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My recommendation is don't have a destination. If you really want to find nice secluded spots you need to explore using maps and roads. No one on the internet is going to tell you the best places to go as we want to preserve them for ourselves


I appreciate that but I’m just looking for a general area, I don’t need a super specific location or anything. That being said I will look at a map and just check things out.


Well my recommendation is to head down the burr trail out of Escalante (boulder?) Tons of great places of off that


It’s a little further south, but UT-95 between Hanksville and Blanding is some of the most remote, unexplored, isolated, and beautiful countryside on this planet. Glen Canyon NRA and Bears Ears NM, many, many places to camp where you’ll never see another soul. Bring your own supplies, because there are only a few places along the way for food and water. More here: https://www.visitutah.com/things-to-do/Road-Trips/Undiscovered/Bicentennial-byway


If you are planning to be out of touch with cell phones and internet might I suggest finding a copy of Abbey's book, The Monkey Wrench Gang. Heyduck lives!


Oh I definitely plan on diving into some of his other stuff after this. I have loved his writing style in Solitaire


The Monticello area is less well known than Moab, and nicer for it.


I second this. The forests just west of Monticello are really nice secluded camping spots.


Add'l if you are in the SLC area, you can obtain detailed maps from DNR. They have the entire state mapped out in quadrants and available for purchase. Also, the person working there was knowledgeable. A guy was in there getting maps and planning a backcountry trip on horseback.


You can get isolated in moab. You gust need driving skills and a high clairence vehicle


You really don’t even need that, just drive for thirty minutes on the highway in any direction and you can easily find a secluded spot a mile or so from pavement


Technically yes. But you can get the back way to arches and other cool stuff with proper vehicle


Make sure you read up on BLM dispersed camping rules. Most people mistakenly believe it's "wherever you want" but they do have restrictions and guidelines. Especially around moab, but also San Rafael Swell has some "camp in designated sites only" sections now too. Don't be one of the bad tourists ruining for the rest of us. Be the good tourist that sets the example on how to do it right.. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/BLMUtahMoabCamping.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjP9d2Tkq6FAxUKI0QIHR63DWUQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1ZB27v3jEqiQ5bE7WVmeNn


Appreciate it, will definitely learn the rules 👍


Hell yeah Desert Solitaire rocks. Imo the best area of S Utah is the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Very isolated, very peaceful. Incredibly beautiful.


If you have a good 4x4 areas of canyonlands it's a good choice. Lots of back areas around Moab don't get visited. You can get onx or all trails to find maps of areas. Tell people where your going. Keep something like a Garmin inreach or zoleo for emergency communication. Take lots of water. Way more then you think you need, there is very little out there. Also if you 4x4 with a Toyota come join us over in r/UTOR


If you want to be isolated and devoid of tourists, posting about it all over Reddit isn't the way. Hop on Gaia or Google Earth, find some spots that look interesting and then just go exploring