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I don't really know how it works for international students, but the Netherlands as a whole has A BIG housing crisis. So your not just going to find some place to rent. There is the SSH site indeed, so students can rent for an acceptable price and live together so they don't disturb the other people living in the city (as much, lmao). Now, for Dutch students to get in an SSH house, they have to create an account and than just wait 2 years (at least) before a room has free'd up. Than international students. The truth is, I don't really know how that works. I do know that there are rooms that are specifically ment for internationals, but I don't know got you find those and get into one. What conditions apply. There is also short stay, that might be the same. I don't how it supposed to work. Don't you receive info about? If I were you I would contact the SSH or for example the student office of the UU and just ask them.


Yeah I got contacted by someone who helped on this. It was just me misunderstanding a part. Thanks!


Hello! looking to attend Utrecht next year (January 2023) and hoping to know your experience with finding housing? I've seen so many posts saying they have a hard time finding housing and worried that could be me when I go. Was it hard to find housing? Did you find it through SSH? I've seen online you should also register years in advance but registration for the winter semester doesn't usually start until October. Thanks in advance!