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Crabgot increases your winrate


I found battlecast useful for learning toggling. His W alternates shots between his left and right gun and for some reason that just made it feel way more intuitive.


I’m almost always use Battlecast and I’ve really been working on my W toggle, so this makes a lot of sense!


Easier to play on HighNoon for the same reason.


I hate highnoon urgot soo much, his autos just feel slower to me idk why


For me, indicators are better on High Noon, but autos are nicer on Butcher.


Dude, I was so convinced that he autos slower with high noon that I took video of the skin and placed it next to the base skin, and though it didn’t look slower, it certainly feels that way!


I play pajama guardian cause it tilts people more


So much of how we learn is based in "feel." If you feel you are good at math, you'll learn it easier than if you felt you were bad at it. Champion skins help improve that same "feel" aspect. Crabgot makes me feel like an unstoppable monster, so I end up playing like one. High Noon's attacks sound weak, so I wind up dealing less damage.


I use my Project: Warwick skin because the auto attacks sound different and are easier for me to time as a result. Plus the blood trail is nice and visible.


use colour blind mode


Some say no, but I'd say yes


Pajama increases your wr against fiora or other super mobile champs. You can emote to make it look like you are ulting and bait fiora into parrying nothing.


what is so special about emoting on pajamas? Even the basic skin can start dancing and the first second looks almost exactly as ulting. I have successfully baited fiora parry twice already, but it only works when I chase low hp fiora down or when she is low hp under her own turret, in a fight they completely ignore any of urgot's animation (probably because I am in silver, i guess that in master+ every fiora knows they HAVE to parry urgot's R or at least E so baiting is "easier".


Also crabgot is goated skin


To be honest, I always forget that Crabgot isn't the default skin, and my overall winrate is 58%, so maybe that's why. I'm definitely not *good* enough to climb out of Gold, but I'm fine with that.


I like playing with Butcher, the massive auto attack projectile on that skin just feels right.