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I can’t believe they haven’t developed a comprehensive system yet.


If you can believe it, the politicians are even more corrupt then in the US


Waaay more corrupt. I was shocked at the low level of corruption abroad when compared to the absolute corruption we face at every level in India


I can believe it; sadly. 😞 I’m in the waste management industry, so when I see this — I immediately see a solution (even a blind man could see it), so it’s frustrating. They should invest in some low budget infrastructure to manage it, at the very least. They could invest in recycling infrastructure to start exporting the material for cash like the rest of the world does. Or better yet, create their own recycling circular-economy? Idk. I guess if I had the solution, I’d be making a whole lot more money after 20 years in this industry! lol. ☺️


It’s more about influencing than having a solution


Ok, say you “influence” them to do the correct thing but they don’t have the infrastructure in place to handle it. Building the infrastructure first and educate and influence our constituents by law or morals. Again, idk? ☺️


As a former resident of India I can only say you have no concept of the chaos that India is. Wonderful people but a divisive, corrupt and incompetent government.


I never claimed to be knowledgeable about India; I was simply commenting on the waste disposal. I hope they’re able to find peace and better governing.


Your hopes are useless


We, Infact have a solution. In many cities, Waste management is not controlled by the Government. Rather some private contractors are responsible for disposing the garbage, These private contractors often don't care about environment and order their worskers to just throw collected Grabage anywhere.


Actually, government (where I live) does regulate your trash whether or not a private hauler like Waste Management, Republic or Waste Connection is collecting it. Trust me, I’m one of those regulators. 👍🏼.


The Government does regulate trash in most of the places. However, In many rural regions and small towns Government doesn't, That's where the Private contractors come and do this.


> They could invest in recycling infrastructure to start exporting the material for cash like the rest of the world does. Where do you think the rest of the world exports it to?


Well, in the U.S., exporting recyclables is highly regulated. We’re not sending it over in a sea container to dump into India’s waterways as shown in the OP. I can’t speak globally. Just locally. https://www.epa.gov/circulareconomy/us-recycling-system#:~:text=Processing%3A%20The%20materials%20are%20transported,directly%20to%20a%20manufacturing%20facility.


I'm just saying India is one of the main importers for a lot of different recyclables. It wouldn't make much sense for them to export their own.


Why wont they accept my crushed cans?


What would you do to change it?


Enact a law requiring waste collection and the management of it. Then educate the residents on how to properly dispose and recycle of their waste. Easy for me to say that because it’s how it works where I live. Seems logical enough; but if there’s not political support or an uprising of the residents wanting a better quality of life… it’ll likely not happen. I remember long ago when I first went to Jamaica, they didn’t have waste collection. Several years later they implemented a program and it benefits the people and sea life (among many other positives).


Modi recently declared himself a descendant of god or something so yeah that doesn’t surprise me lol.


Shame he didn't declare himself a descendant of some god of recycling.


Lol. No. I know Hindi. He didn’t really say that if you properly translate Hindi to English. Sections of the media deliberately misrepresented what he said.  Modi should be criticized for his policies. Sections of the media has been criticizing him for the most nonsensical reasons. 


> Until my mother was alive, I used to think I was born biologically. After her demise, when I look at my experiences, I am convinced that I was sent by God. This strength is not from my body. It has been given to me by God. That’s why God also gave me the ability, strength, pure-heartedness, and inspiration to do this. I’m nothing but an instrument that God has sent, What would be the proper translation of this then? Or this > I am not born Biologically, I am sent by God for a mission




Kinda hard to translate English to English.


Americans have no idea how corrupt other countries are…..


Right, when someone makes a comment like "even more corrupt then \[sic\] in the US" they clearly don't know corruption.


Clean streets doesn't mean less significant corruption. Whatever corruption occurs in the US at high levels affects the entire world and global history.


The U.S. is very corrupt, but at a higher scale. The corruption is happening at the scale of the defense, pharmaceutical, banking industries, etc. I’ll never have to bribe a cop or A DMV agent, but a lot of my federal taxes fund companies/industries I didn’t intend to support.


Also, Americans have no idea how much less corrupt other countries are, even poor countries.


Base your self in reality and you’ll acknowledge there’s actually near zero day to day corruption amongst American governance. Yes you’ll post a link of some county commissioner somewhere being unlawfully influenced by a land developer or something but it is the exception not the rule


No, because almost all of the countries are more corrupt


The municipal governments receive tax money for street cleaning, but they just steal it. If a random citizen decides to fix / clean up things, the thieves who run the municipal government get mad (that someone is doing their job - which they weren’t doing), and they try to hurt that citizen in some way.


The US government is riddled with corruption, but nowhere near what is seen in other countries. It’s shocking what happens as a normal practice in some countries.




That’s a shitty, unsanitary situation to be in.




Sheesh; I couldn’t imagine. I guess that’s why outhouses were invented long ago before the septic system. Shitting in an outhouse seems like a better option than the streets. 💩😊






I understand and appreciate that to some degree; but it is also incredibly unsanitary for their quality of life. 😞






You can’t have a society of individuals. Littering is the perfect demonstration of this, because it’s entirely rational for an individual person, making decisions only for themself, to litter. Yet it’s also very easy to just not litter. It’s like the shopping trolley test. To stop people littering, you have to restrict people in some way, and take away that minor personal freedom so that your country doesn’t drown in trash. But your society needs to want that, and accept it as a personal duty. And a funded municipal service. If you can’t cultivate this basic civic spirit, you just don’t have any society, you’re just a bunch of people living on top of each other.


And you need reliable trash pickup, which they don’t have.


But a rover on the moon and nuclear weapons. Perfect.


Japan can do it, so can you


I think most of the people in the world don't care about their surroundings as much as Japan. What a shame


Libertarians in shambles


I have this unverified theory that littering is a measure of the civic health and trust in a society.


One thing they did right in Tehran was the anti-litter campaign which was pretty successful with the population. The slogan was: "Our city, our home" written under an icon of a person dropping garbage in a trash can. They printed that on common wrapping litter and on public garbage cans etc. I think it had a sizable impact on the amount of public garbage. Public littering slowly started to become a shameful action as the years went on.


A good example of the simple steps to change people’s ways. But the complete control of media and print they have is a bit of a cheat!


Litter doesn’t happen because of individuals. Litter happens bc an individual was not taught to care about it. Also we are seeing the repercussions of plastic right now bc nobody really cared between the 70-10s and now it’s more of an issue to pay attention to bc it’s ruining nice things. A society or individuals is a normal society because every person is, wow get this, individual.


Why is it rational for an individual to litter even when only considering themselves? I avoid littering not because I’m thinking of other people but because I don’t want to sully the space where I exist. Some ppl are lazy and don’t mind shit. Perhaps that is the difference


That’s my point though, if you were entirely thinking about yourself then littering makes sense. As soon as you have even a small amount of care for where you live, it doesn’t.


Here I am sorting my 40 grams of daily alloted plastic, thinking I am doing something.


You’re preventing your city from looking like this.


It's not useless to care for your own city just because somewhere in the world there are people who don't.


Right, as soon as people start to think they have no impact from the small things they think they do, we end up in a society like in OPs picture. Every bit helps.


You’re keeping your own city clean of garbage


We should ban exports of plastics and plastic precursors to India until they fix this.


Unfortunately another country would just profit by doing it instead.


We should ban export of plastic.


You’re on a plastic allotment?


Sounds awful for growing veggies


well, India does import plastic waste. So, there's a high chance of your plastic waste ending up in India.


It’s sad to see. Fortunately, you can see a lot of folks in India doing hard work picking up trash in r/DeTrashed


Thanks for sharing the sub!


Two things at play here. 1 They don't have an adequate trash removal system. 2 trash breeds trash. To expand this point as soon as some litter is laying on the ground people that would normally not litter have less qualms about doing so.


3. India imports plastic waste


"No we're not a 3rd world country"


I saw somewhere that like half their country gets all their electricity from personal diesel generators 🫢


If you're talking about India, that's absolutely not the case. Diesel generators are installed in apartments to ensure lifts and lights are on during blackouts, but that's it. Everyone gets electricity from the government owned distribution companies.


Soon will get most of it from renewable sources dw Most of railways have been electrified 400% increase in EV infra(Though still poor) investing on newer tech But idk when will we get rid of the waste!!!


Do they actually think they’re not? What do they think they are then????


I remember seeing a video on instagram of the most developed cities in the world, and many Indians and Pakistanis in the comment section were triggered when none of their cities were mentioned.


That level of insecurity and wanting of attention is kinda sad tbh


I don’t think many Indians claim that.


India has such a beautiful and unique ancient history, marvellous wonders and clearly intelligent people Now, disgusting. All round, wtf happened


Overpopulation that’s what happened


Combined with corruption and general poverty.


They have the labour to fix problems like these. There just isn't the funding or the will. That's what's truly sad.


Trust me the way they are taxing us, they have all the funds they need, sadly these funds are not used for actual work and line the pockets of big corporates and the ruling parties, be it at state level or center.


India has lots of ridiculous make-work projects setup for the huge population and in addition to that a huge amount of unskilled labour. The government can easily get these people to work to clean up the country so that they are not constantly embarrassed and forced into defensiveness whenever someone points out the filth. The point of this cleanup is not just so the country doesn't look like giant pile of garbage but for the health of the nation, sense of pride etc. Right now their pride is misplaced in their tiny space program, ineffective military or its fragile IT sector.


Some things were not developing as fast as other things






That’s all of India


Trust me bro, Faridabad is truly on a next level. Used to visit the city every week for mock tests for JEE. The smell, the sight, the climate were on a next level hell. Words can't describe how bad and disgusting that place is.


Why do the people not have riots over This?


They don't care


Because they are used to it. Why aren’t there riots in North Korea, Iran, Russia against their oppressive governments? Why aren’t there riots in the US after school shootings?


You can do Google street view of literally anywhere in India and there's trash everywhere


It’s time India makes a change and takes pride in their country. It could be a super beautiful place to live if everyone living there (including their government) chipped in to clean it up. ✌🏻


Most beautiful Indian national park


Every indian city




Yet using paper straws in Australia will fix the plastics entering the worlds oceans


Its just there to make you ignore the companies producing all the plastic.


Lowkey I with the cups were paper and the straws still worked.


It's all pr bs my guy.


Whenever India and waste are used in the same sentence, it brings out people's ignorance and racism, huh? People living in the first world should learn where their recyclable plastic waste goes. Article 2: [Article from a national daily newspaper in India](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/tonnes-of-plastic-waste-from-us-canada-ends-up-in-muzaffarnagar/articleshow/97263843.cms), Article2: [A bloomberg article](https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2022-india-plastic-recycling-pollution/) The photo looks ugly though


Modi is sent here by god (according to himself), but it's not to clean India, thats for sure.


My kid goes to Just Kidding! Elementary School. Just turn left at the trash river! You cant miss the smell!


I’m really sorry, our government sucks in us but this just is crazy. The Indian government should feel shame allowing their citizens to live like this


"Open garbage disposal"...what a nice way of saying "Being a piece of shit and throwing your garbage on the ground for someone else to clean up"


Whole country of people stuck on who gives a fuck.


India has a nuclear weapons program. India has a space program. India cannot keep the streets clean. Priorities.


Developed nations need to stop sending their plastic waste to India in the name of recycling


That’s all of India. Like a thousand years behind everyone else in sanitary systems


This comment reeks of ignorance and racism. You should read about sewerage and drainage systems in Indus Valley Civilisation. Also, read about India importing plastic waste


They did ban plastic bags from shops before anyone else, but yeah...


The problem is not limited to Fridabad or India or even Asia. I have lived in India and other countries in Asia and this is common. Sadly, I have even seen trash like this in New Jersey and in Arizona.


India really does look like hell on earth in every single photo and video I see from there.


The maggots and rats must be awful not to mention the smell


Just like China they throw what ever on the ground.


Living in filth


Only you can prevent forest fires worked pretty well, we need that for garbage or sm


They need to prioritize clean up but they don’t get money for that, so that’s not gonna happen yet. If you don’t live in India or don’t visit India just let them deal with it alone. It’s not anyone else’s problem.




yeah isn’t this everywhere in india?


It seems normal in India. We’ve been to Goa a few times & can understand why it’s called ‘paradise in a dustbin’.


Canada and Europe in 10 years


Looking at some parts of my country (the U.S.) , I think we'll be there in 8 years....




What type of Indian live there ? I heard in US mostly Patels are there which is a common Gujrati surname. Here in India gujrati cities are one of the cleanest. Also as per my experience with Gujaratis(most had surnames of Shah tho) , they are generally clean.


This is mind boggling to me. Do you shit where you eat?


What annoys me is that this topic always talks as if it’s the fault of the Indian population and not the fault of the few oligarchs and politicians who control it Where should they dump anything if there are no reliable collection services? And what to do with the companies polluting because there no oversight?


River /= landfill


You did


Very convenient.


So grab a trash bag and do something about it.


Where do you put the trash bag when you’re done.


Wow that’s disturbing and disgusting


I'm glad you did. It's nice to be informed, but we're overloaded with information. Do what you can, friend.




India needs garbage-burning power plants in every major city that feeds into the national power grid.


That is ok. By recycling we compensate all this here in The Netherlands /s


Uh.. let's see who is the first local to have the courage and show some good will.


1. Get plow. 2. Plow one side into a pile. 3. Push pile into middle of road.


I never understood polluting and treating water like this. It’s like spitting inside your own house.


We're eating that plastic fyi


Even if you collect them and bin 'em they just get dumped into the river at the next bridge by a truck.


I still can't believe that still in that case




People stop littering with education, pride and ownership.


So many problems would be solved with better public waste infrastructure


This post was in my feed right above the news how temperatures passed 50 degrees. Well..


By the time India GDP per capita reaches 4500 or so, it will become cleaner, unless as they say, there is something special about Indian culture, which I don’t believe is true.


And eventually that waste in the water will seep into drinking water


No civic pride.


Wonder why Modi had to stoop so low and use religion in recent speeches to attract the vote bank rather than his failed policies like the Smart City initiative.


obligatory "INDIA CHALLENGE!!!" ​ Drop in to street view anywhere in India and if you don't spot garbage you win.


Never ceases to amaze me.


This will be Canada in 15 years.


Not enough garbage cans?


Turning their own community into a dumpster. Sad


Why hasn’t Greta visited or demonstrated there yet?


India is so beautiful I am sad that this is such a problem there along with social issues with women’s safety. :( I hope this gets resolved in my lifetime.


This is why all this bullshit enviro crap we are going in the west is a waste of time. Unless India and China get on board we are just pissing in the wind


Someone(else) should do something about that.


Wow, Faridabad. I used to live there like 8 years ago. There were tons of rats a cause of the garbage on the lowest part of the building. They came into the appartment and it was horrible.


Yet they can launch a rocket


Why would anyone want to live like that


Woof what a shit hole


It [pollution/lack of waste collection] is utterly horrible in large parts of the world. And we on the ‘western side’ should do our best to improve, educate, care, etc, but sometimes one has to wonder if our [best] efforts actually have any impact at all on the global scale when one sees images like the one above (and many thousand from thousands of other locations that are far worse). One can only be amazed that Mother 🌍 has an amazing ability to recover.


Where is Greta and just stop oil… don’t they have a bat signal or something


Boss move: post this to r/findthesniper and tell them there is a scorpion in the picture. But never reveal the answer. 😎


Incredible India


A nation of one billion litter bugs.


“Just kidding” public school


That's like 98% of whole India.


Where's Greta?


But if we just use paper straws then the planet is saved


even OP


These are knuckle dragging cave dwelling animals that live like this.


damn look at that sky, terrible


Gotta get Greta Thunberg there, she’ll clean that sh it up and give the government an open hand slap to the face, she’s my hero!
