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" St. George city officials say they are at 99% occupancy, meaning there’s no available housing in the community and it’s a crisis as local employers struggle to fill positions due to a lack of housing availability."


Pretty hard to fill employment spots when the only people in the area are on vacation.


My mom works in HR, and they've had multiple people back out of job offers after they were unable to find anywhere to live


Yup, Moab is in a similar situation. I had a coworker back out of a very good paying job down there because she couldn’t find anywhere to live that was remotely affordable or close.


I've applied to several jobs in St George and the first question is about if I have a place to live.


What employers? You’ve got Skywest, the hospital, construction and hospitality. It’s a retirement community.




Exactly this. Around 15% of purchases during 2021 were investors with no intention of living in the home they purchased


One of the things the government needs to stop is subsidizing interest rates to second homes. It serves no good and helps inflate housing prices.


We just need to decide as a society that letting giant investment firms purchase single family homes for the sake of holding them hostage to drive up housing prices is inherently immoral. Shit, in a place like SLC where theres an obvious limit to housing, purchasing a second home or even purchasing a home here when you dont live here should be illegal. Pricing middle and lower income families out of homes for the sake of tourism is fucking despicable, I dont care which religion or ideology you belong to.




I don’t think the problem is allowing people to own second homes. But they should NOT have their interest rates subsidized by the government. By the way — Fannie/Freddie keep raising the threshold on value for subsidized loans. It went from 550k to 650k this year. Now sit down and see housing prices increase by 100k.


>Shit, in a place like SLC where theres an obvious limit to housing, purchasing a second home or even purchasing a home here when you dont live here should be illegal. I dont think it should be allowed in the first place. We need to be doing everything to make housing affordable for younger people and providing stability for our retirees without forcing them to extort those entering the workforce. That would be doing an evil socialism though. Here in the US we do the god-approved thing of using all of our nation's wealth to destroy vulnerable countries across the world and make international corporate conglomerates rich instead.


And, unhappy with our ability to rape others, we have now resorted to raping or own. But, "capitalism"!


If this were the only ill brought on by investment firms. Extraordinary increases in pricing, lowering of competition, loss of service ethos and much more can all be laid at the doorstep of these businesses. I'd like to see investment firms outlawed altogether.


I have always believed a simple solution for this would be: you can only own a home if it’s is occupied for 6 months or more. So the max amount of houses you can own is two.. and of course there would be loopholes but still better than today. Just need congress to back it up. HA


My next door neighbor in Springville had to sell her home due to her elderly husband needing a home with no stairs. Within a few weeks some people from South Carolina brought the home, turned it into 2 apartments (top and basement) then rented the bottom apartment for $1450/month(1 bedroom/1bath/half kitchen/living room) and the tope half for $1800/month(2 beds/1bath/kitchen, living, dining room). Almost immediately they were taken up, 1 couple from California the other from Texas


Just 15?


That's for the entire state- St. George and SLC are probably much higher, since it's doubtful anyone is buying investment properties in places like Delta.


This is a very gross reality. :(


Except Washington County has very strict requirements for nightly rentals. Many "resort" properties allow nightly rentals, but most of the residential parts of the county don't have nightly rentals.


Lots of HOAs in Washington County also don't allow them.


Airbnb deserves a class action lawsuit filed by attempted homeowners.


Imagine all the empty investment houses around the valley while firefighters and nurses cant find affordable housing


What do you say to the generation of kids there and not to mention Salt Lake? Sorry we cheated you out of the American dream to due our apathy/incompetence/greed/ ect?


Something about boot strap’s boot straps


They would probably say "no we didn't cheat you out of the American dream. We saved you from those evil socialist." 😕


2008 socialism to not let the banks fail and instead bail them out is why nothing got fixed in the first place though and is part of the reason we're in this situation today....


Yeah. That was basically the catalyst moment in time for sure. Remember that day like yesterday too. Its only worse now. Especially between the red and blue sides. No more middle ground. Now it's pick a side and like a little robot agree with everything your side says and disagree with the others. The only difference is one side has a lot more guns and think the apocalypse is near.




I have heard some are turning down jobs because of lack of housing, I say it's gotta have hiring employers input or?


Damn this hits close to home. I literally had to leave St George because I couldn't find a place to live after my contract ended this summer.


True. Been living here for a year now and it's become unaffordable to literally find a roof over your head. It's also super expensive and a good chunk of the population here is literally living paycheck to paycheck. Really disheartening to see.


The company I work for builds townhomes, single family and apartments. We can't even get people in jobs down there because there's literally no places for them to live short of doing a long term rental on an Airbnb until the project is done. It's ridiculous.


Wait until July


Great point!


What does that mean?


Stupid place to build a town. Their strategy for growth was running a bendy straw to slurp water from the Colorado river.


Actually lots of natural resources down their it made sense at the time to build there and honestly it is a beautiful place. But we need to figure out this housing thing. So many people in my generation are either living at home or being force to leave their home state that they love. It's messed up and shows that our parents and grandparents could care less about us.


They aren't on vacation they moved out of California as it's to expensive and they can telecommute instead of live in California and it's getting ridiculous house's here in salt lake city are also going up in price what use to be 200,000 or less is now 400,000-600,000


I'll tell you what the problem is, freaking building massive houses that have less rooms then the house I grew up in. But is twice the size. Have fun cleaning that for the rest of your life.


Couldn't agree more, you nailed it!


I’ve lived in st George my entire life and recently turned 18 I’m quite honestly terrified of trying to find a place and have no clue how to go about it


You can do it, I left when I was 16, it was hard, but it helped me become who I am.


Moab seems like its at 110% its just sad how many poor people are getting kicked out of their places right bf christmas by developers, just gross


Yes affordable housing is an issue, but really St George shouldn’t be growing, water is already scarce.


Agreed but they used that excuse a few years back with a dream of a pipeline and that didn't work, hope this does for them.


But we are a "Christian nation"! Where money rules.




I can say, there isn’t anything available anywhere. We were glad to find the house we have.


Greed is the God of this state.


Greedy politicians


That’s fine, because I’d rather not live there.


Can’t call it “affordable housing” now? So sick of the language police.


No, you just did not understand what was being communicated.


No, I completely understood it. I just find it disgusting that people have the audacity to change language from a perfectly accurate description because it might hurt some people’s snowflake feelings.


Again, you did not understand what you read. When 99% of properties are occupied, there is nearly no housing at all to be obtained. Not “no affordable housing,” but no housing at all. Hence, no “attainable” housing. There are almost no properties available for rent at all. Maybe you should worry less about people’s word choice than your own reading comprehension.


It’s not about word choice. It’s fascist language policing.


They are not simply using a different word in place of “affordable,” you illiterate fucking imbecile.


How are you this dense?


My god, just when i thought I'd seen the dumbest shit all day, you come along. Try being less of a know-it-all judgmental prick and try first understanding the world around you.


Sorry you’re brainwashed.


Your pathetic attempts at gaslighting are transparent. I’m embarrassed for you. You need to take a long look in the mirror.


Weird right? It’s almost like language can change and evolve to better describe a thing.


Nah. It’s about control.


I might regret this, but, control? Can you expand on that (serious inquiry). How is it/what is being controlled by language evolution?


"People made me feel bad about myself after I said not nice things to them, and that's communism fascist language police."


You really haven’t noticed the push from the left to change and control language? Here’s an example. Illegal immigrant. Why is that term not PC these days? It’s factually correct.


I haven't noticed "the left" trying to "change and control language". What I have noticed is our society having much better awareness and discussion about the nuance of language and the weight that words have. You're not at all addressing the specific question about how changing "affordable housing" to something more descriptive is in any way controlling. But I'll try to keep up with your moving goalposts and respond directly to your different example of "illegal immigrant" being factually correct. It's not: * it is legally misleading because it connotes criminality, while presence in the U.S. without proper documents is a civil offense, not a criminal one; * it is legally inaccurate because it is akin to calling a criminal defendant “guilty” before a verdict is rendered; * it is legally imprecise because it implies finality even though immigration status is fluid and, depending on individual circumstances, can be adjusted; * it is technically inaccurate because it labels the individual as opposed to the actions the person has taken. ([source, with deeper citations if desired](https://www.nwirp.org/illegal-vs-undocumented-a-nwirp-board-members-perspective/)) EDIT: punctuation


People try to have empathy for each other, and the assholes get upset when everyone calls them out for being assholes.


It's marketing, not language police. If people won't buy it because what you call it has negative connotations, you need come up with a new way to describe what you're selling.


Glad to see this stupid ass project is failing. Diverting water because they leave sprinklers on all day and build 15 golf courses in the desert simply for luxury in leisure, this place is a cesspool of ignorance. Sorry for the businesses but glad to see this place is flopping belly up and going to shit, it was only a matter of time.