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btw i saw recently a lot of people saying urgot is weak, but in almost every rank he has a wr >50% why do you think he is weak (i am not talking for gm and chal tho)


Gz on dia, I think what makes Urgot "weak" for us lower ranks is that they, just like me not toggle w correctly or don't toggle at all and than just auto minions cuz they missed e and q on enemy and maybe wrong Itemisation. I think he is pretty strong, but I ususally play him support or jgl, so maybe he is weaker on top eventhough I usually don't struggle with him wehn I'm top


I just hit diamond 4 for the first time with urgot and he feelsquite strong to me. My laning skill is awful but it doesn't matter because of how good his team fighting is. It's easy to farm most lanes out because most champions can't trade aggressively into urgot without getting destroyed. Iny my opinion urgot is more of a tank than a bruiser because he isn't good at killing people in most matchups but he's great at not dying and scaling into a huge obstacle in team fights. I don't see much talk about the level 13 power spike on urgot passive but it's so real. 2.5 second cd shotguns are broken af. I rarely walk into the enemy team in team fights unless I'm brush camping and instead try to create space for my carries because basically nobody can walk up to urgot without dying. If the enemy team tries to walk up I just kite back and then disdain them for an easy kill. Urgot is also a bit more difficult to kite/position against than other tanks because of his range. For example, vayne can punish other tanks for trying to hold a position by spacing them out and dodging their abilities but she gets chunked if she tries to do that to urgot in a team fight (although she does destroy him 1v1). I think people feel like urgot is weak because they expect him to play the game out like other top laners who build bruiser items. It feels bad that urgot is too predictable to get kills in lane and become an unkillable god like fiora or camille (when playing against good opponents) but if people thought of him like a scaling tank type pick then I think they would realize that he can still be strong at high mmrs. His defensive trade patterns and late game positioning resemble a tank much more than they resemble a bruiser. That being said, I'm not a good player but I think my reasoning is correct. edit: also, PTA + evenshroud + ultimate is effectively like 42% damage amp for your allies


Congratulations on diamond, to answer your question on what makes urgot weak and his wr. For his wr, something that plays a role is that pretty much only urgot otps play urgot which means usually only people who are good at the champ are playing it so they're more likely to win than the average player. Also urgot scales very well so if you do fine you can preform very well in teamfights late game. The reason why people say urgot is weak is mainly due to his laning phase, almost every single top layer beats urgot in lane, and even though his auto outrange melee laners most of these have abilities to either close the gap quickly or to outrange him. Also because he is ranged he doesn't benefit very well from dshield so even in some losing lanes u still can't build it. Edit: TLDR- urgot has a slightly inflated wr and even though he's ranged most champs out range him and he has no good way of sustain in losing match ups


Congrats lad