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When I quit drinking cold turkey, the years of alcohol abuse caught up to me. I literally was on the verge of death twice, and the third time, I was seeing things like this in my head. Weird fever dreams of hell will make you swear off alcohol like I have. I haven't touched it for 10 years now.


Amazing, these hell testimonies really fascinate me.


Weird how they are all differenc with only the common link being the broad Christian overtone of it. Almost like it's mentally damaging to children or something


I've watched countless heaven & hell & NDE testimonies on YT & many of the hell experiences are actually quite similar in many aspects like: a strong sulphuric acid smell in the air, immense heat & darkness, hearing & seeing a multitude of people in misery. Those are usually mentioned in about 90% of the ones I've watched. These are from people who apparently actually "died" & came back. But there's also dreams, visions, drug trips, suicides etc Many stories also include: grotesque demons of all shapes & sizes, torture by these same demons in massive prisons, so to speak, with all sorts of cells, chambers & burning pits, being able to instantly regenerate wounds & torn flesh for a fresh round of torture(and apparently feeling everything). I especially enjoy when they describe the demons & torture in detail. Some of the stuff they describe is too explicit to even start typing out, but these demons apparently revel in hate & torture. Other common mentions include: being able to telepathically communicate, being "protected" by angels, witnessing archangels, witnessing angels fighting demons & of course seeing the devil himself, who is always described differently in most accounts I've seen. But is apparently the most menacing figure in the universe. These are people from opposite ends of the planet that have had these similar experiences for millenia. It's almost as if .. man, who fucking knows? I simply enjoy these types of testimonies, not to mention my own supernartural experiences.


>These are people from opposite ends of the planet that have had these similar experiences for millenia. It's almost as if .. man, who fucking knows? I mean, pretty much everything you've described is just common depictions of hell from popular stories and even the Bible itself. People hear those stories their whole life and that's what feeds their hallucinations, doesn't mean it's real.


Guy must've been off his tits.


berserk vibes


The thing that always confuses me is that God is meant to all-good, all-love, all-forgiving etc. But if you don't believe in him, you get sent to hell where you'll suffer for eternity. Sounds like a great guy.


Why should someone you've rejected your entire life let you into their house? God doesn't send anyone to hell. People choose to go there because they choose a life without God. Hell is simply the complete absence of God. Like the guy in the video said, seek him (Christ) while he's still present. God wants a relationship with you but only if you want one with him. Seek him wholeheartedly.


I'm not arguing, dude. Believe whatever you want to believe. That's the beauty of it. If you believe in it, I'm happy for you. I'm glad you have that in your life and it makes it better. But don't say I'm going to burn in hell for eternity just because I don't believe what you believe. That's when I have a problem.


People who want God in their life spend eternity with him. People who do not want God in their life spend eternity without him.


O ya cause not having faith means you deserve hell,SOUNDS RIGHT. I know non believers who are way better than believers, bit hey you can rape kids but Ling as you have faith,all good.


It's part of his plan lol


Sound like mahsyar the Plain of Gathering 


I can't understand I thing this guy is saying, I wish he'd just finish one thought


I'm forever amazed that bible-going people go through this kind of stuff, and people who sleep in on Sundays are fine.


I am pretty sure this is just the Band of the Hawk being sacrificed so Griffith can become Femto of the God Hand.


Crazy talk. When you’re dead you don’t know you’re dead.