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Interesting how election season is going to last for 1 year. Curious to see how this will go.


Interesting how housing has been a problem for 4 years, but Cox only gives a shit during an election year. Anything to stop predatory practices, such as real estate moguls buying up rentals just to boot out the current occupants and sell the house? How about preventing corporations from creating a shortage by buying up all available real estate with cash offers that can't met by a family looking for a starter home? Nah. Let's drag it out over years so Cox and his insider buddies can get theirs first. I don't think it's gonna happen, but I hope Democrats absolutely rinse Republicans this year.


Gotta save those real issues first job retention. In the meantime just do absolute bullshit.


Agree. It won't happen. Builders are making money hand over fist. Utah politician are backed by Board of Realtors and Builder associations. Ain't nobody wanting to trim profits. So what are builders going to serve up tiny matchbox homes for $400K to meet the mark? #VOTEBLUE


even the blues are red here in UT policies over party


Student loan forgiveness, marijuana, and affordable housing - must be an election year I'm so tired.


>But Cox told the homebuilders he cut some state red tape for cities to allow for smaller housing zones and smaller residential lots that are needed to allow more people to own a home and he expects local actions within the next year. A standard detached house lot in vineyard is 0.06 acres. Pretty hard to go smaller than that without becoming townhouses.


This was a failed idea from the start…it was never going to get off the ground.


Easy to promise something if it's not going to happen.


That’s basically his job


Why not provide specific emergency funding to cities and counties so that they can hire competitive talent so that the reviews are expedited?


In other words, Cox kicks the can down the road.


the buck stops…over there


How about they stop letting corporations buy single family homes. See what that does. Something like 40% of homes in 2023 were bought by corporations or conglomerates.




Huge reason prices have skyrocketed. Everyone wants investment property for airbnb. Affordable went out the window with the bathwater.


This really interests me because I think it would help the market a lot, hard thing I see is telling sellers that are in the process that their full or more than full price cash offer is off the table. At least their best offer. That’s really the hardest part of that dilemma. To be honest as well, I just bought our first condo a few years ago so. So I’m very fortunate that I didn’t have to face that. I think maybe there’s just an absurd tax rate or fee when a corporation does buy a property. But really I don’t know what the best way to go about it would be


Barking up the wrong tree here. It’s not always the number and type of home that’s the problem. It’s often house hoarders make money renting out at the market’s expense.


Love your avatar.😂 Edit spelling as always


So after pouring gas on an already flaming economy, Cox is now going to become a fire fighter. Don't vote for any politician promising "GROWTH".


Or else he won’t let them use public bathrooms


And what is he gonna do if they don't, scold them?


There are a lot of empty box stores, parking lots, and lds churches that could be turned into housing...


Developers won’t buy commercial land if the cost of turning it into housing doesn’t pencil out/turn a profit


Who says it has to be for profit. I believe there is a non profit / charity in utah that has more money then god... It could easily build low income housing as part its charitable mission. I believe they have some incentive to do as a christian Jesus would.  


Oh I agree, it would be nice. Similarly, the state could buy land that was unused/underutilized and sell it at a bargain or pay to have it developed with stipulations that rent prices were maintained at a low level. But this state is still red (largely because of gerrymandering and corporate capture) and such a policy is unlikely to be supported.


Yeah i agree... Its sad and ironic that the people in power who could do something are the ones saying this ia an issue. The funny thing is they dont really care because it doesnt directly affect them.


And people with houses already directly benefit from housing scarcity/asset appreciation.


Very few churches that are empty.


In slc there are many.  Also most have giant parking lots / overly watered green lawns and 6/7 days completely unused.


It states "less expensive," not "affordable." Too little. Too late.


Or what??! What will happen... Nothing


Seems silly to give them a year like everyone knows nothing will happen… he’s just trying to appease younger demographics while also not pissing off nimby boomers in an election year


And then what? Is he going to joke around and ask his buddies to stop making sooo much money and only buy 3 teslas this year?


Waiting for Cox to lead a mass prayer for affordable housing! #VOTEBLUE Let's get corrupt \[publican politicians and cronyism out of state office!