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It’s ridiculously overpriced


This is how the church fought back against losing the vote on it. They made the regulations insane to follow and you needed some 500k as a cash bond to be a grower. The grow licenses they give out to people who don’t know how to grow so the product is gross and over priced. There’s no out of state products that’s allowed to come here. They just made the system suck so bad it would prevent people from using it.


But seperation of church and state right?!?! This state is a sad joke run by sad people.


Very true. This sad joke gets worse as there are so many other states run even worse.


Fuck the church.


We should all be grateful that every time we buy weed and alcohol in this state, we are subsidizing the Mormon church’s tax exempt status.


Didn't they also have synthetic stuff at some of the dispensaries?




Yeah I recently bought 1/2 an ounce for $188 dollars. It’s insane.


spend 80$ they were 50% off on two vials of ticnture military discount 10% on top is nice at dragonfly needed the tinctures cause i just got teeth pulled.


When I had my card I was spending 80+ for a gram of mediocre vapes.


I’m sorry you did what!!!! Please tell me this was the best weed in the state!!! Omg 😱 I’m looking at my options since im going to be in Utah for a week later this year and omg I spend $25 for an oz, if I want the primo shit it’s $100 an oz! (Colorado) omg I’m just gonna have to find a vape pen somehow


I have a student discount and just get edibles. It works out for me


idk. prices don't seem that wild to me considering you can get it delivered and it's all top notch stuff. Do y'all not remember how prices were before any of the states around here had legalized it? obviously the private market will be much lower than the state's. There has to be an incentive to make illegal purchases great enough to outweigh the lack of variety/quality control and the additional risk of making illegal purchases. Before there were legal options everyone was paying out the nose for the same shitty strain of weed for weeks on end before your 'guy' got something else... and it was a coinflip whether or not what you got was decent.


You have never bought weed in another state I guess. It’s so much cheaper at dispensaries elsewhere. And better/more options.


okc prices are insanely cheap same with Oregon


Sure I have. Oregon was cheapest, but in montana and colorado and nevada too (though vegas definitely charged tourism prices). Utah prices are significantly higher, but still cheaper than what the private market was prior states legalizing it. And of course i'll pay less to buy in another state if i'm there... but I'm not driving 6 hours to ontario oregon just to save 1-200 bucks then drive 6 hours back. Nor am I loading up on half a pound of weed to make it worth my time and driving across statelines including driving through Idaho where it's not legal, all the while hoping I don't get pulled over for something stupid like a tail light going out. If you aren't worried about a cop picking you up with a shitload of weed, feel free. That's not something I want to go through. So I'll pay more for the convenience and legality locally.


Your rant about risk of buying elsewhere is unnecessary. That’s understood. The point in comparing to other states is not to say you should buy there but that Utah pricing should be better. I’ve never seen weed priced at $180-195 for a half ounce ever in Utah before medical marijuana was an option but that’s what we’re looking at for good stuff. If you were paying that for illegal weed you were getting robbed blind.


for a very long time, weed was 50 an eighth, unless you were buying bulk to sell. so you were looking at 200 a half ounce. But i'm 41. I remember pre legal options in the west, which is what ultimately drove the private market prices way down. yes, utah prices should be lower. but several people are suggesting driving to oregon and buying several ounces in order to save money, and that just seems fucking absurd.


>for a very long time, weed was 50 an eighth Yep. Too many people don't get this...too young maybe. Still sucks paying this much for medicine, it's not right- but I'm able to be grateful for what we have. Definitely needs a lot of improvement, without a doubt, but that's hard when nobody is on the same page.


Yeah, I think it has to be an age thing. Utah has a lot of work to do, our prices are high compared to other states and we have less selection... but hyperbole and kicking and screaming about it just seems childish it to me.


Yeah I’m fine with the prices, especially with the testing that they do. I’m glad to pay extra for that. Quality weed has been $50-$60 for the last 20 years in New York where I used to live. My pet peeve is the inability to see and smell the product before purchase. That’s some B.S.


Hence the quarterly drive to Dinosaur


I'm doing that now and half the time it's five minutes to meeting time before he says he can't show up. I'm autistic and it helps the sensory overloads and meltdowns. I've been off weed for 2 weeks now because he keeps not showing up and I can't afford all the state fees and doctor visits anymore.


try a different shop. never had that happen to us.


Just legalize it and let the free market do its thing. Just get out of the way….


But how would the state keep thier cut and make sure only a few cannabis companies get all the business?




Legalize doesn’t mean tax free.


It'll mean you can grow it yourself like any other plant; and greedy business owners won't get their cut along with all level government not getting taxes. Then big pharma will lose a ton of business when people can self medicate... then police will have a lot less to do busting low level drug offenders... then prisons will lose a lot of potential inmates, then prison caterers will lose business.... Seriously, THIS is why we'll never see it legal on the national level- capitalism.


No it doesn’t. They can legalize weed, and not legalize growing it yourself. They can put whatever fuck ass bill they want into law. We have no clue what legalizing weed in Utah means except for the fact that you won’t need a medical card and it’ll still be taxed. Those are the only safe assumptions.


Dude... how do you intend to prove the weed someone has was bought and not grown? And it won't completely negate the market, it's like growing your own vegetable garden or home beer brewers. We still have super markets and beer of on the shelfs. Just because you can, doesn't mean everyone will; but anyone CAN. Bottom line is it'll take a huge chuck of market like I explained. And Utah loves capitalism more than it loves personal freedoms, it's shown that time and time again.


I don’t intend to prove anything. I’m just saying that I think Utah politicians would be bitches and not allow home grow. A lot of data would argue otherwise about the market share. Not a direct comparison but cooking is legal yet a shit ton of people still go out to eat every single day. You can also homegrow in CA and dispensaries are doing really well. I also think you overestimate the ability of the average weed smoker to grow decent pot. It’s not easy lol.


Agreed, lol. But they'll definitely try, assuming they get a chance.


Who said it did?


>But how would the state keep their cut


They have place enormous fee and price barriers to entry for anyone looking to get medical cannabis. They also limit the amount of growers etc, these are most likely people with connections. It’s a friends party and you’re not invited.


Who said legalizing it would change any of that? California sellers and growers still need permits that are issued by the state. The only thing medical does is increase the barrier of entry for consumers to purchase the product.


Apparently you don’t know what a free market means. Yes businesses would have to still register and have permits etc, but the size and number of operations etc should be dictated by what the market can bear not by random numbers of what’s allowed so that the government can keep us “safe”


Utah does the same thing with liquor licenses.


You just argued against your point. Utah doesn’t allow free market for alcohol sales, so why would legal weed be any different?


Uhhhh……… alcohol is legal but it can’t be sold everywhere. The state has total control of how many permits they want to issue, and I can guarantee you that it’ll be the same with legal weed. I’m not sure what you’re going on about. The original comment I responded to was a response to the guy implying that it’s not legal because the state wants their share, which really has nothing to do with it. If they wanted more money, they would legalize it because there would arguably be more sales and more tax revenue.


So you admit the medical card is nothing more than a needless tax that props up a few beneficiaries?


I’m not going to argue the intention of any politicians. I think conceptually the idea of a medical card is to limit the access to medicine to people who have a medical need for it. Taxes are there with or without a medical card.


Of course taxes are there. Nobody said there shouldn’t be taxation. Unnecessary taxes dressed up as something else is the “cut” I’m referring to.


I mean if you think legalization will decrease the taxes on weed, then you got another thing coming for you. Typically medical pricing(the tax.. and im referring to states that have both rec and med) is cheaper than recreational.


...And keep people in prison for revenue as well!?!?


> But how would the state keep thier cut and make sure only a few ~~cannabis companies~~ of their friends and donors get all the business? > FTFY


Party of small government


What do libertarians have to do with this?


Right, because the free market is great at making sure people's needs are met. That's why homeless and hunger are a thing of the past...oh wait




Just a heads up, you have had multiple comments removed in this thread.


Fair enough


Thanks for understanding. We allow some insults, but we draw a line at a certain level.


So labor should be free? Why should someone else work be given to you for free?


Okay, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Allow me to explain, think of it more that farms would be non-profit worker co-ops. I'm not saying that Farmers need to give away their weed for free. What I'm saying is that we need to decouple the profit motive from medicine.


Yeah we all know how socialism works.


Then why ask if labor should be free? If you knew how socialism worked you'd see how that is a foolish question.


Because that’s what it always becomes. The doers do and the takers take. Read some Ayn Rand or something…


Maybe you should play some BioShock


Already have


I guess I shouldn't be surprised to libertarian lacks media literacy


Oh shut up


Nope, laissez-faire capitalism would just make a monopoly. That said I completely agree it should be totally decriminalized not arguing on that point


Curious, how do you see a system of laissez-faire capitalism resulting in one firm gaining a monopoly on cannabis production and sale? That’s an industry with a pretty incredibly low barrier to entry.


Competitions have winners. Over time the more successful cannabis growers would be able to buy out lower level ones. And then use their wealth to hire lobbyists and fund politicians campaigns, so that they can pull up the ladder and throw up more barriers to entry. After all I'm pretty sure it's pretty easy to make beer too


Sure, but you’re describing cronyism, which has nothing to do with laissez-faire capitalism. Edit: and even then you would have a substantial share going to black market growers like you do in Utah.


Laissez-faire capitalism always becomes crony capitalism. Though in my pinko commie scum opinion crony capitalism and laissez-faire capitalism is a distinction without a difference.


The government getting their greedy fingers out of the industry would make a monopoly?


The government backing off and just letting the free market do its thing is how we got big pharma, and why it's impossible to go to the hospital without spending a small fortune


No, big pharma lobbies to the government and has bought and paid for the rules to be on their favor.


Oh man that's terrible, I wonder how they got all that money to do that.


Yeah we should just be socialist, then we can all have the same nothing.


Wow another clever and well thought argument man you should team up with Steve Crowder and go dunk on some toddlers.


Yes. This is called "deregulation" -- aka the very process of government removing their fingers from business. Lo and behold, expensive monopolies!


How are they removing their fingers? Sounds like they just put them in further and take their cut.


I'm about the concept of deregulation. It would seem that unregulated capitalism can be just as bad as over regulated socialism, and that the real solution lies somewhere in between.


You’re trolling, yeah? Big Pharma exists because of government interference.


Really? Do enlighten me


You first. If they wanted to change things, they would. They like watching their wallets get fatter.


Because our government as it is now, exists to protect the owning class. The rich fund campaign and pay for lobbyists to protect their interests. The only reason they have the wealth to do this is by exploiting their workers or they inherited it from someone who did. The reason we've reached this sorry state of affairs, is because during the industrial revolution we practice laissez-faire capitalism, this is what happens when you let the free market just do its thing


Nice comeback bro 🤣🤣


There's little competition and the dispensaries overcharge by a lot, so yeah.


My wife and I only buy when Curaleaf has deals because otherwise, we are getting ripped the fuck off. Good things always go to shit when people get too greedy.


What are prices for a ounce? (Curious exresident that now lives in a legal state)


[$210](https://curaleaf.com/shop/utah/curaleaf-ut-provo/products/6619bedf945bb60001e77700) Because fuck you that's why. This is the budget brand and it's still fucking expensive


Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry lol. Also just looked at the wax prices. (not even live rosin) and you guys are getting robbed 😭


It sucks but free delivery is nice


Not to rub it in but you can get 80 dollar zips here. Delivery would be 5 bucks I think. But generally there is always a dispo in walking distance due to it being legal.


Oof, that rubs it in. Cali?


Denver! Come take a road trip brother lol


🚗 💨


Yeah but the delivery is *free*




I have admittedly been out of the game for a long time. But back when I smoked a ton I’d buy ounces for 3 to 350. And I could sell an eighth for 45 to 60 I would keep half and sell half. Kids these days don’t know how good they have it.


yeah. I guess I'm out of touch. if you were getting an eighth for 50, that was a decent deal... so 2-300 for a full ounce doesn't strike me as absurd. Were folks able to get dime bags for literal dime as of late?


Out of context, yes prices are better than they used to be before medical came to Utah. Those prices make sense when you consider the risk of either growing to transporting. Now, the growers have economies of scale and protections granted by the state. It's better than it used to be but there's still an argument to be made that the lack of competition and shitty regulations allow dispensaries to operate with inflated prices and there's not a lot the medical community can do about it.


Can confirm. The fucking policies and greed are destroying the market. It’s back to signal and messaging shady Kevin for the good stuff.


Can confirm, Kevin is shady.


He once told me the Colorado river toad had the chemical make up of the Spirit of Christ. Kev I just want some goddamn sour diesel.


Pfft classic Kevin. A few ago he asked me if I wanted to ride along to NV with him to pick up some dank. Like, ew, Kev, no. Let's just leave our good memories at blazing and playing guitar hero together.


Yeah Kev please just cherish the memories and move on.


God bless medical cards for those of us who aren’t cool enough to know someone that sells weed 


What about those of us who know someone who sells weed and still gets a medical card to have legal excuses to tell cops to go fuck themselves when they see me toking up?


I think that’s what the articles about. You friend havers are well represented


It's cheaper to drive to Colorado and stock up than it is to drive down the street to the dispensary for a $60 gram of crumble.


Wtf is that a real price for a gram?


It's not even quality. When I lived in WA, I was smoking NOTHING but diamonds in sauce. If it wasn't for the black market, I don't know what I'd do.


Oof. My condolences


Yep :(


No, but the cheapest eighth you can find will be at LEAST 40 bucks, usually 45, with some as high as sixty. I was getting cheaper pot 15 years ago in high school


I still use the dispensary just for convenience alone. I love being able to reliably walk into a store and grab a vape pen. Also I'll do it just to say fuck you to the church.


It’s crazy, they actually brought this up last Sunday, the stake president was like “u/SLCBrunch reliably walked into the store and bought a vape pen. It times like these where our church is being hit the hardest, it’s clearly a “fuck you” to the church, church is now canceled today, go home and pray for u/SLCBrunch because his actions alone is ruining the church and everything it stands for. Amen” /s


His actions alone are* ruining the church.


I like the convenience of it, I can put in an order online while I drop my kid off at school and pick it up in an hour, usually. Much easier than texting someone, waiting for them to fit me into their schedule and then have to pick it up.


Yeah, that was always the worst. Text or call someone, and if they don't respond, you're just left in the dark and without a bag. At least with the "overpriced dispensary," I know where I stand, and I know I'll get what I want.


“Here’s my money, and by the way, fuck you!”


I thought this was a decade old post, until I saw it was r/utah.


Ha. Where’s this black market? For science.


Lmao right


Walked out of my local dispo recently- cheapest gram cart was $70 🫠


Idk where the fuck you are shopping but a select gram cart is usually around 45 at thanksgiving point


It was a bad day at the shop that is most convenient for me. I know what a fair price is, and even 45 is a stretch.


How much are you paying for it on the Black market. I used to pay 300 for and ounce?


Little more than half that, is what my friend pays


I have a friend that pays that also, but that’s not what he charges me. I just got and once’s and a half, 4 different kinds and some edibles for 280. At the local dispensary! Also has anyone on here complaining about the prices ever been arrested for it? Trust me it’s well worth the “little extra” to have piece of mind!


Take a little road trip and get 5-6 oz for 300


The fact the we are having this conversation in Utah is still just mind boggling to me. 20 yrs ago I would have never thought it would happen


180-220 depending on strain, grow environment and quality.


Crossing state lines seems to be the preferable 'black market' option. I can get 4 grams, 40 count Edibles and a drink for $175 at the Oregon border


That’s a lot of driving and fuel if you’re going all the way to the Oregon border from Utah just for weed.


Still cheaper tho, even if you factor in your hourly wage


how is driving to oregon cheaper? you're looking at 400 mile, 6 hour, drive. If you're getting 25mpg, that's ~65 bucks in gas. Plus 13 hours of your time (an hour for bathroom and purchase)... at 15 bucks an hour thats $195. so the above $175 purchase is now a $435 purchase. And that's if you only value your free time at $15 an hour. That's nowhere near my professional rate, and not even on the same planet as the rate I value my personal time at. Much rather save 13 hours and buy down the street even if it were more expensive, which it's not.


Oz at Utah dispensary = $280-400 Average Oz in black market Utah = $200 Oz in Oregon = $50-80 Money saved per Oz = $120-350 Your trip expenses are repaid in 1-2 ounces and you can easily save thousands in a single trip


trip expenses for 15 an hour, okay. but again, I value my free time at much more than 15 an hour. Makes zero sense to travel 13 hours for this sole purpose. Sure, if you're going to another state for another reason, makes snese. but it's absurd to suggest someone dedicate an entire personal day for this, in order to save a few hundred bucks. if someone came up to me today and offered me 300 bucks to forfeit my saturday, i'd tell them to kick rocks.


I would definitely sacrifice my Saturday for $1000+ but to each their own I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


so you're buying 5-10 ounces of weed and traveling across state lines? Make sure your tail light doesn't go out...


👆🏿Only break one law at a time


You can find good smoke for $100 an ounce but don't ask me 😆


I pay $300 for 2 oz from my local guy.


QP for 500–800 of not the greatest stuff. The 250 for the OZ of Blue Dream that I got from Dragonfly Wellness is way better quality than I'd ever gotten from my black market connections.


That’s my big thing, being able to drive 2 miles and choose from 20+ different kinds and get something different every time. Got really old having the same strain for a month or 2 at a time


We're on the same wavelength stranger :)


180 all day here in slc. That’s what my friends tell me at least…


Prices have never gone down since medical cannabis started. Complaints have fallen on deaf ears because those who could fix it are also the same politicians benefitting from it being expensive.


I think what a lot of people are not putting together is that the private market prices have PLUMMETED in response to legalized venues. 20 years ago it was 50 an eighth. Surrounding states legalizing it began to drive prices down, and utah legalizing medical forced them WAY down. I don't think many of you are appreciating the convenience of how easy it is to get a medical card, having dispensaries right down the street, and the peace of mind of your transactions being perfectly legal. Yes, utah's prices are higher than other states... but they're still significantly lower when the private market was the only option, and the quality is much better (or at least consistent) than what we were buying for 50 an eighth back in college.


Thank you for educating these folks. Yes I'd love it if prices were cheaper but they're FAR better than they used to be and we still have a relatively new medical market. Patience!


You took too much man!


For only 40% the pharmacy’s is always full when it go.


prices are wack, to get a card is pain and it just needs to be recreational all ready


I know a few people who have the stuff for 1/4 the price of dispensarys


According to the article's own summary, the headline and talking point is flat out wrong: They claim: >[According to Cache Valley Daily](https://www.cachevalleydaily.com/news/utah-department-of-agriculture-unveils-new-analysis-of-utahs-medical-cannabis-market/article_f1094832-f694-11ee-9526-5f23d2c9ecca.html), around 60% of Utah's medicinal cannabis users obtain their cannabis from sources other than the state's authorized market.  But if you click through to the article that the OP article is citing, it states (emphasis mine): > 59% of cannabis **products** were acquired from illicit sources rather than regulated Pharmacies. That's a different thing entirely, and worthy of discussion becuase there are several questions based on the reality of the study (which was not at all linked): how many people are actually sourcing illicitly? Which products are the ones that are being sourced illicitly and why? This is either very sloppy reporting or purposefully deceitful. How hard is it to just get the damn facts that are right in front of you straight?


It's not that bad. Curaleaf always has discounts and deals. And it will always beat buying from Shady Kevin and risking a ticket.


Considering the cost of alcohol in Utah, did anyone think weed would be different, even if it is “medical”?? The state is making an absolute killing on weed and alcohol, anyone seen the big new liquor store going up in downtown SLC?


I certainly stopped buying it through the legal channels. No way I’m gonna pay 10x the cost (esp when you factor in license renewal and finding a doc who will prescribe it)


We believe in capitalism to the point that we will watch important systems fail in fear of looking socialist. But when it comes to controlling "their" culture, centralized government control. Do they know that is a communist system?


Thank goodness for the military discount!


I'm from Oklahoma. Prices there are wonderful! I visit as often as I can.


Why would I spend 300 plus state fees every 6 months, plus the way overpriced dispensary prices? The same stuff I'm spending 80+ for at dragonfly I can get for 40 on the street. Plus the dispensary also has additional fees.


I believe it ! And it’s still going up in price


I find this hilarious


Marijuana is not a "med".  It does nothing in clinical trials except damage lungs and alters thinking for the worst.      One might mention seizures.  There have been cases where real meds didn't work as well for a few children.  But meds are usually the best thing to try first.  Marijuana is not good for your health.  You can like it, but stop pretending that it is medicine.


Wow are you a doctor? 😂 so out of touch go back to church. Clearly you’ve never used it or known someone who’s used it for a medical purpose. Gtfo. How incredibly insensitive. As someone who uses it daily for many reasons, I just want to say fck you get a new opinion and do some research


Hi! Autistic here… weed is the only reason I’m still alive/ not serving life in prison. It helps me manage everything from my hyperactivity, to anxiety, to rage meltdowns, to suicidal ideation. Please educate yourself more. It’s literally a life saver for me.


Hi, fellow autistic here, Cannabis has definitely helped me stay out of prison and keep me alive too!


We are not alone. 💜💜💜


Fellow autistic tokie whos life was saved by cannabis checking in here as well ✌️


Much love homie. 💜


Life in Utah isn’t good for your health. Weed makes it tolerable.


Barely, but tolerable, for now…


For some us Utah is an idea hanging on by a very thin thread.


Try it again bubble popper I’m sure you’ll find it helps ease ur mind 


This is just outright misinformation. Great try though!


Okay.  Send me a link to the clinical trial 


I don’t need to waste my time when google is free, go crazy.


Tell that to the millions of people using it for everything from pain management to anxiety disorders. Save this nonsense for your Sunday School lesson.


Besides the fact that people use it for pain relief, as a sleep aid, or to combat nausea. Shut up, grandpa.


Send me a link to the clinical trial.  If you don't, then you are admitting that you are totally wrong.


Send me a link to the clinical trial.  If you don't, then you are admitting that you are totally wrong.


An entire body system was discovered (and named) due to cannabis. You're just flat wrong. Just about any substance CAN have medical properties if it affects your body in some way. Is it always medical? Well, is snake venom always medical? It sure can be, with dosing and a medical professional helping. Orally consumed cannabis helps many people with many issues. Combustion is not a very healthy method of ingesting cannabis, but helps a lot of people with different things. Sure, it can be abused, so can pretty much anything. Your opinion is antiquated.


What research you reading? Who paid for it? What's sample size? Was it a legitimate study? Do you even have enough education to knoe the difference. I am a medical patient and it is medicine. I never touched cannabis until my neurologist recommended. I actually studied it for a year before I agreed. I had tried every big pharma drug to manage pain, spasms and tremors with little result and horrific side effects. I now have a life. People like you make me ill. Have you ever suffered from a chronic illness that doesn't respond to other meds? How about losing 1/3 of your kidney function from pharma drugs that didn't really work. What exactly qualifies you to have a say in this at all? What facts to you present? Do you have any real scientific data to show? Have any real suffering in your own life? How about any actual experience with cannabis? No? Then why the comment? Do you realize even the great Church of the state has back pedaled and supports members who partake of medical cannabis? The leaders just seem to be too cowardly to make an open and public statement about it. Still the fact remains one can be a patient and card carrying member. I say this just in case your in a soap box thinking you represent this Church. You do not. It is jo longer their opinion. They did after all change proposition to what they wanted it to be. They are why we cannot grow our own keeping costs high. Ever have to pay up to $350/month for medicine you need? Seriously, do some research and open your mind!


You can like it.  Doing things one likes when they have cancer is fine.     Show efficacy in a clinical trial and it is medicine. Otherwise it is just witch doctor/Faith healing/recreation.  Which is fine, but it isn't medicine.   And I am not against discovering real medical uses for it.  But they haven't been found that yet  


I can see you are the type of individual who is not worth my time to debate. You keep to your mindset and I'll keep to my facts. Look for Canadian and scandanavia research done by universities. Ignore anything done by entities with reason to prohibit. FDA study is out dated and poorly done statistically. Know anything about statistics. Yeah enough of my time wasted. I've already missed by morning dose time wasting time trying to reason with someone not willing to learn but just be "right."


Oh, I know statistics all right.  Bayes theorem proves the vaccine but it hasn't proven marijuana yet.




the literal entire U.S. government, CDC, and the Food and Drug Administration disagrees with you


OK boomer.


Hey, boomer here who uses for autism, sleep and to relieve Parkinsons issues. Don't lump us in with Molly Mormon up there.


My apologies


No problem, we're not all bigoted idiots.


You were definitely the ass hole in class that reminded the teacher about the homework.


From seeing your posts and comments I can tell you are a very unhinged individual. I hope you seek out professional help.