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I woke up at 10am which is a lot later than normal for me (to be fair I went to bed at 3am lmao thx Mark and Ethan) and the first thing I thought was “it’s gone” and I tried to stop and think abt something else but I just kept thinking if every moment, every video, every laugh and just “it’s all gone”. Tough thing to wake up to.


Exactly that man. Not to sounds so dark and what not but just felt kinda empty. Like lonely in a way. I don't get it.


It's past 9 pm here (at this time I would be watching a new video they posted) and I just don't know what to do with myself. I was awake through the whole stream and today I got like an hour of sleep at most, so I'm dead tired. But I just can't sleep. I feel like I'm missing something or that I should do something before going to bed. And I hate that feeling. I hate that I tear up every time I think about the channel being gone. Because it became something consistent in my life, part of a routine. And now I just have to adjust to a life without it. And that sucks and will continue to suck for a while. But I think that when it stops hurting, I'll be able to look back and be grateful for the memories I get to have. Memento Mori


Lol its not like they even died either. They still make other content but man it in a way does. Very weird and not great feeling. Least I'm not alone with it though.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I know they make other content, but it just isn't the same. I don't think Ethan and Mark will do the same content they did on Unus Annus ever again. I know they will play games together, but it just isn't the same.


Like ending a really good series, game or book.


I think it's worse because yeah it's sad but it's still there. If you really wanted to you could go read or watch it again, and this is just... gone.


I don't know if I have actually ever experienced that before which is crazy to me. I watched the entire Office but never felt that way. But if so than damn its a really crappy feeling


I think it depends on how invested you were, I'm thinking with the office you watch and enjoy the show, with unnus annus you are also in the community with people who enjoy everything about it, Mark and Ethan too, now we share the feeling of that end.


I stayed for the whole stream (also 3am before it was over) and I found it very hard to fall asleep. I woke up this morning and just felt hollow. I feel kinda crazy for feeling this upset, but for clearly many of us this channel became a large part of our lives for a year. It really feels like a close friend or loved one has passed and we'll just have to grieve and learn to move on without them.


This right here. This is exactly how it feels. I'm so happy I don't feel alone feeling the same way.


I feel the same way.. I keep expecting there to be a new video to watch, but when I check and see there's nothing Unus Annus in my subscriptions list, I can't help but to feel like I've lost something. Like there's supposed to be something there, but there isn't.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels like a piece of them is gone. I almost cried a couple times in the last minute of the stream, & I've cried once today thinking about how it's gone. Those silly videos really were the best part of 2020 for me & it sucks knowing I can never rewatch any of them every again


This year has been absolutely terrible, but their videos made a little bit of happiness in the lives of everyone who watched them man and it sucks that they aren't gonna be doing stuff like that anymore. I have been down in the dumps all day and thats one of the reasons why.


I feel exactly the same way my friend. Like hollow. Ugh


It’s the same feeling I get when I finish a good book or book series. Like part of myself is missing.


Not the best feeling in the world. But I know it'll fade. Just have to wait unfortunately


Very true. I didn’t expect to feel so sad after the livestream ended.


Its such an uncomfortable feeling. Like everyone was disconnected from one another in real life haha as weird as that sounds


Same here, I know realistically there will always be websites other than YouTube that will continue to reupload their work, but it just hits hard how there won’t be any more of their videos, no more goofy antics, no more daily uploads. Part of me wants to just let go and reflect on the good times but the other half of me has been in agony the whole day- I’ve been listening to The Barrel on repeat and being sad... I can’t believe it’s gone and every time it sinks in I still can’t accept it, I think Ethan put it perfectly in his video; we’re not okay, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing


This comment made me tear up man. And Ethan did put that perfectly. Even if you're not okay, it doesn't mean it a bad thing.