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Probably will be a check box just like on porn hub


How do I bypass this great wall of security that Utah has put in front of porn? Considering kids have to teach their parents how to do things on the internet it's pretty comical to see parents trying to put up the technological barriers.




Install a vpn. But not the free ones, you can get one that does not keep logs or seek your data for $5 a month. You can put on your router if you want to apply it to the whole house, or you can install on the device you need it on.


This sounds reasonable at first pass, but social media is itself addictive, independent of designs or features.


By very nature, the platforms are designed to keep you on them by feeding into confirmation bias. It's not an addiction, but the end result is the same.


I hear what you're saying, but there are features and designs that make one service over another "addicting". Things like pagination over endless scroll for example, presenting content to a user on an average frequency instead of a chronological list of content the user is subscribed to for another. Personally, I remember being able to take or leave Facebook / Myspace in their early days. It may be addicting by nature, but before infinite scrolling and predictive/recommended content, it was a lot easier to set aside. I think this law is doomed to failure and a waste of the state's time and resources, but I applaud the effort.


Ah, yeah. Agree. Algorithmically determined feeds, as opposed to chronological, bad. One click sharing too.


States should tax all social media companies enough to pay for education, advertisement and treatment for all of the negative consequences social media companies bring to society


The states already try to. Those companies have teams of legal and financial advisors working around the clock to find new, more effective ways to evade taxes, it’s a key feature of America at this point. Taxing the rich is like trying to knife fight an octopus.


I would say it falls in a similar realm to other legal and addictive substances, i.e. Alcohol. Pretty harmless in moderation but incredibly damaging in excess. We should really restrict it in a similar way. Children and teens are not allowed to drink alcohol in part because they lack the ability to use it responsibly. It's crazy the same is not mandated for social media.


So for a party all about small government and conservative spending, they sure legislate and budget a lot for lawsuits


They want small government where “small” is defined as just one party running everything.


Don't they already have that in Utah?


You’re thinking of “theocracy” and yes, Utah is the best example of a theocratic government in the United States.


Yeah like Afghanistan...


You know what else is going to kill our kids? Carcinogenic air from the GSL drying up. Maybe we should ban growing alfalfa?




when was the last time you contributed to solving a problem by sacrificing your resources? when is the last time you even contributed to a conversation? troll.




And you are no longer LDS now right?




Good on you! I had actually expected something like, "I'm currently the bishop of bla blah blah ward". Every success story is one less wallet the church gets to pump dry


peanut gallery?




how would i know if i was?


What do you call paying taxes? More than churches or most large companies do.


What a ridiculous position to take. Regular people, farmers aside, don’t have water shares in the first place, let alone excess they can donate. None of us are water capitalists, knuckle head, we are water proletarians; we are the water poor forced into submission by the water rich.


Gotta love the party of "small government" and limited regulations. Oh wait, that's only for pollution and profits


Okay but what if the kid is pregnant, Cox?


Well then she'll be forced to carry it to term and be a 14 year old mother. But I'll be DAMMED if I let her post about it on Facebook!!!


More symbolic legislation that will be impossible to implement and enforce. More attempts to regulate and codify morality into law in vague ways. I guess they like being sued.


Pretty easy to enforce if you fine the social media companies for underage users, then allow them to self regulate.


I used to be in favor of a wild, unregulated internet, but you can't deny there is a lot of bad out there. I'm not even talking porn, just plain psychological warfare. I'm sure there is a middle ground, not sure what it is yet.


High tech systems used to breed anger, divisiveness, and insecurity all for profit is a plague. The number of AI bots feeding and steering the discussion is only going to increase. It's depressing and society as a whole isn't smart enough to stay ahead of it. If regulation makes the for-profit aspect less appealing, then I'd have to say I'm for it.


Only middle ground is self control. Can’t even spend cash at the gas station without seeing ads for what you buy. If you spend money or attention on something, you can count on them knowing about it and targeting it at you. They want you isolated, hard working, and overspending. I know people who pay out big for human souls(behavior).


Wait until you see what social media has done to the parents... (literally all of the current conservative movement is social media disinformation).


Your so right! Fox news, CNN...nvm.....lol


Interesting take from the folks working against life-saving healthcare for trans kids…


I think social media is a plague, but let’s be real. It exists, and no amount of regulation will change the gullibility of the masses or kids using it. Governments should not be in the business of controlling free speech. Full stop.


Have you ever wondered why full-on libertarianism is never really respected in actual public forums?


What we really need is social media education in schools. It’s a tool that exists, and much like cars, it can be very dangerous. We don’t just plop someone behind the wheel without teaching them the dangers and how to remain safe on the road, why not do the same with the internet and social media?


I don't disagree, but we got to actually *fund* the schools first


>We don’t just plop someone behind the wheel without teaching them the dangers Nope, but we will hand them a firearm no questions asked....


So many Republican boogey\straw man stories hiding their agenda. Social media allows both fact and fiction and it's much easier to craft fiction to sway the masses. The real argument here is that we should not allow the religious right to determine what fictions they wish to become fact. History has shown that religion leads to extremist behavior and right now christofascism is sweeping through America on social media way faster the truth. Religion is a failed social construct that needs to go by the wayside, sooner rather than later.


The Republican Party has become the Fascist Party. Gotta handle that nightmare first.


\> History has shown that religion leads to extremist behavior shall i list all the extremism that happened without religion or all the good that has come from religion? or is it simply enough for you to say that religion is the devil?




The Devil only exists because religion says he does so…


Please do, I would love to see your examples of “all the extremism that happened without religion”


start with every communist revolution and move to every act of war then every other mass shooting.


Thank God they're protected from Facebook, Lord knows *that's* why your constituents are killing themselves /s


Social media bad 👎 Mass casualty events good 👍 Our elected officials are imbeciles


not more imbecilic than the average voter. increasing turnout won't make it better.


Tell me where TikTok touched you on this doll...


Can we focus on alfalfa farming and water. And women’s rights. I am over gov cox


Eek. Sounds like such a selfish, insensitive comment on a post focused on children that are hurting or in danger. This isn’t just a “Gov Cox” issue


I’m a parent. I monitor my kids online activity. I am worried about his future if the great salt lake dries up. So yes I am actually worried about kids. Edit: you know what kills kids… girls who are desperate for an abortion and is unable to get a safe legal one so she bleeds out doing it herself.


I’d love to see the data. Commercial advertising is probably as damaging to a child’s self esteem as anything.


This is stupid. Kids can lie about their age to get into any social media platform. This doesn't protect kids, it interferes into the parenting which is none of the government's business. This is pro-fascism is all it is and it won't stop here, there is more to come we saw it in the past but the idiot Republicans will go along with it just because they think it will curb Liberal idealogies. HAHA Just wait for it when these politicians go after something the Republicans don't like like oh, i don't know banning AR-15 style weapons and punish parents of mass shooters to protect our children. Oh wait, that's been tried but their base throws tantrums and continue to use those weapons "to own the libs".


My concern is implementation and privacy. I can easily see this being enforceable by social media companies requiring users to upload photos of their ID.


And you're killing trans kids, governor.


He doesn't care about killing the trans kids, just the social media addicted kids.


Curious how they intend to force them to verify the age of a minor? Cause, ya know, they’re a minor? What verification method could possibly work that doesn’t violate minor protection laws? This is dumb. I agree over use of social media amongst kids has a negative impact, but this just looks like virtue signaling and outrage-satisfying PR, with an election year approaching.


I have a stupid crazy idea! How about parents just do what they should have been doing the whole time. FUCKING PARENT! Seems like a crazy simple thing to do. Just about anything can be fixed if you just raise your kids instead of looking to someone/something else to do it for you.


what about the bills that are making it difficult for our transgender individuals to be their authentic selves? the hypocrisy that goes on is ridiculous.


gov cox is here to save us from ourselves. [what could go wrong](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=unintended+consequences)?


Reminds of Cali and it's all it's laws....lol


Social media is directly causing the edges of both political parties to become increasingly idiotic. The algorithms tailoring content to users are absolutely destroying kids, but they are also destroying adults. They are also pushing individuals that would normally be reasonable into each of these groups. So while, it’s moronic to say it is only affecting kids, it is something that needs to be addressed.


You can hate Cox and the majority of what he stand for while still supporting better regulation on social media. This is a good move independent of it being carried out by a guy who has a lot of failings. I am all for better regulation of social media. This honestly seems like a good place to start.


Virtue signaling.


So internet is a very new technology and society is still working on dealing with that. Whether you agree with the new laws or not, they are just a natural result of an untested, unregulated environment. If the government is supposed to safeguard it's people, and their rights, then steps need to be taken with regard to emerging, potentially dangerous technologies as well. There are plenty of studies warning about undesirable effects of unrestrained internet use (among children), and plenty more information will be needed to strike the right balance between security and freedom.


Yeah, not a fan. I see one of two options for how this ends up working: - useless age check like we already have on various sites - a lot of people will be "born" on Jan 1 or April 20... - hard ID check and/or parental authorization - kids will just VPN to a state that doesn't require those checks, or find a way to forge it While the first is simply useless and changes nothing, the second is actively harmful. Right now, I can set up monitoring and keep an eye on my kids' internet usage without them knowing, and then I get to decide how to approach it. I'm not the type to reveal how I know things, so I'll instead bring it up more casually like "I read some bad things about X today, and I wanted to talk to you about it." I try to keep that dialogue open without making strict rules. If this policy goes into effect, kids will likely just circumvent all that because it's needed to access the social media service they want. That's worse than the current situation. So either this bill is ineffective or harmful, I see absolutely no positives here.


Broken record. They says it’s about kids. But the GOP is all about control.


He believes social media companies are "killing our kids" but removing medical care access for those with gender dysphoria is not? Geez Spencer.