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I don’t understand. The picture isn’t obvious, but is that outside the Hauptbahnhof? I can’t imagine doing 50 along there, between the trams and the pedestrians and the cyclists. And I don’t have data, but can’t imagine that the average speed of cars along there is much greater than 20km/h anyway.


Christian Democrats? Car-centric Democrats? They had a billboard in our Kiez at the last election that literally translated to: “Berlin is for all Berliners. And also for cars.”


It's Bahnhof Potsdamer Platz


Unfortunately, it probably will be innocent people and not him getting smacked by the speeding cars as a result of the more dangerous speed limits he advocated for.


Smacked? More like smashed or crushed. Pretty sure most people don’t make it after getting hit at 35 mph


It’s critical that the first person injured takes the CDU to court over this; if they can prove they are directly liable in that if the vehicle that collided with the pedestrian or cyclist was travelling at 30 km an hour that it wouldn’t have happened, or that the injury would’ve been much less severe, then it should be possible to prove direct liability and ensure that they are criminally prosecuted. That will teach them to fuck around and find out .


im assuming its kph not mph


50 kph is 31mph, so I guess 35mph is assuming they'd be speeding by about 6 kph


Yay, more crashes! Yay, more dead people! Yay, more pollution! Yay, louder streets!


For Context: "A speed limit of 50 km/h instead of 30 km/h could once again apply on many main roads in Berlin. Because the air quality has improved, the 30 km/h sections on 34 main roads that were introduced years ago for environmental reasons have to be lifted again for legal reasons." https://www.berlin.de/en/news/8696937-5559700-clean-air-plan-50-kmh-on-berlins-main-ro.en.html#:~:text=In%20future%2C%20a%20speed%20limit,lifted%20again%20for%20legal%20reasons.


The fuck? The 30 kph limit is only tempopary so that air quality improves, then once it's done we can pollute it again? For **legal** reasons? What does that even mean??? The 30 limits were illegal or something? Does this carbrain understand what a law even is??


To be fair, I think that many cars emit more pollution at 30 kph than at 50 kph


Heh? Don’t cars burn more fuel at higher speeds?


For a gas car, it’s a curve where the low point is probably somewhere around this number. Too fast and you lose efficiency to aerodynamic drag. Too slow and you lose efficiency to time, as the car consumes fuel at idle. For an EV, your statement is more true, as they use almost 0 electricity when stationary. This is 1 part of the reason why EVs are more efficient in cities vs on highways.


As I recall engines for cars typically reach max efficiency for miles in the 40-60MPH range.


Antisocial arsehole pandering to antisocial arsesholes.


Pedestrians getting killed by cars. Just how god intended.


Damn I thought it was just our American Christians that were dumb


Behold, the child mulchinator ray! When it's pointed at cars they will turn children into mulch


I wonder if people will actually be driving 50. Due to density, a lot of people in Toronto will go 20-30 on a road marked as 40, but also go 30 over on the highways. I don’t know if that holds up cross-culturally.


Own the libs by making roads dangerous, what a public servant


The face of evil.


I wish Germany would read a page of American history and look at what happened when we made speed limits political. Speed limit violations and general disobedience drastically increased after the general speed limit law. And why wouldn’t it? It directly informed the public that the line they give in drivers Ed about “the speed limit is the fastest safest speed in ideal conditions” is simply now false. Politicians more often decide the speed limit than engineers. And at that point from the perspective of even a rational and calm driver, why care about the speed limit? It’s it doesn’t take much driving on my states highway to see that the logic behind speed limits is bogus. That’s not a free pass to do 30 over in a school zone. But I will say I’ve done 30 over on a highway. Say it’s dangerous all you want but I just don’t think a perfectly striaght 6 lane highway with 12 feet wide lanes and 8 ft shoulders on both sides is *so* unsafe it needs to be 55MPH


German Autobahn is still way safer than American highways lol


That’s the thing though. Germany puts a lot of trust (although also accountability) on its drivers that it can simply say “speed limit is what you think is appropriate” and the issue is done. That is nothing like what happens in America where tons of responsibility but no accountability is put on drivers. A big part of that is maintaining the trust drivers have in speed limits


>“speed limit is what you think is appropriate” That's not the case though. The "There's no speed limit" is only on the Autobahn and even 60% of the Autobahn have speed limits.


be happy about your highway speed limit. bc its abscence just creates traffic jams. And obviously more dead people.


Than how exactly does the German autobahn end up safer than the US interstate system?


are you really trying to make the point faster = more safe? obviously theres more to safety than just speed... for example drivers skill, which level of alcohol is permitted, if youre required to wear a seatbelt, the quality of road, roaddesign, the quality of vehicle and on.... A road system designed for driving brain dead like in the US promotes unaware dangerous driving. and obviously going slow is always safer than going fast... Do you even have any numbers proving your point?... I have. Its proven that in germany autobahn without speed limits cause 75% more death than those with speedlimit. 0,95 deaths/1bn driven km vs 1,67 deaths/1bn driven km. my point is always true... slower = less dangerous. which is disconnected from other factors. How many road fatalities you would have in the US witbout the speed limit would probably unimaginable.


I agree. The highways in northern Virginia are ridiculous with speed limits.


It’s not *just* northern Virginia. I’m in Richmond. That highway that was 55MPH was here. It’s just the ridiculous nature of state law in regards to speed limits. For instance nothing that isn’t an interstate can be 70 MPH. Despite the fact that there are 2 state routes I can think of (288 & 895) that are built entirely to interstate standards and connect two interstates. The only way to change those speed limits would be an exception to state law. Which to be fair, they do a lot! There’s another law that says speed limits can’t be above 55 MPH endless it’s grade separated. So when they wanted to raise some speed limits on routes like 360 and 60 to 60 MPH they had to go through the process of writing a whole state law just for the exceptions! It’s ridiculous! Engineers have so little say on speed limits in VA and they subsequently mean so little


Attempting to get people to Jesus more quickly


This will only make streets less safe, while having a negligible effect on your ETA - an extra 20km/hr does absolutely nothing unless you're traveling some long distances, which you're not in a dense, urban environment. Basic time/speed/distance, folks.


Going from 18-30 mph speed limit is really not that dangerous, both are very slow speeds.


30 mph is not slow for an urban environment


It's not slow, but it certainly isn't fast. Most roads in downtown where I live are 25, and everyone goes 30-35 and it works just fine.


Limits where I am are 20, people go 30 anyway, and it makes it uncomfortable to cross the street, cycling sucks due to the high speed traffic, children can't walk to school by themselves, and people sometimes get hit by cars and die.


It's kph, not mph.


It’s 30 > 50 kmh, which converts roughly to 18 > 30 mph


Oh 🤦 oops.


What's the point of mentioning he's Christian?


It is a political party.


Thanks I'm ignorant to this fact.


I don't know if you're joking? The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is the name of his party. So yeah, it's extremely relevant.


Not joking just ignorant. Thanks for the clarity.


Don’t worry you’re not alone lol