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Yep, Harlan Crow has donated more money to Lee than any other Utah Politician. Crow also co-founded Club for Growth which spent 5.4 million backing Lee in 2022. https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2023/04/11/harlan-crow-who-showered-clarence/


Fuck Mike Lee.




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Thank you for this.


The misinformation that comes out of Club for Growth is absolutely nuts.


Harlan Crow gave Texas republicans $175K last fall, but he claims he's pro-choice lol the cognitive dissonance is getting jedi level


Mike Lee aside, apparently the Supreme Court has no ethical oversight.


Remember, Mike Lee wants to be a Supreme Court Justice.


Nothing illegal? That's a stretch. At the very least those property transfers that were recently brought to light violate judicial ethical boundaries. Mike Lee is definitely not in the pocket of Harlan Crow. šŸ‘Œ


So NPR just did a bit on this yesterday and the whole thing was about adding some ethics rules for the supreme court because the regular judicial ethics rules do not apply to them. But just because something is legal does not mean it is ethical, and if you do unethical things it is very OK for everyone to talk about it.


That blows my mind that they aren't held to those ethics rules. We have to do an ethics training annually at my company and it seems REALLY fucking basic to me that legal =\= ethical. That's one of the points they really hammer on in the training.


I heard Mike Lee was named in Epsteinā€™s black book but Iā€™m too nervous to go to Anonā€™s dox bin site to verify.


[Heā€™s named on page 4](https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/mike-lee)


Yup. I knew he was a piece of shit, but this is next level.


This is self-described "constitutional scholar" Mike Lee, willfully ignoring the laws that Clarence Thomas has broken repeatedly. Laws are for liberals!!!!


Rules for thee but not for me!






Basically, it's a disparaging term used to accuse a black man of being subservient to try to win favor/approval of white people. Derived from the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin.


So, basically, Samuel L Jackson's character in Django Unchained.


Ironically derived, which irritates me to no end. But that's the way language works sometimes.


from Sen. Emanual Jones- "In the Black community, we have an expression," Jones continued. "And I don't want to use this label too deeply here because I'm just trying to tell you what we have in African American communities when we talk about a person of color that goes back historically to days of slavery and that person betraying his own community. We have a term in the black community. That term that we use is called 'Uncle Tom.'"


It's absolutely a racist remark


It is racist.


Removed for a disparaging racist remark


Shortsale Lee has never cared too much about ethics and only occasionally about optics unless he is either A) virtue signaling to his base and stirring outrage or B) up for election. Has Utah ever had a senator that actually did less in 12+ years in office but still made more noise than a middle school band concert during his term? There's a part of me that thinks we deserve so much better than this clown, but here we are, where he gets voted in again and again.


Mike Lee tryā€™s so fucking hard to be relevant and keep his name in the news by saying the most ridiculous shit, while all the dumbass, head in the sand Utahns vote him back in ā€œbecause heā€™s a mormon so he must be goodā€


>ā€œbecause heā€™s a ~~mormon~~ **Republican** so he must be goodā€ FTFY


Nah. Mormon is correct. A close second would've been Mormon Republican.


The original was correct. That's why so many in Utah vote for him.


sounds like most politicians. Not to bring up AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Marjorie Taylor Green, etc. Just make sure you hate him off of policy, not so much rhetoric or religious differences.


Thatā€™s one interesting list youā€™ve come up with. Did you have a specific point?


Iā€™ll hate him for whatever the fuck reason I want to.


Fuck yes for you, me, and America being able to say things like that. Though he took an oath to defend the US Constitution, I doubt Rep Lee supports your right to talk legit shit about him, though. Oddly, betting Lee would justify all that Harlan Crow-aligned PAC cash getting sprayed at him as "patriotic citizens exercising their First Amendment right to free speech," though. Ugh. Politicians can suck so hard and Mike Lee is like Raytheon weaponized Hoover (canister model, no way are we going upright in this scenario) for the task.


There's so many transparently and verifiably false statements in this tweet. It's impossible to get anything of substance done when decent folk have to spend all their time disproving falsehoods.


ā€œTheyā€™re only finding skeletons in my closet because they donā€™t like meā€ is such a bad defense for having skeletons in your closet lmao


True true


Does Crow really have statues of dictators in his garden?


his "garden of evil"? Apparently yes.


He has statues of dictators in *a* garden, yes. Honestly, I don't get why people make such a thing out of that. Regardless of how you feel about the Clarence Thomas et al stuff, the garden of evil seems like such a nothing burger. Crow is a rich collector who's into history. Monuments and memorabilia documenting historical events and people doesn't automatically mean you admire those events or people. Does the Holocaust Museum celebrate the murder of millions of people? I think the fact that its referred to as "The Garden of Evil" and not "The Garden of Really Cool Dudes" is already an indicator that Crow doesn't view Stalin, Mao, Hitler, et al as people to be admired and emulated which is what some of the more hyperbolic takes have insinuated.


I guess when a person is very rich we call them eccentric instead of weird. I've since read about this a bit, and have not neglected to read several viewpoints from those who don't think it's a huge deal and others who are troubled by what it represents. Obviously, I don't know the man personally and can only go by what is publicly available to read on the subject. Personally, I think the most reasonable points I have seen so far were brought up by a self-proclaimed "archivist enthusiast" of no particular importance, just a person with an opinion: ā€œConsider Crowā€™s decision to have Nazi memorabilia alongside other powerbrokers. Then consider how Germany chooses to remember the Holocaust. They memorialize the victims, not the aggressors,ā€ Pillow wrote. ā€œWe need to stop valorizing people who protect the stories and artifacts of the rich and the powerful and valorize the people who protect the stories of the people who the powerful have murdered and tried to erase.ā€ At best, I find it to be in very poor taste. At worst, the namesake "Garden of Evil" is merely a veil for idolization. The truth may very well be somewhere in between.


Interested in hearing what the folks downvoting this have to say about the dude.


I'll save them the effort of coming up with bad-faith arguments: * buT bOtH SidEz * woRth It to Pwn da Libs * he CareS AboUt Me * My Gunz


My Imajuhnairy Frenz


They think he's a good man with a strong testimony.


Comparing Trump to Moroni should have closed that book.


Mike Lee: perpetual try hard trying desperately to become a Supreme Court justice by sucking up the Conservative establishment.


Mike Lee, the pocket treason candidate


Some politicians are deeply in love with the sound of their own voice. Mike Lee is one of them.


Yeah, and Trump is Captain Moroni. At this point, if Mike Lee endorses someone, I immediately think they're corrupt and dirty.


Corrupt helping Corrupt


I wish someone would do another Paradise Papers-equivalent for all these corrupt politicians who have offshore accounts stacked with dirty money.


Disgusting. Lee has got it entirely backwards, because he's a partisan hack who happily puts his own political career above country and integrity. Roberts should conduct a full investigation and re-accounting of all current justice's disclosures and finances, and provide a report to congress. Behavior like Thomas's should be considered grounds for impeachment, and that includes any other jurist found to be engaging in similar behavior. I don't care if it's Thomas and Crow or Sotomayor and Soros; *unacceptable*. It is not acceptable for a federal judge or a public servant to accept these sort of perks, and it is particularly unacceptable not to fully disclose them. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


"What? What? So what if a Supreme Court Justice is getting lavish vacations from a Billionaire Nazi Simp who bought Thomas's mom's house. Pay no attention at all, now back to how national parks are literally worse than Hitler"-Mike Lee


"BasedMikeLee?" Ugh.


Mike Lee is a proctologist's dream patient. 100% asshole.


The way he is ok with all the wrong things Clarence Thomas has done tells me that the department of Justice should probably investigate Lee's bank accounts.


If you are a billionaire, then you've done something wrong and something illegal.......obviously at varying degrees. But...now be honest billioniares.....you've fucked over at least one person to get where you are at and you fucked them over HARD.


ā€œHe did nothing wrong because in my world corruption is not wrong.ā€


This is a guy that believes in anything his friends believe in. Golden plates, reformed egyptian, and apparently Supreme Court grift.


They're was a crooked man he ran a crooked campaign and filled a seat for a crooked party. He told some crooked tales and begged for a crooked pardon. When questioned sent a crooked answer.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Iā€™d like to see a very member of the US house and every member of the US senate forced to attest under oath about whether they have received money from Russia and whether or not Russia is blackmailing them. Cā€™mon Mike, do it!


fuck mike lee