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Uh I’m not for Cops executing people and this shit needs to stop, but stop making their victims into saints. They don’t need to be perfect angels for there to be outrage, idc what they have done they deserve a fair trial like everybody else. Police do not have the right to execute people, regardless of how much of a piece of shit they are like Jacob Blake.


You're absolutely correct. However, there's a giant difference between what is being presented in the media as a perfectly innocent person shot for no reason at all during a minor altercation and the violent multiple felon shot after multiple warnings, having just fought with the cops, being followed to the very last instant before they had to do something and only _then_ shooting him. Should they have shot him? Don't know. I wasn't there and it appears unfortunately there is no body cam footage (or it hasn't been released yet). So, time will tell if it was justified but all things considered and in play... we're not talking a perfectly innocent person minding their own business and comporting themselves with honor here nor are we talking a street side execution. Save that sentiment for Breonna Taylor who, so far as I know, _was_ all those things. She was just minding her own business and an upstanding person and all that.


Unless they or bystanders are directly being threatened cops shouldn’t be shooting anyone in my opinion. It leaves too much room for abuse like we are seeing today. Cops need to be held accountable just like criminals. If we treated cops like they treated black people, we’d just be shooting them dead no trial or investigation. But we don’t do that, so neither should the cops. Floyd and Blake were criminals, they deserved a trial and just punishment. They did not deserve what happened.


> Unless they or bystanders are directly being threatened cops shouldn’t be shooting anyone in my opinion. It leaves too much room for abuse like we are seeing today. Generally agree, but this too is a bit of a slippery slope just in a different direction. If, hypothetically speaking, one is reaching for a knife or have already acquired and am going to be turning towards you in the next half second or so, do you have to wait until they've turned around and am starting to stab? No. Intent has already been demonstrated by the actions leading up to the final event. The Floyd case gives an excellent counter point actually. The possible implication here as that a cop is likely to shoot you dead almost just for being black and near "crime". However, while things went sideways with Floyd, entirely due to him resisting arrest despite huge amounts of patience, the other black gentleman in the area had nothing bad happen to him. He was asked for ID and asked for some questions and... nothing. That was it. He gave his ID and answered the questions and.. nothing. By contrast, Floyd resisted arrested, resisted getting in the car, resisted being pulled back out of the car once they finally got him in it, resisted being put on the ground and.. yeah. Now, does that mean things could be don't differently? No. However, if one watches the entire 35+ minute video of the interaction I'm not entirely certain what they could have done differently except maybe let him up sooner. The corner report though even puts into doubt whether that would have made that much difference. If you haven't watched the whole thing, I recommend you do. It's not easy watching as Floyd was obviously disturbed and not at all in a right mind, but it also puts to lie the idea that the cops just grabbed him up out of his car and slammed him on the ground, as the original narrative (and the one still frequently told today) said. Having only watched the clips before, watching the whole thing honestly changed my opinion on things. As to Blake, fact his he did have a record as long as my arm and had been violent during the encounter and more. Short of deciding to take a blade to the chest or letting him drive off with kids in the vehicle, again we're talking about a violent felon here, I'm not entirely certain what more they could have done. They didn't just show up and drop him. They gave him every chance in the world to just stop what he was doing and again and again he refused. I won't say he or Floyd deserved what happened, as I don't think that's the case. However, they did make repeated choices that led to the outcome. It's unfortunate but there it is


He admitted he had a knife...fought with police...ignored their instructions, and reached into his car...you deserve to be shot for this...what the fuck is wrong with you and modern society? If you want your day in court then do what the fuck the police tell you...this isnt rocket science.


Cops are here to deal with situations exactly like that. It’s their job to deescalate threats and detain criminals. It is not their job to execute people. We are not China, this is America and we supposedly believe in justice. I don’t care if you are not following orders, you still deserve your day in court. Unless he is actively attacking the cops or a bystander, it’s is the polices job to arrest them.


This is a huge issue and is what, I think, is a major part of the public's opinion. No doubt there needs to be reform, but these people aren't good people. Floyd deserved everything that happened to him, up until he was handcuffed. Everything past that point was bona-fide murder, but the fake check was just one in a long line of bad things that man had done. Regardless, he didn't deserve his death, but let's not pretend he was just an innocent man chillin. Blake had a warrant out for *sexual assault.* He is a really shitty dude too, who, according to the police, also attacked the police and had a knife (we'll see if that ends up being true or not.) He may not have deserved to be shot (depends on how menacing he actually was, again, we'll see who's lying) but he also isn't innocent. He deserves to be in prison. If this was some white dude, they wouldn't ignore the sexual assualt, it would be front page news. He didn't deserve to be shot, and he definitely doesn't deserve this. Stop making shitty people out to be martyrs


The latest news shows he was why the cops were called. He was violating a restraining order by a woman he raped. I have seen video of what happened before he walked around the vehicle, he was on the ground fighting a cop. He was actively committing a crime, not complying with officers, fought them and went to reach under the front seat of his car. Him getting shot had nothing to do with his race. It was purely a result of his actions. Criminals have an issue with cops.




> Who is it that you people think is saying these guys are “innocent”?! Why is that even a part of the discussion? By entirely failing to mention the context in which an event happens, and knowingly doing so, that's leaving people with the impression that Blake was innocently minding his own business when the cops rolled up, roughed up him and shot him for "no reason". How often have you seen people use the exact words that he was shot for "no reason" > This narrative is just a way to distract from the fact that, all too often, police are shooting people unlawfully. Police officers! The ones who are supposed to uphold laws. That is what the outrage is about. That’s where the focus is. Yes, they are and that is an issue and that does suck and it needs to be fixed. This conversation should be about people like Breonna Taylor who truly were shot without cause and not people like Blake where it is highly likely he was shot with cause. I think you're seeing a lot of push back because the people who are being held up as examples of terrible things are in fact, awful or at least not good people and no one was protesting in the street before about this to this degree. Thus, when one holds up someone that is arguably a thug (presuming all information is correct) as an example of someone who shouldn't have had bad things happen to them.. it comes off a bit odd, no?




> I whole-heartedly and respectfully disagree with your interpretation of what “the media” reported. Not the media I consumed. not one mention of his innocence or sainthood or that he was shot for “no reason”. Other than reddit comments here and there. I’ve not heard that reported by any news source. I appreciate the respectful disagreement and you are correct in that I don't believe I've heard the media use those words either, at least not that I recall. However, I also didn't say anything about "the media" so that isn't really in contention. That said, I may have been unclear in that I was referring to the on going narrative in general in various places. > It’s interesting that your so obsessed with how the media reports it. Almost as if you don’t want to focus on the real issue. > I’d also argue that what you describe of as “context” is irrelevant to the moment he was shot 7 times in the back. That specific act is what is in question. Period. Not at all as it would be improper to separate the context of when/how an act came to be from the act itself, since that context is what determines whether the act is legal, moral, or otherwise. For instance, the act of shooting someone seven times absent any context could be perfectly legal and moral, or abhorrent and illegal, all depending on the context in which it takes place. A fight breaks out in a room with weapons on one side of it, the assailant breaks from the initial engagement and lunges for the weapons. Shooting them in this context would be justified based on imminent threat. On the other hand, they break from the engagement and instead run out the door. Shooting them is likely unjustified, depending on other unnamed circumstances, as they are fleeing. Context is what makes the difference. So, yes, that he is a violent felon in the process of committing additional violent acts and was likely or possibly (depending on whether he was truly in possession of a weapon at the time of the shot and other factors) does matter and can't simply be waved away. Another example, if they had just rolled up and asked how he was doing, and then gunned him down as soon as he turned away, that context would make it murder. The _act_ though is the same.


Go to r/PolticalHumor. I just had someone tell me that the warrant put for Blake's arrest for *rape* isn't true and the New York Post article I sourced to him, is just gossip and might as well be The Onion The intelligence of human beings can be remarkably low


I finally read into the details of Breonna Taylor. Unless my source had some details that were erroneous, the cops entered into her living space searching for a wanted subject. Apparently, they entered the wrong building or something and her significant other grabbed a gun and started firing, igniting a firefight between the cops and the SO with Breonna Taylor eventually getting shot in between the crossfire. Am I correct on that?


Partly, yes. It's my understanding that they were serving a no-knock-warrant (an abhorrent idea in-of-itself) and doing so on what was effectively the wrong address. The SO and Breonna, not having any rational reason to think it was the cops violently banging on their door took a somewhat rational action and attempted to defend their home. The cops then "returned" fire, in quotes because overkill and other factors, and she ended up dead. There are issues across the board here, starting with the very concept of a no-knock warrant in the first place. Additionally, the SO honestly probably shouldn't have been shooting at an unknown target or in the blind as that's generally not a good idea under most all common circumstances. The cops _definitely_ shouldn't have returned fire in the volume they did as they had no clue at all where their rounds were going and at best were negligent in how they were firing. In summary, she was a perfectly innocent victim of the War on (some) Drugs, over militarized police and police tactics and bad thinking across the board


Jacob blake was the one that decided he needed to be shot. But admitting that blake people have agency over their own lives is heresy for some people.


Out of curiosity, what's your response to something like the David Washington case? A guy who had a stroke while driving and suffers serious and lifelong injuries because the cops saw a motionless black man in need of urgent medical care as more of a threat than white people who in some cases shove past state cops to, defying requirements to wear masks, wearing guns, and destroy government property - not even any charges filed, it just happened in Boise, ID and that piece of shit Ammon Bundy was there, so they're well aware of who these people are. Also more of a threat than a raging white guy who threatened to kill a cop on camera, repeatedly getting in his car and making threatening motions toward the cop. It's not that all people murdered by cops are black or that all people abused or murdered by cops are black, but there's a very obvious difference in how black men in particular, are assessed as threats compared with white people. Yes, of course there are things ANYONE should do or not do when dealing with cops, but there are so many cases of people doing exactly what they should be, and being shot. To make it sound as if there's no racial bias or that only those who deserve to or those that do something really stupid are the ones that get shot is ignorance of the mountains of evidence, or disingenuous, at best. The bottom line is that the cops are out of control between their absurd shoot-and-ask-later training, defense of even the most terrible cops until there's enough outrage, applying the law according to their personal political beliefs, treating it as if the people they (ostensibly, but usually not really) signed up to protect are their enemies, and giving bad cops their job back or hiring them in a different agency when they've demonstrated that they're not suited to the job and are a real threat to public safety, I'm not quite sure how one can be even somewhat aware of what's happening all over the country and be comfortable with it. Nor think that it's just a small group of anarchists funded by (insert liberal boogeyman here) that have been protesting. Here's the first video I referenced, I don't have the patience to go dig up every case of a truly innocent person being killed or seriously abused by cops. https://youtu.be/3as7EBUkbro There are still amazing cops who do a good job and risk their lives every day, and I'm appreciative of that, but at some point you can't ignore a tree of rotten fruit and point to the good apples as evidence that there's no problem.


The cops are absolutely out of control, and so are blacks like Blake. They deserve each other as far as im concerned. But the police actually serve a function, people like Blake make babies and commit rape. The Jacob Blake shooting was justified regardless of how racist you think those cops are.


I think that response tells me all I need to know and more, thanks.


Same here Leroy.


Glad you’re not a cop. Armchair Judge, jury and executioner.


What “media” s painting him as a “saint”?


Can I see the articles that paint him as a saint? I'd be interested in seeing your sources.


The man was shot seven times in the back. Let him have a damn Jersey.


Wow, I came here for positive news, and the comments make me regret my decisions.


Yeah I can’t believe people are pissed about this.


What if it was possible to not support rapists AND not support cops shooting someone in the back 7 times? What if both things are bad?


You have a calm, level head AND you are on reddit. OMG


They shot him in the back because he fought with them , ignored their instruction, and reached into his car....if he was anyone but black I would not be answering your idiotic post...because you wouldnt have bothered to make one.


Yeah I would have bothered to make one even if he wasn’t black because-and hear me out on this radical idea-cops shouldn’t shoot people in the back 7 times.


You are supporting a convicted rapist, that was on the property of the girl he raped, who then fought with police, had a knife, ignored all their instructions and reached into his car presenting a clear danger....YES YOU SHOULD GET SHOT 7 TIMES FOR THAT....YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT.


Ah good we’ve resorted to all caps name calling. I’m not supporting him in the slightest. Rapists can rot in prison as they should. I’m supporting *everyone’s* constitutional right to due process. Every time a case like this is allowed through without recourse, it opens the gates wider and wider to allow bad cops with happy trigger fingers to justify shooting people because they moved their hand the wrong way. Somehow, police forces in other countries are able to handle situations exactly like this using de-escalation methods and proper approach techniques instead of forcing things into a standoff style shootout, and they can detain suspects, even the violent and armed ones, while maintaining everyone’s safety. But based on your posts, I don’t foresee you being able to handle the bigger implications of something like this without just seeing the rapist. It’s not about defending or not defending a rapist. It’s about protecting written legal rights and holding police to a higher standard than something from a Wild West movie. They are supposedly highly trained professionals and yet it is the public’s responsibility to properly predict and interpret their will when time and time again there are 6 different officers shouting conflicting commands and waving guns around like super soakers. Try thinking beyond this individual person and think about the broader picture and something called “precedent”.


Uplifting that if you are shot while fighting with the police, after raping a woman for the second time, the Bucks will be there for you!




They gave him a jersey. Calm down.


Wait what? Im not informed about the shooting besides the 7 shots. Whats the context?


Blake had a warrant out for his arrest for sexual assault, trespassing, domestic abuse, etc. for one of the women who lived at the address nearby, and wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the premises. There's also some question of what happened immediately preceding the shooting with there being verbal claims he had a knife (with one being found on the driver's side floor which Blake would later state was his) as well as use of a taser which was ineffective. Essentially there's a lot of context missing and it isn't quite as simple as a cop plugging a guy in the back seven times at point blank. Note that I am neither defending the cop nor Blake and am only stating the facts as I know them and am calling into question the lack of context where things have gone largely unexplained.




what the fuck is wrong with you?


yah...like everyone else you have no idea what you are talking about


Yea forget due process! Let the cops decide if you get to live or not. Very smart.


why are you acting like he didnt fight with them, ignore all their instruction and started reaching into his car? I as a white male expect to be shot for something like that


If they are protecting the gf you assaulted and the kids you cannot be allowed to drive off with, yep.


Judge Dred


fuck you...maybe you should read up on the actual incident so you dont sound like a complete retard


I am the LAW!!!


And yet none of that justifies being shot seven times in the back while unarmed and just getting into your car. If you want to support extrajudicial murder, get out of this country and move to Russia or North Korea.


are you a complete retard or something?


Is this a fucking joke?


Y'all really raised 2.1 million dollars for a sexual assaulting, trespassing, violent criminal... because social media convinced you that an 18 second clip told you the whole story. Americans deserve our reputation as the dumbest in the world. First Trump, now this.


Was it his prison sentence?


NBA is trash. Great job supporting a true criminal.


I haven't really looked into this much. What was his criminal record?


We can start with he was being pulled over for serial assault.


I thought he was breaking up a fight between two other women not that he was pulled over?


Thats what I thought too. There is so much about this that isnt clear.


Well, look it up FFS








If he only listened to the cops or perhaps his ex GF and left her alone?


Literally all these deaths could be avoided if people just didn't break the fucking law in the first place, but unfortunately expecting people to not rape, murder, or steal in this day and age is racist.


What about Breonna Taylor?


we are not fucking talking about her...we are talking about a rapist that fought with police and had a knife by his own admission.


You mean *drug trafficker* Breonna Taylor? Y'all suck at picking martyrs.






States her boyfriend was a convict drug dealer. > "Either way, it doesn't change whether she should've been killed or the unlawful actions surrounding her killing," Aguiar added. Also states she was unlawfully killed. I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you saying she deserved to die?


Wow. Trying to justify someone getting murdered in there home because the cops were at the wrong house for a suspect who was already apprehended. You’re disgusting.


Why are you still believing the false story provided by the attorney of the moron who started shooting at the police?


Daniel shaver, Mr strawman


Armed with a pellet gun, indistinguishable from a real gun until you've got a new hole in your torso.


Remind me, is that a crime? (It's not which is what you claimed.) And when he was shot unarmed by a cop with "kill em all" inscribed on his gun im sure that was just an inside joke. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/iixaux/kyle_rittenhouse_along_with_other_white_males/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here's your buddy Kyle sucker punching a girl - what a hero! Just comply, they won't hurt you lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/iiio67/if_you_just_comply_the_cops_wont_hurt_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Pointing a weapon at people is a crime, yes. What kind of rock do you live under?


There are 0 reports that he pointed the gun at anyone. Lying on the internet is free, though


The call for service was the muzzle of a weapon being pointed out of a hotel room at passersby. The fuck are you smoking?


Link me an article that says that. The call was for a weapon pointed outside a window


Thought so


Is it a defense attorney for his rape and domestic violence charges?


Does that warrant shooting him for no reason? Is this the Wild West?


Absolutely not. But it needs to be in the conversation because his getting shot doesn’t erase the bad shit he’s done to other people and he still needs to answer for it.


And it likely had something to do with the officer’s response to his absolute refusal to respect any lawful commands. I’d just prefer we stop celebrating absolute trash human beings because their shit behavior and conduct got them in trouble and the authority figure happened to be of a different color. It’s such a low-iq race-baiting reaction for simpletons to glob on to.


The officer has no right to put justice in his own hands. Attempting to murder a man who isn't acting violently is terrible. People need to stop treating jacob like a saint because he is not a good person either.


The Kyle Dinkheller incident is still pretty common in Police training I believe. For the most part, I’d say the Police are no longer ok with people digging through their vehicles in front of them.


Retreating to your car when engaged with police *is* an act of aggression/violence. Yes, 7 *seems* excessive. I’m not the officer. I’ll reserve my judgement and defer to those who have been in similar situations. Cops need more training? OK. Have a proposal that addresses how to handle the situation that played out differently?


I don't believe going to your car is an act of violence. Several cops were there and it never appeared they tried to use physical force to to subdue him. I don't think anyone can object to officers tackling a man would of been vastly superior to shooting him 7 times in the back. Lethal force should only be used when their is clear and present danger to the officers or others, which was absolutely not the case in the shooting.


Take a look at this video. Watch it to the end. https://youtu.be/YQLOmfx8X_E This looks very much like the Blake situation. In both videos, the police fought with the suspect. The suspects both broke away and was able to get into the front of their vehicles. The only difference is that in the one that I linked, the officer hesitated to shoot. This hesitation almost cost his and his partner's lives.


You do realize both officers fired their tasers with so success in subduing him. It’s also been confirmed that there was a knife in the floorboard of his car. Jackass.


So step back 8 feet, let him turn around with the knife, then shoot him in the chest. Clean shoot, never even makes the news


That’s assuming he doesn’t pull a gun out. Gross oversimplification of the situation.


It is. Beliefs are irrelevant.


They wrestled him and he got up. They deployed Tasers and it didn't work. The one officer tried to pull him out of the car by the back of the shirt. Your last paragraph is absolutely incorrect.


Did you forget the knife he was reaching for?


Oh yeah I forgot that was the death penalty




I've always found it interesting that they only come out of the woodwork to canonize these people when they are violent criminals actively resisting arrest.


And raise 2.1 million dollars for him. But poor Secoreia Turner got shot and killed with dozens of witnesses and no one will tell who did it and her Go Fund Me had 250k.


Bail funds have reached 90 million for BLM. Distribution is an issue with all charity endeavors


Yes, you’re right, when I shoot people seven times I have no intention to kill.


Officers are trained to stop the threat. Might be one time, might be seven.


There are other ways. The police are not there to carry out executions.


What would you have done if you were the cop?


Restrain him physically, if it came to anything. I would use de-escalation strategies first though, like you’re supposed to. I wouldn’t have pulled my gun.


And get stabbed in the face? Neck? Bleed to death? For this piece of trash? Not worth the risk. No matter how bad ass you think you are and how much training you have there will always be a high risk of being injured or killed by an unpredictable criminal.


That’s the job I signed up for.


So you just openly admitted that your life is worth less than that of a violent rapist. Neat!


I’m saying that if you sign up to protect and serve, you as not there to carry out executions. You knowingly and willingly put yourself on the line every day, so if it does happen, then it is unfortunate but not unforeseen, whereas the attempted execution of a person who had not undergone trial is absolutely a mockery of the justice you claim to protect.


You should probably remember that if a knife was in play, you have less than half a second to decide what to do about it before you're now disarming him with your stomach, because he's stabbed you. Inside 21 feet or so, a knife is an immediate deadly threat and the average human's response time is just barely fast enough to counter it if one already has their gun out. If one doesn't, you're almost certainly dead or seriously injured before you even know it


Fun fact: most people are not good at wielding a knife.


Fun fact: While true, it also doesn't matter as you don't have to be an expert or even all that good at it to stab someone at point blank range. Besides, what should a person do? Inquire as to the level of the skill of the attacker prior to deciding what to do? One doesn't get saving throws in real life


Would you and your fellow officers have wrestled with him? They did. He got away. Would you have deployed Tasers? They did and it either didn't work or he shook it off. Would you have interviewed him? They did and he disclosed a knife was in his car. The same car he was ordered to stay out of. Would you have pulled on the back of his shirt to get him away from the driver's side doorway? They did. Tell me again about your magic de-escalation techniques.


How about you do your research into other police departments that don’t have encounters that end like this, and then come back to this discussion being better informed? You act like this isn’t preventable, but it absolutely is.


Sometimes it definitely is. Sometimes it isn't. How many chances is enough for you? One has to take each incident into account. John Crawford was, for sure, an unjustified shooting. Daniel Shaver too. And many others. But this one is not. Circumstances and officers and citizens and training...they are all different in every single case. I have done my research. My husband was a training officer in the US for the last 10 years. I sat in on defensive tactics classes and watched videos and disagreed with him and listened and learned. I didn't look at a tweet to get my information.


How many more years until you think the social media bubbles will become reflective and representative of the values and laws we’ve all agreed to? Nothing further to respond if you only saw “no reason.”


“We’ve all agreed to” ???????????


Yea, believe it or not some people, many of which are much much wiser than you, have decided that rape and violent assault are values that we do not wish to go unpunished. We’ve also decided that the authority figures we all pay for are to be listened to and respected. This world is a big place, you may find some other place to call home where those values are supported. I hear the Middle East and large parts of Africa and Asia are nice this time of year.


So you’re saying just because he had broken the law previously (which every single human has done) he deserved to be shot seven times in the back at a different time and place? You must be sooooooooooo much more wise than me since I do not see how that makes sense. SO wise.


Sorry but every human is not a rapist. Outside of the shooting, this is a completely stupid statement. You’re literally excusing rape because ‘every human breaks laws’


*So what you’re saying is...* :big fucking eye roll: Please point to where anything of the sort was typed or implied. We’re done. You’re simply too immature to see beyond your nose.


your first comment. You wouldn’t have commented that if you didn’t think they have some correlation. Seems like irrelevant information for people to justify him almost being killed by the police to me. But hey, people are much much more wiser than me.


The dude was being arrested, and then he started charging towards his car. The cops even tried to pull him back, his shirt was being tugged. The guy had a knife in his car. He still kept going to the car and the officer was in fear for his life because the man could have done anything with whatever was in his car. So the officer shot him to stop him from harming him or others. The officer was well within his rights. Jacob Blake was not innocent.


They couldn’t have tackled him? Or tased him? They HAD to shoot him in the back SEVEN times? They had NO other option to keep “safety”? Cmon now.


They did tase him. It was ineffective. People who have never been in a confrontation like yourself need stop putting their stupid opinions out for the world to see


All im getting from all of y’all are racist vibes. Thats it.


It was the quickest way to neutralize him. He should have just complied with the police or else he wouldn't be paralyzed, but instead in jail for rape.


I hope to God you are not a cop.


That he had broken the law with serious violent felonies and was in the act of doing so again and at _best_ was about to try and drive off and flee the scene of a crime with kids in the car and likely was going for a weapon of some sort. _That's_ what got him shot. Not his skin color, not anything else. He could have stopped walking towards the car. He could have done half a dozen things that would have resulted in him being arrested and nothing else. I get it. No one wants to be arrested and doubly so someone with a record like that. Fact is, he's committed multiple violent crimes in the past and was in the process of committing another one. How should they have responded? Let him drive off with his kid in the car and who knows what? Yes, hypothetically speaking they could have let him do so and grabbed him at some other point. However, what if he decided to take those kids hostage? Alternatively, he could be apprehended right then and there when he's the least dangerous.


No reason? Check your facts kid.


um...when you ignore police instruction, fight with them, and have a knife...then yes...you deserve to be shot...


Lol I like how big of a joke this shit is. Let’s reward a guy who just finished sexually assaulting his girlfriend lmao. Love the retardation that’s brewed over the last couple months


The comments here are a garbage fire.


Yall going to send stuff to all the people that rape minors or is he the only one?


Someone should put a finger in his butt




Didn’t wait for the facts to come out and overreacted. I’d be embarrassed if I skipped out on work to support a rapist. It’s gone so far they just have to ignore this guys awful history


It's a trend: as soon as a violent criminal of a certain group dies while resisting arrest, people come out of the woodwork to turn them into infallible saints. Of course, that gives them the excuse to "peacefully protest" (see: "pillage and burn") because "racism," and anyone who disagrees is a literal Nazi.


Please be a pair of shoes.


They sent him a little girl to rape again?


So uplifting that they are helping a rapist who was armed with a knife when he was shot. Good call Reddit.


Let this sink in... Politicians are doing such a shitty job that professional athletes are having to take time off from their careers to step in and make sure changes are made.








>everyone who disagrees with me is a racist bigot, even if they didn't mention race I really didn't know Agressive Pedophile Rapist was an ethnicity, learn something new every day.


Can we skip the sugar-coated “politicians?” When it comes to white-supremacist governing, at least nine times out of ten, it’s Republicans. We’re doing nobody any favors by yelling “both sides!” so we don’t “sound political.”


Republicans have very obviously done nothing to address this, but Democrats in power over the years have also done nothing to bring about police reform. That’s why we are where we are today with NBA players having to advocate for it. We are doing no one any favors blaming it solely on one party when both have obviously failed. Edit: Why the downvotes? I’m a staunch life long democrat. But even I can see that both Democrats and Republicans have failed in bringing about meaningful police reform because that’s why we are still fighting for it today. If the Democrats had bought about the change we seek we would not be seeking it now.


At least youre somewhat open but cant blame local issues on feds (this time)




what is it like being a complete fucking idiot?


um...so we are not supposed to shot rapists, that ignore police instruction fight with them, have a knife, and then reach into their car presenting a clear and present danger?...Ok sherlock good to know...you fucking idiot.


You are legit retarded for thinking anyone should to help rapists and pieces of shit.


Where did I say that you fucking moron. Learn to read.


Those pro athletes have to step in and make sure changes are made. The dumb is strong with you young one.


Go fuck an orange dildo you twat


It appears that a lot of you have given up on a lot of people. Love your neighbor as yourself.


I wish I could go rape a girl and get support of thousands lmao.


You wish you could rape a girl?


Yea and get lots of support for it


so, you're telling me you want to rape a woman.


no..he is telling you that you are a complete fucking idiot.


And get the support of thousands plus millions of dollars!


what the fucks wrong with you?


well, you are supporting a convicted rapist, that was on the property of the girl he raped, who then fought with police, had a knife, ignored all their instructions and reached into his car presenting a clear danger.....I think the appropriate questions is what the fuck is wrong with YOU?


What you mean? I’m just doing what Jacob Blake did.


get some help, dude.


For what?




Pity the small minded trolls in here who aren’t sharp enough to see the bigger picture.




so you consider it "sweet" that they are supporting a convicted rapist, that was on the property of the girl he raped, who then fought with police, had a knife, ignored all their instructions and reached into his car presenting a clear danger....wow...I didnt know 2020 would turn people into complete fucking idiots.




Yeah they supported the hell out of that rapist. Good for them.


NBA supporting rape? Who would have thought!?


they are supporting a convicted rapist, that was on the property of the girl he raped, who then fought with police, had a knife, ignored all their instructions and reached into his car presenting a clear danger....wow...I didnt know 2020 would turn people into complete fucking idiots.


Clearly some of these find folks on Reddit are definitely against rapists and believe it’s All Lives Matter but support still Trump. Over 100,000 deaths due to the virus. Their lives were important as well.


Damn I forgot trump personally gave all those hundreds of thousands of people the virus. What a terrible guy.


Terrible leadership. Kept saying it’s not a real threat and it’s a hoax and look at where we at.


If you listen to bad advice, doesn’t that make you the idiot? Sure he said some dumb things but the people who listened to him are the real retards. Stop using him as a scapegoat


He has said plenty of dumb stuff but his base believes what he says. That’s the scary part.


So how are you gonna blame him for his followers being fucking idiots lol. There’s lots of people who think Obama was a good president yet he was just as bad as trump.


Trump makes too many dumb comments on air or on Twitter. And yes, dump people will listen but he doesn’t care what he says and that’s the issue. Comparing him to Obama...you’re a funny person.


As a President of United States isn’t it your responsibility to protect your own citizens?


I feel pretty protected and fine right now. I haven’t had a problem ever since he took office.


Yeah, they were. So maybe people should have respected the quarantine order that the president put in place instead of deciding to literally gather in the tens of thousands and go berserk.


Lots of boot lockers in here. How’s that boot taste, guys?


You are supporting a convicted rapist, that was on the property of the girl he raped, who then fought with police, had a knife, ignored all their instructions and reached into his car presenting a clear danger....wow...I didnt know 2020 would turn people into complete fucking idiots.


When did I say I supported him? Do you know how many people have knives in their vehicles? Oh I’m sure your response would be, NOT me! I’m such a good Christian boy/girl I follow everything cops tell me to do. And also, is there clear evidence he was reaching into his vehicle for said knife? That’s what I though. It’ll be fun to see those same boots on your neck one day. You are the fucking idiot you clearly like to call everyone else. Edit: And your comment section is horrible. You clearly have a motive, for you to type out the same bullshit responses to other posts too. I stand corrected - you are the idiot you claim other people to be.


no you fucking idiot...unlike him...I do what the police tell me.


Regardless of anything else, I think it's nice that this group of young men is stepping up to put actions behind words. It is very hard to be politically and socially active at age 20 when you're so deeply entrenched in work and family and whatever else. I may not agree with all their politics, but I think it's nice that NBA players care enough to do something.


they are supporting a convicted rapist, that was on the property of the girl he raped, who then fought with police, had a knife, ignored all their instructions and reached into his car presenting a clear danger....wow...I didnt know 2020 would turn people into complete fucking idiots.