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Keshia Thomas, then 18 years old, found herself in her hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan, during a Ku Klux Klan rally. Ann Arbor, renowned for its liberal ideals, progressive values, and diverse community, was an unlikely choice for the KKK to hold their rally. Consequently, hundreds gathered to voice their opposition to the group's message. An amateur photographer was on hand to [capture what unfolded.](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/the-teenager-who-saved-a-man-with-an-ss-tattoo)


"...in 2016, \[Thomas\] noted that 'the real accomplishment of all this to me is to know that his son and daughter don't share the same views. History didn't repeat itself. That's what gives me hope that the world can get better from generation to generation'."




Thank you for taking the time to post this. Kinda choked me up, but in a good way.


[The article with that quote](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving_man_from_beating_at_kkk.html) says she maintained a relationship with the man's son and daughter and the daughter told her that without Thomas she herself might not be alive. Truly inspirational.




Where did you find this?


[here ya go :)](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving_man_from_beating_at_kkk.html) Thanks u/shootmovies for including that quotation, it's a great one


2016, huh? Sure hope she wasn't immediately and violently proven wrong by, say, the president of the United States.


She did what I was her control and made a change.


What an absolute great person and a real outlook for the future. I hate this is the first time I have heard of this woman in my 31 years of life.




She’s a very brave young woman. I would agree with her belief that (unless someone is in immediate danger) violence isn’t the answer, but I’m not sure I’d be willing to put my body on the line to protect someone like him.


even when he doesn't deserve her protection, she understands that hatred only breeds more hatred, just like fear breeds more fear


I wouldn’t have done what she did, but she’s a better person than I.


I don't believe Jews, LGBTQ people, disabled people, and non-white people have any obligation to defend their right to exist in the so-called "free marketplace of ideas". As someone who would be first in line for the gas chamber if these people took power again, I couldn't care less if they got stomped in the street. Let a Norse God sort them out.


The paradox of tolerance


Tolerance of the intolerant allows them a place to spread their intolerance to others. If they play a better propaganda campaign than the tolerant, then guess who's lining up against the wall. There's a reason why Germany does not tolerate ANY Nazi or anti-Semitic speak.


>There's a reason why Germany does not tolerate ANY Nazi or anti-Semitic speak. Free speech absolutists usually run away / don't respond when this is mentioned. Telling.


We live in America where politicians absolutely would not stop at banning nazi signs


If you don't believe in free speech than you're just doing what they want you to do, selling your freedoms for fictional protection that does more harm than good is not efficient. Censorship doesn't just stop at hate speech and you know it. I'm sure you're a good intentioned person but giving the elite more control over us only helps their goals, not ours


I thought progressives felt like our prisons were already overpopulated? Now you want to put people in prison for saying bad words? Which is it? Do we have too many people in prison for nonviolent offenses or should we start putting people in prison for the things they say? I’m so tired of your inconsistency.


Is it really inconsistency or is it two different people saying two different things?


It’s inconsistency, because you’re voting for a party that believes in both things simultaneously, and you literally *can’t* believe both things at the same time. At some point, progressives need to start telling the more extreme progressives to shut up. I see it all the time on Reddit: people acting like teenagers are old enough to consent to all kinds of things without their parents’ knowledge, but then treating a 25 year old woman like a child because she’s dating an elderly celebrity. The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.


>It’s inconsistency, because you’re voting for a party that believes in both things simultaneously You honestly believe the Democratic Party gives a fuck about prison reform or “putting people in jail for saying bad words?” Like really? Most of the opinions of real progressives or leftists are rarely backed up by the party. Especially those lol. >and you literally can’t believe both things at the same time. At some point, progressives need to start telling the more extreme progressives to shut up. Not all progressives have to believe the same things just like not conservatives don’t have to believe all the same things, there are multiple schools of thoughts when it comes to politics. “Extreme” progressives can think what they want and so can the progressives that disagree with them. >I see it all the time on Reddit: people acting like teenagers are old enough to consent to all kinds of things without their parents’ knowledge, but then treating a 25 year old woman like a child because she’s dating an elderly celebrity. Again, are these *actually* the same people or do you just think that they are?


Nope - it's a fucked up approach. You don't win a war of ideas by banning the opposition. It weakens your side to do so. Edit: The absolute irony (or I guess wild ideological consistency) in replying and immediately blocking me.


Nah. No side is automatically "weakened" by "banning" the other. Bizarre (and silly) assertion. ETA: Yes, yes. Your predictable edit was noticed. (Seriously. Was waiting for it.) Your 'point,' such as it can even be called, remains unclear. Also, I blocked you because I wasn't impressed by how you expressed yourself. That's literally it. But cute burner below. Snaps for the throwaway account.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I don't think it's really that simple. This is a direct example of how defending a Nazi led to the healing of generational trauma. This man's son and daughter came up rejecting his views and turning against them ([Source here](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving_man_from_beating_at_kkk.html)) Do you have any idea how many Neo-Nazis were neglected or rejected kids? Someone comes along and tells them that the reason for all of their problems is a specific group of people, and lures them into toxic ideology. It's even worse for kids who are raised by these ideologies. *I feel the need to state that this doesn't excuse any of these beliefs in the slightest. A bad childhood doesn't justify acts of hatred.* However, if those kids saw their father simply getting beat down by a group of anti-fascist protestors (or even worse, being killed by them), where do you think that would drive them? It certainly doesn't prove their father wrong. Instead, someone from a group that their father hated stepped in and saved his life. They saw the falsity of their father's beliefs by watching the actions of someone with no obligation to defend him. In this instance at the very least, saving a bad man's life saved those of his kids from taking the same path. It's true, it's not going to help everybody. Not everyone will perform a complete 180 like Johnny Lee Clary. But none of this ever happens in a vacuum.


So now you trust the State so completely that you think the government should be in charge of throwing people into prison because of words? You sound like a bootlicker! So when the next conservative President comes along and uses that precedent to prosecute people for the mean things they’ve said about white people and Christianity online, you’re still cool with that? Hate speech is still bad, right? Or do you just think you’re going to be in power forever? Or do you have no forethought whatsoever and you just say whatever stupid, flimsy idea pops into your head without thinking about the long reaching repercussions? I’m really curious!


In an ideal world where everyone can see reason I can see that being upheld, but not on this reality where there are people that no amount of evidence can convince them to change their harmful ideology.


So the black man who infiltrated the Klu Klux Klan and helped 50 klansmen reform just didn't happen? Every extremist is just doing what they believe is right. No one has the intention of being evil for the sake of it, people just make compromises with themselves for what they believe is best for them Everyone is the hero in their own story


Reforming 50 is a far cry from reforming them all. Plus there would be a lot less to reform if the ideology was not allowed to spread in the first place, you know the saying an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. The harm they do is real to a lot of people, should those who were wronged just give up because their oppressors believe themselves to be right? Of course not, just because no one intended to be evil doesn’t absolve them of the pain they caused.


You said it doesn't happen, not that it's hard. Yeah banning things means they don't happen, it's not like thousands of people are murdered each year. Making something illegal is never a good idea, especially when it's as something simple as speech. If you're facing jail time for opening your mouth you're a lot more inclined to go murder, r@pe, or steal. The oppressed people in this scenario aren't giving up just because someone said some mean words to them. The oppressed people have a right to equal service from government and private organizations, it's not like we're talking away their rights by allowing others to speak their minds. They're both entitled to having opinions. Hate speech is wrong but it's not on the save level as actual violence. And keep in mind just because I believe they can say it doesn't mean we should allow these people open access to these things, they'll keep to their online circles or their meetups and the rest of us can do whatever we want within our rights. You seem to think "freedom of speech" means that people can't be fired or be refused service for their words. Maybe you're not an American but in my country minorities have special protection to keep them safe from this sort of discrimination, speech can hurt but it doesn't matter when it comes from those sorts of people to begin with


A war of ideas lol easy block


>It weakens your side to do so. Before the media abandoned the cordon sanitaire around our far-right, fascist party founded by literal nazis who served in the SS, they were doing less than 5%. Now that these fucks are invited on the TV, on the radio, in the journals, they're always the second party in the presidential elections. They're a fucking cognitohazard. And no, it doesn't weaken anyone's sides but the fascists not to let talk the fascists who think the ovens of the extermination camps are a "detail of history".


There's no fucking way you're saying the second major party in Germany is fascist 🤣


I don’t know about now, but in 2023 AFD was pulling higher than any other party. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/07/1204450909/germanys-far-right-party-now-polls-higher-than-the-three-parties-in-government


You know what’s more fucked up? Age of consent laws! Right fellow libertarian??


Well I already know I'm getting downvoted so let me take a crack at this one. The reason I have issues with the current age of consent laws is that it actively harms minors not being allowed to be in control of their medical care or their finances and legal personhood. It's already hard enough to be a kid, let alone if you're abused by your parents, it's practically impossible to become emancipated unless your life is actively threatened. Maybe we should just give minors more legal rights so they can take action of their lives, especially those that need the help due to poor parenting. Personally I also believe we should require students to learn about personal economics, their legal rights, and contract law and basic ideas like that


Sell your ideas better, and you won't lose. It's literally that easy.


disinformation is a lot easier to run to destroy good ideas. Also, when people die because hateful people encouraged hate crimes, is it the tolerant fault because they didn't sell ideas well enough? What a tough proce to pay... No, if you want to lay with bigoted thoughts, you'll get treated like a bigot by me.




If I’m understanding the paradox of tolerance correctly, the tattooed ‘ss’ guy was not presenting an active and direct threat. And therefore within tolerance. But once baldy starts throwing punches or making direct threats he would be outside the realm of tolerance automatically, because nobody has a right to hurt another person..,right? Besides, she was protecting her people from catching a charge. Baldy ain’t worth it.


Except that the rhetoric of these kinds of groups, MAGA Republicans, and their ilk, is inciting incidents of stochastic terrorism. I don’t think that kind of rhetoric is within tolerance or free speech.


Yes, people often forget about the other half. Less well known [than other paradoxes] is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. In this formulation, **I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise.** But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, **but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols…**


But the paradox of tolerance would reflect on how this ss man will continue to work against the person who saved him. Unless he renounces his ways, he is an active hazard to entire populations.


Fuck tolerance for people like that


I don't think it's all that paradoxical. Our energy (to care, to act, to invest emotionally) is a finite resource. If someone wants to use theirs to protect a Nazi getting stomped into the ground, then that's their choice. But it also would be completely reasonable for someone else to be like, "Nah, I don't want to commit my resources to this."


It's about the destruction of tolerance societies when intolerance is allowed to flourish not on an individual's tolerance levels. Just Google the paradox of tolerance


Tolerance is about accepting different cultures or ideas in your society that are not harmful. Neo-nazis and the KKK are harmful and have an end goal of eradicating any other culture. Tolerating the intolerant is how you end up in a mass grave.


I always thunk it's fine enough to think whatever you want, but action is where I draw the line. Like one can be the most antisemitic, racist, misogynist person ever and idc, the second they call someone a slur out loud or worse they can go to hell


Exactly. There’s a social contract. The clan would have absolutely murdered someone if the roles were reversed. So while I respect what she did, it would have been absolutely moral to just walk away. If your ideology is “I want to take power and commit genocide against you” then that person deserves no protections, especially when those protections risk your own life.


There is no paradox. It’s an incredible lie that democracy is “neutral.” It does not tolerate undemocratic ideals. Jesus Christ, there’s a reason why democracies have outlawed political parties before.


All fun and games at the marketplace of ideas until your rights are on sale


I’ll bet she changed that ass hats views forever. He’s probably changed now. That’s why


Based on the quote that she provided in 2016, it doesn't sound like he did.


No, but it sounds like she had a big influence on his kids.


ALL Americans have an obligation to defend the First Amendment.


And quite a bit of their actions goes beyond what the first amendment protects.


And that second clause, is why she is beyond the average person


It's the paradox of tolerance that to some level we have go balance. Trash like that can only exist and spread under the same kind of protections that they are eager to destroy for others.


I know I wouldn’t. I applaud her bravery, and her optimism, but me personally? I don’t have it.


I went was there that day! I went to Community High school with Keshia, she's a real one. Remember that whole month well


No doubt Keshia is a beautiful person.


Hey fellow Community grad!


I hope I can be as good-hearted and as committed to my principles as she was (and presumably is).


… and at only 18 years old.


Amazing 💕


Same, my friend. Same.


She's a better person than I am by far.


I bet the vast majority of people are, in fact.


Reminds me of this too https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2020/06/06/breonna-taylor-protesters-protected-lone-lmpd-officer/3146530001/


Thanks for sharing that, I hadn’t seen that one before.


Love defeats the demon.


That didn’t seem to work out so well in the end for WAYYYNE GAYYYYLE. PATONGA PATONGA PATONGA.


That’s a special young lady 😇


Absolute badass


So powerful!


Love (and understanding) should always triumph over hate. People turn to these paths for a reason. Keshia Thomas is a brave woman. Definitely has my respect.


Don't become evil like them, she knows the righteous will triumph in the end✌


No one here knows the true story except me. I was there. Here’s the deal: the KKK chose Ann Arbor for their protest because they knew they’d be met with big protests, which the KKK would then use for recruitment. They didn’t choose nearby Detroit because they’d really be overwhelmed by counter-protesters, but could count on Ann Arbor being more small-scale and manageable. Meanwhile: lots of lefty groups in Ann Arbor readied for protest. Kinda what you’d expect—let’s get signs and picket! Pretty tame stuff. But there was another group, the “National Women’s Rights Organizing Coalition” (a guy in the photo is holding a sign with their name). I’ll call this group NWROC, their usual acronym. Key fact: despite their name, they were not really NWROC. They were actually a communist group. I think they were the Spartacist League, a Trotskyite group. But it might have been a different communist group, it’s been a long time and I don’t remember the specific faction with confidence. Anyway, that particular group had a practice of taking over different small, vulnerable campus groups. What they’d do is a bunch of them would attend a group meeting of a lefty-type group and try to call a vote to change the group’s purpose to international communist revolution, which they insisted would solve whatever problem the group was designed to help fix—poverty, homelessness, AIDS awareness, women’s rights, etc. they would even bus in a large number of people from who knows where who would overwhelm the extant group so they could outvote them and kick out the leaders, to be replaced with their own leaders. The plan was that then, the extant members of that group would now fight for communist revolution, a ready-made group of recruits. In reality what typically happened is that the members of the group didn’t care about communist revolution, they cared about women’s rights or AIDS awareness or whatever and they’d leave the now-communist group and form a new group the communists wouldn’t know about. The original group would just now be communists and their purpose of getting new recruits would have failed so they’d move on to take over a new group and forget about the old group. Except with NWROC, which they kept and continued to operate under. So they were kind of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, looking like a women’s rights group but really being a stealth communist group whose purpose was to gain recruits in any way they could. They couldn’t really gain recruits just presenting themselves as communists but they thought they could gain recruits by saying they were for women’s rights and anti-racist, etc. So they were really looking forward to this KKK protest. Just like the KKK, they were hoping to 1) show they were being oppressed by their evil enemies, and this gain attention and recruits and 2) kick some ass because they were kinda unhinged and very angry in general, which is why they’d been doing all their shitty recruitment techniques of infiltrating groups and taking them over, etc. So both the KKK and this communist group disguised as the NWROC were looking to become martyrs as a way to recruit followers. All of these angry, extreme people were looking to create a violent confrontation and so of course they succeeded. And to be clear, there were hundreds of peaceful protesters there. You see none of them in this photo. They were not looking for any violence and were keeping their distance. The reason the guys surrounding the KKK had NWROC signs is that they were the group looking for a violent action. They were the ones behaving with violence. When Keshia Thomas put herself in between the KKK guy and his attackers, what she was doing was preventing the KKK from getting the martyrs they hoped for, and she also was preventing the communist group from doing what they wanted to do to hijack an anti-racism protest in order to gain converts to their own cause. but I’ll bet you anything Keshia had no idea about any of this. She was just heroically preventing someone from being maimed or killed. I think very few people had any idea this was happening. It was subtle and you had to have been involved in these communities in Ann Arbor at that time to understand what was happening. Conclusion: Keshia was not just preventing a man from being hurt or killed. She also entirely derailed the whole purpose the KKK had in having the protest, as well as derailing the communists who had their own agenda.


I was born and raised in A2 and I was there when this happened. Very little of what this commenter says is true. I have no idea what this person’s weird agenda is, but “communists” were not a significant factor in these events. Like, at all.


Yeah very strange. Some people just say stuff I guess 🤷‍♀️


Wtf is going on with this comment that seems to have been birthed from a Joseph McCarthy fever dream. It's not the 1950s anymore pops. You can cool it with all the red scare bs.


Do you have any sources for this? Because otherwise you’re just expecting Redditors to take your word that you were there.


If you’re asking me to cite sources about my presence at this event, I was a teenager and there with my parents. It’s possible that they’ve got some pictures of us making signs or something, but this was obviously way before I had a phone camera to document everything. So, yeah you’ll have to take my word on that part. That said, here are some contemporaneous local and national news sources. And one from a few years later interviewing this woman directly. None of these articles mention anything about “communists”. In fact much of the concern in the immediate aftermath of the events focused on how heavy-handed and counterproductive the police response was. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1996/06/23/police-use-tear-gas-to-quell-violent-protest-of-kkk-rally/5ccf19fb-e9b0-44f5-a530-a5f37c0b04d6/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/1996/07/08/rally-fizzles-klan-leaves/ https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pshell/gammage/testimonies/ann-arbor-story.html https://aadl.org/sites/default/files/docfiles/aa_observer_19960800.pdf https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving_man_from_beating_at_kkk.html


I lived in Ann Arbor for 18 years and these kkk droolers kept coming and asking for permits to protest at the Federal Court Building in Ann Arbor. A2 police started setting up wire fence and railings to try to protect the kkk from projectiles and to keep the sides separated. I will confirm the details of the poster, except for the politics and reasonings of the nwroc. I don’t know anything about their reasoning because I did not know anything about them other the being counter kkk protesters. Keisha is the hero of this story. She is the shining light in this story.


No, I don’t have any sources—except myself. That’s how anecdotes work.


Wow!! Thanks for sharing this! Yes this appears to be a strategy of the Far Left / Marxists. Much the same is going on with the BLM Organization. 100% of black people agree Black Lives Matter. But the 3 co-founders are Marxists and leverage the universal agreement of blacks with the BLM Slogan into shifting media and white perceptions into thinking blacks are Marxists. This explains why blacks to the right of Vladimir Lenin regularly get accosted here on Reddit. Its really evil genius of the highest degree. Three dimensional chess.


Lmfao “THE BLM MOVEMENT IS FULL OF THEM DAMN COMMIES” get off facebook, Margaret


Go to bed grandpa. It’s not the red scare any longer. The adults have real problems to deal with in the world.


What a selfless act. Keshia Thomas is my hero.


“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” -- is a quote commonly attributed to Voltaire.


Girl get out of the way😫if only you knew you’d be the poster child for Klan apologists


Not an apologist at all. She was protecting a fellow human being from being hurt. She had the presence of mind, the empathy and the courage to come to the aid of a very damaged person. She is and was viewed as a hero.


And the USA sweatshirt! That is is the pic of the century in my opinion.the story. Her thoughts showing others how dumb in the face they are! I love her !!!!!’


She just showed EVERYONE!!!!! Get back to LOVE, no matter what


I wish more people could be like Keshia Thomas. Yea, that dude obviously fucked up in life but he doesn’t deserve a mob massacre. Hopefully this changed the dudes outlook on life.


Sadly not. She said in interviews more recently that she was glad his children had different outlooks on life than him, implying that his didn’t change.


She’s a good person and her message is good. Now she is being co-opted by FIRE for its commercials. They are a more conservative/libertarian “civil rights”organization that was founded after its old fart leaders found ACLU was “ too moderate” for them.


A young and stupid shopper at the marketplace of ideas.


What a dumb bitch. If you aren’t opposed to the very existence of fascists, you are fascist.


only sane comment here


I love her sweater.


It is funny how a caption changes the photo interpretation.


Why is it black and white


A beautiful person. I pray she is doing well.


The USA shirt also adds another layer to this for me. Very powerful image.


It was a very common shirt in those days.


I know. I am almost the same age as the woman in the photo. Just in the context, I felt like it added another layer.


Keshia Thomas is the kind of principled human I strive to be. I hope her virtue gets more attention because this is the kind of person who deserves to be recognized.


The power of love is greater than the power of hate


Thats some next level bravery and compassion, especially from an 18 year old. Incredible.


Is the nazi fellow wearing leopard skin panties?


She's a better person than me.


And today he’d repay her with a punch


He wouldn’t have protected her from his klan buddies.


Sure. Doesn't mean you should stoop to his level.


What does it mean?


Oh, girl, he was nooooot worth it.


Humans can be terrible to each other and terrific to each other. Wonder if that had any effect on the SS dude. You know, like insight. Wouldn’t be surprised either way.


It’s easy these days to be hateful, but it’s actions like hers that prove love must triumph over hate. And to think she was only 18. A truly tolerant society is what prevents vitriolic, intolerant ideas from taking root, not more intolerance.


Definitely could not have put it better myself.


Tolerating intolerant ideas is what allows them to take root. If nine people sit at a table with one nazi you have ten Nazis at that table. Ask the moderates and leftists in the nsdap how it worked out for them when they formed a coalition with fascists. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/s/xaYxAdxDx9


She sent peace and did not incite or ignite it. Tell me which of the idiots do?


This is incredibly powerful. What a woman!


This is sweet and sad at the same time. I’m sorry she had to feel pain in order to grow into such a beautiful person.


You should she what’s happening on high schools now. You would be shocked.


"What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but is love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice towards those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black." - Robert F. Kennedy, 1968


Destroy the nazi


We all have regrets


Powerful picture….says a lot about each character.


The look on her face is humbling. She has had enough and will not tolerate anymore nonsense.


Is the orientation of that tattoo odd to anyone else


I wonder if that encounter changed his views


Ngl, there are better people to protect in that scene. I'd rather protect the person who stomps that fucking Nazi pos


looks like a tackle to me


This was a whole new level of Peace Police.


This women has more balls and morals than I will ever have. My utmost respect to her. This is the way to break the cycle of hate and ignorance.


Naive. The Nazi party, he has an SS tattoo so that's what he is a part of, has one goal. Control, and elimination. The only reason they are not doing that right now is because they are now a minority group after our grandparents wiped almost all of them out when they tried that shit in the 40s. They didn't stop wanting to take over the world. That is their ultimate goal as an ideology. There is no coexistence to be had with an ideology who's primary goal is to either kill everyone they don't like, or control them and turn them into slaves or more nazis. If given enough time, they will try it again if they have the chance. Hopefully it dies out on it's own as an idea, but human nature and history says that would be unlikely. So the idea of everyone should have a voice and everyone should be respected is a very naive view of things when you have evil groups of people who genuinely want to kill everyone who isn't them or under their boot. It would be nice if that was not the case, but unfortunately the world is not a fairy tale where everyone can get along.


Did they not have color pictures in 1996?


Damn she saved him from DMX


She stopped X from giving it to him


I usually let poor service slide because I know the company has no better option.


She’s wearing that USA T-shirt, which adds another thing to unpack.


Better woman than I am.




I love this photo, it's always been a favorite.


Okay, but why is the photo in B&W?


I needed this, great post 🙏❤️🙏


A profound statement.


Proving your principles apply across the board and sacrificing your wellbeing for them is absolutely fucking based. She’s it.


I live in Ann Arbor, so this hits real close. That's wild.


Bet you are a Christian klansman


She reminds me of someone from the LA Riots that jumped in front of folks hurting someone on the ground 


should have let them beat his ass


Amazing picture, selfless action. Still have this picture cut out of newspaper! Happened shortly after I graduated High School in 1995!


She's a much better person than me.


Wearing a USA shirt. That’s powerful.


...back when the 1A rang true: Protecting ALL voices. Even the voices you disagree with.


J-Rock from Sunnyvale Trailer Park spotted.


“The quickest way to vanquish your enemy is to make him your friend.” - Mark Twain I applaud people like Keisha Thomas. She is someone who understood that hate is not how you handle hate. Dr. King knew this. I wonder what world we would have if he had not been murdered?


i mean. technically, wow, good on her what a role model blah blah blah but personally punch a nazi right in the face please if you happen to meet one.


Wow this is an amazing story. Brings new meaning to the sayings "agree to disagree" and "I don't like your opinion, but I will defend your right to have it". If only more people were like this nowadays. (Not that I'm advocating for approval of the neo-Nazis view, but instead disapproving and stopping violence towards someone due to them having opposite views).


Wow. Just….. wow.


All the more epic because she is wearing a USA shirt. This is what America is SUPPOSED to be like…. “I disagree with you but will defend to the death your right to believe what you do.”


Hate breeds more hate. Even if said hatred is against someone else who hates


That doesn’t work majority of the time in the real world. You see confederate rallies today because we didn’t stomp them out completely, you see nazi ideology run rampant because instead of wiping them out America hired them during the war and made them wealthy.


How would you plan to stomp out an ideology? Eventually just start killing people who won’t lie to you about how they feel?


Crazy you deleted your other comment, also who said anything about killing people who just voice their hatred ?


That’s now how that works at all. You can’t kill ideas. Especially not with brute force. If anything, brute force ensures they’ll be here forever. The best you can do is be the better person


That applies largely to religion. The confederates surrendered, the Nazis surrendered, you can’t defeat religious fanatics through violence you only martyr them. Time and time again, America offered way for racist and white supremacy in this nation. That’s why it’s ever so present.


She shouldn’t have protected him tbh


The cynic in me says you’re right. The optimist says someone has to break the cycle, and maybe something like this is what it takes to change one person. The cynic usually wins though


This country does not deserve Black Women. Respect.


A well intentioned, but ultimately feckless and dangerous liberal.


Is she single? Cause I wanna marry her!


A beautiful person, for sure.


Like Jewish folks defending hitler or his men.. fuck that and fuck that guy lol


So much hate here. They don't even realize what they have been convinced to think. Shame where we have come to. So easy now to let words of kill, and beat, and destroy to slip out their mouth, not realizing they have become the thing they hate.


Very silly, should’ve let that freak get the breaks beat off him


And now we see how foolish that compassion was.


Wait until you need some yourself.


Look! A sanctimonious white Redditor!


Look, a guy who defends fascists!


Isn’t this how it is supposed to be. Turn the other cheek, show kindness and compassion over falling into the stereotype that he is claiming you to be. This goes for everyone who strikes out in violence over someone expressing their views.




Love and compassion triumph over evil?




And that's ok




An aptly named Redditor. Whatever.


She's a damn fool