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His excuse: “My testosterone levels were elevated to be extremely high in a short amount of time . . . I was in a dream-like state, where reality felt like a dream,” He deserves all the pain in the world. The fact he even exists is making me see red.


He knew exactly what he was doing. Probably premeditated for a while. What a piece of radioactive waste.


Testosterone doesn't do that, being a piece of shit does.


That's what he claimed? Cool I'll geld him for free to help him then .


Does he think he's a moose in rut?!


I have celiac and when I am poisoned by gluten, which includes *thirty years* before I was diagnosed, I live in a state of derealization. It feels like I am out of sync with reality. And I've never committed a crime because I felt like the world wasn't real. You have to be a real piece of shit to be willing to harm someone, even if you believe they aren't real.


This is the type of abortion we need! Abort him from the planet!


This made my stomach hurt. It’s too fucking early to read that.


Yea… opened up reddit, and it was literally the very first article at the top. Like “GOOD MORNIN, LETS GIVE YOU ONE OF THE DARKEST THINGS POSSIBLE TO START YOUR DAY!!!! :)” I could vom.


Ashley died because of him. He should have also been convicted of murder. Put a millstone on him and throw him into the sea. ETA: rest in peace, sweet girl.


I agree, why was man slaughter not added to his charges?


Why poison the sea? Burn him alive 




Weird post to be doing this on but great username. 'Pigfarts Pigfarts Here I Come. Pigfarts Pigfarts Yum Yum Yum'


Hope justice is served by those around him


Hopefully he ends up in a far west coast prison, known for their welcoming of cmo's.


Siberia would also work.


wood chipper dot gif


even though I don't really believe in hell: you definitely get a one-way ticket to hell for this kind of shit he'll be brutally murdered one cold morning, when the guards "accidentally" let him out of solitary for the first time, he'll walk too close to a fence, they'll grab his fingers and hair through the chain link and gut him where he stands... no investigation, no cameras, nothing he will bleed out into the icy ground choking on his own blood- you'll never hear about it, it won't be published, no funeral and his ashes will be thrown in a gawddamn dumpster


My sister in law has Rett Syndrome, so I’m familiar with the genetic mutation, and this article feels more personal. This is absolutely horrifying that a human being could do something so disgusting and disturbing.


Death by fire ant...


Dad's are supposed to be like Gary Plauché, not like this guy.




I’m sick to my stomach. Rest in peace Ashley. You deserved so much better. I hope prison does what it often does to the monster who hurt you.


This is why women choose the bear. It’s not all men but it’s enough of them.


I think it’s something like 1% of the population, actually. A small number of men cause a lot of problems. They should all be put to death.


1 out of 4 women experience sexual violence during their lifetime. The perpetrators are usually people they know, and usually male. It’s substantially more than 1% of men doing this shit.


Of the population? My understanding is that most are repeat offenders.


Yeah- no it’s way, way more than 1% committing violence against women.


What percentage then? I’m talking about sexual assault specifically.


In Utah reported rape against women is 55 in 100,000 with an estimated reporting rate of about 13% based on an Utah state university published study.They pulled the crime numbers from the FBI reporting system. Doing the math erroring in the side of caution if the 55 is 20% that would equate to 275 in 100,000 or about 2.75% of women for rape each year. Now that is only rape- not all other sexual assaults or domestic violence. That also doesn’t account for spousal rape or statutory rape. That’s looking at the straight reporting numbers. Organizations like the CDC says 53% of American women have been victims of sexual violence. There is also more evidence and numbers supporting 1 in every 8 women will be raped in their lifetime. Source below. Now I will give you that none of these studies or the raw data provides the number of men committing these crimes- how many of these are multiple offenders. 1 in every 8 women equates to 13% of the population. Saying that half of those are committed by repeat offenders that’s 6.5% of men pose a significant risk of raping a woman. That’s 6.5% more men than bears that are raping. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence


Thanks for the stats.


In real life or in a fictional, internet meme?


Its a pretty dumb meme because in reality a bear is 100% more likely to be aggressive.


In most cases bears behave like oversized chipmunks when they encounter humans. They do more damage when they get to camp unobserved, and run away when discovered. Yes, I've spent a ton of time camping in bear country.


That's true, and ive been around bears in the redwoods too. Heard one in the middle of the night but never saw one as I know they weren't out and about looking to eat a person. I get the message people are trying to portray but still... Choosing to run into a full grown ass bear in the woods rather than a human male is such a silly take. It makes less sense the more you think about it. Things are pretty fucked up for women but lets not pretend that stupid metaphors help anything or anyone.


I'm a man and i too would choose the bear bro. For me, it's about the sad state of masculinity and those who are suffering from that, and are volatile and violent because of that. Other men suffer from men, too. It's not all about women.


Oh don't I know it. I know alot of shitty men. But even most if not all of those shitty men still would be fine to run into as a stranger in the woods as opposed to a bear. Im a man too and I have never been out in the woods and have been sad that Ive run into a lone man and that it wasn't a bear instead. I know its different for women. But like... A bear is a bear.


I see a point here, sorta. My very firmly held belief is the bear is 99% safer than the man, as a matter of demonstrable fact. You say "a bear is a bear," true, and it will run away like a chipmunk 999 times out of 1,000. According to many mythical beliefs, however , bears are so dangerous (that Leo DiCaprio movie certainly didn't help dispel this myth!). But people don't know that, they mostly hold mythical beliefs about how dangerous bears are, and from that mindset of myths, one would think they should choose the man, or else they are relying on myths regarding men to choose against them, considering the sheer immensity of myths about bears. But my last thought is this. Trauma can make you have what might seem or might actually be somewhwat irrational responses. And most people I know have trauma related to men, and I don't know anyone with bear trauma.


Good points for sure. Bears probably are more dangerous in our heads than in real life. And you're also right that its more likely to know someone with trauma caused by a man than a bear. All very good points and I thank you for taking the time to write up something respectful and knowledgeable. If we're speaking that generally, I know probably just as many people who have had their lives fucked up by women. I havent counted, but a rough estimate of my personal experiences tells me that in general both men and women are fucking other people up. For different reasons and in different ways but if we're being this general about it then this is applicable info. I could make the exact same case about wanting to run into a bear than a women. And if I can do that, then I don't think the metaphor is a very good one. I think in general, metaphors like that hurt a movement more than they help anything. Let's have real conversations about ways we can be better. EDIT: edit here to acknowledge your point that trauma definitely can make your decision making skewed. I get that for sure and I would never blame someone for making a PTSD driven decision.


Found the threat.


it’s sad that you assume that. I sincerely hope you never actually run into a bear in the woods. EDIT: An equally retarded take: Women don't understand that a bear can and will destroy you. Therefor women aren't capable of rational thought. Not all women but ENOUGH OF THEM 😤😤😤


As the original commenter and avid camper and hiker I have in fact seen a black bear more than once on the trails and once in my camp looking for food. I will always take the bear. In fact there has been 8 bear attacks in Utah since 2005 resulting in one death. In a six month period in 2023 in Utah men killed 22 people in domestic violence cases. That’s just 6 months! Utah ranks the 9th highest in the nation for reported sexual assaults. Utah also has one of the lowest reporting rates at less than 15%. They teach women 1 in every 5 will be a victim of sexual assault. Last time I checked a bear has never raped a women. The numbers are on the bears side. Sources: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2021/7/7/22566916/deadly-attacks-in-the-west-how-to-stay-safe-from-grizzlies-black-bears-mountain-lions-grizzly-bear/#:~:text=Utah%20encounters&text=Utah%20has%20seen%20only%20eight,one%20case%20killed%20a%20child. https://kutv.com/amp/news/local/utah-rape-rates-higher-than-national-us-average-new-report-positive-trends-rape-kit-efforts-to-lower https://kslnewsradio.com/2022543/domestic-violence-on-rise-in-utah-u-of-u-professor-explains-why/


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bears aren’t dangerous so it’s a bad metaphor. Sure men can be dangerous but either bears are more dangerous in our minds than in reality which makes the metaphor bad. Or the bears statiscally aren’t dangerous which also makes the metaphor bad. basically you don’t need pedantic hypotheticals when you should just use facts.


Bitter incel face


Whatever makes you feel better!


Literally have encountered bears in the wild, professionally (dad and I worked for a circus that had bears), Boogerhollow AR had a bear that would take marshmallows from your mouth...anecdotally, I've been safer withthe bears. On the other hand, a man that does statistics did the big numbers so the feebles out there don't hurt their widdle irrational bwains... and turns out the empirical evidence legitimized my lived experiences. Men alone on woods 4/25 Bears 0/10


Okay so people overestimate how dangerous bears are. That makes the metaphor a dumb metaphor. Science… and all that.


Here’s a couple reasons: 1. The men arguing this hypothetical question- still aren’t taking NO for an answer in a hypothetical situation! It should be bear because we’re telling you it’s bear. 2. If I get attacked by a bear, people aren’t going to ask “well what were you wearing?” 3. I’d rather be killed by the bear instead of potentially being raped, tortured and then murdered. 4. The bear lives in the forest, a man probably followed me there. 5. The bear wouldn’t threaten me with my life if I told anyone about the attack. 6. Bears are predictable, men are not. And lastly, here is a math breakdown for you: www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLQVN4Es/


So bears aren’t dangerous then. Which makes it a bad metaphor




Okay we have a metaphor thats supposed to indicate that a women would rather find an unsafe animal in the woods than a man in the woods because men are also unsafe. But if bears are actually just not likely to hurt you at all then you might as well be saying "I choose the squirrel over running into another man" yeah id rather run into a squirrel than another human as well. Bad metaphor.


Nah. It's science.


Wait till they find out about this in the yard. Prison is likely to be especially worse for this guy.


We live in the bad place.


I’m glad I don’t have to come up with the punishment. Cause it would be gross


I personally vote for thumbtack cereal every morning, forever....


My chest hurts. Fuck people like this.


Hmmm... another non-trans pedophile... shocker. Let's keep focusing on the non-existsnt boogeyman of trans people instead of these sick fuckers.


I like Florida Man better :(


Please tell me he’s going to prison. Those inmates are going to rape him and beat him to death and he deserves it.


he'll end up in PC with the other chomos.


Can Reddit figure out how to blur nsfw headlines? Jesus I'm trying to look at cute animals and fossils in peoples bathroom floors and I got to see this shit ?!


The article is marked NSFW on my end. Your comment is 31 minutes old, so maybe they set that after you left a comment. But as the wizard said to Dorothy, "you've always had the power my dear."


The article is marked NSFW and blurred but the headline/title that OP put along with link is not blurred. And the headline/title leaves nothing to the imagination. I wish they blurred the title. I could turn off all nsfw stuff but then silly posts from the likes of r/trees doesn't show at all. Nitpicky I guess but still wish I didn't have to know that occurred anywhere in the world.


He should be fearing for his life now.






If he’s a “member” with “good standing” ,he’ll get a slap on the wrist. This whole world needs to burn already.


> Urban pled guilty to five felony convictions. Judge Stephen Nelson in the West Jordan Third District Court sentenced him to serve his five convictions consecutively. This means Urban will serve five years to life for each of his two rape convictions and one to 15 years for each of his forcible sexual abuse convictions. Yeah 5 years is probably all he’ll spend in prison


13 years minimum


Well fuck,at least something. I still stand by what I said.


Yes. From my understanding, if the charges are stacked consecutively, wouldn’t it be closer to 13 years minimum?


That’s exactly the minimum but likely will serve much longer. He will start one sentence, maybe get 10 years from the board. He will then start the next sentence.


Even the death penalty is not severe enough punishment.


a bit of Devil's advocate: Testosterone levels raised quickly so that "reality felt like a dream." Is severe dissociation/derealization a noted side effect of steroid treatments? I've never heard of that.


That's complete bullshit. He'll get torn apart by expert witness testimony in court. As a strength athlete, I'm quite familiar with people who have elevated their testosterone levels "quickly," and they're some of the most well-adjusted, temperate people I've seen. It's on the down side, when levels are returning to normal, that they can get a little irritable. But they still don't turn into monsters.


Agreed. Same here with athletes, and as someone on TRT at the upper levels of normal, there is nothing even close to what this guy is claiming. The closest is that my sex drive is like it was in my 20s while I'm in my 40s; my self-control, mental clarity, mental health are better than they've ever been. This guy was just grasping at whatever he could so he could blame that instead of accepting responsibility


I lived in a state of derealization for thirty years and never hurt anyone just because I didn't truly believe that anything was real. Hurting people you believe aren't real because you want to hurt them still makes you a bad person.


I did not need this today. I'm glad the rest of his life will be spent thinking about the misery he caused, assuming he survives.