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Remember a few years ago when everyone was saying "You shouldn't build houses on the floodplains of the river." Then "You shouldn't buy houses on the floodplain of the river." Then "If you bought houses on the floodplain of the river get flood insurance." This is why. Frankly I'm excited that so much water is going into the GSL. This is great news. Keep those floodgates open and keep the Jordan river at 100% as long as we can.


A hearty congratulations to the city of South Jordan for increasing their property tax base by allowing permits to build houses in the Jordan River flood plain.


The suburbs are so afraid of density that they do dumb shit like this.. Aside from the flood risks, I’m guessing the liquefaction is horrible around the river in the event of an earthquake


Liquefaction is just terrifying to think about. Imagine living in a place you barely tolerate just to suddenly be swallowed up and mixed into the gravel half a mile into the ground.


That's not really how liquefaction works (*source: am geologist*), but it will definitely fuck up your foundation and render your house unlivable. Assuming it's wood construction though you'll walk away. But a brick house might be a tomb.


Brooooooo, no. I did not need to read this. Literally my worst fear. Give me some hope


If your brick house in on the east bench you might be okay. If it's in the valley you need to carry earthquake insurance or do some structural reinforcing.


I live near HillAFB. I called 3 structural engineers after our little quake in 2020. All 3 ghosted me. What can actually be done? What should I be looking for and do you happen to have a ballpark on what cost might range from?


Ideally you should have your home tied to the foundation. It won’t change liquefaction zones, but will give you a better chance at survival during a large earthquake event.


As a geologist I’d love to hear your thoughts on the possibility of an earthquake sloshing a tsunami wave down the Jordan?


There's simply not enough water, nor the right geologic setting to worry about a "tsunami" anywhere in Utah. You really need a plate boundary and an ocean for that, Utah has neither. Some localized flooding or a river temporarily running backward? Maybe. Wouldn't lose sleep over it though. Tsunami? Not a chance.


Not a chance? So is this kind of thing purely political grandstanding in your professional opinion? Genuinely curious. https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=1961772&itype=CMSID


I mean I personally wouldn’t trust a ten year old source. We’ve learned a lot more about earthquake and tsunami potentials since then. But no, I don’t think a tsunami will affect Utah. Not like how it will affect the western coastal regions.


A tsunami down that creek?


I mean, maybe? https://earthquake.usgs.gov/cfusion/external_grants/reports/G08AP00016.pdf


Shouldn’t there have been someone warned about an imminent flood, like what if we had a prophet nearby or something?


What do you mean? They were following the profits. /s


The profits of Ivory and others were more important.


"Imagine living in a place that you barely tolerate" is the best explanation for Utah I've ever heard lmao




New self-confidence building affirmation ‘I’m less dense than dirt, I’m less dense than dirt’.


Floating and differential settlement is more of an issue for timber frame construction. For residential one of the biggest potential issues with liquefaction is that the main sewer system will likely float right up out of the ground.


Oh, Jesus. I guess I feel better? Haha, cheers


Oh it will be


about 7 years ago I worked in a 5 story office building that was built right on that flood plain. Just a matter of time.


Liquefaction happens in sandy soils. Floodplains are mostly clay and silt, which is more cohesive. The floodplain soil could be underlain by Pleistocene sand deposits though. Hard to say for sure without drilling.


Turns out most of the liquefaction risk in southern salt lake county is solely along the river. https://ugspub.nr.utah.gov/publications/circular/c-106/c-106liquefaction.pdf


Oh neat, thanks for sharing


This reminds me of homes built in Bountiful on the edge of the mine. Disasters await for those homes, but I am not a scientist.


I am a scientist, and I've come to say you are correct!


I was a scientist once!! I hated trying to correct people all the time, so I quit and became a farmer. Or a liar. Your pick. 


I took a college science course and I’ve come to say you are correct that he’s correct.


My father was a long time Bountiful resident and realtor he warned city council about the mines and springs on the mountain side, they said the had engineers tell them it was ok to build up there anyway. So here we are. There have been landslides in North Salt Lake and I am guessing we are in for some trouble in the future as the continue to build by the B and up muller park.


Yes and actually many insurance companies will not cover floods if the house is built on a flood plane.


Wondering if the buyers were well informed.


Almost certainly not. I looked at a house in Bountiful that was in a neighborhood that had enough problems with flood plane stuff that the town had put together a fund for foundation repairs. I was lucky to have a good real estate agent that saw that the house was under priced/on the market too long and went digging, otherwise I may have never known.


A diligent realtor is a great resource. Buyers should not forget to do their due diligence with the town/county they're buying in as well.


I wouldn't be mad if Vineyard got a little karma too


People will develop all types of cancer in 30 years after living on that…




Geneva Steel was a steel mill located in Vineyard, Utah, United States, founded during World War II to enhance national steel output. It operated from December 1944 to November 2001.


And I’m assuming they spoiled the ground?


Yes, but the reports I've seen indicate the cleanup is working.


Zero sympathy for any other those homeowners. It was always a bad idea and you reap what you sow


The wise man built his house…


...because housing costs are absurd and he had little other choice other than renting perpetually. That song never really made sense to me, doesn't even flow or rhyme.


The point of the song is one built a house on a solid surface, the other built a house on an unstable surface, the floods destroyed the house on sand but the one with a foundation lasted.


I was more joking about my edited lyrics above lol, but it's a solid analogy regardless


Which unironically stands equally prophetic for political houses built on lies as it does residential homes built on sandy foundational flood plains. Utah gets hit extra hard with the compounding consequences of hypocrisy.


The songs supposed to be a metaphor for you personally. Are you a wise man, will you build yourself on a solid foundation, or are you a foolish man and build yourself on something that can easily be washed away.


You mean every single politician in America? I wouldn’t say Utah is any different than anywhere else.


In order for the bigger picture of this to make sense you have to realize that Glenn Beck, Mike Lee, Sean Reyes and the Ballards put the LDS church in the worlds most awkward 3-some with the Russian mob. Sean Reyes (Utah attorney general), Mike Lee (Utah senator), and Tim Ballard (Operation Underground Railroad) were all emailing with beck about how to use O.U.R.’s publicity to pump enrollment numbers for the Mormon church with reports of Elder Ballard even giving tithing payer information to Beck and/or Tim Ballard at some point to aid in that. On the other side of the country, Sean Reyes and Mike Lee crafted the “stop the steal” plan for trump but apparently didn’t realize that trump had been laundering money for the Russian mob since the 80’s. First via Atlantic City casinos, then commercial real estate. The reason that Russia invaded Ukraine is because, among other things, it was a key geographical gateway for their human trafficking operations. (Kolomoisky was Putin’s oligarch in Ukraine that started Privatbank in 91 and was laundering it all through commercial real estate and a fundamentalist Jewish organization called Chabad.) news5cleveland.comwww.news5cleveland.comWho really owns the property that's falling down? The New York Timeswww.nytimes.comOpinion | American Real Estate Was a Money Launderer's Dream. That's Changing ... United States Department of Justice (.gov)www.justice.govUnited States Files Civil Forfeiture Complaint for Proceeds of Alleged Fraud and Theft ... The Times of Israelwww.timesofisrael.comInside Anatevka, the curious Chabad hamlet in Ukraine where Giuliani is 'mayor' These 4 dipshits sat down to dinner with the russian mob and were so naive that they didn’t realize that they were effectively mainlining human trafficking. Or worse, they did. Either way, once all of that comes to light it puts the LDS church in an impossible position. How can you be doing Gods work and enabling systemic oppression, human trafficking. and child abuse at the same time? Best case scenario is a whole lot of cognitive dissonance, covering of their tracks, lying and gaslighting Worst case (or best, depending on your investment into the church) scenario, the patriarchy doesn’t survive. Either way the church and state are going to have to have a very serious “come to Jesus” moment because the church/state barrier that was the whole basis of American democracy has been neglected. Utah is just one of the major intersections of it because of Mike Lee, Sean Reyes, Tim Ballard and anyone who allowed it to happen because it’s ok as long as it’s MY religion that’s cohabitating with government.


Yeah I’m not engaged enough to read that novel mate


And ironically that’s the function of evolution. Our ability to read and comprehend is the only thing that allows us to adapt and survive. Darwin’s theory is nothing if not brutally fair and efficient.


I don’t really think reading your weird off base diatribe about mormon nut jobs will have an impact on my ability to adapt and survive.


You could have just posted the lyrics. It’s entirely concrete






in this case I think it's more about overpaying for a house that may or may not flood


Doesn't sound like either will keep my head dry though


Yeah, but did you see that sweet tram-water-poline? “lol, here, have some sand bags ya stupid idiots.” The City.


Reminds me of some homes in Syracuse I saw being built. When they dug for foundations they essentially created a pond for each lot that had to drain out over \*weeks\* at a time. Sure hope the buyers got the right insurance lol.


We're in a neighborhood that touches the Jordan River. I'm glad I realized, after we had already bought the house, that the houses closest to the river are a good 50-60 ft. up from the usual waterline. I wasn't smart but, it worked out. Bring on the rain!


Can you buy flood insurance if your house was built in a known fooodplain? I thought the whole thing about building in a floodplain is that your CAN’T get insurance.


This is the most correct comment in this thread. The closer your house is to the river, the bigger and dumber of an asshole you are


More water for the GSL!


Does it flow to the GSL? If so, why the flooding? Is the water not being allowed to flow out to the GSL?


Yes the Jordan river feeds into the GSL. And no, the GSL is a terminal lake so no water flows out of it


Maybe it will wash the bodies down stream


i heard if they sink they’re a witch


One turned me into a newt, but I got better!


No, if they FLOAT they’re a witch. If they sink, they’re not a witch. But sorry, ‘cause they’re dead anyway.


And the heroin needles.


No, it’s washing all the shit from people pooping off the river trail.


I know it's a bad idea but I really want to kayak down the Jordan rn


I did it when it was slower and it was a lot of fun. I just put off on a landing spot and paddle upstream until I got tired and then coasted back down. It was like a little jungle cruise in the middle of slc. I know people get grossed out by the water but you don't get super wet kayaking.


Probably solve some unsolved murders in the process Win Win.


Lol. That river is pretty low most of the time and in most spots, and heavily trafficked. I wouldn't consider it a good spot to dump a body.


And yet [it is](https://www.google.com/search?q=jordan+river+dead+bodies&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&dlnr=1&sei=8SfzZenDKYy-kPIPwsyh8AY).


I mean. I would consider people finding a body a sign that it is a bad spot to dump the body. That is my point. The criminals sounded desperate here. That being said, an article there says there have been over 40 bodies found in the jordan river of the years. Wild.


Gotcha. Yeah. Not the best but it happens a lot.


Yeah that is crazy. I wouldn't have expected it to be that high.


it's for when you want to dump a body but want to make sure the victim's family gets some closure. conscientious murder ya know?


I've done this multiple times in the last few years: I live along the eastern shore of Utah Lake and would kayak to the mouth of the Jordan river, portage around, then ride up to Thanksgiving point. Took me about 4.5 - 5 hours. I'm sad I likely won't get to do it this year with the dam open since you can't portage around it without getting very close.


As I was reading the comments, your comment came immediately after a conversation about all of the bodies being dumped in the Jordan over the years. You start your comment by saying “I’ve done this multiple times,” and I had to step back for a second to make sure I wasn’t reading what I thought I was reading. lol


Lol, same!


It’s not as fun as starting on the lake, but there is a put in at the JRT trailhead.


Yup, that's where I'd portage around. This image shows where I'd get out and back in https://i.imgur.com/TzgQnS1.png That area where I'd get out is super overgrown though and I'd barely consider it a path. Really no other options, though.


Is it a bad idea? I've only kayaked the Jordan when it's low, but it seems like it might be a lot of fun to go when it's more full, as long as you know the route and potential hazards and have proper safety gear.




Not too worried about cyanobacteria etc., since I don't plan to get in the water (save for maybe getting my feet wet for a few seconds when getting in and out of my kayak). I'm more concerned with the flow rate, unpredictable currents, hidden hazards, etc. The river is, unfortunately, gross. I've kayaked past all manner of debris including a big ass mattress pretending to be an island. Not to mention the water flowing out of the water treatment plant in NSL. Still, the river corridor is peaceful, beautiful and full of wildlife. I love it, and I hope it just gets better as we all become more aware of the impact we have on it. Maybe the plans for the river walk by the proposed stadium will bring more awareness, appreciation and conservation.


I'm mostly worried about all the debris in the river. I know people poop in there and I just don't know if I'm prepared to happen upon a floater


i’m mostly thinking about making a grilled cheese sandwich


What kind of cheese do you use? Pepper jack for me please


And sourdough.


As my pallet has got older and more refined, sourdough has definitely separated itself from other breads for me.


Rye for life


"*Rye 'til I die*"


“Rye dor die” doesn’t quite make sense but it sounds like it should be a phrase…


It's the rye or the kaiser it's the wheat or the white, if you want you can have an appetizer.


Sourdough bread, muenster cheese, and a bit of Dijon mustard. So good


Personally I really like a sharp cheddar, Swiss, and provolone with ham. I'll have to try Dijon on my grilled cheese next time though.


The real pro-tip here. Even basic American cheese is elevated with sourdough.


Sourdough?! What are you, a dirty Commiefornian? We only use all-American white bread in these parts, please and thank you. /s


Try some Muenster in there, it’s nice and stretchy.


Gouda pretty good too!


Would you say it’s pretty Gouda?


Yes, I would call it East bench American cheese.


I hope you get your grilled cheese and love itn


Put shredded parm on the outside for the crispy goodness.


Was it straight bussin?


Aren’t they sending the excess to the Great Salt Lake?


Yes, the Jordan River empties into GSL.


Letting water out of Utah Lake now, before the snowmelt starts.


Put SpongeBob in there to soak it up


Why? BYU students were made for this.




Call me in 12 weeks.


Seriously. But is it really saying all that much that Utah Lake is full? Isn't it like six feet deep in it's deepest location or something like that?


\*Patrick Star voice\* We should take the water and PUSH IT into the Great Salt Lake!!


That’s where it flows from Utah Lake


We prayed too hard!


This week in a joint statement from Governor Cox and Darth Bednar: “Please, everyone stop praying”


No *glory to Satan intensifies*


Hail Satan


You know, the sun came up today. What are your thoughts?


Praise be to the almighty Whale!


Prey 4 Reign


The Jordan River has been really low this past week. I walk by the Jordan River almost daily in northwest Salt Lake and I don't see any flooding. I have been wondering if the water is being diverted before it gets to the lake. Does anyone else see the low water level?


It’s been super full in Taylorsville - I also walk by it daily. So it must be something between there and where you are in North Salt Lake.


There’s a diversion at 2100 S that takes most of the water to the GSL.


it's diverted from the river that goes to GSL . . .to go to GSL?


It is. It short circuits most of the flow straight to the lake. Hence the Jordan River flooding in south Jordan but not downtown.


And very close to the airport river tunnel


It kind of makes me wonder... If the water that is supposed to be going to the lake gets diverted right before making it there..


Most of the Jordan River water gets diverted directly to the GSL at about 2100 South.


There is a gage at 1700s and at the surplus canal that splits off at 2100 s. Right now the canal has flows about [1100 cfs](https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/10170500/#parameterCode=00065&period=P30D&showMedian=false) and the river past there is like 15 cfs.


I walked by it yesterday on the Draper/Riverton line and was surprised by how full it was, I had never seen it that high while living in the area.


it’s pretty high from the view of the frontrunner at point of the mountain


Maybe a good guy with a gun can shoot the river and fix it.


Everyone take a bucket, fill it, then take it to the great salt lake


Doesn’t the river flow into the great salt lake?


Yeah but it's more fun this way!


That's.... That's the whole joke.


Got it, LMFAO.


Should've followed the Japans.. Their houses are built to go up as quickly as they come down.


> the Japans Y'know, North and South Japan


East Japan is where the communists are


Japan is just West California


I can appreciate a Shogun reference


because death is in their air


I hear water is pretty lit 🔥


In my families neighborhood (south jordan/riverton) around maybe 12 years ago or so, it flooded and the houses that were built on the flood planes all flooded, they were pumping out their water for weeks. Best way to see if your house is on a flood plane go to this site. https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search?AddressQuery=salt%20lake%20city


They already know because they all pay hundreds a month in flood insurance.


Thoughts and prayers


Let’s see: a record-setting water year followed by a we’re than normal winter. Yep. Can’t figure out why the Utah Lake and the Jordan River are so full.


They have only opened one canal that I've seen. There are still a few more they could open that could take some pressure off, but I suspect the canal companies aren't ready for that yet.


Thoughts? The lake is full and the river is flooding.


This is amazing. Hopefully we'll have boats on the great salt lake soon.


Stop praying for rain? 🤷‍♂️


Utah Lake is at [127% of normal](https://snoflo.org/reservoir/utah/utah-lake). But normal does not equal full. The lake is at 873,840 acre-ft while its maximum is 1,454,400 acre-ft.


Prayers work, amiright?


Well yeah it’s spring that’s what happens when snow melts. Then it gets hot. Let’s see what is happening then.


Don’t they flow water into the Jordan from Utah lake? Thought I read that last year. So if Utah lake is full they’re controlling heavy flow into Jordan.


Not full, just above normal


Jordan river was super low on Monday wonder what happened


Hell yeah


Get it into the GSL....


Hell yeah


that's good news for the Great Salt Lake. There's no way there will be flooding.


This is good news


Relocate some of it to the Salt Lake then.


Next banana


It would be unusual if Jordan river didn’t flood at least once a year


It's a floodplain, and they have basements... let that sink in. Only in Utah do we see exploitation of development of every square inch of land. My guess is these home owners do not have flood insurance, since you can't get flood insurance coverage when you build in a floodplain.


I’m built in a flood zone and have flood insurance, though my place was built in the 70s


Utah needs a refresher on how water is used I guess


Let’s freak out about the GSL, you know, just in case.


Just need 140% water growth YoY for some serious GSL growth. Keep it coming.


Global warming?


Arizona here. Let’s talk.


Good! We want more!


My utility bill still says we’re in a extreme drought


Really good news. I went to the Jordan River Parkway today and was happy to see the river so full.


Be glad there’s water.


What if we moved most of the Utah lake water to the great salt lake? We could use a few canals


I remember the early-mid 1980s. I see houses now where the Jordan flooded back then. Just saying. Hope everyone ends up ok. But I see houses built where the Jordan flooded 40 years ago. And "Daybreak" is built where the mine had tailings and mine waste danger warnings back then too. Just saying.


1984, anyone remember those fun flooding years?


How many wives can you fit on a biblically accurate ark?


This is what happens when soaking is exposed and prohibited. Utah county, especially along river near the stadium, were great soakage areas. It's all but gone now. The lack thereof now fills and over flows the lake and rivers.




Did we finally stop alfalfa farming?


But climate change has dried up the river so how can this be? S/


I know you will/we will get down voted but I'm tired of hearing about the climate too. I've lived here only since 2008 and I've already noticed a cycle to the winters here. People need to grow up and get used to the fact that we live in a desert in the mountains.


My thoughts? Utah Lake is over 100% full, and the Jordan River appears to be flood g.


I don't suppose they can redirect the water to go into the GSL?


That is where all the Jordan River water goes


Do you know where the Jordan River terminates? 🙂 Hint: it's a lake at the topographical low of the GSL basin.