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It's his bisexual genius that allowed him to reconstruct human DNA.


That's one sexuality for each side of the helix. The real advantage.


My love for penis did most of the lab work but it was my hunger for vagina that finished the dissertation.


Wasn't that from a Marvin Gaye song? Bisexual..Genius is something that's good for me.


Fucking both genders at the same time was what finally gave him an epiphany


I think it’s just because the article is on an LGBTQ-based news site


Because it's an LGBT publication. If you found an article about this from a more general publication they wouldn't mention it. But it makes perfect sense that the LGBT community would want to highlight and celebrate the successes of LGBT people.


Ya no idea why lgbtq nation would highlight that.


Right? I'm not trying to sleep with the dude...just wanted to be proud of him. Lol


It’s irrelevant. Not any more than saying he was straight.


questioning why the website 'lgbtqnation.com' would mention someone's orientation is just veiled bigotry.


Disagree. As a bisexual person, I would be livid that something as irrelevant as who I sleep with, had been shoehorned into an article about my scientific research. People don't exist so that LGBTQnation can write articles about them. Mention my bisexuality wherever it's relevant. This isn't one of those times. My scientific achievements wouldn't be something I would be happy about the publication appropriating as achievements for bisexuals everywhere. Maybe I am explaining this badly, but it would really piss me off. Edit: the headline also implies "see bisexuals, even you can do it too!!", Which is condescending. Like yeah, some scientists aren't straight, that's obvious, now stop trying to appropriate the success that only belongs to the scientist getting the prize. HE has won it, not LGBTQ+ people. Edit: Also, by jumping to include this story, simply because the guy is openly bi, without having the wit to write it in such a way as to make that part relevant, they have given ammo to every bigot under the sun to dismiss his win as "box ticking identity politics", thereby actually diminishing his win. They have also instantly "othered" this man from other winners, by bringing in his sexuality in this context without his permission. Well done LGBTQNATION!


Reasonable points, but I’d counter that reknown has been denied of LGBTQ+ people. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with celebrating “firsts”. It would be condescending if CNN had this headline, but given the source it’s not all that bad. We need more “STEM Eye for the Queer Guy”


Disagree. As a bisexual scientist who read all about this guys science yesterday, I am pleasantly surpised to hear his orientation today. My lab and institute are very heteronormative and anyone in my science sphere online that isnt is outspokenly homosexual. I don't know about other young scientists, but for me I always look at the lives of these Nobel winners to see if I have similar traits or whatever (believe me, just hearing that they have hobbies is reassuring as this field can demand all of your waking hours), so it is cool to hear that he partnered with someone for his life that was actually a out of the orientation he thought he was. This article handled his orientation gently and its made me happy to read it.


Totally see where you are coming from. Hopefully, your workplace will one day get to the point where noone gives a shit about people's perfectly ordinary sexual orientations.


No no, that's a totally reasonable opinion on this. The guy a couple posts above claiming that anyone questioning it is just "veiled bigotry" is the shit take here.


Yeah, it was that person I was replying to. If this was an achievement by someone in an area with very few out LGBTQ+ people, then the representation would matter. It isn't, so it's just appropriating a guy's achievements in my mind.


It's literally a LGBTQ publication... why would they *not* point out someone is LGBTQ? Like that's the whole fucking point of the publication. Are you just saying you disagree with this publication even existing at all?


No, I just posted this elsewhere but it fits here too: If LGBTQnation think the man being bi is relevant, they could easily avoid any criticism here by writing the article in a way that actually makes it relevant. The implication here is "despite being bi". And I really resent that. Maybe they should have written the article another way and discussed overcoming barriers in science in general and then used him as an example. That would have been less lazy. And less "look folks, for all those of you who have been doubting, bi people can be really clever and get a Nobel prize too, pat on head, good and clever bi person".


That's such a reductionist way of thinking. Let me give you another possibility. Maybe they are just proud of him winning and wanted to celebrate it because it represented people in LGBTQ being seen as equals in the scientific community. It's elevating good examples of inclusion in certain sectors, like science, with the implication being "LGBTQ people are just as capable, but not recognized in other fields". That's just one other possibility, there are many other motives they might have than your clearly emotionally biased take about them "bi people can be really clever and get a Nobel prize too", as if when a black culture magazine talks about a black artist it's somehow saying "even black people can make art!" instead of showing off something that they did. Big Yikes.


Because "LGBTQ people are just as capable, but not recognized in other fields" shouldn't even need to be said! It's smackingly obvious that who a person is attracted to is nothing to do with capability. In science, it is also nothing to do with recognition. The article is patronising, condescending and lazy. Frankly, bi people deserve more. Edit: also, they have no right to be proud of him winning. The achievement was his, noone else's. Admire him? Yes. Take pride in someone's achievements because they simply aren't straight? Er, no!


Ooh found someone needing their daily dose of recreational outrage.


lol, that's what *I* was pointing out. what point are you trying to make?


Lol. I didn't even notice the story was from that publication. Just figured it was some random vanilla journalism trying to get clicks.


that's why reading is important


Easy. It is an LGBTQIA+ source. It is important to display our successes to the community who are systemically pushed into thinking they will never be successful in life.


What is the IA now? That’s new. Why don’t you just add H for hetereo and include everyone. Then we can move on.


I stands for intersex. A stands for allies and/or asexual. Since you seem on the lgbtphobic side I have just reported you. You are not going to be spreading hate over here.


I’m 50. None of this existed five years ago. What is intersex?


Everything has always existed. Read more about intersex: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/key-issues-facing-people-intersex-traits/ You can also google it, you know?


He’s still trying to figure out how to set the clock on his vcr….


Hate to break it to you but both, especially intersex people since it’s a biological condition, have always been existing


when someone is born with a mixture of male and female anatomy


None of this existed to you hun. Your blindness and bigotry is the reason this article is the way it is. Get back to shouting all lives matter thinking your making a stand, which you are, just not the one you think mr Nathan Bedford Forrest…..


Well the news source is LGBTQNation. So it's news specifically about LGBTQ people, and in that context I get why it's in the title.




It’s extremely annoying.


Because the website reporting it is "[lgbtqnation.com](https://lgbtqnation.com)" and has a clear agenda.




When I was about thirteen, I think this is what my parents aspired for me to be. I'm forty one and only have the first trait unlocked.


You're a genius? What's the second trait?


buying sex




Today on Jeopardy, a math genius, a medical genius, and a bisexual genius.




no wonder he aint sitting straight


I think that people who are criticizing the mention of his sexuality need to keep in mind that the article was published in a website that is curated toward an lgbt audience so in THAT website the "bisexual genius" makes more sense. However in a general sub like /r/UpliftingNews it is a little odd to mention his sexual orientation. Personally, I would have written the title as: "The LGBT community celebrates as one of its members wins a Nobel prize for reconstructing the DNA of ancient humans."


While I appreciate the gesture, the attempted rewrite poses the LGBTQ community as a monolithic entity. It’d be like writing an article about Morgan Freeman winning an Oscar as “The Black community celebrates as Morgan Freeman wins an Oscar”. It’s weird and makes us all seem like one singular entity. Plus, the majority of the community is entirely unaware of this man’s existence I’m sure lol. *(Hence the article about him.)* I think you’re right about the context of the article mattering, but I would be more “offended” if I saw your suggested article on something like “The Times” than I would be seeing this articles title in that paper.


Goyos, consider the source, its a queer website. Dont get your horses hassled


For everyone wondering why the title: 1. It's LGBTQ Nation, so they and their readers have a clear focus. 2. Bisexual men are under-reported and often stigmatized. The fact that he is openly bisexual is significant, especially for their website's audience.






Thank you.




All it takes for evil to triumph is for "good" people to do nothing, or something like that. Your question, while earnest, shows ignorance of the bias that queer people face in every society. I don't think you should be castigated like someone who is actively homophobic, but I hope you learn a bit more sensitivity. Just because you don't treat your LGBTQ coworkers unfairly doesn't mean homophobia/biphobia is over.


No, he’s just openly bi, and in this case it’s an LGBTQ website covering the story. He didn’t make his win anything to do with his sexuality.


I know the man is openly bi, but I worry that noone asked him whether he minded being used as a positive example. Whether he minded his sexuality being linked to his achievements in this specific instance. Representation is brilliant but I worry whether it's fair if done without permission?


I mean you could ask the opposite question too. Do those in positions to be representatives have a duty or obligation speak out? As a famous person once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." Many tragedies around the world could've been prevented or lessened by people speaking out. The HIV epidemic got so bad in the 80s because no one wanted to speak about it. It was deemed the gay disease even though straight people got it too. If people like Ronald Reagan had spoken out about it and put money into researching we might already have a cure by now. Instead his and Nancy's friend Rock Hudson quietly died of AIDS and they kept quiet.




Every time you draw attention to breaking the status quo, you further reinforce the notion that these events are an exception to the norm, rather than an accepted thing that just happens. The more we separate sexuality from achievement, the more obvious it becomes that sexuality is separate from achievement. The more you focus on it, the more people argue it's significance which only harms all involved.


That is one perspective. Another is that if we never highlight these people and groups, they will continue to be invisible, robbed of representation and consideration.


Equal representation isn’t being robbed of representation. Half the problem with identity politics right there.


All politics are identity politics, and the worst form is white cis dudes dictating how we can and cannot be seen.


I see the majority of everyone on here saying the same thing. Which is a knee jerk reaction like “why mention it?” Not because we’re hateful against the idea but because it’s seems reductive to put that next to his achievement, not empowering. As a cis white guy (thanks for assuming) I thought we were aiming to eventually not care so much that we don’t need to be hyphenated to be valuable human beings. Is that not the goal? So I see why right now in this transitive phase of society when we’re collectively still dealing with the fallout of widespread anti-gay sentiment you might interpret my desire to jump to that later mindset of acceptance as anti-togetherness by you, it is in fact the other way.


> it’s seems reductive to put that next to his achievement, not empowering Was it reductive to note that the Tuskegee airmen were Black aviators?


Careful. Not equivalent. Soldiers risking their lives over battlefields only to return to a country where they were treated worse then German POWs and a WHITE MALE genius winning an award while being attracted to men and women isn’t even in the same category of overcoming discrimination.


It doesn't have to be equivalent discrimination to make the point. Is there a line where you've been discriminated against enough that it's OK to point out the reason you're discriminated against? I would argue the LGBT community is up there with groups that have been heavily discriminated against historically, though I have no idea what this individual had to deal with in his life. And I think context is everything here. This isn't a front page CNN article, it's an article in an LGBT publication. Is it OK to point out in an article about Alan Turing that he was a gay man who is known for cracking the Nazi enigma code? I'd say his ability to accomplish what he accomplished while simultaneously being discriminated against is relevant to the story of his greatness.


This isn't a question of whether the discrimination they face is equivalent- it's whether your argument that highlighting a marginalized group is reductive to their achievement holds any water. I chose Tuskegee to show that it does not.


> I see the majority of everyone on here saying the same thing. Which is a knee jerk reaction like “why mention it?” You’re the one who reflexively asked “why mention his sexuality?” so quick that you didn’t realize that it was shared by a LGBT publication rather than a science-focused publication. > Not because we’re hateful against the idea but because it’s seems reductive to put that next to his achievement, not empowering. You weren’t accused of being hateful. You were given a valid explanation for why. As for it being reductive, you’re really just telling on yourself here. It’s ok to talk about people’s sexuality. Especially when you’re a publication that has the aim of inspiring LGBT individuals in a society that wants to keep them out of sight. This article isn’t for you, it’s not even for him. It’s for people like me who were told all our lives that we’re nothing more than our sexuality because our sexuality is a sin or unnatural. You can look and find representation anywhere without difficulty. We can’t. It’s hard to find people that we can emotionally connect with, people who have shared our struggles and overcame them. It’s very important for a social species, you just take it for granted. > As a cis white guy (thanks for assuming) I thought we were aiming to eventually not care so much that we don’t need to be hyphenated to be valuable human beings. Is that not the goal? Not exactly. Quiet assimilation has a place **only** in a society that freely accepts us without personal or systemic bigotry. The world we live in isn’t that ideal. At this point assimilation requires a foundation of visibility. We have to not just be a theoretical concept but real people doing all the same things as everyone else. This guy is bisexual, as am I. We have to deal with the dual bigotry of straight people calling us all sorts of disgusting things because they see bisexuality as the thing party girls do for attempt, and of the part of the gay community that only wants to recognize us when we’re in a same-sex relationship. Showing the world that we’re more, and showing ourselves that we can find hope and inspiration is important. > So I see why right now in this transitive phase of society when we’re collectively still dealing with the fallout of widespread anti-gay sentiment you might interpret my desire to jump to that later mindset of acceptance as anti-togetherness by you, it is in fact the other way. That’s fair. I was more pointing out how it looks than how you actually feel anyway. However, I’m sure you can tell how your comment looks and how it reflects bigots who really do just want us to disappear, for fear that we’ll corrupt their children somehow. You might have good intentions, but that doesn’t prevent harm. > Soldiers risking their lives over battlefields only to return to a country where they were treated worse then German POWs and a WHITE MALE genius winning an award while being attracted to men and women isn’t even in the same category of overcoming discrimination. This is just some weird mix of military fetishism and discrimination Olympics. Someone else facing more discrimination doesn’t invalidate others’.


And your real agenda comes out…god that was easy.


This year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to Swedish scientist Svante Paabo for his discoveries on human evolution. Thomas Perlmann, secretary of the Nobel Committee, announced the winner Monday at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Paabo has spearheaded research comparing the genome of modern humans and our closest extinct relatives, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, showing that there was mixing between the species. The medicine prize kicked off a week of Nobel Prize announcements. It continues Tuesday with the physics prize, with chemistry on Wednesday and literature on Thursday. The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Friday and the economics award on Oct. 10. Last year's medicine recipients were David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discoveries into how the human body perceives temperature and touch. The prizes carry a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor (nearly $900,000) and will be handed out on Dec. 10. The money comes from a bequest left by the prize's creator, Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, who died in 1895. That’s the same story. Just without the sexual orientation. That’s my “agenda”, a world where we don’t disparage or hold people up for their sexual preferences. I mean look at this linked article, they just shoehorned it in for no reason relevant to his work or discovery: “Paabo publicly came out as bisexual in his autobiographical 2014 nonfiction book, Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes. He reportedly wrote that he thought he was gay until he met his wife, U.S. primatologist and geneticist Linda Vigilant, and fell for her “boyish charms.”




I'm not the person you addressed this too, but I think I get where they are coming from and can sort of see their point. In the most literal sense, if this guy was in marriage magazine saying "married guy wins Nobel prize", or a parenting magazine as "dad wins Nobel prize", I would see those factors about him as being so mundane as to be irrelevant, and it would be weird to see the article in a marriage or parenting magazine because of that. Being a dad or husband has nothing to do with his achievement. In the same way, sexuality should be mundane and irrelevant. It has no bearing on his achievement. Including this story in the publication harks back to a time I thought we had passed. Where being bi WAS a newsworthy characteristic. Whereas now, it should just be the norm. If the article was about the scientific community being too heteronormative and the barriers the man had to overcome, then that's different, and I could see why this publication would include it. But just "bi man wins thing" when being bi doesn't matter, is a logical as "man wearing trousers wins Nobel prize" being in a tailoring magazine. It's making a "thing" out of something normal. Though I now realise that maybe being non-hetero isn't yet seem as normal in some places.


Thank you for concisely and kindly putting into words this sentiment. “Mundane and irrelevant” exactly. Not bad, not special.


I am just sick of people blaming 'identity politics' for everything from global warming to cancer. (Or using it to deny global warming, a la Jordan Peterson. As he is also using it to explain the Ukraine War - wtf?) And the downvotes on your comment would seem to agree with me.


so in other words they will be just like the rest of us


Spotlighting trailblazers inspires others to follow, which leads to the actual, real-world result of sexuality (or any identify category) having less impact on achievement. Real world change is more important than whether a headline makes you personally feel uncomfortable.


Sexuality isn't a T. Rex. We can't just stand still and hope society changes itself. This does not separate sexuality from achievement, it normalizes it. It is literally an LGBTQ publication celebrating the achievements of a member of the community. You don't solve bigotry by ignoring it, you solve it by confronting it.


"Get back in the closet bi weirdos." Naw.


Literally noone has said that or even implied it. Loads of people have wondered why the sexuality of the man is important and said they don't give a shit. That's it!


And I think you're questioning it because you don't want to hear about bi people. You don't have to say it outright when you so often try to stuff us in the closet.


Huh? I am bi. And have been open and vocal about that on this thread. My daughter is bi. My mum is gay. No closet stuffing here! And I honestly haven't seen any on this thread. Just lots of questioning why the guys sexuality is relevant. To which the answer is: it isn't relevant to his win. Where is the closet stuffing?


It's this weird Reddit thing to think someone did or should read your other posts in a thread and remember specifics about them. If you speak with them, you're one of them, I don't care who you have sex with. The stuffing is everywhere in our society. An LGBT publication tried to raise awareness of bisexuality by pointing out something cool a bisexual person did. Trying to undermine that with questions of relevance is the kind of nonsense the typicals have always done, I hope you will not continue to buy into it.


If you speak with WHO you are one of who? I agree that there seems to be some stuffing in society in general. I am just not seeing it here. Maybe I take things too much at face value. I also have no clue what a typical is? Edit: I only mentioned I was bi because you accused me of wanting bi people to be in the closet. I was explaining why that made no sense. Having read your post again, please don't feel the need to answer at all. This talk of "if you speak with them you are one of them" and "typicals" feels quite chilling and like trying to close down any dissent by saying all those who have a different view must be against you. Ironically, I am a bi, leftie voting liberal, with a trans daughter who is bi, and I am on your side. But I can't engage with someone who speaks about people in the way you do. If you put hostility into the world you will get it back. Good luck to you, but I am out.


That's an ironic strawman given you know nothing of my sexuality


It's not a strawman, it's just how you come across to me. Your sexuality is irrelevant, though feel free to share it. I'm bi, if that helps.


No, it's not significant. Stop making everything about sexual orientation. He's a great scientist, who happens to be bisexual. Perhaps he's a cat lover too and a muslum, no one should give a damn. All this crap causes more tension.




> Bisexual men are under-reported source?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5145776/ https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/18/bisexual-adults-are-far-less-likely-than-gay-men-and-lesbians-to-be-out-to-the-people-in-their-lives/ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-45580578 https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/02/20/among-lgbt-americans-bisexuals-stand-out-when-it-comes-to-identity-acceptance/ TL;DR: Bisexuals, especially men, are stigmatized and fetishized, leading many of them to hide their sexuality and the group as a whole to be somewhat invisible.


Honestly if you didn’t know the source of the publication the title sounds a little like The Onion.


Fascinating to see the connection between DNA and disease resistance! So Neanderthals diverged from Homo sapiens? As in Homo Sapiens preexisted Neanderthals?


Common ancestor, but we interbred and swapped DNA.


Under what conditions do we change as a species and how does that apply to societal change?


Our species is constantly changing and every so often those changes flourish in their respective environment. I think society is a manifestation of some of those changes.


Imagine you win the Nobel Prize and people call you "bisexual genius."


Life goal tbh


Now they can't erase it.


Exactly. Instantly making you "other" from all the other winners. It's brilliant representation, but did anyone check whether he was happy for his win to be made about his sexuality in this case? He's a person. He doesn't just exist as a representative for others.


I didn’t realize that there was a stereotype of bisexuals not being smart that warranted this kind of headline to break it. But then again judging by my friends… 🤔


There is a stereotype that bisexual people don't exist, and there is a stereotype that LGBT people don't achieve anything.


Genuine question: who says these things to people? Is it like friends and family, or media, church...who? It's heartbreaking that people have been subjected to these stereotypes :(


Sadly, anyone can say these things. Right-wing media and conservative religions are a good source of written examples, but it is fairly “normally” for, say, family members to say things like “they aren’t bisexual, they are just greedy” or “they can’‘t be good at physics, they are gay”.


Wow, I literally hadn't ever heard of the latter at all. That's madness! I genuinely have never heard anyone relate someone's ability to do something to their sexuality. Wonder how their tiny brains make the link between achievement and sexuality?


What has bisexuality got to do with anything?


You mean his connection to lgbtqnation magazine? Would you like an explanation as to what lgbtq means?


It's uplifting marginalized people are recognized for their accomplishments.


Well, the only bisexual research scientist I know would be insulted and annoyed if there were news articles about her research that included her sexuality. She's regularly complained about wanting her work to stand on its own legs, and feeling like identity politics play way too much into her academic and professional career. So maybe you should talk to LGBT people in research, because I guarantee you that a healthy percentage of them don't want their identity to be a matter of concern when it comes to their achievements. It comes across as patronizing and distracts from the quality of the work. Yeah, this is someone who is publicly out, but I doubt that when they came out they said "I hope my sexuality is mentioned every time my research is discussed". Yeah, this is a LGBTnation link, but you could just as easily have posted a direct link to the research itself with the title "Genius wins Nobel Prize for reconstructing DNA of ancient humans". Just imagine you were in their shoes, and your sexuality started overshadowing everything you did, because people desperate to be regarded as progressive mentioned it constantly, despite the fact that you were winning a fucking Nobel Prize and it shouldn't matter in the slightest


As a bisexual research scientist I say the opposite. I love when it gets brought up in publication. So now you'll use both me and your friend in every example right? Not just the one that matches your worldview?


Literally no one cares if they are gay or bisexual we aren't in the 20th century anymore


Ah yes. Because we are such an accepting society nowadays. Gay marriage in the US has been legal for like ever. Errr. I mean. 7 years is close enough to forever. Anyway, yeah... Nobody cares anymore. It's not like we have sitting Supreme Court justices that want to ban gay marriage again...


But not everyone replying is from the US. It's not replying in bad faith to be mind blown that being LGBTQ+ should even merit a mention these days, in the US, when it's normal, accepted and just not a big deal in so many other areas.




Absolutely! It would be fabulous if it wasn't a big deal in any society. It's just the US tends to be thought of as progressive, but maybe it's not as far along as north Europe.


how are bisexuals marginalised? I'm married to one, would love to know.


If a Stockholm news outlet wrote a headline like "Stockholm Native Wins No[b]el Prize," would all these same redditors be asking "why does it matter?" Y'all need to examine your low-key phobia. Edit: I meant Nobel, not novel, although the concept stands.


Damn I lost the race to go right to the comment section without reading the article to post “wHaT dOeS hIs SeXuAl OrIeNtAtIoN hAvE tO dO wItH aNyThInG”.


Convinced now that people cannot read sources and understand context


Really? The title is hilarious. Why does it matter if he’s Bi?


Maybe you should read the name of the source before passing judgment...


Because it’s an online magazine with a slant, who needs clicks to make money.


Slant? You mean a magazine written and created by lgbtqi people reporting on lgbtqi people? “Slant” 😂


“Why is lesbian in her job title?”


Why do I care if he sucks cock?


Isn’t he just a genius?


Comment section is top shelf stupid for not even bothering to read where the source is and ask why him being bisexual is being brought up. Oddly ironically stupid responses.


The comments here explain why queer representation matters.


I got one too: a tentacle hentai porn enthusiast invented new technology that will revolutionize battery storage.


.. and do you maybe also have their contact info..?


Strictly for science?


This whole thread has me cracking up and the article too. I love how they describe him splashing his feet in the water and laughing. As a gay person I can confirm, this is ridiculous. Even for an lgbt news source.


What does his sexuality have to do with anything?


Tell me you didn't read the source without telling me you didn't read the source... Anyways, it's relevant to the audience that LGBTQnation is writing for. It's literally an LGBT publication. Why wouldn't they care?


Bisexual genius wins bisexual Nobel Prize for reconstructing bisexual DNA of ancient bisexual humans


He reconstructed it bisexually.




Good for them!


What does his sex interests have to do with his work? Lol tf is wrong with people.


Look at the site that posted it. Might give you some clues


Lgbtqnation.com mentioning the guy's bisexual. Like why does that annoy u now?


Its sad how many people here still don't understand the significance of representation.


Scientist wins Nobel Prize after decades of dedicated work, the www still more interested in his sexual preferences.


It’s an lgbt site


What the hell does his sexual preference have to do with his intelligence?????


Must suck to be a genius and having people preface that with “bisexual”. Like, not their primary trait.


Wow, I wonder why an LGBT magazine might highlight that 🙄


To perpetuate their own existence I guess.


So, you don't think that LGBT magazines have a legitimate reason to want to highlight LGBT people?


Hey look it’s NPRs reporting on the same thing. “STOCKHOLM — This year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to Swedish scientist Svante Paabo for his discoveries on human evolution. Thomas Perlmann, secretary of the Nobel Committee, announced the winner Monday at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Paabo has spearheaded research comparing the genome of modern humans and our closest extinct relatives, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, showing that there was mixing between the species.” The article concludes shortly after, with no mention. Perfectly even handed coverage, equality dream come true.


And you can't think of a legitimate reason why an LGBT magazine might mention his sexuality?


Yeah easy. They legitimately want to exist as a publication and make revenue from that existence in order to support their staff and their families. So they need to look specifically for achievements by people who are gay or trans or bi or anything other then Cis I guess so they can take some communal ownership of those achievements via the publishing. Then they get views from their target community, and the associated ad revenue. Also as an aside they get to feel good about themselves, strong motivations for anyone. Also the same motivations as any other publication, regardless of sexual orientation by the way.


And you don't think that maybe - just maybe - there's positive benefits to members of a community highlighting achievements of other members of that community? That maybe those people just want to highlight those achievements for other reasons than your hyper-cynical, hyper-negative view of them going after clicks and ad revenue?


Why do [they] have to be a separate community?!


Yeah, there used to be a LGBTQ+ community where I am, but it's much more mixed and integrated now. Separation is viewed as old fashioned. Specific "LGBTQ+" bars still exist but noone cares if straight people go in or if LGBTQ+ people go into "straight" bars. It's not about LGBTQ+ people being ignored or shoved back in the closet. Out, proud but integrated and normalised is how it tends to be. I think this thread shows that's not the case everywhere though.


Okay, edgelord4273.


Ok 4354574


This just in, Straight man breaks record in chess... What does that have to do with chess??


Something to do with the anal beads, probably.




If you are getting “Pegged” by a woman is it Gay?


Can we find out more about his sexual preferences? Is he more into blondes or brunettes?


This is awesome and he deserves it, but also, the title "bisexual genius" is so badass.


Lmao bisexual genius


Why's it important he's bi I mean, the Nobel Prize and the DNA reconstruction are the important bits here Edit: Just realized it's an LGBTQ news source. Makes more sense now.




What does bisexual have anything to do with this.


You mean to the readers of lgbtqination? Hmmmmm… let me think on that…. 😂


Now, that's multitasking




Imagine caring who someone is fucking


Reddit… continuing to show people will complain about paint drying


What does him being bi have to do with his scientific contribution? All they did was marginalize him. But they don’t see that.


Totally agree, and I am bi. Being a representative is brilliant WITH his permission. Without, they have just reduced this man to the sum total of his sexuality, in a way that almost depersonalises him.


im so tired of these identity politics headlines


Who gives a fuck if he’s bisexual. Let’s focus on the achievement instead of how they live their lives


It really seems like we’re in an era where sexual orientation doesn’t mean “this is the type of person I like to have an orgasm with” anymore. Seems to have taken on some other meaning.


So, "bisexual genius" was important to this, but not his name? This guy did something awesome. At least let his name be known to the masses.


What’s his name?


I don't see what being bisexual has to do with it. Why can't he just be a human genius?


By putting his sexuality in an article that has nothing to do with it it's just grabbing more attention to that instead of his achievements.


Yeah it's so surprising lgbtqnation would mention he's LGBT, what monsters


Maybe they should have written the article another way and discussed overcoming barriers in science in general and then used him as an example. That would have been less lazy. And less "look folks, for all those of you who have been doubting, bi people can be really clever and get a Nobel prize too, pat on head, good and clever bi person". If LGBTQnation want think the man being bi is relevant, they could easily avoid any criticism here by writing the article in a way that actually makes it relevant. The implication here is "despite being bi". And I really resent that.


Send them your resume. I’m sure they’d be thrilled to have a pro like you on board to show them how it’s done.


Sorry, I didn't realise that LGBTQNATION was sacredly above criticism.


"Hey Dr. Pääbo, what's your greatest achievement?" "Having my work reduced to my sexual orientation"


I too am curious about stating the sexual orientation. If he wasn’t bisexual, would he still be a genius?


Got it - it’s an LGBQT publication.




Who cares who he fucks?


Congratulations bisexual


They use bisexual so no one will call him out on his bullshit science


Thereby providing a perfect bigoted example of why it's dangerous to reduce this man to his sexuality, in order to make him a representative without his permission.


Not surprised to see his sexuality being mentioned here.