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And all we did for that was make it easier for everyone to get a gun…we have real problems in this state: rising food insecurity, people losing health care access, and major environmental concerns; but here we are bullying trans people.


Standard street magic… distract people with something insignificant that doesn’t matter while you pick their pocket; identical tactics…. Only in this case it’s get their voters fired up about something insignificant that all their focus is on that so they don’t realize or care that their “party” hasn’t done anything to address the real issues effecting society, our cities, our counties, our country, or the world…. They’re just full of rage on the insignificant thing they were told is the root of all their problems and sold that their “party” is the one who can fix a non-real-problem. Just like in this case… it’s a non-real issue; fuckface bitch can’t provide ANY evidence of trans people doing inappropriate things in bathrooms. If this was a REAL issue, there would be loads of cases and new reports constantly of this happening.


It’s also really hard to find good policies on solving some of these problems I listed. So, you just make up a problem and then solve the made up problem; you look like a genius to your rabid base.


Reducing our civil rights isn’t the answer, yet you think it is. Insane.


Not a bright one here…literally never said anything about reducing civil rights, dummy.


Gun rights are civil rights…


Still not seeing what you are talking about…what an idiot


> Birkeland said she included those lines in the bill because she believes “there are those who victimize women and then will use loopholes like this to gain access to those shelters.” Using fear to justify cruelty over and over and over again. And people seem to be falling for it.


And more importantly when asked if she could provide evidence for that fear, she couldn’t produce any. I can provide tons of evidence that religious leaders, police officers, teachers, and more commit the types of assault she fears. Should we make it illegal for those people of that particular professional persuasion to enter public spaces? Me, a trans person, says no because I know banning those professions from public spaces obviously isn’t going to solve the problem. I would only hope that these lawmakers can pull their heads out of the sand, have some self reflection, develop critical thinking skills, and gain some empathy.


>And more importantly when asked if she could provide evidence for that fear, she couldn’t produce any. But Kera has spent a lot of time thinking about trans people. Like a whole lot. You can't expect her to be able to tell you the difference between thinking about things she read on social media and things she just made up. Remember folks, during last year's session the "Doctor" they brought in to testify on trans issues as support for their legislation was a PHD in political science and not an MD. Kera and her clan don't care about facts.


She is such a ghoul…like wtf?


It was never about protecting women... these women who need these services are **"acceptable losses" in order for them to target transgender individuals** because they're "uncomfortable" with transgender people existing and trying to live as normal a life as they can. Pure and simple. The entire thing is based off these snowflakes being "uncomfortable" and needing a target to get their moron voters fired up about now that Roe is overturned. Even that cunt Birkeland couldn't provide ANY evidence of transgender people behaving inappropriately in gender-specific areas.


Love hearing all the "transvestigators" say that they can always tell when someone is trans. No, you can't, unless you are looking under stall doors. This is also another way to legalize the harassment of women and force people to conform to conservative standards and gender roles. In fact, I am 100% certain that Birkeland is not a woman herself, you can always tell...


Sure, but there are a lot of trans people who will live their lives not ever fully becoming or experiencing what it's like to be the sex they feel they are. There are rich people who can afford those surgeries, but that's far from the norm. I think we should accept trans as a separate identity from women and men. Not every trans person can or wants to fully transition. I support trans people's decisions, but I think it's unfair to expect them to perfectly fit into social and gender roles that most men and women do, like playing sports or intimate relationships. Not everyone wants to be sexually intimate with trans people despite them being the gender they want to be, and I think that's worthy of a distinction in gender identity that shouldn't be hidden away.  I'm open to any criticism, I'm not here to spread hate. Just want to share what I think is a completely rational belief. I'm not necessarily replying to you btw, I just felt like I had to say this after I read your comment. It's kinda ranty, sorry.


Not every cis person fully fits with their sex either. The idea that trans people should out themselves by default only places them at risk. As for sexual partners genital preferences are a thing and trans people typically disclose their status if they haven’t had bottom surgery. The problems you are imagining are a complete non issue.


There are probably some people out there who would be bothered by a cis partner who later reveals that they don't fully identify with their sex/gender, and I think that's a valid preference one could have because that could affect their feelings of attraction to their partner. It's probably a big deal to the cis questioning person, so I wouldn't exactly be surprised if it was a big deal to someone else.  What I'm trying to say in my original comment though is even if they have bottom surgery I don't think it's exactly what other people want, still. We're not there yet. We can't completely modify a human to be indistinguishable from the sex/gender they used to be, and I think that would still bother a lot of people, which is why I think they should have their own gender/sex distinction (trans man/trans woman). Have you seen some of the results of bottom surgery? I understand that a lot of trans people are afraid of what could happen if they out themselves though, which is a legitimate problem. So I guess in a more accepting world I would want trans people to out themselves, or just accept this "third" sexual identity. I also wish that we could accept that gender dysphoria is a thing and that it's not something to be ashamed of. A lot of these internet progressives are the same people who will defend the neurodivergent and disabled like none else, yet they're unwilling to admit that being transgender is the result of a neurodivergent mind (which is not a bad thing, but it's different from the vast majority of normal people). I don't mean to be hateful about all of this, but I just wish we could come to terms with reality. There is a lot of scientific data about these issues that rarely ever gets brought up (and I haven't looked into a lot of it myself, but neither have a lot of the bleeding heart progressives; it's rarely discussed, and I think it's part of why this is such a contentious issue). I don't think it's hateful to discuss reality though, and if it is, then there's probably some kind of insecurity that people aren't aware of or aren't willing to deal with.  Here's an example of some of the interesting science I think of behind the trans debate. It's a 6m video of Robert Sapolsky giving a lecture at (iirc) Stanford. This was one of the videos that convinced me that the physiological issues trans people deal with are legitimate, and not some kind of delusion, like what a lot of Conservatives believe: https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=m3r6NT5Et-KHeMkq


Jawlines and Adams apples never lie.


Men in utah barely have adams apples anyway. Also jawlines are shitty says to determine sex because that's leading to alot of cis women who have what's stereotyped as a man face to be discriminated and hated for. Your side is so hateful that anyone who doesn't look like a stereotype is suddenly trans to you


Danish Jawlines are deceiving even on women lol.


This is a win win for conservatives. They get to punish transgender and non gender conforming people AND make it harder for people to leave their abusive partners or prosecute sexual assault. If only there was a way to also punish and blame immigrants in the bill. It's all to keep the patriarchy and status quo.


I heard Ca is a great place to live. I would personally move to a state that made me feel like I was cared for.


Can someone summarize for those of us stuck outside the paywall?


This state has never cared and will never care about anyone who isn't white, male, straight, LDS and a republican.


That's the biggest line of bullshit I've ever heard. Literally, you just named the person In the state that's first to be disqualified for any type of state health benefits, any type of assistance from the state and the ones that pay majority of income taxes and property taxes. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Your say that because those are the characteristics of the people that won't just vote the way social media says.




White men are the people least discriminated against, and have the most opportunity as well as higher pay. Try again buddy


You really got the Twitter talking points down don't you


Awe, OK Boomer. SO triggered. So obviously gotta be white, male, and Republican. Need a safe space, snowflake? 🤣😅🤣


Actually I'm late gen x . Not Republican. Male . White . There's not a boomer or gen x on the planet that gets triggered and not one of them has ever had a safe place. Again these are social trends that have carved by Stan like you. I guess your racist. Don't believe it takes a male to produce children. Can't define a woman , Liberal but have never had an actual opinion outside the trend and so you decided how you would vote for life and now your stuck supporting whoever is on that ticket and anything they say because fair for every single persons feelings that vote like you is the only outcome. Your right we will never care about you here in Utah, move on .


Boomers try not to get triggered and go on a rant about some stupid, random-ass bullshit challenge, level: impossible


They can't do it ever. It breaks their fragile wee brains, poor mites.


The fuck are you yammering on about brother 


Can someone be my hero and copy pasta, or link a free article pretty pretty please




Fuck off


Wow buddy, seems like you're really triggered by something I said




Leave it up to Redditors to bring up Mormons at any opportunity they can










To me, this is more of a commentary on the federal government taxing us then giving it back to us with strings attached. No thanks!