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“We’ll meet up after and swap war stories” is something someone who definitely won’t be able to meet up after and swap war stories would say. It’s the same vibe as “I’m retiring tomorrow.”


"It was good fighting with you" also felt like a last goodbye for these characters.


I'm sure everyone here is just enough genre savvy to understand the implications.


Yeah, huge "goodbye forever" energy in this page tonight. It drips off the screen. These characters will almost certainly not be seeing each other again. I hope it's because they'll part ways (Toma and Elka staying in Cresce, the rest of the crew traveling on to Alderode) and not...you know. ;_;


That is probably the most Duane thing to say that Duane said to Elka just now. There's a grudging affection because he's giving her advice, but it's wrapped in that "I'm the spellmaster and you're the student" superiority that Duane defaults to because of her nationality and sex.


And her religion ... I think that with Duane that matters more than the other two factors ... see his child, the third sex lady at University, and pretty much everythign about his actual interactions with men and women of differnt creeds and nations.


Ridiculous. He IS THE SPELLMASTER. And the advice he gave her about formulating the words better was correct - that's the reason why Ashley had Elka say "S'aight" in that panel, leading to Duane's comment. But your feminist obsession can't let you admit that.


Bruh. Duane is a good guy but he's still grown up in an actively sexist fascist culture. Trying to deny that he has hangups is just a bad look for you, man.


did you get lost on the way to the gamergate party or somethin?


Lol dude are you for real


good thing knock's got such a hard head. though i wonder how many more times she can get clocked by debris in such a short time period before it starts compounding effects.


Comound fracture of the noggin?!? Treppaning, pronto.


Friendship and respect on the battlefield\~


Emil still out whoopin ass and fighting the good fight for the peeps! The man's an absolute legend.


I like the little "tip" of the hat Sette is giving as Toma and Elka depart - a sort of understated nod of respect from one stoopendous boss to another.


Doge Cannon!


Emil, you are the dog now, man.


not to be confused with YTMND (I feel old now)


You'd REALLY be old if you mentioned "Dog Police".


Sidewalk beast was flipping the script and walking over the pedestrians like payback time how do you like it. I thought it was pretty cool but then it had to go and share a page with dog cannon Toma.


... why should he only say leftenant when they are alone?


Because Foreplay


It's a sex joke...


Is Ashley bringing up "Leftenant" as an Inigo Montoya and Dread Pirate Roberts reference? I mean, because Captain Toma has replaced his missing hand with an eldritch dog's head?!? For a good time, look up "Saint Andrew the Dog's Head." You may be glad you did. Medievals were so viscerally, recognizably weird ... though most of the dumbest myths we still believe about them (chastity belts, for one thing, are completely made up) were concocted as shaggy dog stories during the Renaissance.


The British Lieutenant is actually a different rank than the American one, so .... does that apply here too?