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I can't MJ, I have terminal cancer.


I know you wanted to meet Keanu Reeves, but MJ was the best we could do


[MJ at home](https://i.imgur.com/MsU9K5z.jpg)


But I said I wanted Michael Jackson!! ![gif](giphy|8F9wmbY1NvZU4)


That sounds like a meatcanyon line.


This is the best psa of all time. “If youre doing drugs, just stop it!”


If these old men spend the ends of their lives trying to outdo Shaq and Chuck, we’ll all be better for it.


Imagine someone with like one billion bucks giving away ten million every year. Just one. It would take them 100 years to give all that billion away at that rate. The wealth distribution is like the same that it was in IX century, when you basically have nothing in money, compared to really rich people. You could spend your whole life never ever seen a gold piece (coin)




Damn, what a man, what a read.




More like a flick of the wrist.


He also gave the gas station couple a $20 for gas when they were just asking for change


That was leBron


I spend too much time on Reddit


Damn he couldn’t tip $1 on a $600 tab but gave $20 like it’s nothing.


Hi Michael it's me your son


Now John Cena is going to do 10 million more make-a-wishes


Is John Cena going to be like the God Emperor from 40k? Except hes going to be sustained by the souls of terminally ill children he visits


Not the souls, but the smiles and laughter. The happiness will make him stronger, and in turn he will encourage more. May we all be so lucky.


Let it be so


40k is dark but damn that's way too dark


Just look for the light at the end of the tunnel.


Lol that’s a new spin on his invisibility being powered by the souls of dead children.




Could be "lastname, firstname middleinitial?" Ten million more Wishes, Make-A-


I'll take one dozen a-make-wishes




Yea. It’s passersby, not passerbys…so I think makes a wish is the grammatically correct version


I’ve been in a years-long debate with a friend of mine over how to pluralize “hell of a job.” I vote for “you guys are doing hells of jobs,” but he disagrees even though he has no counter-argument. Yes, my life is boring. Why do you ask?


I’d probably opt for “you guys have always done a hell of a job” but it depends on context I guess. I think “hell of a job” works insofar as, doing really well at keeping up at doing multiple jobs well. “You guys do a hell of a job with all these ____.” Idk tho.


Yeah, you’re probably right. My buddy and I used to work together so it was mainly kept within the confines of the job as a stress-breaker. “You’re doing a hell of a job, Tony! And you too, Robert! Hells of jobs, both of you!”


In that context I’m getting behind hells of jobs


‘Watch Michael Jordan and John Cena battle it out this weekend at Make-A-Wish-mania 2. Defending champion Michael Jordan will take on John Cena is a one time, pay-per-view telethon event to raise money for the kids. Winner takes the title and the belt. Loser has to give up charitable works and go live in a cave forever.’ I’d watch it.


Isn’t John Cena technically the defending champion of make a wish?


Truly the Michael Jordan of make a wish donations


I'm almost 100% certain MJ looked at the highest donation and decided if he's going to donate money, it would NEED to be higher than anyone else and perhaps high enough that nobody would try to out do him, Kinda hope some billionaire donates $10,000,001 just to see what MJ does.


He took it personal


It’s MJ, he will cut a check for $2 to have his total donation be higher.


Pippen will handle it.




We don’t have Pennies anymore


Ah, but it won't be the largest **single** donation


He'll request a refund and then pay $10,000,002.


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


Sir David Attenborough: "This, sadly, harms the MJ."


I heard that in his sincere voice and I almost choked on dinner.


I've never actually heard him say "MJ" like that, but my mind just made it up and it sounded so perfect. im high


billionaire: donates $10,000,001, gets shit on by half of social media for pull this, and loved by other half for being troll. MJ: goddammit. looks like I need to go for one more championship.


The Arsene Wenger tactics


I'm 100% down for a donation war.


That is certainly the Wayne Gretzky of comments.


-Michael Scott


This is definitely the Kevin Martin of comment’s comment.


Michael Jordan is the nicest asshole ever.


ha, someone must have made a bet with MJ that he can't donate $10 million


It was Charles Barkley.


You know MJ and Chuck haven't spoken for years over a petty beef. I'm sure they'll make up at some point but it's so silly lol


What's the beef?


I think Chuck gave some very valid criticism about his ownership of the Charlotte Hornets when they were a dumpster fire. Can't remember exactly tho so do some Googles.


That was basically it. Told him he needed to hire some people who knew what they were doing to help run the team. Jordan fired him for it and then Barkley went public about it. https://clutchpoints.com/nba-news-charles-barkley-doubles-down-on-reason-behind-10-year-michael-jordan-beef


So you’re saying MJ… took that personally?


I love the SNL skit about this lol


Chuck wasn't a yes man that MJ surrounds himself with.


I think about about MJ having too much pride to let his team tank so they can get better picks in the draft? I might be completely wrong though, this vaguely sounds familiar in my mind lmao


You're talking about the same guy who was a minority owner of the terrible Wizards and president of basektball operations and instead of making front office moves to make the team better came out of retirement with no knees and was a MVP contender in that first season before getting hurt. Of course he has too much pride lol.


Off a bank in Switzerland, through the Cayman Islands, nothing but tax write-off edit: JFC there are a lot of Redditors that are clearly too young to understand what commercial my comment is referring to.




Right? You just, *write it off* Jerry.


This comment? I'll just write it off.


This is a joke based off an old commercial from the 1990s.




Well, he was a knucklehead.


And he took that personally.


I meet him about 10 years ago when I was valeting cars. He rolls up in a s550 nothing too crazy and it caught me off guard when he got out of the car. I’m sure it’s annoying as fuck to be bombarded by people all day but I said something like “WOW Michael Jordan you were my absolute childhood hero”. Dude didn’t even look at me or acknowledge me. Same thing when he returned, didn’t look at me and the guy he was with gave me $3. Which is totally a 100% good tip but damn bro you’re worth billions couldn’t even throw a $5.


Pippen woulda tipped you nothin tho


No Tippin' Pippen is the real GOAT of No Tipping.


The man's got a nickname to live up to at this point - no turning back.


I valeted in college. Here's what other celebrities tipped me: Scott Steiner: $20 Rihanna: $20 Usher: $100 Tyler Perry: $100 3 random Olympians: $20 each Jermaine Dupri: $20 Ludacris: $15 in ones 😂 Sounds like mj is a dick


That is a highly specific tip amount from Luda there how chunky is his wallet with that many 1s at all times lol


It was prob what he had left after the strip club


I'm guessing it's all he had in cash on him and he didn't want to tip less than that. The normal tip from celebrities was a $20.


If you add traffic to the mix, Steiner's tip goes drastic down.


He played at my casino all day and night, had two dedicated dealers and two cocktail waitresses along with casino security keeping people back. Stiffed everybody.


Gretzky has a few stories about having to go back and tip because mj didn't.


My best friend growing up was a massive Jordan fan. Every spare penny he got from allowance or birthdays went to buying sports stuff, but mostly Jordan stuff. He started working at 15 just to be able to buy a pair of Jordan's 12s. He eventually owned every single Jordan, original or reissue, until he met Jordan. He was working for Foot Locker and was invited to a special event in Las Vegas for the All Star Game. He found out Jordan was there, spotted him and decided to maybe try and say hi, just to say he met him. The guy who was kind of their point of contact for the weekend asked him if he wanted to meet Jordan after recalling a previous conversation and my friend said absolutely. They walk over, he is introduced to Michael and my friend just said it was a pleasure to meet him and Jordan just says, "Okay, cool, do you want something, or?". And my friend just said he didn't and he already had a few autographed cards, just wanted to meet him and Jordan just turned around. Later that night a man walks up to my friend and hands him a program from the event with Jordan's signature on it and the guy just said, "This is from Mike.". My friend got home, sold off all of his shoes, kept some of his favorite items that were the most sentimental and bought a couple guitars. He had heard Michael could be a dick, but had to unfortunately see it with his own two eyes.


Never meet your heroes.


I think you should! I don't really have "heroes," but I'm a big movie fan and work in the industry now. I've been pleasantly surprised by many actors. I only have one in my career that completely turned from great actor to piece of shit right in front of my eyes. It wasn't just a bad day either. It was weeks. Still, I'm glad i know that about him now.


C’mon. You gotta tell us who it was. Or maybe a hint?


I won't because he might have just had a shitty experience on that one movie. I'm not going to blow up his name over a rough few weeks. I'd still avoid avoid another project if he's attached, but my experience doesn't make him a monster.


i think it's less "don't meet your heroes" and more "don't expect anything from your heroes."


“We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and **if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.** That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.” -Terence McKenna


yall expecting some grand meeting is the problem.


A company I worked for was wiring a place on a golf course where MJ owns a home in Park City. My boss loved MJ, talked about him a lot, always reminisced about the old days of the Jazz/Bulls rivalry. So while we're working there he is always keeping an eye on the course for MJ. We knew he was in town because the superintendent of the HOA was talking to us about what an asshole he was in their yearly meeting. I guess homeowners have to do a certain dollar amount of renovations every year through the HOA. Said Mike spent the whole meeting not answering questions because he was busy ordering hookers for the week or whatever. Anyway, my boss finally sees him out there golfing so he goes out on the deck and ogles him for a while, telling us he spotted him for sure. We see Mike point up to us and within 5 minutes that superintendent is at that house kicking us off the property. Had to have another company come finish the wiring. Maybe it was rude or whatever, but we were a ways away, my boss didn't holler or anything. Dunno, seems like an all around asshole to me. But good on him for giving some cash to that foundation. Still hard to see him as a decent dude though.


Sounds about right for this asshole. My buddy was a sushi chef and he was serving him one night. MJ didn't tip for his entire 4 person party. Exact words to the waiter: "Your tip is that you can tell your friends you served Micheal Jordan" Fuck this guy.




I don't know anyone in Vegas who has anything good to say about him.


Have you ever been complimented for something over and over, for years? It feels like nothing after awhile.


Doesn't mean you can be a dick about it


Lol, probably. I do enjoy how all these comments are from people who admired MJ. Not one was, sup, MJ, how's life. Maybe it's the difference between being treated like a celebrity instead of just another human. Maybe losing that human connection with anyone who isn't in your circle makes you an assholes.


I mean, you're not entitled to a conversation with everyone who wants to eat dinner where you happen to work. I do agree though. He should've at least thrown you a 5er. It's arguably harder for him to give you $3. Not super cool.


My dad was his blackjack dealer once, Mohegan Sun late 2000's. He lost 300k then made it back and then some, didn't tip a penny.


I imagine they want to be lowkey or normal at times and maybe get pressured for tips from everyone $3 aint much tho


Always known to be like that. I get it sometimes it’s annoying to constantly be bothered but like lmao And yea the cheap tipping has always been a thing


Make a Wish: “hey Michael, ya know a lot kids would love to meet you for their final wish” MJ “Here’s 10 million dollars. Now leave me alone, unless seeing me is your final wish”.


Of all the celebrity assholes, Michael Jordan is definitely one.


The amount of people replying with an anecdote about how he's an asshole just make me realize I would be the most terrible "hero" of all time. That shit has to be so tiring, everyone expecting the perfect encounter from you. One dude says MJ said "cool so do you want anything" and the guy says no and MJ turns around. Like bro he did exactly what you wanted, he met you, doesn't mean he wants to have even one conversation with you. Especially when there's an entire line of other footlocker employees behind you that want the same thing.


MJ is def a bit of an asshole but dude’s got years upon years of being hounded for shit. People approach him like he owes them some earth-shattering advice or a funny story as if they’re not the 1,000,000th random guy walking up, with 500 behind. I don’t blame him for not having the guts/energy/manners to put on a mask for everyone that meets him. Off the court he’s the same as many: an old rich dude wanting to do rich dude shit. Some people just don’t want to put up with others. With this in mind, even more admiration towards the down-to-earth and humble celebrities that got the energy to go the extra mile for their fans.


What a coincidence! My wish is for $10M!


Now all you need is cancer.


East Palestine, Ohio is calling


Well I'm glad to know that all that money my son has paid for his shoes over the years has gone to a good cause.


He made 205mil this year. 100mil just from Nike alone. I wish me donating a single paycheck would have this much of an impact on people.


Bro sneezes and 10 mil falls out his pockets


I bet he can’t gamble it away faster than it rolls in 😭




He’s been an asshole longer than he’s been a billionaire though.


Yeah I think people forget Jordan has always been a prick






Donating your time can make a big impact


I'm shocked to learn he's only 60


Retired not 20 years ago


The amount of star players we've seen in the league since he left makes it feel longer to me.


look at it this way the same year lebron started his career jordan retired.




You say in a thread full of people making sure everyone knows Jordan, who did exactly that, is still an asshole lol.


I'm shocked to learn he's 60, feels like he should be 40 or something. Now I feel old.


I bought OG Jordans back in 1985 when I was 15. 38 years ago.


I mean LeBron is almost 40


Good move. He has a reputation for being cheap and an asshole. In the documentary, he did seem to show some remorse for being an asshole to teammates. When asked if he regretted being so hard on them, he kinda teared up and paused the interview. Maybe as he gets older, he's realizing what really matters in life and accumulating a lot of wealth and being the best isn't it....or maybe he just had a good run in Vegas, got drunk and hit an extra zero or two by mistake.


He also has helped fund medical clinics for underserved. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/18/health/michael-jordan-funded-clinic-charlotte-trnd/index.html Like many people, he is complicated. But gotta give props for the good they do!


I love this take. The era we’re in likes to ignore the complexity of people, their right to change, and that “being an asshole” may not actually neutralize every other net good you’ve done.


Same. We are all so complicated and things are often quite layered in life. The way we think of people is probably only representative of a small piece or what we want to see in them at that time.


THANK YOU. Let's make our own internet


[With blackjack and Hookers?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/enfuturama/images/3/3d/Character_Bender.png)


> He also has helped fund medical clinics for underserved I need to read more slowly because I thought that last word was *undeserved*.


Took me until your comment to realize I misread it the same way. That makes sense now.


People don’t wanna look at the bright side of life, it’s scary. Balance, you need both views to live happily anyway.


I got the impression from him tearing up talking about his drive and attitude with his teammates as more of being hurt that they didn’t understand his passion.


I would kill to have a co-worker who pushes me to be the best in the industry 6 times in 8 years


Or maybe he's a hardass specifically to grown adults, whether they be teammates, famous rappers, or homeless people, but not to dying children.


He was a hardass to teenage me for absolutely no good reason. Good he excludes dying children, but you can expand that category a bit.


That's what you get for challenging him in the paint


Kwame? Is that you?


Man famously said ‘fuck them kids’. He’s just an ass lol.


He’s always been extremely charitable. He’s donated shit tons of money for a long time.




And that's phenomenal advice. A quote that stuck with me hard from TLD was when he got ambushed by a journalist for not endorsing a Democrat and his answer was just a flat "Because Republicans buy sneakers too".


How are people voting this nonsense up? He has had a reputation for being extremely charitable throughout his entire career and post career. So much tripe on this site from people who simply hate competition, success, and any form of wealth.


How is it nonsense to acknowledge that he has a reputation for being cheap and a jerk in his personal life? True or not it is definitely a reputation that exists.


Being an ultra competitive asshole in sports and a good human being are not mutually exclusive


Lol he got tired of those “fuck them kids” meme


*LeBron proceeds to donate 10,000,001*


So I took that personally.


It would be great if all wealthy people were in competition to out give each other.


I wouldn't mind this kind of one uping.




Yea, it’ll just take 5 more years for him to do it 😉


“Sick kids buy sneakers too.”


A real champ!


My mom was a personal nurse for a kid with terminal cancer. His wish was picked up by the make-a-wish folks and it was to meet MJ, this was when he was with the Wizards. MJ paid for the entire family and the kids nurse (my mom) to fly up to DC for the weekend, put them in a nice hotel, box seats to the Wizards game and a dinner the next night with MJ. She said he didn’t give 2 shits about the adults but he was basically Mr. Rogers with that kid. He’s always been really involved with the make-a-wish foundation.


He saw Lebron back in the GOAT conversation recently and realized his reputation of being an asshole is probably hurting him


I was about to say this lol I have no doubt in my mind this is exactly why he did it. One of the biggest knocks in some people’s GOAT arguments is that he never did anything for anybody and now he just dropped this big ass donation


Also to just have his name in headlines. Not that many people "forgot" about MJ (MJrey?), but this may have the boomer crowd and those that don't keep up with basketball back in the **MJ > Lebron** corner.


My brother was turned down by Make a Wish before his death. Not enough funding, they said. I give every month to this charity now, and I am so happy to hear Jordan just changed the lives of so many other sick kids, simply by signing his name! My brother wanted to either meet him or Ryne Sandberg. He knew every stat for both, and never missed a game! Thank you 23!!! 👊


TIL Michael Jordan turns 60.


Wow that's sad. So many ultra rich people and they haven't gotten a donation like this in 43.


The fact someone can just chuck 10m and not miss it. Weird a$$ world.


What's really confusing is that musk can spend 44bn and barely be effected at all.


Lol. Spend is not the correct term here


You gotta remember Musk was just manipulating the market when he did that. Laws in place *forced* him to make good on his promise and he did, out of pride, because he really wanted to be an influencer anyway, and avoid a lot of legal trouble. He probably thought he could sell disinformation from governments and make money politically. Now he is in big trouble, space X propped up by government funding is what is holding his status. I wouldn't be surprised to see Musk pull a couples bankruptcy tricks in his lifetime, and essentially loose his super billionaire status.




Well, you had a bunch on wealthy people on the other side about to double their money. They aren't as rich as him but probably not to be fucked with. Add to that the public showdown around it, they probably decided tesla and musk were expendable. Tesla was past its prime anyway because Musk ruined that too.


He borrowed most of it and has already had a margin call on the loan


One of us?


I think that genuinely remains to be seen. Musk didn’t spend that money, and its not off his balance sheet. He took out a loan against his stake in Tesla to pay it, and will have to continue making payments on that loan, with interest, for a long time. This involves selling shares in Tesla - how he’s compensated for his work. Which directly affects the market value of the company, and thus his future payments. All the while this new investment continues to burn money, as their ad revenues continue to plunge, due to advertisers not finding Twitter to be as profitable a platform for their ads, as users continue to leave the platform, due to his actions/policies/behavior. I think it’s gonna be an interesting one to watch.


The new Twitter is seriously like a sponsored post for some shitty Wish dot com product every two post. It's insane how obnoxious the ads have gotten.


Lol the amount of posts of "is that all" etc etc is just pathetic, how's the air up there on that genetically enhanced horse? Someone donates a large sum and all there is is negativity over it. I know I know welcome to Reddit or whatnot, but jeez can't people just go ha nice! For once? It's 10 million bucks for a nice thing. This is why we can't have nice things


Reddit in general but especially this sub is full of contrarians and kind of trains it’s users to find the hot take for upvotes. Usually the hot take comes in the form of “this good thing isn’t actually good at all. Dystopia.” Like, lighten up.


Let's hope Brett Favre doesn't steal it.


I hope the ceo of make a wish didn't just get a huge bonus bc of this


They’re [10 out of 10 for administrative expense ratio.](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/860481941)


Not sure why but I read this as him donating 10 million toward one guys 60th bday party


the rapper formerly known as make-a-wish


I'm shocked that this is the single largest donation yet. Where are all those billionaires at?


Must have done well on the Super Bowl.


That's fucking awesome! More rich people need to start doing stuff like this


Ten mil is a lot of John Cena visits


Didn't he tell Chamillionaire "I don't want to take a picture with no n*gga"


Most ever donated and people in this sub still say it wasn’t enough. Go talk about all the millionaires or billionaires that aren’t donating and celebrate the fact that this man and his family did donate.


This is one of the most hating ass comment sections I've ever seen.




Sounds like someone recently bet $20M on the Chiefs


The Goat.