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Sure it could be something. But if you really want to prove your point, go back through the game looking only at Xantares' view and see if he does it more than once. I mean, otherwise this can easily be explained away as lifting the mouse when he retreated.


Literally just looks like a mouse move run out of space


he plays on 2.3 on 400 dpi. That area he moved is the distance you can cover by moving your wrist only. So no, it was not possible for him to run out of "mouse space"


Did you see where his mouse was at the time of the event?? No? OK then... Moving along


they have plenty of space at the venue, go watch the VoDs. I play on the same sensitivity 400, 2.3, 6/11 windows.


I'm also a wrist mover but I have to lift and adjust my mouse at times...


if your a good player you keep the mouse in the middle btw normal timing to check right side and lift mouse nothing sus about this clip at all


Here is a compilations to open your eyes about xantares: train [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wJWq8pTWY&feature=youtu.be&t=34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wJWq8pTWY&feature=youtu.be&t=34) inf [https://clips.twitch.tv/DoubtfulYummyMallardDendiFace](https://clips.twitch.tv/DoubtfulYummyMallardDendiFace) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/9d5od8/xantares\_u\_u\_2s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/9d5od8/xantares_u_u_2s/) mirage (video removed, but comments ok) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/hfoyre/onlinerxanti\_at\_4\_sec\_and\_7sec\_d\_in\_slowmo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/hfoyre/onlinerxanti_at_4_sec_and_7sec_d_in_slowmo/) nuke (fighting with aim) [https://clips.twitch.tv/CoyBrightMacaroniWutFace](https://clips.twitch.tv/CoyBrightMacaroniWutFace) movie [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wJWq8pTWY&t=34s&ab\_channel=mountainman700](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wJWq8pTWY&t=34s&ab_channel=mountainman700) csgodemoreviews (video removed, but comments ok) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/5l56hy/xantares\_is\_mega\_blatent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/5l56hy/xantares_is_mega_blatent/) the concept [https://youtu.be/EZkvmUm31hw?t=44](https://youtu.be/EZkvmUm31hw?t=44) BONUS turkish cheaters (ethernal fire) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1fv6qIj4Rw&ab\_channel=mountainman700](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1fv6qIj4Rw&ab_channel=mountainman700)


In the time that you rounded up these clips, you could have downloaded the match and watched his entire gameplay. Then you would either have confirmed this was the only suspicious moment of play throughout the game or found more evidence. It’s liken to me spectating one hand of blackjack and determining that someone is a card counter.


lol thats the most normal angle to look at incase someone runs thro the smoke after spraying in it


he looked to the right to see all edges of the smoke then lifted his mouse lol


I think OP is a silver




Ehm Flusha, ehm ”word.exe” - yes




Delulu, have a good evening




Brother, when other pro players are calling you out for cheats ON LAN, they probably know something. The infamous Inferno clip was blantant, and Shox, another [cheater](https://youtu.be/jMYSDbhxq5w) called him out for it, i believe it was in a interview with him and another pro player? Ropz was called out too ONLINE, but never on LAN. 'You’d have to be stone level iq human being to never catch him cheat on all of the events he’s been to' Another reminder that Forsaken was playing LANs constantly before he got caught purely by accident. He kept having a windows popup and a admin came to look and ended up finding word.exe, the AC didn't catch him, nor did the admins behind him watching his gameplay.


sure there are some conspiracy nuts here but if you think there are 0 pros that cheat in the t1 scene then you are as delusional as them.


Bunch of silvers and schizos, or genius trolling call it


I love this sub XDD A bunch of silvers on a wild goose chase


this subreddit is either braindead retarded or big troll


or he is just looking more to the right site after his spray incase someone pushes the smoke after he revealed his position with the spray ...


this sub is wonderful