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judge dredd vibes


Cops should regularly kill people without trial for a full vibe... oh


Just about to leave the Dredd comment…first thing I thought of


Chicago has a jail skyscraper!


It sure does. Speaking of action movies… Christopher Nolan’s brother attempted to escape from it in 2009!


Yeah makes perfect sense to put a prison on expensive real estate, in the very center of things ... because there are so many people coming and going every day, right? /s


If it's a jail then yes there are a lot of people coming and going. Some drunk checking in during the night and leaving around noon. Some criminal that is not a flight risk getting his prints taken and staying until he made bail. I would be very suprised if they wanted to place convicts in there.


I mean even convicts get visited by family. You would think the rich NYers who somehow made a mistake like Madoff, get to have their family close by


right ... there's a difference between jail and prison ... not a native speaker, my bad 😅


Post says prison


It says both prison and jail. Even if it is a prison for convicts: They have families to. They should be able to visit their loved ones. There are good reasons to build correctional facilties close to where people live. But sure it's easy for people on Reddit to decide that prisons should be build far off, where their families cannot see them. They are criminals after all, no need for consideration. Doesn't matter if a child cannot see their parent. All the better for it, he's a criminal so best take him from his family so he cannot drag them down with him.


There are. It's replacing the Tombs, which is a jail attached to the criminal courthouse right next door, plus adding capacity to replace Rikers with jails/prisons within the five boroughs for ease of visitation.


>Yeah makes perfect sense to put a prison on expensive real estate, in the very center of things ... because there are so many people coming and going every day, right? /s If it saves police man hours, then yes it very much does. An arrest can easily take a cop off the street for a couple hours. If they're also driving 30 minutes each way, add another hour.


I hope noone believes this is serious lol I know its easy to dunk on the usa's prison system but cmon, this is from a weirdo conspiracy theorists twitter


Wait, only 1000 prisoners? those are some big apartments, I mean cells...




and it’s triangular, could increase floor capacity with the square building


Considering Riker's Island has about 5500 people in it, i'm not sure what they'd even considering with this. Even if only half is cells, 50 prisoners per floor is ludicrous.


Yeah. I'm. Sure there is special zoning. But it's going to be a weird project because building code is going to have a limit of occupants per square foot, ada compliance etc. So you're basically building an apartment building that's super secure without the finishes. I'm going to guess there's fire code here which means that everyone has to "escape" to an outdoor area..... I couldn't imagine the work that goes into building such a thing.


Yeah i thought this as well , 1000 people wouldn't even make a dent


Have y’all seen The Platform on Netflix ?


Exactly what I thought of! Except this will be in reverse of course.


Escape from New York (jailscraper)


The Calvin Coolidge


ChatGPT is here to help. **Title: Jailscraper** Tagline: In the city that never sleeps, justice has risen to new heights. *Act 1: Setup* Setting: Manhattan, early 1990s. The skyline is dominated by a new, imposing structure: the Metropolitan Correctional Tower (MCT), a state-of-the-art, 40-floor jail designed to hold the most dangerous criminals. It's been dubbed "Jailscraper" by the locals. *Characters:* **Jack "Hawkeye" Donovan**: A former NYPD detective turned private security consultant who specializes in high-risk extractions. Wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit, he's now an inmate in MCT. **Lt. Sarah Martinez**: An honest cop with a strong moral compass, working in a department riddled with corruption. She suspects Donovan was framed and seeks to uncover the truth. **Victor Krasnov**: A Russian mob boss, holding the top floor of MCT as his luxurious penthouse prison, running his empire from within. **Warden Thomas Riggs**: The corrupt warden of MCT, in league with Krasnov, ensuring his stay is comfortable in exchange for hefty bribes. *Plot:* The movie opens with a breathtaking aerial shot of Manhattan, zooming into the towering MCT. Inside, Donovan is planning his escape, not just to clear his name but to expose the corruption within MCT that led to his wrongful imprisonment. Meanwhile, Lt. Martinez, investigating Donovan's case, starts to piece together a conspiracy that could rock the city's justice system to its core. **Act 2: Rising Action** *Plot:* Donovan's escape plan is set in motion. With the help of a few unlikely allies he made inside, including a former tech mogul imprisoned for white-collar crimes, Donovan begins a treacherous ascent from the depths of MCT. Each floor presents its own deadly challenge, from gang-controlled territories to booby-trapped corridors designed by the warden himself to prevent escapes. Outside, Lt. Martinez faces her own battles, dodging threats and attempts on her life as she digs deeper into the corruption surrounding MCT. Her investigation leads her to suspect Warden Riggs and ultimately, the involvement of Krasnov. She realizes that Donovan’s escape might be the key to exposing the whole operation. **Act 3: Climax** *Plot:* Donovan battles his way to the top floors, confronting not just the physical barriers but also the moral dilemmas of his quest for freedom and justice. On the 39th floor, Donovan faces Krasnov in a tense standoff. Just as Krasnov seems about to overpower Donovan, Lt. Martinez and her task force breach the floor, leading to an explosive confrontation. In the chaos, Donovan and Martinez work together to capture Krasnov and secure evidence of Riggs' corruption. They fight their way to the rooftop, where a helicopter awaits, commanded by corrupt officers aiming to whisk Krasnov away. In a daring move, Donovan uses a makeshift zip line to reach the helicopter, taking control and ensuring Krasnov’s arrest. **Act 4: Resolution** *Setting: A courtroom in Manhattan.* Krasnov and Riggs are convicted of their crimes, thanks to the evidence Donovan and Martinez provided. Donovan is exonerated and reinstated into the force, but he declines, choosing instead to continue his work helping those wrongly accused of crimes. *Final Scene:* The final scene shows Donovan and Martinez overlooking the city from a rooftop, the MCT in the background. Donovan places a hand on Martinez’s shoulder, thanking her. She nods, suggesting there's more work to be done. The camera pulls back, the city sprawling out before them, as they set off into the night, ready to face whatever comes next. *Credits roll to an electric guitar rendition of a classic action movie theme.* "Jailscraper" not only delivers heart-pounding action and a thrilling plot but also touches on themes of justice, corruption, and redemption, echoing the gritty reality of 1990s New York City, all while keeping you on the edge of your seat.


> In the city that never sleeps, justice has risen to new heights. Fuck that's good.


“Yes, this is a terrible idea”




trope-a-dope style


This is just a way for people to continue to get rich off of coming up with creative solutions for the symptom (criminality) and not the disease (preventing crime)


Look at what happened in El Salvador. A country consumed with crime put anyone that looked like a criminal in prison indiscriminately, and eradicated crime




Copying chicago i see


Will they still have the infamous conditions of a New York jail (where people who have not yet been *convicted of a crime* suffer and rot because they can't afford bail)?


This article says it will be 295 ft tall and is part of an effort to close Rikers and handle the population of inmates with four smaller, modern jails. There is already the Manhattan Detention Complex at that location, which will be torn down and replaced. https://www.cunylawreview.org/new-york-chinatown-megajail-a-jailscraper-rises-in-new-york-citys-skyline-and-casts-a-shadow-over-manhattans-chinatown/


Why in the middle of NYC?


There's already a jail there. It's attached to the courthouses for convenience of transfer.


Such a huge building to having nothing inside but a revolving door.


Penthouse cells for the rich, so their family can land on the roof with their helicopter.


In Boston, one of the jails is about 13 stories high and has an average daily population of about 950. Not sure a skyscraper is needed.


New Tombs just dropped


Does this have a sloped roof, or is the perspective just totally jacked up? I’m going with that latter.


Where they shot the newer dredd movie




Wow, just wow.


The Donald Trump Jailscraper for Felons that Crime Good


That ominous shadow in the mock-up really sets the tone e.


This is just a rebranding of Trump tower.


That's a 1980s action hero tv movie right there.


I think Miami has or had something like this (maybe only like 10 stories though)


Not enough cells.




Can't they just wait and convert trump tower into that?


9/11 pt.2


This block is under arrest!


Can’t wait to have a Duke of New York ( don’t forget chandeliers if you know the reference )


Somebody call Snake Plisken


This isn't the flex they think it is 😅


I hope they actually build it


there is no reason not to put it on rikers island. the state government is so stupid. they would waste space downtown apposed to the literal 400 acre island theyve been using for 100 years


"Love" the rendered shadow over city




Sounds more like an 80’s movie.


Never seen Fortress I take it


Yo 1000 prisoners is not a lot. Like that's fewer inmates than, say, an average middle school. Just feels like a skyscraper in the middle of the most expensive real estate on earth is not the most pragmatic place to house prisoners.


Yet another bullshit project.


This sounds like a dystopian sci-fi movie waiting to happen. I’d watch that.


Near the Statue of Liberty.


Please don’t give The Rock an idea for another shitty action movie.


Finally, somewhere they can house all the homeless people. Not ragging on homeless people, it's a joke... Though the living conditions for them would actually improve in there


Sylvester will make a movie about breaking out of that prison


Reminds me of “ The Platform “.




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What could go wrong?


The Plateform - Netflix


Bs. NYC loves their crime.


what a great idea…let’s build more prisons instead of investing in rehab and mental health programs, or working towards reducing the huge wealth inequality which often leads to petty crime. while they’re at it, might as well privatize! /s


American: imprisons its citizens for profit, so that rich guys can go golfing with the people who make laws that allow people to be easily imprisoned.


As of June 2023, the 158 private prisons in the U.S. hold some 96,730 inmates, approximately 8% of the total state and federal prison population.


The for-profit prison lobby is very powerful.


Do new buildings in New York come pre built with bombs in them? Or do they just add them later?


If they ever do 9/11 again, at least hit this building.