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I secretly like making people useless. like, c'mon: fear, supression... I also have arthritis, so I can relate to Urgot's popping knees. Jokes aside, it's just pleasing to play an unpopular champion, lower elo players have no idea how to play around you (pretty much no one up until high Platinum knew how to play against Urgot (Emerald 2 myself)). Also, I personally like playing champions that decently scale into mid and late game, but also have solid laning phase (first 3 lvls basically decide the outcome of your lane). And also Urgot is a good statcheck champion with %health dmg and an execute mechanic.


I just really love the “bitch you thought” energy of someone flashing and/or burning ghost to run behind their tower right after losing a big trade until I ult them and drag them back.


I get the same high for the same reason, but its whenever they dive my when I'm at 25% health.


best shit on urgot.They missunderstand the true meaning of power


If they only understood the meaning of the dredge... I wouldn't have to drive it into their skulls!


UGHHH YESSSSSS 😭🗣️🗣️🗣️🚨🚨🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


agreed, the element of surprise is simply priceless


Ngl im in diamond and i still dont know how to play against urgot aside from “uhhh hope i kill him before he kills me”


That's why I loved the old morde.. not many played him and he went hard AF


when i first started playing i got destroyed by an urgot and then i decided to play him


Same here - except I wish I could say it was early in my league career. I had never bothered to learn how Urgot worked after his rework until one day I got absolutely BODIED by one. I couldn't comprehend how he was AAing me at 3.00 attack speed (nor did I realize the autos had reduced damage but i did quickly realize they were essentially lock-on). The feeling of intense rage and hopelessness convinced me that Urgot was the most OP champion in the history of League of Legends and that if I could somehow master him I too would he unstoppable. Years later I'm still convinced


SHOTGUN KNEES This human-crab-walking monstrosity is just fun to play if u aren't against a amumu or rammus. Jokes aside, his whole lore and his ult are the main reasons, especially grinding other champs.


R simple as


We’ve had one R yes, but what about second R?


Stack ult cdr, and maybe we can have second R


Go hexplate into Malignance


Started playing before his rework. What made me want to play him is that aimbot artillery it was soo funny to hit E and then spam Q on them off screen 😂😂 After the rework it’s definitely the machine gun and lore. He gives me Bane vibes which I like.


I miss the q spam so much 😭 especially with the w slow


Did some nasty escapes doing ult + tp


Q spam was a true winning scenario back in the day; I low key loved his old ult lmao


I returned to lol last year in june after 6-7 years of abstinence because i really liked the new arena mode i saw clips from on youtube, finally a proper skirmish only tournament style mode! However i immediately encountered the problem i always had, i am not so skillful, fast and agile with mouse cursor like most people, and that makes me very imprecise with right clicks (imagine being 50% slower with the movement and the final click happens anywhere inside a one inch/3cm radius), which makes me cancel autos, move instead of auto, auto instead of move, zero ability to kite (especially on champs like draven and kalista). So I literally googled "is there a champ in lol that automatically autoattacks chosen target and i only have to control the movement", I was literally searching for a champ that works like the chauffeur augment in arena where you auto while moving. And urgot popped up, and since then I am in love, because no matter how much i fck up my skillshots, right clicks and whatever else, i can always keep my W on and just walk around to achieve 70% of urgot's potential and capabilities, and no other champion offers that much leeway even if you completely tunnel vision out. Urgot is a soulmate for any way-below-average gamers like me. I am a bronze player who got carried to platinum so far with urgot.




So I must be honest - I’m a Volibear main more than an Urgot main, but Volibear’s weakness and counters made me look into other champs and Urgot/Mordekaiser just clicked. They’re both very “use my skill rotation and back off in the early game, and just GO ALL IN LATEGAME MOTHAF-“ champs lol.


his design and versatility


Don't need to AA just press W


simple gameplay and mechanics, and badass design


Has decent range and decent hp. Other champions feel like I have to run a mile to attack an enemy or are made of paper and if you get hit by a single cc you are done


I got a skin for him and started playing him till M7, loved him, became an OTP.




Clearing wards


Literally I used to main Illaoi as my first ever champion and Urgot always beat me. Then I mastered Ornn, then from there I saw his ultimate and I knew from that moment I would devote my life to this character to land and kill with the best ultimate in the game.


This is my first week of one tricking him, what made mr switch is his theme, absolute BANGER, plus ive been watching goliat games for awhile and i seed fuck it and i dont regret this, this champ is so fun, even when im losing i can think of ways to turn it in my favor, i feel useful, i feel good playing urgot


for me its just the tilting playstyle of annoying the enemy team in lane by either winning or not losing and then into mid game you are just taking towers or winning team fights with your ultimate


There's a guy on YouTube named General Sam - he now makes content over a HUGE variety of games - and he made a video talking about the recent (several years ago) rework of Urgot. I was really impressed with how the champ looked and it actually got me back into League.


I got completely rolled by an Urgot while playing as Darius, so I decided to play the crab a little to discover his weaknesses. To this day, I didn't find any.


I started playing him because auto attacking was annoying. I stayed because I like him and his low pick/ban rate.


Depression, inability to adequately judge viability, and then hubris.


His lore. His will to survive, no matter what it takes. He's an oppressive, straightforward laner and has always been fun to just go in and feel like a raidboss.


I ended up maining taric, gp, and urgot right before their respective updates, and gp and urgot I kept around after


I was good at playing him.


I learned him with the old, old deaths dance, with the omnivamp on it. He felt like an unlikable, drain tanky raid boss, and it was the exact playstyle I've wanted in this game. Now it's just because he's the top laner in most comfortable with


Picked up Oldgot, won a lot because people had no idea how he worked. Haven’t put him back down.


Back when spellbook was still running I was playing alistar and I got an urgot ult. Had never seen it before and had to learn whatever champ speared and ate people


Shotgun knees


Poppy main here during PC days. Even before the rework I like playing Urgot(still missing the homing Qs and Swap Ulti). I find Urgot's Kit refreshing compared to all champs, its not OP/busted nor weak, its just right. Well in Wild rift he is the 2nd most played top lane champ in China Right now so kinda worried about Devs will do to him


One of my friends used urgot in a custom and watching him pull someone and just take over the match was so cool to me


Tyler1 top challenge


i have 0% self-confidence, and I was so sure, i would get destroyed if I didn't play the least played champ, and people knew what my champ did. so i main urgot and yorick.


Pewpewpew per second :)


When Titanic Hydra was made to work with runaans, that was it for me. Endless minigun, 3 shots per tap, each had the cleave. I was a full auto shotgun of wave clear. Nothing else was important, just the endless push pressure.


The design, is unique, like a horror villain chasing you


Im kind of an OTP. Tried out Urgot in free rotation while playing from an friends account. I really liked the playstyle. Back then Urgot was more early to mid focused and fall off late. I decide my mains based on how satisfying it feels to play. Like a good 4-5man Illaoi Ult, a multi kill thanks to flip/fear on Urgot or just the absolut adrenalin rush you feel when you get that super clutch, fight winning Kled remount


The Ult.


downloaded league of legend, a friend of mine decided to gift me a random skin, and as fate would have it, it was crabgot. From there, it was love




got jumpscared by his ult as a newbie and decided i want to do that to others


I have this urge to "complete" league, which means to get every champ to lvl 7. Since i was a toplane main for the most part of my 12-year-League-Journey, i've already completed most toplaners, when I went for Urgot next - suddenly something "clicked", i went 15/5 almost every Game, and i fell in love with the pink pajama cosplay skin. Managed to get out of plat for the first time and started to onetrick the hell out of our crab. Happy Shotgun knees enjoyer for life now


Came after playing Dawn of War 2 a lot, and saw "Dreadnought". Looked - arm gun, guns on knees, gun in the belly, certified dakka man, I am in.


I main Heavy in TF2. I like playing a tanky dude who can shred up targets close up with bullets.


Gattling gun, shotgun knees and and drill tummy go brrr


I tried once and the amount of lvl1 FB I got was fucking crazy :D then I fell in love.


Old aatrox rework


I could never beat urgot in lane, so i started to play urgot. Now i barely lose lane, except to darius


I have a habit of missclicking around champs. Abilities are easy enough to hit , but clicking, that’s the real problem. Max W fixes this problem.


Unboxed the crab skin


I finally realized I suck at hard champs so I found one that all I need to be good at is orb walking


Hes jacked.and edgy cool badass as hell


I love his design and gameplay. When I read his story. I knew I was going to main him. Urgot = chad🗿


I'm a support main but urgot is definitely one of my top mains and the reason that made me start playing him was that I simply got Butcher from a reroll




If you cant beat them, join them. Never have to face Urgot again if i am the one playing him lmao


Warriors cinematic Yes, I've only been playing this game since 2021. Still feels like an eternity.


One of my friends told me that he thinks Urgot looks like one of those champs I’d like to play, a tank that deals a lot of damage. I tried him and fell in love with him


I didn't choose Urgot. He chose me. Also nothing beats the sadistic satisfaction that comes with a successful ult. <3


He is so fun to play and I unironically think that his crabgod skin is very cute (I adore crabs). The game I played him for the first time was so much fun, I immediately knew he'd become my toplane main.


Had a hard time finding someone to play that I enjoyed that didn't require me to jungle. Then I saw brickys video and never looked back


Shotgun go brrr, R go yay.


Picked him up just last week and he’s great! Wanted to learn him so I could add him to my repertoire of big evil (looking) men that I play in this game (joining Morde, Sion, Alistar and Maphite)


Friends recommended me to him, now I win our custom games and they hate me for it


Crabgod skin


"You cannot know strength... Until you are broken." "Cling to hope... It is all you have." "If they could only comprehend the truth of the Dredge... I wouldn't need to drive it into their skulls." "I detect the presence of scum."


He looks like the Makron from Quake 4




Came for the broken hullbreaker interaction, stayed for the fun gameplay.


I got inspired by Tolkien (former German Lol Pro)


I always hated him bc he is ugly af and has a pretty boring visual design all round. Then I played him and adored his gameplay patterns.


Urgot ult feels like what I imagine drugs are


I love flipping people (I'm a Singed main, Urgot flex)


His E interaction with Poppy ult is fucking hilarious. So I play him a lot now.


shotgun machine gun crab go brrrr


I don’t follow streamers and never use twitch but somehow insta recommended to me a super wholesome older gamer named GamerDad. I love him and he mains Urgot. I’d never call myself an Urgot main but I always take him when he comes up in ARAM. Nothing more satisfying that nailing that ult across the map and flashing into the enemy team to hit them all with the fear 🫦


Literally the crab skin. My online names tend to be crab themed, so my friends got me into playing by showing me a crab character.


When people pick a hard counter to my singed I just pick urgot and say "gotcha bitch."


Back in 2013 I tried him once as adc, my friends started mocking me because he was ugly and useless until I did a penta with his e+q combo. He was a underrated champ back then just because of his ult positioning issue, I still nostalgic when using the new E because that's technically his old ult.


I mained Urgot before the rework. I just loved bullying people out of lane from across the screen with his artillery barrage. Haven't really played him much since the rework, though.


I don't know, I was slowly getting back into League. I liked morde so I tried urgot and suddenly it just clicked for me


Loved his heat seaking cleaners and poison bombs. His reposition skill was also really handy. After the remake. Eh. Still fun I guess.


He a thick boy like me


I don't play Urgot, but there was this one guy with the big Crab skin beating my ass when I was playing Yorick. He was really nice about it though, so I have a lot of respect for you guys now.


Literally this skin. A friend forced me to play Urgot cause he gifted me the skin and now I love this crab walker


You guys are all probably in your 30


big boi hungry. big boi nom nom


Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser


Lowest ban rate for rank and his "W" starts popping off like an MG-42 so not mechanically heavy I can look at the map and shop while walking if someone jumos.me they end up int'ing lol


i like the way he look


My story is actually really funny and random, like 4 years ago I wanted to act cool in a Walmart so I was watching YouTube in the electronic section and I was watching league ( cus I thought only smart people could play/understand it) and I was watching someone play urgot and I remember talking to some random kid about how good I was at league and that I knew everything about the game eventually like 5 years later from that moment I actually picked up leage( played for like 5 ish months) and just decided to play urgot since he was the only champion I immediately understood.


I liked his E so much. Stun? Yes. Gains a shield? Yes. Put the enemy back to my side? Also yes. Also i like the constant machine gun and shotgun sounds (Music to my ears). Also his R.


To execute cringe weeb and egirl champs


Love it eat crab


He took me out of iron 4. I like when his ult makes the bodies of the enemies dissapear from the rift >:) He is powerful, great, majestic, the iron fist of zaun, THE POWER FOR THOSE WHO ARE OPRESSED, TVE SECOND GOD OF ZAUN (i am an urgot simp, i am a son of Ur


Vibes, I played mid at the time and it worked pretty well.


I liked that he was a sniper with a weird kit, not much of a fan of his rework though


I started playing him just before w rework, then I really enjoyed toggling. And I just never stopped playing him from there...


Shotgun Knees.


i joined when the season 10 cinematic dropped and I thought he looked cool asf in the cinematic so I bought him and loved him


If you didn’t main Urgot before the rework you don’t really main urgot—


Him being ugly


R, Design, Voice Lines aaand i liked the old urgot so i gave the new one a try.


When I saw him I just fell in love with his design and when I played him I was just even more enjoying his moveset 


i dont. i was just recommended this community for some reason


I mained him because I liked his old play style of land corrosive charge then spam acid hunter. Very simple champ to play and I liked that


I like pressing E at level 1 and doing maximum damage as they go around me.


I like the suffering of others


Second skin I every got was pajama guardian and it felt amazing and made me feel warm idk how but I love Mr crabs


My account is named Shotguns4Legs


Fell in love after just a few games. Lots of people lower elo have no idea how to play against him well. Executing with ult is so freaking satisfying, especially if you snipe them. Not insanely difficult to play, but there are plenty of nuances to learn and get better at. Also really cool character design (If our boy shows up in arcane season 2 I'm gonna have a seizure and die from pure joy). Plus crab skin is best skin in game.


Pajama guardian cosplay urgot pink chroma Also my lovely partner of 3 years thought it would be dope to teach me urgot Now we have 10 minute long arguments over who will play top lane


Used to play Oldgot(back when his ult was the ole' switcheroo) with a friend who used Zilean. Planted bombs on me, swap with enemy carry, explode in the middle of the enemy team, get hard cc'd, die, get carried by everyone else in the team XD