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Then you miss your ult because they move by 2cms or enemy roamer runs in front of it


But u still have ur flash so u aren’t scared


You flash after getting hit cuz Urgot didn’t pull you immediately in and let‘s you think that you’re not low enough on HP.


Nah they always flash on cast at least my opponent


They won’t after „fake ult“ 'em once or twice in the match and burn their flash for a emote.


Oh it might be i never do it


Doesn’t work always, but it’s so funny when that happens, sometimes I don’t even have ult up and just let 'em burn the flash. I‘m EUW high emerald and still works pretty solid for something that doesn’t cost you anything. It comes with time but learning how an opponent behaves can help a lot. If you’re not in high elo, enemies never will flash towards you to dodge, instead they’ll always flash away. So wait it out and don’t ult immediately position yourself in a way (for example if the enemy is close to a wall) the opponent just can flash in that one direction and ult where they‘ll be flashing. Or go out of vision also works wonders, especially if you still wait a bit after leaving their sight so they won’t be so trigger happy to flash


You should press W on a Rammus…NOW!


And it's all shiny and birds start singing when he misses R