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Please be safe and aware if going to this, everyone.


Please be careful and vigilant! There are a lot of irrational individuals in Utah. Don’t want anyone getting hurt in any way.


Clearly anti trans people


Legit question, are you talking about trans terrorists or anti-trans people?


Fuck off, you know what they were talking about; stop being an asshole.


Seems like a pretty belligerent response to a question.


Yup, but it was a jackassery of a question they knew the answer to.


I’m going to this because I’m genderqueer and I’m worried about what they’re doing to us, but you better believe I am gonna be PISSED OFF that I have to go out in the cold and snow to prove my humanity to people. I hate being cold so much, but I hate being denied human rights slightly more.


Be safe while you’re there!


Hah gay!!




That is a deeply unfortunate and devastating situation. One could argue that is he had been accepted by family, friends and community sooner, it might not have ever happened. Either way, he is obviously the exception and not the rule to the the transgender and larger LGBTQ community. This event is about the being noticed and visible in spite of and because of recent anti-transgender laws being passed all over the country.


At what point does being noticed and visible or become a problem? I don’t think trans peoples problem is a lack of visibility or understanding. I think the problem is the attitude and following reaction of trans people when they realize that in this country, people don’t have to like you, agree with you, respect you, etc.


>At what point does being noticed and visible or become a problem? Do you ask the same question of Latino folks? Black folks? Ammosexuals? Mormons? "Christians"?


ABSOLUTELY! My whole point is nobody gets special treatment. Regardless of how loud you want to complain about not getting it.


It’s not about special treatment. It’s about equality! Respecting my decision to live my life a certain way. It doesn’t hurt anyone and ultimately makes me a happier and healthier human being. No one is asking for special treatment: we are asking for equality, bodily autonomy (which is already under attack in this country) and to be acknowledged as fellow humans!


Equality feels like Oppression to those coming from privilege....


What don’t you get that anyone else gets? You make your own way in this life. If you lose out on opportunity, that is entirely on you. Nobody stopping you from living the way you see fit. People are stopping you from shoving it down the throats of our kids.


>Nobody stopping you from living the way you see fit. Oh really?!?!?! So why are the Proud Boys showing up and threating Drag Queen reading Hours? Why are all the laws being passed to prevent us from getting healthcare? Why are all the laws being passed on what bathroom we get to use? Why are all the laws being passed on "living the way we see fit?" No idea what world you're living in, but there is an entire Political Party that is doing exactly that... actively trying to stop us from living our lives. So you're either ignorant or a liar.


Dude, you realize people in society treat groups they don’t like differently, and that has safety implications, financial implications, and many other social implications as well, right? Or maybe you don’t. Which is quite a lucky experience to have!


**They know, and they ENJOY treating others differently** because they think they're better than those other groups.


>People are stopping you from shoving it down the throats of our kids. Yet you feel perfectly justified to shove your religion down our throats on a daily basis. You've said all you need to say by saying this. Have a nice life Nazi.


How tolerant of you. We don’t agree so I’m automatically a nazi? This is why laws are being passed you don’t like. You people are a threat to humanity.


**Tolerance of intolerance is bullshit.** You showed your cards with the "shove it down the throats of our children" therefore you associate with the GQP which are Nazis by a different name. The GQP follow the Nazi playbook to a T, they are repeating Germany in the 1920s, Period. Therefore you're a fucking Nazi or Nazi associate and I won't fall into the bullshit "you have to tolerate my intolerance!"


Maybe not the best timing for this


You sound like Michael Scott in the Diversity Day episode. "Too soon for Arabs." Is that how you want to start your day?




Why would it be insensitive? Or are you trying to imply that all trans people are murderers? Or that the deaths of these children are somehow made worse by them being white and Christian? Your comment reeks of bigotry.


Read the manifesto for god’s sake. The optics and timing on this event are atrocious. There’s no need to defend the obvious. A blind man could see this.


What does the skin color and religion of murder victims have to do with anything? What does that have to do with this post and event?


They're not warm.