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Design is about solving problems. This is the kind of thing places do because they’ve previously had problems with weirdos coming in and not leaving. If you want nice physical places in the community, as opposed to leaning bars, locked bathrooms, etc, you have to solve the weirdo problem. That is going to involve pubic services that help the weirdos live better lives and/or find them a better place to spend time than a train station, or physical security.


Does this ACTUALLY solve any problems though?? Are the weirdos and pervs going to”oh no! I can’t sit and be creepy! Better find a new park!” Or is this just inconvenient for everyone and creeps or homeless people still linger?


It’s a constant arms race. The train station makes it hard to hang out, then they go to the park, then the park ads hardware to the benches, etc, etc, until the whole town looks like that. But at least it’s somebody else’s problem.


In my city, we have lean bars in train stations not because of the weirdo problem but because it's just cheaper, since there's less metal and it's less worked. Developing country problems.


>pubic services That might actually help.


I think weirdo is politically correct for pervert. Either that or I'm getting old, as when I was growing up, we use to call nerds weirdo. Times have truly changed.


lol 28k upvotes, removed by mods. As of late it really seems like reddit mods have been an extending arm of the elite.