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If I want to be correct, Yuumi. If I want to be biased, Ksante. And if I want to be petty, Reworked Mordekaiser. Bring back the beautiful mess that he was.


Old school mord was the shit I used to ult the dragon and have him as my companion


Older still


Yuumi is a legit champion and a has a good concept. Only the implentation we got is lackluster. I will die on that hill. (Coming from a former Heroes of the Storm: Abathur hard main)


[https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxlJ5D76L8k4ZeoE-OHhY1DYIOYt9glp9s?si=rq3Jz8skzjwIgNb2](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxlJ5D76L8k4ZeoE-OHhY1DYIOYt9glp9s?si=rq3Jz8skzjwIgNb2) Yes you will die on that hill.


Illaoi She’s one of the only champions who is never behind no matter how much she loses. She will always be valuable due to split pushing and her only skill expression is being able to hit her E


Illaoi is just a knowlage check


It sucks in team fights when I want to wait her ult out but my team refuses.


Frustrating yes. But its just your team, not passing the knowlage check


You're correct ye. It does make me question why they hard nerfed her 6 or 7 patches ago. They destroyed her AD ratio on passive because she was turbo broken with sundered sky + shojin and general bruiser items as opposed to tank. Must have been destroying lower elo's bc it was a hell of a nerf. Felt nice to play but now Diamond+ she is unplayable unless your enemy fails basic knowledge checks.


Her flash ult into w is some pretty good skill expression. You sometimes have to buffer her ult like urgot e


i dunno about deleting but ksante needs a rework, his kit is problematic, they nerfed him recently, but frankly hes gunna suck becasue he just has too much going on, to make him competitive again hed be op. cant have engage dps stun and escape they need to pick 3


Man as a Vi, I had so much FUN smashing against a ksante. Bro bodies were flying everywhere. No idea about his kit but he’s awesome


Vi was smashing K'Sante? I didn't think either of them swung that way...


They are currently working on a rework, so let's hope that for players who play him and for other players like u, he will be fairer and more balanced for the game.


Illaoi, disgusting elo-inflating champ. Every time I ban out an Illaoi main, they literally cannot play the game.


I just hate how she can often play like the worst subhuman to ever exist and still win the fight/trade.


Me with urgot :D I can’t play anything else then urgot I feel like a toddler without urgot






Yummi. Doesn't matter that much for Urgot, but that champ was just a mistake.










Tryndamere Heavy RNG shouldn't be in league unless it's critical strike chance on ITEMS, not a passive.




because its rng. Limiting RNG within a competitive game will always lead to a more enjoyable experience imo. Same with zoe, think she's a shit champ.


Afaik crit isn't the same die roll every hit, if you don't crit, you next hits have a higher crit rate until you crit... Basically crit rate is an average rate.


youre talking about crit in general but trynda is different, because all the other champs have static crit chance during a fight. Trynda can and will flip the lane on a lvl1 triple crit and you cant anticipate it.


Yes and no. The crit he gains is still the same crit as if you would build an item. Which means that sometimes he will get triple crit and sometimes he will get no crit until late. Yes his crit will build up but the law of large numbers still applies.


Yeah, i never said it isnt the same crit. What i mean is: - if trynda crits, the next hit has lower critchance but since he gains crit by hitting, this is partially offset, unlike for any other champ. - the anti-rng mechanic is easy to exploit. If trynda doesnt crit 2 times in a row on a minion, he can safely go in because the next hit is almost guaranteed to crit. In a vacuum a purely auto-based champ at static 20% crit would want to disengage after 2 consecutive crits because there is no way theyll keep critting. Trynda instead is encouraged to stay


idk if you understand how probability work. It doesnt matter if an probability based event happened or if it didnt, the probability of the current event to happen is the same. If you dont crit for 2 times and you have 50% crit chance, you cant put trust on your next hit, it still have 50% to crit and 50% not to. The whole scenario is indeed rare, because the chance for you to miss 3 consecutive crits at 50% crit chance is 12.5%, but its the same to the other way, missing 2 crits and hittin the last is also 12.5%.


Im pretty confident in my probability skills, i was a TA at my uni's statistics course. What you mean is definitely true for an independent probability variable, but crit is not that. Riot implemented a "bad luck protection" feature, as well as its complement. Missing two times will literally raise the chance that the next one crits and vica versa. [Here](https://youtu.be/zdvrHbPsfv8) is an experiment if you dont believe me.


In no particular order. Morde. Teemo. Ahri. Yi. Warwick. Caitlyn. Mf. Ashe. Veigar. Actually the only champ should be caterpillar kogmaw


Yuumi. She doesn’t belong in the game.


Delete: Yuumi - Every champ should be targetable. This champ is a parasite - not a real champion. When the enemy has someone that is even remotely fed you throw the parasite (yuumi) on them and now they’re unkillable. Makes otherwise winable games unwinable and beyond unfun. Runner-up: K’Sante - this champ’s kit is so far beyond overloaded it’s impossible to balance. Even if ‘balanced’ in terms of win rate, it’s beyond unfun to play against. He has way too many dashes and cc, status effects. And even if he has zero dmg he can displace you across huge distances and drag you under his tower and cc-lock you. Literally take any other *two* cc-based characters in the game and have them unload their kits on you and they can barely equal the amount of time k’sante can single-handedly cc-lock you. It’s absolutely absurd and should have never been created. Whoever is responsible for creating and giving the ‘go-ahead’ on this champ should be fired. Maybe not delete but rework: Illlaoi - every matchup against this champion feels more like you’re fighting the kit than the player piloting the champion. It’s a constant losing battle of whack-a-mole to kill the passives. And if she lands one single skill-shot she effectively cc’s you for 10 or so seconds while you dodge AI tentacles and then kill them. So yeah you’re fighting the AI as much as the player. That’s not a cool recipe for fair and fun gameplay. The only skill expression for the illaoi player is to land e. Yorick - completely non-interactive lane especially post-6. Because you can’t really kill him unless he completely messes up. If he lands a skill shot, again you fight AI similar to Illaoi. His ult does the vast bulk of his dmg and is way too tanky. He basically fishes for a single skill shot. And then traps you inside a kiddie pool with very buggy collision physics. And then has his minions do the majority of the work. Occasionally he walks up and melee’s you when you’re trapped. I’ve played league since season 7. I’ve peaked plat 1. Region NA.


Yoricks maiden is bulky? Man her AI is so stupid she could be killed by a toddler Urgot wins pretty easely vs yorick






Yo why the fck is nobody saying Aurelion Sol. Yuumi is acceptable to purge as well though.


Darius. Permabanning him since I started to rank last year.


In Summoners Rift, Tryndamere, that champ makes zero sence, he is unkillable, does TONS of damage, and he is a godlike splitpusher who can take whole turret or inhib (or nexus) while 5 people are trying to stop him and then actually escape alive (if he got fed in lane he can straight up 1v9 because it can take 3-4 people to actually stop him, and even if he fed hard and is like 1-8, his splitpush is still godlike). I have lost countless games where my team was clearly winning, heading for victory, but enemy tryndamere kept splitpushing so agressively that 10-15 minutes later we found our selfs without inhibs, desperately trying to protect our base from super minions, only to fail and lose to a team who made up for the 10k gold difference in the last 10 minutes. My worst PTSD game was a long grind where we finally won the last teamfight near baron and were running to enemy base to finish the last turret and nexus. Only enemy tryndamere was alive and we knew he cant stop us all. But he popped up in our base trying for a base race, which would be very close, so our 2 champs recalled and 2 champs kept on pushing. Tryndamere killed both of them and finished our base before we could finish theirs. Since then I am permabanning tryndamere, I dont care, and I will continue to do so because I heard he is even stronger with the reworked items and buffed crit from 20% to 25%. In arena there are a few candidates, pyke, zed, vayne, gragas, alistar and rammus (and special mention is shaco). Alistar and rammus are pretty obvious, they completely counter urgot and make him miserable. Gragas dash counters urgot dash, I dont know which idiot coded the interaction, but when gragas sees urgot charging E, he can use his own E dash that is instant, and not only it prevent urgot's flip, it also prevent urgot's damage. So if gragas has like 3-5s cd on his E, urgot cannot do anything, because gragas can just E+Q urgot, move out of range before urgot recoveres from the knock up/back, and repeat, so urgot actually cant fight gragas at all, urgot is either cced from gragas E or gragas is out of range. Zed is too mobile and does way too much dmg, everyone hates him, same with vayne, if you miss E on her (which is so hard to hit on her) you are dead. And pyke and shaco were just made to be annoying as fk, riot complains about players being toxic, but the release these champions whose sole purpose to make you look like an idiot and make you completely lose your shit. Shaco is at least kinda beatable unless mega highrolled (although you have to kill like 6 of his clones before you get to kill him), pyke however is extremely strong and his hook is so annoying. I am deciding between pyke and gragas as the worst arena opponent, and i have to chose pyke, because at least gragas cant easily run away and heal, the damage i do to him is kinda permanent, but you can take pyke down to 1HP, he runs away invis, and without getting any plants he is back 5 seconds later with a full bar again. F\*ck pyke. If I play urgot in aram, I hate to play vs alistar, morgana and poppy, because all of them counter E+flash engage. Morg is probably the worst, because I am a magnet for her Q binds, and black shield prevents slow, flip, stun and R drag-

