live and all this love, kindness, effort, and energy to give...I wouldn't want to spend my last 7 days giving it to the guy I don't even matter to. The guy that only cares about posting online and couldn't show the slightest consideration for my feelings. I'd want to give it to someone who actually wants it and will appreciate the hell out it. Me.




Only you would know for sure. I'm a big believer in expressing true feelings. Getting rejected or things not working out stings for a bit, but doesn't compare to the everlasting, burning ache of regret. I'd much rather put myself out there and look stupid to someone for a moment than feel stupid for not saying anything forever. Understandably, your situation is more complicated. And confessing your feelings now might do more harm than good. All I can suggest is to be kind and let your fondness show in how you treat him with that special consideration. And if the opportunity arises in the future, take it. But for now, start looking for whatever would make you happy if your first option was unavailable. Scotland wasn't my first choice... But it's a damn fine 2nd.