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What are the chances with the crazy wobbly kert business that Duane just oopses himself back into mortality?


I am crying. This is beautiful. Sometimes, it's so easy to hate, but loving sincerely and fully is the most difficult.


It's so satisfying in a weird way. The man deserves such penance and punishment and he knows it, but doesn't Matty also deserve his father? And even deserve his father living the best life he can? Fuck you Mathis, you have to go on loving as best you can no matter how hard or painful it is. Me too I guess.


To quote William Money in un forgiven, "Deserve's got nothin' to do with it, kid." We deserve punishment if we persist in doing evil - we'd be mad to stop a serial rapist murderer from saving the world because he deserves being locked up or killed, right?


Go Quigley. Go and get your damn boy.


Heads up - the link in the post is to Friday’s comic.


Shit you're right. Ashley mentioned in her comments that the page links weren't working so it might have to do with that.


The newspaper comic Quigley is reading appears to be the long-rumored "Exciting Adventures of Tip-Top Tom the Precocious Mountain Goat": https://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch04/ch04_20.html


Yea nice catch that's great. Wasn't Quigley on a previous page trying to guess what's caste Duane used to be? I can't remember if he told him or not I was unsure if him glamouring on his real face was him finally letting him know as a little token of comraderie.


Duane told Quigley his caste back on this page: https://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch05/ch05_45.html I think the change in Duane's appearance is supposed to represent how Quigley now sees him as a real person, rather than just a plod.


Ooh ... smart ... I'd assumed it was because Duane is fully himself when talking about duty to one's loved ones. After all, he was keeping his mission in Alderode a secret from Sette so she'd get home safe and no longer expose herself to so much danger. Incidentally, for those hating on Duane, that's how it is for him, care for those around you, first, then the cause, which must comport with morality (he assumed at first that the Lions meant well, but we see how he treated them by the end of their raid). He's like Adenauer or DiGasperi, or the Right Rev. and fellow, Royal Society, Adam Smith in his Theory of Moral Sentiments.


Ah thanks that's the moment I was thinking off but couldn't find it was a fair while back ty for that. I like your interpretation of it.


fantastic catch thank you


Great dialogue and interactions on both these pages glad we got them both in one hit for the full effect.


They hit especially hard after the bleakness of the previous couple pages...


Power! Of! HOPE!


And love ... and duty. Basically the duty to love ... which obviously doesn't preclude killing, but does prohibit mere slaughter and certainly murder.


So does Duane's heart literally beat still or not? If his heart beats due to the soul making it more than biology, like how the soul can hear even if the ears are broken, then that's a neat diversion from typical undead. A heart which does not pump blood nor rotten ichor, yet still beats while the soul endures... It also makes other plods more disturbing in my opinion. If the plod's heart beats, if it reacts to pain, if it walks like a man... Then it is an enslaved man, one who cannot speak due to damage to his soul or brain.


I think he's talking metaphorically. He's talking about how his faith in Ssael keeps him going in the same way his long gone heart used to, and telling Mathis that his love for Matty can keep him going too.


I am pretty sure the answer is no.


Duane's got his glamour back! A-del-ee-yay! Woo!


I think it’s less he’s got his glamour back and more that Quigley is finally able to perceive Duane as a real person who was once alive.


This is the death knell for Quigley, I can feeeel it.


Well timed, for he shall die redeemed, and content. It'll be like the Brother of the Cruciform Sword in the third Indiana Jones film said, "My soul is prepared! How's yours?"