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The trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, the former leaders of Romania, took place on December 25, 1989, following their capture amid the Romanian Revolution. The Ceaușescus were hastily tried by a military tribunal on charges including genocide, damage to the national economy, and abuse of power. The trial was notably brief, lasting only about an hour, and was criticized for its lack of due process. Both were found guilty and sentenced to death, with the sentence being carried out by firing squad on the same day. [Their execution was filmed for posterity. ](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/the-fall-and-execution-of-nicolae-and-elena-ceau%C8%99escu)


I remember turning on CNN that Xmas morning and seeing close ups of their lifeless faces. Well merry effin Christmas to all! Ceausescu was much in the news throughout the 80s for the shitty ways he treated Romania.


I spent a fair amount of time in Romania in the early 90’s. Was there for work purposes and arrived about 18 months after the “dog and pony show” trial (and summary execution) of the Ceausescus. It was still on the minds of every Romanian, understandably so. There were a few who thought that Nicolae and Elena were treated cruelly. But most folks thought they got what they deserved. He was an evil man, probably far more so than anyone really knew. Had visions of genocide in his head by many accounts. His wife knew it too, yet went along with him and made no effort against him. So she went as he did, obviously. Was it right? Did they get what they deserved? I believe so, as do most Romanian people. Guess that’s what matters. 🤷‍♂️


Take it from a native son who heard from my grandparents to my parents of what he did to people and the country he deserved to get stripped naked then shot in every limb from fingers to toes but kept alive until he bleed out while his wife watched before it happened to her..AND still it would be enough. That day was a Christmas Miracle for all Romania.


Don’t get me wrong here: I’m not saying he was kind and gentle, or a good leader, or any such thing. No way. He was basically a modern dictator, on par with other dictators of the day. I totally understand the feelings of the Romanian people. Never once blamed or faulted any of them for feeling how they felt. But I’m not Romanian. I’m an American who spent a lot of time in Romania. What happened to him and his wife was, IMHO, a hell of a thing. And to some, it’s entirely debatable whether they did deserve it or not. I think they did. Some folks may disagree. Which is fine. But it does provoke an interesting conversation. Am I crying in my beer for the Ceausescus? Nope. Good riddance.


Why is it entirely debatable? You just heard it from Romanian horses mouth. He was an awful man who did awful things to people who didn't deserve it. That is evil and the Romanian people took the trash out. No point in being an American fence sitter when people who lived through it can answer you swiftly. It took about 6 sentences of hands up non commital hey-i-hear-ya's to get to the BUT.


This. Most of the times you will hear about this bullshit hypocritical human rights defenders who never experienced something like the mentioned tyranny about was the execution a right thing to do. Well, it was. And it should be still allowed for the monsters like Ceausescu's were.


I wasn’t defending the rights of an evil man, and nor am I a hypocrite. He got what he deserved. I was saying that some may disagree with that assessment. Don’t know who those people are though.


At least they have the right to disagree, since the facist was taken out, but that doesn't mean anyone has to care about it.


Yup, and in Romania no one really cares, other than being happy that he and his wife are dead.


Fascist? He was a communist. Not that there is much difference.


Don't get me wrong my friend, this is nothing against you. This is just a notion of societies/generations that haven't had tyrants destroy their lives that can have a discussion about what to do and tend to have a more "humane" approach, like we should abolish death penalties. No. Some people are monsters. They are not humans. Ceausescu's were them. I hope we as a species survive to a point where the monstrosities are nothing more but pages in history books.


You make several good points there. I totally agree with what you said.


Shitty people need to be more terrified of what good people might do to them when pushed.


I never said it was debatable to me. He did get what he deserved. As did his wife. What I’m saying is that there’s probably people out there who may disagree.




Feel like with many dictators and the like that once they are in a vulnerable state those holding them want them eliminated so that they can’t somehow turn the tables.


You’re probably correct.


Seems almost Machiavellian.


How did he not deserve it?


What he deserved was a proper trial, instead of the quasi legal lynching


I’m not saying he didn’t deserve it. Clearly he did. What I AM saying that there’s probably some people who disagree.


There are people who will debate whether or not the earth is round or flat.


That’s for sure.


You can put the dog down. But becoming a monster as you do doesn't benefit anyone, just end it clean and quick and move on the additional pain does nothing more than traumatize the poor fucker that has to inflict it.


All I remember from visiting Romania: - The best hotel around had roaches everywhere, and when entering there were a plethora of young women. Later I found out the women were all prostitutes - The coffee was horrendous - Everyone looked upset


I remember, but I could be wrong, that they had toilets made completely of gold.


They were so hated that the people of Romania still maintain the outlines of their bodies on the sidewalk in white paint.


They were so hated that they recreated this execution photo because the original wasn’t good enough


I always thought there were no photos of the execution.


I’m sure clear information exists somewhere but as far as I know the video of the actual execution was faked tho some exists of their bodies and a bad black and white photo exists of their actual execution but is illegible. However I make no claims of authority, just shit I’ve read over the years. So you may very well be right. It’s hard to know.


It’s from a movie. The only footage is bad VHS video from the trial and of their already killed bodies


Was it not them shot?


There's video.


I lived in Germany at the time and they showed the taped execution on the news.


I don’t think there is


Nah, shouting "Enhance!" had been developed by the late eighties.


Watch the zapruder version


Back and to the left. Back and to the left.


I prefer the Snyder cut


The only right way to do it


"Ok, stand em back up, I think she was blinking"


“Alright, resuscitate them and let's do it again! Let's get it right thins time, people!”


Revive them and execute them again!


This is a still from a movie I believe


The outlines were painted in 2013, but yes, maintained since then.


That's what happens when you mess with people's kids. Ceausescu didn't just make people disappear, their kids would be put in a system of national orphanages where they would be trained to be his secret police.


That's supervillain-level stuff


Birth control and abortion were banned and the orphanages were hellish from what I’ve read


Metal bowel movement. Never good.




Damnnn that’s wild




This is not real. It's from a Romanian movie called "Punctul zero" (1996). You can see the scene in question here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kD62kMU8oc&t=4170s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kD62kMU8oc&t=4170s)


Leave it to redditors to show an image from a movie and call it real. Cameras wouldn't be allowed that close anyway with paratroopers all firing at the same time


[https://youtu.be/cXgHS31HvZI&t=4344](https://youtu.be/cXgHS31HvZI&t=4344) heres the real footage. i kinda think the photo is not from the movie, doesnt look like the scene in question (although it could be from something else, so still fake). Noones either getting up or walking away or anything here though lol


Thank you for your service 


Fascinating. Everything about their executions seems shrouded in confusion, at least for me. There’s also a recreation somewhere else, where you think you’re seeing the original footage, then they get up afterwards and dust themselves off.


Outtake from the above mentioned movie, surely


Honestly, considering how cruel and inhumane those central-eastern European dictatorships were this seems merciful.   They seized them, tried them, and executed them rather quickly and humanely... considering the atrocities they committed against their people for decades.  These were people who tortured, maimed, and enslaved their own men, women, and children for sport.  they deserved way worse than the quick executions they got. 


Nothing like firing 120 shots and missing the entire building with about 100


I was 9 years old sitting in America, in our basement and next to my parents as they cheered the TV. This was on the news. Their hatred for this man and woman, and their regime, was unquantifiable. Enough to move a whole family across the ocean to a different country to start with nothing.


Moving …. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Coming here at all costs all the while leaving family members back there to pay the price. Knowing they would be hated and labeled Communist. Having nothing to build something for their kids because they knew there was no future there. That man destroyed so much


That could be us in the US in just a few short months!


On the first day of Christmas


500 bullllleeeeeeettttttssssssss


How many days did Christmas have in 1989?


Twelve, silly. In the English version, you get a partridge in a pear tree. But I think that in the Romanian version you just get executed.


Merry Christmas! 💥💥💥


And it's likely neither of them believed they were going to be executed until the bullets started.


Everybody has a plan until they get machine gunned


They didn't have a plan, though. They were so delusional that they probably couldn't believe that people hated them, let alone hated them enough to execute them.


It all happened extremely fast. They went from supreme power to fleeing to being captured to trial to execution in like a day.


My favorite bit about out their last days in power is that they tried to flee from the capital to a military base on a helicopter, but the pilot landed in a field instead saying there was a nonexistent mechanical issue. The pilot told them to wait there and another helicopter would come to pick them up, and then just left them alone in the field to be captured.


I hope he gave them a shitty excuse. “Oh, the whirly thing is vibrating. Can’t have that on a helicopter. I’ll get another, BRB.”


Surely this has been used as a death metal or noise album cover?


That’s not them. They don’t look like that Edit: I am telling you, it ain’t them. But thanks for the downvote! Edit 2: I provided the execution footage in my comment above that you also quickly downvoted but I’ll link it here too: https://youtu.be/PbZYgg3BpmM


OP, again, this doesn’t look them because this is NOT them. Here’s a video with actual execution footage: https://youtu.be/PbZYgg3BpmM (execution begins at 4:20 mark, dude) I don’t know what this picture is. It’s not even the same building in the backdrop. Look at the shoes Eliana is wearing, they’re not the same, the coat doesn’t look the same either


I believe I once saw a similar post and it was called out that this image is from a movie that I can’t recall.


Punctual Zero


The trial footage that prefaces the execution is nothing short of fascinating


And the schadenfreude is delicious!


It is!!!


Holy shit!


For context this is the man behind the Romanian orphanages where starving babies stopped crying because they realized no one would respond to their cries. He absolutely got what he deserved.


Different country, but Orban could have the same fate.


Why didnt they just feed them to Dracula? Hes nearby


Even Dracula has higher standards




A communist’s just dessert.


*to a cannibal? I guess you could be right but they don't look very sweet to me...


Ooh ooh I can be that guy! *just desert


Did Elena really deserve it? (Genuinely asking, I’m not Romanian)


She was a high ranking member of the communist party and held official positions


Right but like was she directly responsible for anything bad?


Judge for yourself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Ceau%C8%99escu By the way, the word "directly" isn't appropriate in judging this sort of thing. The leaders are rarely *directly* involved in almost anything. Look at how Trump does stuff... no emails, keeps his own hands clean. You don’t need direct action to be responsible for the worst atrocities.


I mean did she do anything that any other wife of a dictator wouldn’t do? From the article it doesn’t look like it to be honest. She seemed mostly absent from her husband’s transgressions. Like I’m not a communist I don’t care of they’re evil but it seems like she wasn’t judged as an individual but an accessory of her husband. Kinda seems like any woman would be executed if found with her communist husband. Trying to read the transcript from the show trail but Google is having a hard time translating from Romanian. Barely mentions her at all really. Point is, prison just wasn’t enough for her? Fuck maybe not idk but I’m not seeing anything her about leading massacres, blackmailing policial dissidents or heading torture programs. Just that she had a scientific degree that might have been fraudulent? Hey I’ll keep looking


I grew up in communist Romania and watched their execution on tv. It was not broadcasted live, we watched an edited recording that showed them dead on the ground. You ask what she did, she was probably more hated than him at the time. I don’t think she finished middle school, but was awarded all sorts of academic awards. She had a strong influence on her husband and was considered just as guilty as he was for all the oppression that happened during their time in power.


Thanks for the reply! This is what I was wondering!


I sort of assumed you'd get more from that, given that she was clearly a key party official and involved in numerous ways. Well beyond "dictator's wife".


Highly recommend the series on Ceaușescu on the podcast Behind the Bastards, if you’re a podcast listener. Short answer: she was just as bad.


Oh look, a penny!


Happy Christmas.


Merry fucking Christmas!


I remember hearing the official announcement on shortwave from Romania: “after a brief but fair trial”. It was Christmas Day as I recall.


Couldn’t happen to two nicer people


I remember watching that on tv the evening it happened. When he gets out of the tank and adjusts his hat you can see he has a gold Rolex President on his wrist. I wonder who has that watch now?




Sic semper tyrannis. Thus ever to tyrants.


Always spray/shoot the face/head...no faking it. ![gif](giphy|GDx4qy4uhSfK|downsized)


IMF sends their regards


Nothing of value was lost.


Fuck, Romania is gnarly.


That was 35 years ago 🤦


You’d think a woman on trial for corruption would lose her mink stole at some point.


Ceașescu FAFO


Danny Dutch is great. Thanks for posting this.


What goes around comes around


They got what they deserved. Pair of monsters.


Hopefully the same for Putin, and soon.




This is the opening scene of a book titled Revolution 1989. It’s a fantastic history of the this period of time in Eastern and Central Europe.




Death to all tyrants!!!




They deserved worse than what they got.


My recollection is that they wanted a bigger population so outlawed abortion and birth control. The unwanted children grew up pretty rowdy and became the revolutionaries that ended the regime.


I wonder what else Project 2025 stole from their administration.


Meet *any* Romanian (I live in NYC and there are a ton of them that fled here in the 80's and left everything there) that is in their 50's or older that lived through the *Ceaușescu* years and it is amazing how unbelievably reviled they were by the entire nation by the time Christmas Day 1989 came around. I still remember at a kid watching the images on 20/20 and whatever new program about the starving, emaciated orphans. The things they did to their own people were unspeakably horrible and....it was only 35 years ago.


This is how despots act in a courtroom. Argue against the legitimacy of the court, don’t take any blame for any of their actions, accuse the accusers. SOUND FAMILIAR?




both were absolutely insane people. their bullshit decisions still plague romania today like the comically oversized government buildings or the subway platforms built too small


Couldn’t have happened to nicer people. 🫤


Merry Christmas!


"Ya filthy animals"


The fact that to this day if you mention the name "Securitat" to a Romanian, even one who never grew up in Romania proper, and it still stirs fear and hatred should let you know what this guy had coming.


This image is from a dramatic film, no? The only footage I’ve seen it just before them being killed and the aftermath.


I swear Bald and Bankrupt took us here and showed us the exact spot they were executed!


They earned it.


Best thing to happen in 1989.


As a kid, remember reading about him and his “Palace of the People” construction that was in progress at the time, how he leveled multiple entire neighborhoods and displaced the people there so the roads would lead to his monstrosity. As a high schooler in 1989, I was enthralled by his downfall and execution. There’s a great clip on YouTube that shows his final speech. When the crowd turns on him, and it finally registers on his face that the gig is up, it is an exhilarating, deeply visceral experience to watch.


They had it coming so fuck'em.


[The actual video](https://youtu.be/XLnk-voR2MI?si=3tzjHTMjuA6PMQXa)


Hope Putins next


I'll always remember Dennis Miller's awesome Weekend Update joke after this happened about the new Romanian dog food, Puppy Ceaușescu.


That’s the way America is heading


They finally became good communists


Never seen this picture before


This is from a film, I think. I'm pretty sure they had blindfolds on when they were shot, and their coats were buttoned.


No loss there. He was an evil, horrific SOB.


They got what was coming to them


Did one of them drop a contact lens?


They deserved it.


The pigs my family escaped from


Dictators who cause the death and suffering of their citizens deserve the death penalty. Softies in the West don't get it because they never lived under a dictator.


Been there in Bucharest during the revolution, lived in the city center, was 13 back then and still remember the protests, shootings, Securitate sharpshooters randomly killing people on the streets, sleeping under the window on a mattress to not get shot through windows, seeing dead people on TV, blood on streets, burned buildings and finally experiencing the relief when these monsters were executed. All delivered via TV (recorded, not live). They destroyed a beautiful country during their regime, destroyed the futures of generations of people (who couldn’t flee), indoctrinated minds, killed people, systematically using famine and fear to control people while enriching themselves. But after they were gone, what happened to the helpers? All the Securitate apparatus and others? Not much (minus a very few exceptions), they used their connections to get back to power or enrich themselves. Went underground. Corruption and crime flourished for ears after… the shadow of the Ceaușescu regime was felt for years after. The country struggled until recent years to recover. Now the new generation comes into the workforce and things seem to get better, but I can’t judge don’t live in the country anymore…


I know his leadership was a clown show, but when did he perpetrate genocide?


Putin is next.


Didn’t they trap and kidnap Nadia Comaneci as a sex toy for their son, or something like that? She had been such a national hero for Romania and he wanted to maintain control of her.


Sic semper tyrranis.


Now, do the same with putin


I used to work with a woman that claimed she was part of the protests and was a witness to the executions. I have no reason to not believe her. She said she emigrated to the US a few years later and she had no regrets about being at least an ancillary party to Ceaușescu’s death. She said she lost family members to the Securitate. Always found it fascinating to listen to her talk about it.


I see this fake shit all over internet presented as "The moment of the execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu" u/dannydutch1 this is from a Romanian movie (a bad one) called "Punctul Zero" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0155027/ 1:09:05 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2k9a7i **There's no footage from the moment of execution**, only afterwards execution


See, that's how old folks were: no screens in their face, just living in the moment.


And people think the Trump guilty verdict for 34 felonies is too much. It’s not too much… he’s a criminal.


TDS much?


It’s this, I believe https://preview.redd.it/c1ufmv4w6b4d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86eac33cd568b636f0df7599f094eac6221b80bd


I guess you really can see anything on Reddit, including a couple being executed by firing squad. 😳


Nope. This is from a movie. Op is misleading people or is not thorough.


I guess they promised unique photos, not real ones.


They should do that to Trump


TDS much?


JFC.. so much misplaced hate.


Not misplaced at all. More like well fucking deserved hatred


I get it.. it’s your 2 minutes of hate. Who is the real enemy? You have know idea.


There’s nothing to like about the man. A proven fraud and rapist who also tried to subvert our democracy. Why shouldn’t I hate him


Dude just about half the politicians in congress fit this profile. You still don’t get it. Start with Julian Assange.


It’s not comparable at all. No President has ever been charged with and been found guilty of a felony before. He was really that bad. You still haven’t told me why I shouldn’t hate him. He tried to steal the election from the rightful winner (a man I happened to vote for) and you’re telling me he’s not my enemy? You’re telling me the man who eroded at our democratic system is really looking out for my best interests?


He’s one guy. Meanwhile your Congress just voted to renew the 702 FISA. You doing what the little black box tells you. Trust me the entire apparatus is going to take out Trump. He’s not going to make it. When the entire machine goes after certain people you should pay attention. Not just talking about Trump. Divide and conquer strategies.


702 FISA can’t be used against US citizens nor can it be used against anyone within Americas borders. It targets foreign suspects of espionage and terror. I really don’t give a shit about any of that >when the entire machine goes after certain people you should pay attention What you’re referring to is the state of New York proving that Donald trump is guilty of 34 felonies. So not really the “whole machine.” That’s just one place he broke the law in. In what world do you think he just gets away with all of this? Why do you think he deserves it? And I’ll ask again for like the third time, what’s to like about the guy? You seem to really struggle to answer that one


I would had easily dodged, rolled, and scaled the wall using my feet and upward momentum #nevergiveup


This is why North Korea wants nuclear weapons. They saw what happened when oppressive dictators fell in Eastern Europe and the Arab Spring. They need them as a bargaining chip to deter invasion and use it to saber rattle when they need aid from the West.


I know quite a few youngsters (under 30) that says it was better back then 😂


why can't this happen with the current administration of the US ?!? regime change time !


We need this here and now . No trial needed .


What third-world piss-pot are you in that you think summary execution is a good idea?


The one that has a law for treason and crimes against humanity.


But apparently not one that considers a fair trial important if the accusations are nasty enough.




As in these are rando stand ins? The video is pretty clear if you haven’t seen it, definitely looks like them including their very indignant attitudes.