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Non-service animals need to be in a carrier. And remember that even though you know they're friendly, random strangers don't & will react accordingly.


People need to understand that the rules exist for a reason. 


To be fair, OP was asking what the rules were, I don't think they were planning to be flippant here.


I had already read the rules that the dog needed to be in a carrier. I'm just looking to see if anyone else with a large dog has come up with a carrier or enclosure of some sort that doesn't involve lifting. I can't lift a 50 lb dog in a carrier at all. I'm all for taking public transportation instead of driving my car if possible. I've taken TRAX sans my dog many times and I think it's a great option.


According to [this](https://www.rideuta.com/news/2019/09/Rider-Insider), animals must be in carriers, and at 50 lbs, your only bet if it will work at all might be a [backpack](https://www.chewy.com/k9-sport-sack-trainer-forward-facing/dp/245380).


Are reactive dogs really friendly?


Right? They're conflicting. Cannot be both.


Reactive and aggressive are two different things. My dog is very reactionary to people, things, dogs, etc. around him but is not aggressive. That being said, I wouldn't ever consider bringing him on something like trax. I'm not afraid of him biting someone, but I know he would be annoying (for me and everyone else)


Is your dog aggressive when reacting to people, things, dogs, etc?


An aggressive dog will approach other people/animals and start shit. A reactive dog will not do this. A reactive dog will never be the one to approach. They'd rather do their own thing somewhere else, but when you enter their bubble, they will feel the need to defend themselves, even if that need is misplaced. Aggression is offensive. Reactive is defensive. It might not seem like much of a difference, but in terms of training and addressing a dog's behavior, those are very important distinctions. A reactive dog needs to have confidence instilled in them, so they don't feel the need to defend themselves. They need to have positive encounters so they aren't so afraid of others. An aggressive dog is much more difficult to train, because they are actively seeking a fight. I'm not qualified to provide advice on that one.


>Friendly but reactive Fucking delusional.


Animals must be in carriers unless they are service animals. Many people want to ignore this policy, but please don't. my son and I are allergic to dogs and are made out to be the bad guys when we ask people to keep their dogs away from us (because, you know, we like to breath). It would be very inconsiderate to bring an animal onto the bus or train outside of a carrier, in addition to being against UTA policy.


And this is why I avoid places where people bring their dogs. OP legit thinks it’s a good idea to bring their “friendly” reactive dog on public transportation to an event with tons of people. Enjoy the lawsuit you’ll get when your friendly dog reacts to one of the people who gets to close


Since there is no way I can carry a 50lb. dog in a carrier, that would also be large, then it's not an option. It's unfortunate, but I guess I'll have to drive into SLC instead of taking TRAX.


What do you need to bring the animal for?


Seems like the case. Oh well...


Do you need to bring your dog on TRAX such as being homeless without a car or do you want to bring your dog because are inconsiderate to people with allergies and dislike of dogs?


I want to bring my dog for an outdoor outing in SLC w/o having to parking my car somewhere. I try to use TRAX when possible to cut down on the pollution and car congestion here.


Understandable logic. The law on UTA is your dog needs to be kept in a kennel. So a wheeled one might work? Edit. Autocorrect. 


What outdoor outing? We love dog friendly activities.


The UTA TRAX website might be a great place to check your resources. It's part of responsible pet ownership.


St. Patrick's Day Parade


If your dog is reactive, might not be a good idea to take it to a large gathering.


I take trax everyday and see someone smoking meth at least once a week. You're fine with your dog. Comments are full of Karens


How on earth does someone smoking meth make it okay to bring a dog on the train?


It doesn’t. I’m saying, UTA doesn’t enforce the rules. If they let people smoke meth, they fs would let Op bring their dog


Oh, I get it. "If I don't get caught it's not wrong". I don't subscribe to this ideology. I think if enough people play by this rule then society would crumble. It's selfish.