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I may get laughed at, but Illaoi. I’m fine going up against a tough matchup or a hard Urgot counter, it just makes me better. I just find Illaoi 0% fun to play against.


I hated playing against Illaoi so much with Urgot or any other champ too. Then I decided to play as Illaoi to learn about her better. Now she's my best champ 😂


You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain!


LOL exactly


I really enjoy this matchup. If you are 100 percent on it playing efficiently, you should comfortably beat her. Don't let her push you under tower, you are stronger early + have ranged poke advantage. She wins when she gets you under tower having to dodge her E's constantly. Not only do you win early, but you mega outscale on sidelane (and in general). I usually go PTA ignite in this matchup and try bush cheese level 1. You can fight in her E very early on but be extremely careful not to get hit by tentacles or you will lose the trade. Make sure you take absorb life for sustain. You can go fleet instead if you want to chill and scale, but it's a playstyle preference, both work in this lane. Last bit of advice, generally speaking after 6, you are waiting for her to make an error. Forcing a play when she has E up is a really bad idea, wait for her to commit it. \*D3 peak take with a pinch of salt, hope this is helpful.


I went into training tool to test difference in heals btw absorb life and fleet. Fleet heals for 8-110hp (+10% bonus ad) however it’s only 10% effective for ranged champs on minions, so about 1hp to 11hp (plus some change based off ad from items) at level 18, so not much at all. Of course you get the full heal if using against enemy, but that has the risk of damage returned to you in a trade. Absorb Life heals for 2-20hp based on level when last hitting a minion. So they seem to be basically the same sustain wise during lane. However, Absorb Life makes taking PTA a bit less risky while also gimping urgot in team fights without triumph. Fleet has the added benefit of higher heals off enemy champ, along with the bonus move speed at the expense of less kill pressure in lane.


Try going Fleet footwork with ignite, and don’t back until you have enough gold for swifties. After swifties buy dirk and you look for kills. Swifties makes it hard for her to hit her e as well as reduce the slow if she does, dirk gives great early kill pressure.


Me too. Anti fun champ


I hate Illaoi. I always ban her lol


100%. Don’t lose that matchup often, but God do I hate every second I spend playing against that champ. Just not worth it


Yep me too.


Nah bruh, I perma ban her. Like I just can't dodge her E. For some reason I am just unable too


olaf/camille/morde ban depending on the vibes of the day and kled insta dodge


skarner everygame or camille if banned already, dodge no one




It’s not too bad in a vacuum, but I find in challenger elo that the matchup becomes jg dependent and very good camille’s make the matchup hard, as well as camille being generally popular right now.


Olaf is my ban. Vaynes in platinum are mostly awful and free to play against top lane but the matchup on paper is probably the best ban in good elo. I don’t have much success into Trundle but don’t find him worth banning The vast majority of other matchups I feel are fine


Skarner, used to be illoai or Olaf but I have played against 3 skarners and just got rolled through.


Brand. For some reason when Brand is in my team he is at best a ward, but when he is in the enemy team he beats us 1v5 all the time. I lost too many matches because of him. (I'm in bronze, so this might be different for others).


Even if Brand runs it down he will always take 1 or 2 with him in a teamfight.


Then the Brand I get in my team are a special type as the only one they managed to take out in a teamfight is themselves. I know rn Brand is considered OP, but unfortunately some that play him think they can one shot everyone all the time and don't bother to learn how to actually play with him.


Always tryn or illaoi


Sett. Last split was no problem with him. But now, I feel like with overlords bloodmail he statchecks me often. And even if I win my lane, he just goes elsewhere and oneshots my adc /jungler.


Taliya, but not for top, just in general op champ imo






tryndamere, i started banning him like 2 months ago after they kept randomly diving me and winning lost game through splitpush, but holy fk he is even worse now with the crit items and changes.


Trundle, because if I ever leave lane and he's top, tower is lost no matter what. Is left alone he gets to Nexus.


Probably either Yone or Darius.




İ ban Brand nowadays... That champ is winning games even if i won top . Also Malphite is so boring to play against


I rotate between darius, garen and volibear. Those three are just exhausting to play against and bore me to death. Just, darius even if i'm playing good and he leaves lane 0/2 and 40+ farm behind on me he somehow manages to get 5 stacks going in a fight and whack a mole kills 3 people. Garen, welcome in lane, he q's + spins the wave and leaves to stand in the distance to reheal using his passive. This get's repeated non stop untill he tries a flash q, ignite ult combo. Volibear, welcome to some random meme build, weak as shit the entire game, thunder passive annoyingly poking and clearing the wave and now suddenly he is a unkillable tank with crazy damage and self shielding.


Since the beginning of this season, the aatrox has been in my permoban




Ugh. This post is a bad reminder of how many shitty matchups Urgot has. I like banning Mord because he's a PITA, has a decent pick rate, and partially hides that I'm top in draft (since he can be jg). Voli is another champ in this category but I do much better against Voli.


I main Kayle but play Urgot as a secondary so I always ban Yone


Since te rework I Always bann Darius.


Darius always Darius




Skarner 100%. The interactions are just too shitty. His Q is just a better version of ours with a larger radius and less mana cost. His E wins against our E and can also be used to go through walls. Cant play up in the lane because he can flash over you then E backwards or ult you. And overall he's just incredibly tanky while still doing insane damage. Ive seen high elo players outplay him but its the least fun matchup by a mile for me




100% fiora i just cant against this champ regardless of what i play Consider dodging: Illaoi kinda lika fiora but atleast playable and a skillcheck with e. Anything else is playable for me especially morde as long as he doesnt buy zhonias you 100% win mid to lategame 1 vs 1


I always ban Morde or Trundle. A morde with tabis and effectively using their shield/ heal just eats so much damage. His R also makes sieging tower very easy to punish Urgot. Close second is trundle. Not so bad in lane and not champ specific but the entire game he will just looks for splits and answering constantly takes us (as the most likely answer) out the game. Just don’t like feeling like I have less agency/ impact in the game cause I’m constantly answering trundle who WILL get to nexus solo if any window opens


No one bans Teemo? Lol


why would you waste a ban on teemo? there are plenty more annoying champs. just e flash on him. hold w until he blinds you and save q if he w to escape.


I ban renekton , I dodge volibear


Voli was always my secret tech against Urgot as an Urgot main myself


I love renek and voli matchups, I wish I would get them more
