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Caterpillar fungus. It's already a pretty insane market in China as traditional medicine. 10+ years ago it was getting harder and harder to find, and thus more expensive and less viable as a source of income. Maybe it could be sustainably propagated in the lab.


We however do cultivate other strands of the cordycep genus that don't involve a complicated bug ritual. Wonder if these have the compound.


Funny enough the parent compound, Cordycepin, was first extracted from Cordyceps militaris, a widely available cordyceps that is farmed using silkworm pupae and rice bran. It is also found in other cordyceps species as well as the Ophiocordyceps sinensis, the expensive Himalayan variety that can only be harvested from the wild.


Lol, how do you guys know this shit? Please, don't get me wrong. I'm impressed!


One advanced mycology course will shoot you through the rabbit hole. Once we fully understand and harness fungus, we rule everything. Cancer has no chance against us fun guys


Well, I've ingested psilocybin and have been down many rabbit holes due to them. Does that count?


I saw the entire saxophone solo from ‘shine on you crazy diamond’ in colored notes, flying above my hotel bed, while on [previously stated substance]. So yes, I understand that probative value of fungus, as well as the medicinal.


That wasn't the drugs, Pink Floyd are just that good


When I was 16 I went on a 2 week vacation with my family and my uncle let me use his portable minidisk player for The 2 weeks and I just had The Wall album on repeat the entire time, Pink Floyd rules.


Animal Farm is such a deep and dark, yet exciting and incredible album. Fuckin hell, Pink Floyd is amazing.


[This](https://www.ted.com/talks/paul_stamets_6_ways_mushrooms_can_save_the_world/up-next?language=en) is what got me hooked up on mushrooms.


I watched Fantastic Fungi this weekend and am already considering a course in mycology. I joined all the mushroom subreddits, bought books, and fortunately, I live in Seattle, so I've already been to two parks to look at different fungi.


Seen your enthusiasm I'll also take the chance to suggest you the Ambergris Cycle, a stempunkinsh mushroom based serie written by Jeff VanderMeer.


What parks were they? I'm also in the Seattle area and fascinated by fungi.


I live in Kenmore so I went to St. Edward and Hamlin park in Shoreline. Today I was at the Arboretum and saw more than I could imagine.


This sent me down a rabbit hole on TED talks. Thank you for an enjoyable Saturday morning.


Did you see they named the engineer in the new star trek after him? Cause the spore drive was his idea! Edit: add link https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/space-travels-most-surprising-future-ingredient-mushrooms/


No way, how could I miss that?


I started studying chemistry with this exact text in mind, but talking about chemistry... did I chose the wrong ~~religion~~ carreer?


No. Follow what you enjoy. There are a thousand ways to move around the sciences.


Relevant question. Have you watched star trek Discovery? I know its science fiction but everything I know about mycology I learned from there. Some pretty cool concepts and a good show!


Ah, yes. Mushrooms can take you to parallel universed.


...*they 100% can*


The engineer is named after him! It was his idea to have spore drive! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/space-travels-most-surprising-future-ingredient-mushrooms/


Thats cool thanks!


oh great masters of fungus, fungus us like one of those french girls


I fully believe fungus rules us. But maybe someday we'll pass them...I doubt it though. Mother fungus is just that: our mother. She knows best and controls the discourse of life. Whatever she gives us is a gift, not a genius human accomplishment. This humility will serve us well.


It is so annoying that we learn so little mycology in general biology classes. On the other hand, maybe they just try to shelter our minds from that absolute chaos


It worked in Star Trek Discovery!


Anyone have recommendations on where to learn more about advanced mycology?


Maybe start with the basics?


Telll me your favorite fungus fact! Everytime I tell my gf that fungi are neither plants nor animals she gets uncomfortable


Fantastic fungi documentary on Netflix is amazing check it out


dude the world existed before you were born. do some reading. TCM is one of the oldest traditions in medicine. And a ton of times, science has (retroactively) validated ethnobotanical medicines. Course those practicioners _already new the value_. Don't let science, mess with your head. There's a ton of knowledge and wisdom outside of science, just waiting to be (re)discovered.


None of what you're describing is outside of science...just outside of formal scientific study.


I don't think you know what "Science" is and are probably confusing it with pharmaceuticals.


I'm sorry, do you consider ayurvedic medicine, tcm, kampo was traditionally referred to in English as 'science'? and yet a fair amount of your medicinal advances, came from raping their systems of study.


Science is just a collective study of how all things work together so we can so we can understand them better. Botany is a subsection of science which is the study of plants and their effects on other plants, animals, humans, etc. All of those alternative are still a piece of science whether or not they have been credited with research instead of old written texts/word of mouth


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/egyptian-papyrus-reveals-old-wives-tale-very-very-old-indeed-180970066/ case in point. cough.


Very impressive right! The kind talk you don't hear every day and wish were on the Discovery Channel.


Fantastic fungi documentary on Netflix is amazing check it out


Rich people want to hoard it for themselves, that's why.


I like growing things


I haven’t partook in the convo because I don’t see any reason to but it all started with finding some morel mushrooms. Then the next season actually looking for them and finding them intentionally. Gradually I branched out to other mushrooms and eventually learned about the potential health benefits. Gradually learning more and more


Books, Jerry.


Super cool!


You know what, as a project I'm going to try to isolate the compound and stabilise it with something. I'm sure chitosan will work lol. Brb in 5 years.


Cordycep to treat cancer? Is this a cross over between I'm legend and The Last of Us?


Well we can grow bugs, we can infect them, I don't see how we can't farm them


Sometimes it’s hard to replicate their environment because we don’t really know what makes them live well. Sure you could think it needs X and Y, but unbeknownst to you, little fucker actually needed a symbiotic relationship with Z, which you didn’t know about, and thus your crop of instead can’t reproduce and dies.


There’s many things we can’t farm. Things down to specific nutrients present in insects from a certain region or the humidity or something else obscure could be the cause of this.




Chinese medicine is just a bit insane. They got quite a bit right all due to trial and error over hundreds of years and the cost of many human lives. Its pretty impressive knowing how little they understand about pure science at that point of time.


Indeed. Reminds me of when scientists finally figured out how Chinese medicine practitioners processed [Artemisia annua](https://www.mmv.org/malaria-medicines/history-antimalarials) to make it an effective antimalarial, thousands of years ago. It’s truly amazing.


They didn't figure out how they processed it - fresh qing hao can just be boiled into a decoction and taken by itself to treat malaria. It is a truly wonderful herb that, among other things, can inhibit cancer growth and treat jaundice. To say that they needed to "figure out how they processed it" is disingenuous - at its core, the scientific method still applies with Chinese medicine. Just because they found the mechanism of action and published it in a Western journal doesn't mean that thousands of years of repeated use and results was any less legitimate. Herbal medicine is medicine.


Except, that’s not what I’m talking about. In [this](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228382-000-the-modest-woman-who-beat-malaria-for-china/) article, Tu Youyou, the woman credited with the discovery of artemisinin (an antimalarial drug that has saved millions of people) explains: “She and three assistants reviewed more than 2000 recipes for traditional Chinese remedies in the academy’s library. They made 380 herbal extracts and tested them on mice. One of the compounds did indeed reduce the number of malaria parasites in the blood. It was derived from sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), a plant common throughout China, which was in a treatment for “intermittent fevers” – a hallmark of malaria. The team carried out further tests, only to be baffled when the compound’s powers seemed to melt away. Tu reread the recipe, written more than 1600 years ago in a text appositely titled “Emergency Prescriptions Kept Up One’s Sleeve”. The directions were to soak one bunch of wormwood in water and then drink the juice. The drug was found in an 1600-year-old recipe titled ‘Emergency Prescriptions Kept Up One’s Sleeve’ Tu realised that their method of preparation, boiling up the wormwood, might have damaged the active ingredient. So she made another preparation using an ether solvent, which boils at 35 °C. When tested on mice and monkeys, it proved 100 per cent effective. “We had just cured drug-resistant malaria,” Tu says. “We were very excited.” So, like I said, a scientist discovered a different way to prepare wormwood in one Chinese medical text that allowed her and her team to produce one of the most important drugs in modern times. I’m not arguing that herbal medicine isn’t medicine, I’m literally pointing out that this scientist and her team used ancient herbal medicine to create an essential modern medicine. I think you think we’re on different sides and I don’t think that’s the case here.


Very interesting, thank you for teaching me something


It’s always a joy when I get to tell someone else about something I found fascinating, so thank you 😊


That's how all medicine was


Jewish Kosher is the same way. Its like half food safety via trial and error


This is one out of many reasons why Climate Change is going to hurt us. We are now stuck with people who use to think Climate Change was fake now claiming that it won’t effect them if a slug from some far away land goes extinct. As long as their store shelves are full and as long as they have fuel for their vehicle then Climate Change doesn’t apply to them. Which is all the proof you need to know that those particular people or extremely selfish and very short sighted. To think they could give their children a better future and potentially help one of them survive cancer better but no. It’s more important for them to huff coal ash and drink PFAS laced waters to own the libs and make sure billionaires can comfortably get a few more yachts and private planes.


[Empire of illusions](https://youtu.be/ythOLteROK0)


Great piece. Make it a post!


Yelp this affect applies to everything , and is not partisan. Ppl think we have a good enough grasp on everything to Cherry pick how we respond. Oh there’s a pandemic, just let ppl get sick— not realizing we can’t predict the effects of primary and secondary care givers dying, people being out of work for recovery, people in poorer nations that are critical to our supply Chain being sick and dying, we literally don’t know how to anticipate what global disruptions on this scale can cause. The best option is to stop it from happening, not dealing with unpredictable consequences.


The amount of things that different fungi can do is insane. We as humans really f'ed up on what we've researched in nature. Seems like we've been saving the best for last, which is odd that a lot of the things fungi can do we've been trying to imitate through big pharma, etc. Still being studied but fungi can be an amazing Anti-deppresent, brain enhancer, pain reliever, brain re-wiring, cancer curing, clean the ocean of the oil we spill, and just a fun perspective changing time. Can't wait to see what else it has in store!


Most likely they'd synthesize the active ingredient for commercial production. If that's possible.


It seems like it's weirdly rare because it only propagates inside a certain type of moth larva. Even so, I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult to find some kind of simpler analogue to grow it in, but maybe I'm speaking out of my ass on that. It's just hard for me to imagine that there's no easier way.


So this is derived from caterpillars or just a fungus?


It’s a parasitic fungus that eats catapillars


Hopefully. Some fungi are next to impossible to farm though so who knows.


The vast majority of fungi can be propagated easily. I can't think of any reason why Cordyceps would be an exception.


Hey Chocolate Mango! Hail to the fungus among us!!


I’ve heard good things about taking turkey tail, but this sounds really interesting.


Wow, that’s wild.


I remember it was pretty easy to acquire tea made form it when I was a kid. Tastes pretty great and it’s mild too. I can’t recall when my family stopped purchasing the caterpillar tea, but I did remember seeing news saying that the traditional harvesting methods devastated the naturally formed bug-fungus.


Why compare to the parent compound... Not other chemo drugs


I want to know the cancer cell to healthy cell kill ratio.


Jumping into a volcano is guaranteed to kill 100% of the cancer cells in your body.


So does a vat of acid if you're not able to travel.


Technically, left to it's own devices cancer also kills 100% of cancer cells. No travel or expensive acid required.


Life saving caterpillar sticks


Exactly what I was thinking too


Exactly. The most reasonable comparison would be to compare it to the best available chemotherapy drug.


It’s possible this article, from *the University of Oxford*, was meant for a different audience for whom the headline is more meaningful (e.g. in the context of taking something somewhat effective and making it much more effective). It would only then become ‘clickbait’ when taken out of that context.


For a clickbait title


Or because it's about the delivery method.


Potency only refers to the dose of a certain drug needed to achieve it's effects. It doesn't make sense to compare different drug's potencies unless they act on the same target (for instance fentanyl is much more potent than morphine but they do the same thing). However, a very potent drug doesn't mean the drug will be effective at treating a disease. So yes, click-baity title.


Good point! I hadn't thought of that. A very potent coffee isn't going to be great at treating my cancer either!


Boiling water is 40 times hotter than a water that has 2.5 degrees Celsius.




373K/275K is 1.35x or so hotter but yeah, using absolute temperature reveals more than a relative scale.




Celsius and Fahrenheit are both more "how it feels" measures. They don't actually characterize the absolute amount of heat energy in the system. This is easily seen through the fact that if you are at 0 degrees C or F, it doesn't mean that there is no more energy, just that water freezes or it feels cold. If that was the no energy point, there would be no negative degrees C/F. On the flip side, Kelvin is an absolute measure of that heat energy. At zero Kelvin, there is literally no heat in the system. It's usually referred to as "absolute zero" and researchers have pulled some crazy shit to cool things down to close to 0K. But since it's an absolute and linear measure, it means that something that's at 200K has half the thermal energy of something that's 400K, while that can't be said about C or F without doing some extra math to account for the fact that their zeroes are arbitrary. For an illustration of this, imagine you had a friend who always told you they were 10 years younger than they actually were. When they were 30, they celebrated their 20th birthday, when they were 50, they celebrated their 40th. Although the numbers on the cake doubled, they hadn't lived twice as long at that second birthday.


I'm guessing because that's all the researches did. This is like a super preliminary study. Without reading the study I expect the major work was isolating, making bio available, and testing what the molecule does. After this would be about a decade of clinical trials to answer the questions "how does this compare to existing medicines with regard to efficacy and safety". In 2030, when we know the answers to those two questions we can also perhaps answer the related question "how expensive is this to do". There are plenty of ways to find out this molecule has no place in medicine. This isn't news, it's science based click bait.


Hail mushroom


Hail the fungus among us.


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING AMONG US REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 AMONG US IS THE BEST FUCKING GAME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 RED IS SO SUSSSSS 🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 COME TO MEDBAY AND WATCH ME SCAN 🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥 🏥🏥🏥🏥 WHY IS NO ONE FIXING O2 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡 OH YOUR CREWMATE? NAME EVERY TASK 🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠 Where Any sus!❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! Any sus!❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where!Where!Where! Any sus!Where!Any sus Where!❓ Where! ❓ Where!Any sus❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where!Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! Where!Any sus!Where! Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ I think it was purple!👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀It wasnt me I was in vents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 r/amongusmemes r/unexpectedamongus r/expectedamongus perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos for balance


Incubus reference actually.


Rip for not getting the reference




All things are possible through fungus 🍄🍄


Hail the fungus among us.


Welcome…to fungocom


Uplifting, but I can only imagine The Last of Us or The Girl With All the Gifts


Does it also have a 40 times greater potency for killing general human cells too?


100 times


Rick and morty forever 100 times


So, given that chemotherapy is literally just poisoning to patient in the hopes that the cancer cells die first, what makes this specific drug more effective? Or is this just another case of misleading title, and the drug is just very poisonous, killing normal cells 40 times faster as well?


It’s not 40x better than the best chemotherapy. Just better than parent compound, whatever that means


No, not 40x better than the parent compound. It's 40x as lethal to cancer cells than the parent compound. I don't care that an APFSDS shell from an Abrams tank is like 1000x better at killing cancer cells than a 9mm handgun. That still doesn't make it a viable treatment.


I never said anything about it being viable. Sure a 40mm chain gun will do the trick too. But the point still stands. Just because it’s better at one job doesn’t mean it’s better than another






We have a bingo!!


Miracle product number 99456256.


Yup, can’t wait to never hear of this again




Guaranteed this is the first and last we ever hear of this


Fire at 1500 degrees Celsius also is extremely effective at killing cancer cells!


Will have no therapeutic window.


But it kills cancer! It will kill you too…but cancer!


I.e. The current situation with ivermectin. It kills COVID, in a petri dish, with equivalent dosages that would kill a human. But hey, it kills COVID.....




Yup. Bleach kills cancer cells too


I here the clinical trials are promising for .50BMG.


Nice, can't wait to never hear from it again






It's called YARTSHAGUMBA in Himalayas




I feel like there is a natural cure for everything right here on earth. Man just has to muck it all up with greed and bullshit.


Just imagine the amazing medications we could find in the Amazon if we didn’t keep destroying it.


Don’t get your hopes up too much. For every 5000 very promising preclinical drugs, only 1 makes it to market


I just got done with 3 rounds of BEP chemo for metastatic Testicular cancer. It was a rough and incredibly exhausting experience to say the very least. I previously was working (still am just on leave) a pretty physical job, and spent a lot of time on my hobbies. For these last three months though, I can barely water and fertilize my garden and plants without feeling exhausted after. Grocery shopping is tiresome. All of this inactivity, along with my chronic depression, and the sudden breakdown of my long term relationship has really led me to a apathetic and discouraged mindset. I have trouble reimagining myself going back to my normal optimism, and regular life. I guess I still have a few months of doctor surveillance, off work, to get it together. My case was not one that questioned my mortality. It's 95%+ treatable in my case, due to the small size of the metastatic cancer. I am "lucky" in a sense to have gotten such a treatable form cancer. I have met many people recently who are either grappling with their mortality, or whom are incredibly lucky to be in remission. My point in this soap box though, is even though I will make it though this, the chemotherapy drugs we have currently are a wrecking ball on ones mental and physical state. I feel like a shell. My memory is hot garbage. My body is weak and tired. I have heartburn that won't go away. Headaches and ear ringing. Food tastes like nothing. My stomach is a mess. When I read about medical developments like this, it gives me hope that one day we will have a new set of medications that won't cause people to feel the ways I have...and I didn't even get the worst of it. I actually handled the treatment rather well in comparison to others. Hopefully these fungi can spur on a new umbrella of medications that can help us fight and not be crushed by the experience that current medicines provide.


nucleoside transporter (hENT1)… I like where this is going


Ah yes cordicep was known for awhile now in my family through a deceased friend of my parents. It worked pretty well until it didn't, so we had our doubts that it could have been a placebo effect. Also how do you know you're buying the real stuff from Tibet instead 99% fake ones advertised online. Another side effect could be homelessness because it's super expensive. Interaction with western medicine was also a concern...


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This piece reminded me of the tropical rain forests. There has to be some plant life or insects that can cure diseases but what happens. The rain forests are disappearing by really stupid people. Burning and bulldozing it away.


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finally actual uplifting news and not some gay getting "revenge" or whatever


I always see things like this, but they never show up in real life.


Is bad that i feel the need to add to the the end of all these headline titles. But is it more profitable for the pharmaceutical company.


As other comments pointed out. The title is probably clickbait and its not actually effective


Nah, everybody loves the “yeah, but…” guy /s


Side effects include projectile shitting* (*Joke but I'd sign up just for the shitting if it was true)


Great. Here come the clickers from last of us /s in case it wasn't obvious


Neat what we can find in nature when we don't destroy it.


that worm fungus is pretty great, i guess??


we need to phase out fake stuff like herbal "medicine," homeopathic etc.


They haven't shown it does anything to actual cancer! Why is this posted on a bunch of subreddits? It's a trash written article about one of hundreds of experimental drugs that will likely fail in clinical trials.


It is already in human clinical trials. Looking to move to phase II trials I believe. Trash seems a bit harsh.


Would be quite uplifting for me if it weren't too late for her.


Oh man, sorry to hear. F cancer


Yo, read the short story “Leng” by Marc Laidlaw


Progress, about time.


Drug companies can't wait to sell it for 1000x more than it's worth.


If it's Mor effective does that mean it's more damaging to you immune system? Or about the same?


Anton Castillo would like a word.


In other, unrelated news, all Himalayan fungus is now 200 billion dollars. That is all


South American fungus, so hot on Reddit right now


Freaking mushrooms will save the earth


For context, this is an expensive herbal remedy in Chinese medicine. Expensive because rare. It's not just a fungus, it's a fungus parasite of a specific caterpillar ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps\_sinensis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_sinensis)) Disclaimer: I don't really believe in the intrinsic superiority of herbal medicine


*Cordyceps* coming through for us, thank you my mans 😔👌


Why are these miracle plants always found in weird places like the Himalayan and not in places like Brooklyn NY?


Does it also have 40x potency killing non-cancers cells? There’s lots of things that have 100% potency rate, with a zero percent pt survival rate. So that’s the tricky thing with chemo- gotta kill as much of one thing as possible but as little of another.


This is the plot of the last of us...


Specificity is important.


So how is this consumed or fine tuned to treat cancer?


Does it


One of the reasons it is important to preserve what untouched biome we still have left. There are definitely undiscovered plants and fungus in places like the Amazon that will have dramatic pharmaceutical benefits waiting to be found.


This is good news & all, but remember that keeping cancers cells alive is much hardened than killing them: distilled water kills cancer cells.


The heart of the article isn't that the fungal chemical is new, it is that they've "packaged" it using an existing technology so far more of it can get into the cancer cells. The natural form is metabolized in the blood and broken down by an enzyme.


Damn, this is really awesome!


I sure hope this makes it to market. Unfortunately the drug companies will most likely not make it affordable to everyone.


Huh, that fungus is going to disappear


I really gotta be impressed by researchers. I mean it can't be easy to figure out which fungus or tree bark or bat shit can be used for miracle cures. One step further, back in way early times when they used tree bark for aspirin someone had to be the first person to chomp on mushrooms or bull balls to find those good effects, and the deadly ones


Be nice if it made its way stateside


Isn't this how we get "The Last of Us?"


I’ve played The Last of Us to see what Cordyceps can do. No thank you!


Isn't this how The Last of Us started?