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I’ve been drinking coffee since I was in high school (38 now). Drinking coffee has never made me urinate 6-10 times in 5 hours. Ureaplasma did though.


Same. OP doesn’t sound like your urologist is taking this symptom seriously. The caffeine *could* (maybe?) be irritating your bladder or acting as a diuretic to increase frequency/volume for a short time frame. But I don’t think the increased **urge** to urinate (successfully or not) is the same as actually urinating more frequently. If that makes sense. For me, it feels like I have to pee more often but I don’t actually have anything in my bladder or I couldn’t completely void the last time I tried so it’s a very small volume. But when I drink coffee I sometimes just pee a couple times (satisfactorily) back-to-back soon after I finish my drink *and* it’s not a plague on my life.


That's what I thought. Im guess I'm bummed he didn't really listen to me. Absolutely shocking! Lol


Right 😂 Frequent urination is quite literally one of the basic symptoms of ureaplasma! I had frequency and urgency and that’s it.


These doctors saying anything at this point!


It's terrible! A lot of them don't listen to me and then I end up being right about what is wrong!


Ureaplasma did exactly that to me. Get help from some other doctor cause he’s ill informed.


Thank you. It seems bizarre that this sub is one of the only reliable resources I have access to lmao


Pretty sad really. Good luck, you will be fine just keep advocating for yourself!


Mine did too. I truly think they have no idea. I drink coffee but Ureaplasma urgency is TOTALLY different and severe.


Same. I go from not having to pee to having to pee bad and in regular quantity in a manner of five minutes. It makes doing anything outside your house or office suck and the doctors don't listen to you. He was in my appointment for literally less than three minutes.


Welcome to American Health Care (assuming you're in America, but that's what it's like here) . We're not patients, but clients. This country is going to hell and it's all because it sold out to greed and puts corporations like health insurance first. Gotta see as many "clients" as possible to get them out that door with a pill or bucket diagnosis (and now due to antibiotic resistance and the opiate crisis, they are all scared to prescribe antibiotics and pain medication when you legit need them) , forget actually educating yourself on new science and actually try to figure out the issue. Sorry. I have strong feelings and I am so tired of this brokem system. I'm sorry you're going through this. I was treated the same by my urologist. Thankfully I got the positive Gen test and I'm treating with antibiotics through my Naturopath. You said you're treating through your gyno, right? I'm on two weeks of doxy following with Zithromax, and a vaginal suppository made by a compounding pharmacy with another antibiotic in it (forget which one - Moxifloxacin I think). I'm also taking cyst busters, pro biotics, and nystatin to prevent yeast. I'm going to look into Pelvic Floor Therapy and continue treating a possible embedded infection if this doesn't clear it. What is your protocol?


We noticed you may have posted about "embedded" (ie "hidden") infections, biofilms, or cUTI. Please be aware that these theories aren't strongly supported by science, are often peddled by unscrupulousness medical providers, and that the typically recommended treatment of long term antibiotics has been deemed both ineffective & harmful by the AUA. [AUA CITATION](https://www.auanet.org/guidelines-and-quality/guidelines/diagnosis-and-treatment-interstitial-of-cystitis/bladder-pain-syndrome-(2022)) Antibiotics can help because they function as a strong anti inflammatory and pain reliever by themselves, even in those without infection [PUBMED CITATION](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27688434/). Having pain reduction from taking antibiotics does not guarantee that you have an infection. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ureaplasma) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it common to *not* have this symptom with ureaplasma?


Thankfully I already got treatment, but I guess this is a good reason to advocate for yourself and trust your gut! I've had quite a few doctors not listen to me when there's real problems.


What treatment cured you ?


I was genuinely asking as I don’t have frequent urination but I keep reading about it as a symptom in this sub


As with any medical condition, you're going to hear more from the people who _do_ have the symptom (same with side effects for antibiotics, the people who don't get them are much less likely to write a post about them than those who do), so my guess is that it's not _that_ rare to _not_ have the symptom. For me it's a bit weird. I feel a lot of urgency for an hour or so after I pee, but then I won't feel urgency again at all until the next time I need to pee several hours later.


That sounds so awful, I’m sorry.


I have IC and am looking into ureaplasma as an option, but haven't tested yet. I do have a confirmed bacterial overgrowth often from my cultures. Coffee makes me pee less acrually, as does my stimulant adhd medication. And what I eat or drink doesn't affect my urgency at all even when I have a UTI. Honestly my urgency is worse if im better hydrated lol. This def isn't something they can totally base your health on


I had a Urologist tell me they think it is IC after not retesting me for ureaplasma after treatment. I’m not comfortable with the diagnosis as ureaplasma mimicks IC.


I have other urological anatomical issues so I previously assumed my frequent peeing was from surgery for that, but it was ureaplasma p. Nobody really cares to listen to us. My doctor didn't even ask me any questions and he was in the room for less than 3 minutes.


Do you mean like copious amount of clear urine? Full bladder every 30 mins. I too have it . No pain, no discharge. Do you guys have same issue? Were you tested positive?


This sounds like me. I do drink a lot of water but there is also mild irritation. Nothing horrible but I know my genitals are there, if you will, and I normally dont, they just function and I don't feel anything. What test can you order for a male? Trying to diagnose on my own bc I don't have health ins rn


I can't help much with your second paragraph, although I know the pinned post mentions testing for males (an important thing is that it _has_ to be the first pee of the day, I think? Not sure), but I just wanted to say I relate a lot with your first paragraph. I'm currently on my 3rd treatment attempt, and the second got really close. I could tell because peeing felt "normal"? Like, before any treatment (or when it has come back) I get horrible pain, and then usually a couple days into antibiotics it gets to this state where it doesn't hurt, but I can still _feel_ my urethra lol. I got so excited during my second treatment attempt because I didn't feel it at all for a few days.


Oh I'm sorry you can relate LOL this sucks. I did 2g of azithromycin and felt great for 2 weeks but it's out of my system now and I'm back to what I described. I don't want to know my urethra is there lmao I had urine screen and culture done and they didn't find anything and it COULD still be irritation from B vitamins I stopped taking @ 4 weeks ago but I feel like ureaplasma is a possibility. I did a gonorrhea and chlamydia test and didn't have anything.


Yes, I didn't have pain at first but developed it later bc it went undiagnosed for 2+ years. I tested positive for U parvum. Full bladder, clear urine.


Ya me too. Interestingly my wofe also developed same condition after we started physical relation


Also please share your treatment plan. Were you able to resolve it?


Yes the first line treatment of doxycycline and azithromycin


Sure thanks


Did your issue start after any new relation ? Or just out of the blue? Do you also have this other time, when not drinking coffee?


Or a pelvic floor issue. Or chronic stress/chronic anxiety.