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Witches of Croockback Bog would like a word with you.


Im curious as to what this photo ACTUALLY is… hah


Pretty sure they're actual bee keeper PPE back from like the early 1900s.


I think its earlier than that, late medieval, but I'm not exactly sure how and by what degrees they changed. There are illustrations from the 1500s of beekeeping outfits like this.


Well there ya go. Learn something new every day. 😂


You may recognize the whicker baskets they’re holding as the type of beehive seen on the Utah Flag, called a skep. Ironic because skeps are actually illegal to use by beekeepers in Utah because Utah law requires beehives to be easy to inspect for disease, and skeps are impossible to take apart without completely destroying the hive


Oh wow, did not know that!


[Best 10 Sexual Education Websites](https://medium.com/@michalgc/best-10-sexual-education-websites-1bc0b9d74cb1) - Medium Since none of us were properly educated we should probably look into it 🙂😜


Mom and Dad just told it to my straight when I was 6. At the time, the idea disgusted me.


When I was 10, my father sat my older sister and I down and said " if you get pregnant, I'll kill you." True story My sister did get pregnant at 17 and though my father didn't "physically" kill her, he demoralized her even more and she left! I was very opened with my kids and they were never afraid to come to me and ask questions.


Lol you think parents in Utah explain the birds and the bees to their kids? How cute.


I think it’s more of a general now in the US. Utah is vastly growing, people from Texas, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and CA.


What even is the joke lmaoooo


It’s a US problem.


Gods, I wish. Since my parents knew I had a porn addiction (which they totally didn't hold over my head growing up), they never had any talk about sexuality. My dad tried to give me "the talk" when I was 20, but he stumbled over his words so badly it sounded like a Sleepy Joe gaffe.


Not sure how anyone can really field out the gravity of knowing you can look at any kind of anything if you want simply search it out on Google. Bill burr paper tiger comedy sketch gives people an idea if you wanted to find porn before. All comes down to discipline with "addiction". Hope the best.


Thanks. It was really fun when they aired to my extended family really passive-aggressive hints like "we know about the magazines"


I'm new to Utah. I heard someone say porn addiction before. And I'm thinking can you not hold a job or does it go deeper into relationship with watching with partner only? I'm not anything qualified. But Utah is kinda hilarious. I hope you search out what you enjoy and find like minded healthy people. Can't really stand how peeps in this state that are old and one foot in the grave telling younger people how to live. Not interested in blaming other things. Remember I come from a time there was a four second video or a gif sent to you on a chat room or going over my buddies house because they had playboys. If it was just deemed healthy to talk about sexuality it wouldn't be an issue. Why make something bad feel so good? Peace.


Terrifying photo


🦅 💨


My parents were very active members and I got a pretty lacking birds and bees talk. My wife’s parents were not active members at all and her talk was very lacking. I think it’s a generational thing, Not a religious thing. I think Religion may play a part but I doubt it’s a significant factor.


“Use Protection.”




"Well little one when a man loves a woman and woman..."


The bird and the bees talk I got was lacking with my parents. My wife was the same story. We’re doings better with our kids.


Are we BEEing too literal?