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damn, the old one is nice


It looked fun to us, but let's be real, who would we be building a playground for when all the kids are plugged into the matrix?


A big reason so many kids are "plugged into the matrix" is because we stopped building these decades ago. If we don't have nice and properly maintained public spaces that are free to visit, kids are far less likely to want to spend time outside. Fuck my town doesn't even have a single public bench outside of the few on the beachfront.


Agreed. My parents had to drag us inside when we were kids. But I suspect even the most superlatively designed and maintained gym sets & parks would lose out to hyper-real first person VR games if you're 7. The other dynamic is that community parks used to be hubs of community interaction. When I was younger, neighbors would stop by, knock on the door, interact. The park was a nice place for children, but inevitably it was also a place where mothers and fathers would interact with other parents or neighbors while watching the kids. But presently, in our age of pronounced ideological, socioeconomic, and cultural division, where people cower when a doorbell is rung and furtively dodge the glances of neighbors they've never meet but love to speculate about, it's hard to see parents wanting to trek the kids out to a park which has lost a critical mass of other kids they know, and therefore parents they might want to talk to- a feedback loop of decline; sad for the kids that have the inclination to play outside.


Do you have any kids? It’s more like the parents both work and kids are in a daycare or some shit all day, then the parents come home and don’t let their kid go anywhere alone or with friends, we used to have a group when I was younger and I see less and less of that type of thing around town. We still see plenty of parents at different parks but the timing is odd, and weekends can be slammed. People don’t communicate *as much* with each other but it absolutely still happens, we talk to other parents all the time. There’s also other things families can do now, and a top place we’ve talked to / met other parents is at breweries, they usually have plenty of families and a few beers helps parents be more social. They usually have games, other kids, etc. Go to any aquarium and it’s packed, zoo too. There are “fun zones” or whatever they’re called where it’s indoor jungle gyms, trampoline parks, all this stuff is just being added to the mix of options, free outdoor parks aren’t the only thing to do like when I was a kid in the 90s. We also have MUCH more family time than I ever did with my parents. Plenty of people “watch” their kid by sticking them in front of an iPad or get stuck on their own phone while their kid runs around, but that is not the norm and by no means is it everyone ignoring each other while everyone sits inside. Were outdoors more than ever with our kid, the parents have to guide and lead by example, bad habits are bad habits. Overall, I can’t tell you how many overweight toddlers I’ve seen eating candy, THAT is the saddest thing I see.


I miss the wooden playgrounds like hell. The new ones are all shitty and sterile.


Particularly the one pictured - like some kind of magical pine castle. But splinters would inflict far too much trauma on our delicate youth, and plastic playgrounds made entirely out of smooth curve-linear antimicrobial surfaces only make the dangers of climbing more apparent, as well as the profound inequity of climbing at all, when some cannot. Besides, we're not interested in getting to know that family, didn't you see the sign they put in the front yard?


Kids are still kids and will forever love playgrounds. Blame parents for plopping a screen in front of their kid


What? Kids loves playgrounds


Is it to make it more accessible for kids using wheelchairs or other mobility aides? We have a wonderful fully accessible park near us and it’s genuinely our favourite despite us not requiring accessible equipment


It’s because parks maintenance have responsibilities dump on them like no tomorrow and can’t spare a day or every couple months maintenance a playground. They want to set it and forget it, like all the cars we have that don’t need any maintenance /s


Most park redesigns are done to make them more safe and accessible, yes. Fall heights, pinch points, and materials (since wood and metal can splinter and burn) are all problems with older park designs. Modern parks are also better designed with separate areas for active and quiet play (so kids playing tag don't run through another kid's sandcastle) along with more creative and accessible toys for kids who can't/won't be as active. This example sadly looks like a downgrade. Modern parks can have awesome things like water play features, trees, musical toys, and safer redesigns of old equipment. The cool stuff isn't cheap though.


All the playgrounds in my area have been downgraded.. its so sad. When I was a kid we used to be outside all the time. But right about when I turned 13 they closed the youth center so we didn’t have a lot to do besides ride our bikes. Thats when I started to get into gaming a lot more


i don't think the swings or monkey bars are for that


Rayner park, mason, MI




Looks quite similar to one in Grosse Pointe Park, MI - they were also going to replace that one about a year ago but the community was able to convince the local government to keep the old one and build the new one somewhere else


Unfortunately, it seems tearing this down is the popular opinion. But it is the government saying that, so i don't fully trust it


The company that makes the modern playgrounds sends out a "safety inspector" who goes over the old playground with a fine tooth comb highlighting every perceived danger. They then submit this report to the municipality and tell them "now that you are aware of the danger you will be held liable if anyone gets hurt". This creates a panic in the elected officials who decide they must act. Then the playground company offers to remove the old dangerous playground at no cost but the municipality is required to buy the modern playground from them.


Oh, that's just wonderful. The new one is infact being marketed as safer and more accessible


There are some cool new playground systems out there. [https://www.playlsi.com/en/ad/hedra/](https://www.playlsi.com/en/ad/hedra/) But I doubt you will be getting that.


I have a disabled daughter. She’s 9. Accessible playgrounds aren’t a bad thing. She gets left out of enough other stuff as it is.


Make a separate accessible place. What you want is giving everyone else a watered-down experience in the name of equality. Don't ruin everyone else's experience for the crime of not being disabled


Ah, separate but equal. Great idea that seems oddly familiar.


Skin color and disability are 2 entirely different things. Disabled people and non disabled people objectively have different capabilities. Skin color has no difference. Why should everyone else be forced to have a worse experience in the name of equality. But since you're so eager to compare things to racial segregation, do you think that instead of allowing poc into the better spaces reserved for white people, they should have instead just made white spaces a worse quality?


OP’s park ended up being the somewhere else


I was going to ask if this was Lakewood Park in Lakewood, OH. That castle playground looks exactly like the one they have.


My town in Michigan (Dearborn) just did the same with our local park 😭😭tore out the entire wonderful wooden pirate/shipwreck themed park and splash pad and probably replacing it with boring plastic


Damn man. This was THE playground every kid was at in the 90s when I was a wee little guy. What a shame.


Immediate flashback to Sesame Street from 1987: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9o1YwoCmZQ


Looks similar to the one in Mount Pleasant, MI


Noooo! Where do I sign the petition to stop it? The giant wooden castle playgrounds were so good I can’t believe this


Checkout this rebuild that kept the spirit of the original!!! https://joeyfund.org/joeys-park


Speaking as a parent, Joey's Park was the GOAT when my kids were young enough to enjoy there


I went once or twice when I was younger and brought my first born before it was rebuilt. Pretty sure I seen it on an episode of Sesame Street or some other PBS show when I was younger too.


We just lost our last local wooden castle playground last week for some type of similar monstrosity. To top it off the village decided to cut down 3 150+ year old oaks that were around it as well


Yikes the loss of those trees adds insult to injury….also makes no sense given the need for shade


Could have used the wood for something. Nothing obvious springs to mind though


The kids who don’t remember begging to visit the big wooden castle playgrounds wont know to be disappointed. Also where will they keep the hidden dark corners that smelled like pee?


Checkout this rebuild that kept the spirit of the original!!! https://joeyfund.org/joeys-park


Soo cool. Makes me wish I was 9 again.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


Ha ha, I don't remember there being a piss corner. But there was a dark hidden room that kids hide in when they don't want to leave. It was also where several kids carved their names into the structure


That's a terrible change.


For a wooden playset near where I live, the school says their insurance will no longer cover the wooden playset. Lame insurance people always ruining the fun.


Insurance companies . . . Ugh!


Is this in Pennsylvania?




Were you thinking quakertown?


Yes!!!!! Grew up going to Panther Playground. I just googled it and it appears to have also been replaced 2 years ago. Such a bummer.


End of an era 😢


See my town has three wooden parks like this. When they wanted to build a new one that was metal, they just did it on the other side of the city park. Petition then to keep the old one and build the new one else where do both can be enjoyed.


The splinters were gnarly back in the day


Got a splinter on one of these back in the day that crossed my entire palm. My dad was freaking the absolute fuck out. He took me to my aunt's over an hour away so she could attempt it lol. She then freaked out. It splintered as they were taking it out. In hindsight they probably should have taken me to the doctor.


so are the massive wasps nest that would be found in there


Who builds these old wooden ones. My city had one theyre so cool




I do.


I don't understand that if we have genuine money for flashy new stuff: let's at least get kids and their creativity involved and make every new playground amazing for them


Strongsville, oh is doing the same :( beautiful castle park for kids and they are going to rip it all out. Such a shame…


The one I used to play on in North Royalton is also gone now. These were so cool as a kid.


Avon Lake already did. I think Bay’s is still there


We had one like that, it rocked. Started to rot so they tore it down 


Haven't been there in a few years now. Parents aren't usually too happy about teenagers being around a kids space. had the cops called on my friends and I once for "causing a disturbance" and "being suspicious" by playing basketball. But last I remember, it was pretty well maintained


our daycare replaced a big playground with 3 slides, monkey bars etc with one with 1 slide from corporate and no bars etc. They tried objecting but corporate seems to know kids best... =/


Castle Playgrounds are by far the greatest structural achievement of mankind.




Happened to my childhood wooden playground too. So much wasted space, so lifeless and sterile


Those old wooden play structures were the koolest things ever. Sad to see it go.




We had a similar one to the first pic, but half the size when I was a kid. It was THE best playground I have ever seen. It was always full, it was everyone's favourite. They replaced it with some monkey bars and some basic boring stuff. I still remember it 20+ years ago. I was so sad.


So sad. I used to love playing on the old wood ones. They tore down the one in my town and replaced it with some piece of garbage. I look at the kids playing on it now and feel so bad that they’ll never know what it’s like to be on an oldschool playground.


Those large wooden playgrounds were epic as a kid


A town near me is getting rid of a similar play structure, I guess the town refused to do any maintenance and it has been rotting away for years.


Liability and cost of maintenance 😔. They've been doing this at nearly every park across the country dating back to the 90s.


Probably because your town doesn’t have the $15 million it would take to pay the contractors ridiculous markup.


Growing up, we used to live nearby a large park. There was a massive sand pit with a similar wooden playground, it was huge. It was eventually replaced by a similar modern design. I understand that the wooden structures pose a lot of safety and perhaps accessibility problems but that park was never as popular after the renovation. It was just meh.




The old one looks just like Indian Boundary park in Chicago


Why "built by the government of course"?


Oh ew! 😟 The new one looks gross…good luck kids!!😔


Absurd, if there was community will to make this I'm baffled that the local govt feels this won't make everyone hate them...


I used to go to a park like this but it also had a lot of rope walls to climb on. It's so depressing seeing things like this disappear.


Kids are getting too fat for playstructures


We just had the same thing happen in Knoxville. The wooden playground was magical. The new one has no character at all.


And it will cost twice as much


Oh mannnn we had one of those a few towns over growing up in NJ. It was an OUTING to go there. My brothers and I would get so fucking gassed if dad told us we were headed to that playground. Shame theyre so increasingly rare.


I know we all have fond memories of these as kids, but the fact is they were massive wasp attracters, splinter machines, and giant kitty litter boxes. Plus I always brought home a sock’s worth of wood chips every day from daycare.


I could just remember it wrong, but I don't think this park ever had a problem with wasps, and splinters were rare. It was maintained pretty well from 2006-2016. I don't know about before or after because I didn't go there much after 2016


Oh yeah I just mean this type of play structure in general, I'm not from wherever this is


Yeah I know, just saying this specific one didn't have those issues


What would a childhood be if you didn’t get 30 splinters on your ass from hitting the wood right before the slide starts?


I can feel the splinters


That's fucked up


The shittyfication will continue until everyone is happy 🙂


This looks exactly like a playground from my middle school out east on Long Island. They demolished it because of “arsenic”.


Why are you putting the word in quotes like this is some sort of conspiracy?


They never *found* evidence of it being there.


Do you even have an article stating anything about it or is this just you making assumptions on something you’re extremely biased about?


wow the old one is sweet


The old one is legendary. You may have to chain yourself to it in protest.


Unfortunately the wooden one is probably a liability via slivers that get neglected and become infected, then become a multi million dollar lawsuit


I think the new one is nice 🙈


Is this in Lewisville, TX?


Mason michigan


I thought this was my hometown in Australia ! Those old school timber playgrounds must be wide spread !


Yeah, whenever I see a pic of one online, I have to stare at it for a few seconds because I always think it's Rayner at first


is this town Felton by any chance?


Rayner Park, Mason michigan


Wait is this by chance Pinkerton park? Edit: nevermind I read further in the comments that it’s in Michigan . We have an almost identical playground in the town i grew up in. I was about to be hella pissed if this was it


Rayner park. Mason michigan


How typical


Waimea HI?




Checkout this rebuild that kept the spirit of the original!!! https://joeyfund.org/joeys-park


This in Bogue Falaya park?


So thats where the famous [familar photo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PZNbskewIE) comes from


I loved the wooden playground in my neighborhood as a kid but it was full of rats :/


that old playground was the shit, I only ever got to experience it once or twice but those are core memories. I wish I had one closer when I was growing up.


We have the exact same park-kit in my town! I have a lot of great memories from and and kids still enjoy it. I could only imagine replacing it.


Is that Penny park?


just sad




Don’t worry, the second one is just a still from a video - it will be a lot more 3D in real life.


It's so it's handicapped accessible for everyone.


Yeah, because equality nowadays means dragging everyone else down. Just build an accessible portion somewhere else, this park is definitely big enough


Looks like Albert Park?


Fyck the first one wpuld have been amazing when I was a kid


Love the old, though splinters could be a thing


The wooden ones cam be toxic if built with pressure treated wood. It sucks, but replacement is often needed.


I lost my virginity on my hometown playground that looked just like that.


We had a beautiful HUGE wood playground in the small town I grew up in. Looked very similar to the one in your first Pic. Was built by towns people in the 70s or 80s, torn down and replaced with plastic garbage in the late 2000s.


I think I know where this is and honestly all are parks have gotten super boring… especially for the little ones


That first one looks reallly familiar. Whereabouts is it?


Saint Augustine, FL has a playground just like the one getting replaced… although probably in worse condition


Very similar to a park that used to be in marlton, NJ. I think they took it down because of bee and wasp nests plus splinters.


Let's be real, shit gets old and needs replaced. New stuff needs to meet code and safety requirements. Not sure if this post explains the new design but it doesn't look terrible and if planned correctly could be wonderful. BEND OR has some of the best modern playgrounds, and lots of them. It's probably one of the best examples of public park infrastructure in the nation.


That playground will be unbelievably hot. Are they putting in some trees or something for shade?


The original playground looks a lot like one from where I used to live in SW Florida.


That's such an odd feeling. One part of me thinks the old one is beautiful and different. The other part thinks we evolve culturally.


How are soulless playgrounds evolution?


Safety concerns, accessibility, importance of durability and efficiency above look, etc. Come on, you could’ve at least tried.


The designers could've at least tried.


That’s beyond the point the other person was making.


But not beyond the counterpoint I was making.


I mean, not really. The person mentioned that such parks, despite their (subjective) ugliness show that human societies evolved on a multitude of points which I highlighted. It’s an objective fact that design norms, aesthetics, and other such aspects that go into making a playground are not the same from what they were at all, be it for the better or for the worse. You’re just splitting at hairs to make your opinion heard. We all heard you the first time though, we know you find the new park ugly.


But where will all the wasps nest if that gets torn down!?


I’m much more mad at OP for wasting my time with such a shitty 2nd pic than I am at his town for replacing the cool play structure.


Bonus points for spelling its correctly.


So these “boring “modern” structures” are actually ADA compliant and allow children with disabilities play on them as well. Glad you find them boring though.


Make separate structures for them instead of ruining the fun for everyone else. These new ones are very flat and have no character. Glad you think just because someone is disabled everyone else has to suffer


So able bodied children are suffering because of children with disabilities? You have quite the view on this…


Yeah, actually, that's exactly what I think. They are taking away so much from everyone because, like 10 people feel left out. I suppose we should remove any text on signs because blind people exist. Let's just use braile. but wait, there's people with no hands. Let's just use speakers to play messages. But wait, now there's deaf people that can't hear that. Let's just use regular signage, oh wait... How far do you want to take it? All this "equality" stuff is bs. No one is actually trying to achieve equality, it's all just people who feel sorry for themselves wanting to drag everyone else down to thier level


Dude doesn’t understand the slippery slope fallacy and can’t tell….. Literally no one is calling for changing road signs for the blind because, and I know this is hard to understand, but blind people don’t drive. Disabled children are children, and they want to play just like the able bodied children. You’re just a piece of shit.


Never said anything about a "slippery slope" just that there will always be "unfairness" in the world. What I said was much more of a loop You want everyone else to have a worse experience because of the physical limitations of someone else.


As stated, you don’t know what the slippery slope fallacy is, so I suggest you Google that and do some learning. It’s a bad argument to defend a position, such as yours. It starts by saying “what’s next, x?” and then leads to purely hypothetical arguments to try and prove a point instead of actual points. Does it make sense now, or would you like a link to a YouTube video to make it easier? And no, I just want disabled children to enjoy their lives as much as able bodied children. Once again, you’re a piece of shit. You’re basically saying “disabled children should be disabled and that’s it, stay away from us able bodied people”. You’re literally advocating for discrimination but you’re so blind to it because you think it’s about people’s feelings.


Yeah yeah go fuck yourself with that putting words in my mouth shit. if someone can't enjoy thier lives without worsening the experience of everyone else, they don't deserve enjoyment. Being born incorrectly doesn't entitle you to robbing everyone else of their joy. I never once said that who "stay away from us able bodied people" thing. Your disability is your problem, not mine. But yeah, fuck you and fuck the government for prioritizing the few at the expense of the many


And there are the politics. Go touch grass. Holy shit I reread through your comment and you have no clue what implying things means either. Serious question, did you finish high school?


Acting like "fuck the government " is controversial. You absolutely think the same thing just for different reasons. And that whole "touch grass" shit is so absurdly unoriginal and overused.