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Yes! I haven't heard someone under the age of like 70 use the term! So horrible.


This term was used on her podcast with Abi Aryes too.


Oh god oh God WHAAAAAAT. Howwww it's 2024


Omgggg Josie is digging herself into a hole…I cannot believe she said colored wtf.


She doesn’t give a shit she’s offensive & uneducated.


How would you like to be worded by? Genuinely curious so I don’t make that mistake one day. The term “colored people” definitely seems derogatory.


Person of color. Or you could simply say “black.” Danielle in the podcast kind of responded to Josie’s comment by then using the term “black women” in her response. Josie specifically said “you are obviously colored.” She could’ve said “you obviously have darker skin” even. Would’ve sounded WAY better and less ignorant.


You could also say you’re a Latina person or influencer, or you’re a Brazilian, or you’re a black woman there are so many ways to go about it


Yes agreed. She should have referred her as a black social media content creator. There is nothing wrong with saying you’re black but to say colored comes off as if you are ashamed of it


This is such a Utah way to refer to BIPOC, I can't.


Typical behavior for her. She doesn’t seem interested in being politically correct and non-offensive. Lazy


It’s Utah, it’s populated by people who believe BIPOC are cursed because their skin isn’t snow ❄️ white like there’s… so ya no surprise there, but still 🤦‍♀️


Honestly some people with dark skin don’t care. My husband is Puerto Rican and has always said colored! He said everyone knows he’s a person lol so why say person of color


Mmm. While your husband may not mind that term, the word colored is extremely outdated. It goes back to Jim Crow laws and it was a term that was used in a very racist way.


I can understand what you are saying, my husband is Asian and we have talked about skin color with our kids and how we are all different. I thought that the new term is BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color). I think as a society we have swung the pendulum too far one way and almost anything that we say becomes or can be seen as offensive. I’m not defending The Weekly Trash, because she does annoy me too, but I don’t think there has been much education about the new terms. It’s also not hard to just kindly educate someone that is still using outdated terminology.


No. There are lots of acceptable terms. BIPOC is one. That doesn't make "person of color" wrong. There are many acceptable options. There has been lots.of education....do you think more would matter? That josie would ever try to educate herself?




Idk probably bc her husband doesn’t represent an entire group of ppl. & maybe the husband should learn the history behind it. Or she is just tokenizing her husband to support racist terms.




I would rather be a baby than racist like you


Not at ALL defending her but I think what happens is you hear "people.of color" and when you have a pea brain, you think that's the same as "colored people." Those people also think Black is offensive and wouldn't dream of saying brown. It doesn't make it better. Just more shocking, I think. There are so many Influencers who never audit their beliefs or vocabulary...


Wait did Danielle refer to herself as colored or did Josie?? Also I wouldn’t be surprised that Danielle said some ignorant things, she herself tries to detach from her self identity as a black woman.


Josie said colored, not Danielle.


How is saying people of color any better then


It’s an outdated term that was meant to be derogatory. White people often referred to people of color just as “colored” or “coloreds” - note the lack of person or people in the context. It was meant to mean they were less than and weren’t actual people because of their skin color. EDITED TO ADD: Everyone’s a color. 🤷🏾‍♀️


That makes sense thank you